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Gaseous STATE ‘ion of the Pos ulates. : Pestatates () and (ii) are based on general particle nature of matter, We observe that gases can ‘ d indefinitely filling the whole vessel be compressed by oe lea suger tt ea up of very large number of mee ‘ yw large, it may be. at gases iy eaaael Uessaied ‘rom each other by large distances. Further, these particles occupy very small volumes (less than 0-17) as compared to the total volume of the gas. te Postulate (iii) is justified by the observation that dust particles or smoke particles in air are found to be in constant irregular zig-zag movement called Brownian movement. The movement in dust particles must be due to the fact that they are hit by the air molecules which must be in such a state of motion. ; Postulate (iv) is justified by the fact that rapid motion of a large number of molecules must involve frequent collisions between them and these collisions must be elastic as otherwise there will be constant loss of kinetic energy and the molecules must come to standstill which does not happen. Postulate (v) is quite obvious that the gas molecules contained in a vessel keep on hitting the walls of the vessel continuosly thus exerting some outward push on the walls. The outward force per unit-area of the walls is called gas pressure. Postulate (vi) is based on the fact that on heating, the temperature of a gas rises. The heat energy supplied to the gas increases the speed of the molecules and their average kinetic energy increasts which results in the rise of temperature. Postulate (vii) is supported by the fact that compressed gas ex, ook : compress pands freely and fills up each n i ata of the space available to them, which justifies the absence of attractive forces among Postulate (viii) is based on the f. i i ‘ : . igible i 7 5. est ity 8 negligible in comparison of the effect of the continued collisions baw ieee effect oh gra" © 1.2. KINETIC GAS EQUATION ; Itis possible to derive the express ont expression for the pressure of i i ta rnatic theory of gases. The expression so derived is called Tt ate bas of vations HE ts sche ne led Kinetic gas equation which is also a la : | 'ving the kinetic gas equation let us imagine a definite mass of th in a cubic! Lat the length of each side of cube gag encipsedtin.: Total number of ae molecules = Mass of cach molecule of gas = » | < aoe tom E | +O: be compressed by the no matter how large, Xpand indefinitely Glin’ UA per OF Ming’ made up of very large Mipy YOY Particles separated from each other by la Further, these peetieles occ8P) jy volumes (less than 0-1 ‘compared to the total volume of the gas. ir are f Postulate (iii fied by the observation that dust particles or smoke particles in ont ia to be in eonstant irtegular zig-zag movement called Brownian movement. the. mover particles must be due to the faet that they are hit by the air molecules which must be if SUM ayy ion, a. aA el of eae Gv) is justified by the fact that rapid motion ofa large number of matecutes MUR i it ese collisi e clastic as otherwise there will be cone” sions between them and these collisions must be ela a Le ene sae and the molecules must come to standstill whi h does not happen, oS postulate (v) is quite obvious that the gas molecules contained in a vessel Keep On hitting alte ore setsal continucsly thus exerting some outward push on the walls. The outward fore, ‘tara of the walls is called gas pressure, ' _ Postulate (vi) is based on the fact that on heating, the temperature of a gas rises. The heat eng, supplied to the gas increases the speed of the molecules and their average kinctic energy increas ‘which results in the rise of temperature. Postulate (vii) is supported by the fact that compressed gas expands frecly and fills Up cach no and corner of the space available to them, which justifies the absence of attractive forces am molccules. ; : ; : Postulate (viii) is based on the fact that the gases intermix freely with other gases in all proportio Even a heavier gas riscs up to intermix with a lighter gas. This suggests that the effect of gravity negligible in comparison of the effect of the continued collisions between them, @ 1.2. KINETIC GAS EQUATION Itis possible to derive the expression for the pressure of the gas on the basis of vario of kinetic theory of gases. The expression so derived is called Kinetic gas equation whicl to deduce various gas laws. For deriving the kinctic gas equation let us imagine a definite mass of the gas enclosed in a cubic vessel. Let the length of cach side of cube Total number of molecules Mass of cach molecule of gas = m Postulat also us tcm. ry x 30> +o am, Faco A Fig. 11 Cubical vessel containing N molecules of gas Fig, 1.2 Change in mome nto us: State . sto! . inctic theory, the velocities of diffe i ding to Kinetic , the ‘different molecules are different and th i sedierent directions: Let us consider the velocity of a particular molecule as vem s—1The velocity indie resolved into the i pendicular components v,, vy and v, parallel to the X-axis, Y-axis 4 Zas respectively (Fig. 1.1). ‘These three components arc rclated to the resultant velocity v by the expression. . - vo sutyte? (1.1) Consider the motion of the molecule between the two opposite faces A and B parallel to the Xeais. F ‘The molecule strike the face A duc to the component v,. ‘The momentum of the molecule just before it strikes face A = mu, since the molecules are perfectly elastic, therefore, it rebounds with velocity (— v,) Hence, the momentum of molecule after it strikes face A = —mv, Change in momentum of molecule in one collision on face A = — mu, — mv, = — 2mv, Momentum transferred to face A in one collision due to the component v,. = 2mu, oh order to strike the same face A again, the molecule has to travel the distance (! + /), ie, 2! tm In other words, ‘The number of impacts on face A after travelling the distance of 1 cm = $ ? v, The number of impacts produced on face A after travelling the distance of v, cm in 1 sec. =F Now, momentum transferred to face A in one impact = 2 mu, 5 a Ue. 2 vy _ muz & = oe ie Momentum transferred to face A in >) impacts mv, X > 7 v; 7 | Since 35 impacts are produced on face A in one second, therefore, the momentum transferred to B.. m2 i: in one second = [~ . muy Similarly, momentum transferred to face B in one second due to component v, is also = — The net total momentum transferred due to impacts of the molecule on the two opposite faces | p and B along X-axis per second is ro, mle _ Dawg ee! J ite faces along Y-axis and Similarly, the total momentum transferred per second on the (We opposi 2mv' nv? 5 i ae. cok the two opposite faces along Z-axis are respectively —] and = i is given by The total momentum transferred on all the six faces of the cube per second is given by 2 2 2 2m amv? — Inv; + 7 1 t Sous ty 6 onssont Oe : . i (2 vue ) me (ly 1 si 1 the walls por xceond by the outward Force experienced by y Now n penton (a walla por asco : 2m’ voreo = 24 “i Sinco pressure Is tho force por unit arew p __ Foreo Fores 2m? mv? TOM © Polat aren af sixes GP pO Raph 2 Lm or pe tae ieee ‘Thus, pressure exerted by one molecule is 1 ye Pinal Y ave ‘Tho total pressure exerted on the wall by N different molecules of sume mass and having dif Velocities 04 ,07,04 5 cu Uy shall be Parmar a Py 4 Py 1 1 1 awl + yuma + ayy ts Ny muy ofl 1 or Pom sym (ub opt oh ct rr) all Now multiply and divide the right hand side of equation (1,5) by N, pe MN (a HOE Uh thy nN aV N ) FV X Cnean square voloclly Po an (root mean square velocityy? Nu? : av Where N is the total number of molecules and 1, the root ; A moan Aquare velocit 'Y given by a. wl! This equation (1.6) is known as the Kinetle Gay Equation, d ‘Tho kinotic gas equation can also be expressed in the following form “ PV = dM? 2 ® po AM 7) Pe f Du iz srt os M =mN = Total mass of gas a D = M = Density of the gas ional kinetic energy of a body of mass m with velocit KE. = 12m Jocity of a molecule increases with the ri si the ergy ia terms of temperature of the gas at er one mole of a gas. Then the total number of molecules is Ny Kinetic energy per mole of the gas for N particles is given by " KE. = 12 mNgi ly w is given by ‘ra isc in temperature, it is possible to define io (Avogadro's number), 7) rhe netic gas equation for Ny molecules of a gas is PV = dmg? \ a PV =3 x S mye? =3XKE. (12 mNg? is the kinetic energy) Conparing this equation with ideal gas equation [PV = RT] for 1 mole of the gas, we get, 2 a RT = KE, © KE. = 32 RT ra KE.«T (18) Thus, the kinetic energy of one mole of any gas is direct! ly proportional to its absolute temperature. Tht is also the Maxwell's generalisation which states that kinetic energy of translation of an ideal Fi dependent of the nature of the gas, its pressure and depends only upon the temperanoe Molecular Motion is Thermal Motion, Since, kinetic energy, KE, « uw ail follows that } q wet jor uevT ~.(1.8a) Thus, molecular velocity of any gas is proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature. |] 20kcula motion is therefore often known a8 thermal motion, AL absolut oa of the gas becomes zero and the thermal motion should cease, or ie za eee temecatore B reached and therefore, molecular rote in the gas Chases, DERIVATIONS OF GAS LAWS FROM THE KINETIC GAS EQUATION Se BMES Law This law states, the volume of@fsed mass of a si inversely propontional othe SEM constant temperature. Mathematically, it can be expressed a vat or V=KIP n PV a, (Constant) at constant temperature This tow can be derived from the kinetic equation pve pm? ~@ Aa & This an be written as re 2 x 3 mu? gi dor one mole ot 2 828. Then the toate foresees ab as possioie 10 aenine 3s uw ider | mber < "Kinetic energy pet mole of the gas for N particles jn oleeUles is No (Avogadro's number), KE. = 12 mNg2 Particles is given by sre Kinet 82s equation for Np molecules ofa ps (17) me s Pv = Ling? 2.1 Pv =2 x12 2 Ps stogthisieaation eu ae OS BX KE: 172 mngu? is the kinetic energy) comparing ideal gas equation [PV = RT] f rt =2xp. for 1 mole of the gas, we get, of KE. = 32 RT KE. « T or pon aus, the Kinetic energy of one mote of any gas is direc : | (18) nis is also the Maxwell's generalisation which stares that Kite ou pr pesaniodiadt tak i f the nature of th ; ey of translation of an ideal Fas is independent of t Of the gas, its press # oleeular Motion is Thermal Motion, "4 “&?@t4# only upon the temperature since, kinetic energy, KE, « 1 It follows that wet oe ; u«yT : (18a) Thus, molecular velocity of any gas is proportional to the square root of tht eratu ‘The molecular motion is therefore, often known as thermal motion, SN Sea ee At absolute zero, the kinetic energy of the gas becomes zero and the thermal motion should cease. But the gas liquifies before this temperature is reached and therefore, molecular motion in the gas ‘never ceases. DERIVATIONS OF GAS LAWS FROM THE KINETIC GAS EQUATION 1. Boyle’s Law. This law states, the volume of a fixed mass of a gas is inversely proportional to the ‘pressure at constant temperature. Mathematically, it can be expressed as—__— pasta 1 ved or V=KP or PV = k (Constant) at constant temperature This law can be derived from the kinetic equation PV = 4 mn? Ai) This can be written as + att ich is i But LmNu? is equal to average kinetic energy of gas which is proportional to 4, 2 temperature. fl 2 ie, grit? oT loa [k is constant] aa qm’ =KT fi Subsituing the value $ mu? in () above ‘2 PV = aT In this equation 2 KT would be a constant for a given mass of gas ata constant temperate PV = constant at constant temperature. or v ae (This is Boyle’s law.) 2. Charle’s law, This law states that volume of a fixed mass of a gas is directly proportional oy absolute temperature at constant pressure. As derived above 2 PV = Si e2yk or Vi=pxpxt or y-% T 3P° Thus for a given mass of a gas if pressure, P remains constant, the expression x is constant, 3] or x = Constant at constant pressure. Hence, V « T, This is Charle’s Law. 3. Avogadro's Law. This law states, “Equal volumes of all gases under similar conditions of temperature and pressure contain equal number of molecules.” For any two gases, the kinetic equation can be represented as, Pv, = Em Nad ad; = Any The above eqns. can be written as : PY = xm Nut 21 2 PNy = 3x hm, Nyud Since P, =Prand V, = Vy 1 1 PMN uy = 3m) Nowy . Now if the temperature is also constant, the average kinetic energy per molecule must be the same. t iT 1 2 1 2 ey ee mud = dmd aC) e ing (0 bY we pet Ny = Ny isi ‘Avogadro's law. , J egostion of Stale (Gas equatlon), According to bi . 4 10 bine Dv = Sin | 3 37% 3 i js molecular mass of pas, 2 _ppere, Mis mo pas, If we consis ‘ pe sider Avogadro's number of molecules (Ny), then ‘hes, PV = 2 KE, ‘ A (cgi = Wath) Meal oe py = Fer 7 3 KE, oT Kl) py 2, (KL, or Kl, = He) .” T 3" constant = Re PV = RT of * . "Gd the expression represents ideal gas equation for 1 mole, : 5 Law of Partlal a ‘ 4, Dalton tartlal Pressures, The law states that te total pressure exerted by a mixture of ing gases enclosed ii i acting 02 fed in a vessel is equal to the sum of the individual or partial pressures af each Prot = Pr + Pa + Py + Pg mm Pn N, molecules, cach of mass m, of a gas A, arc contained in a or Suppose ding to the kinetic theory equation the partial pressure of A will be given by 1 vessel of volume V, Then myNyuy p, -24 a3 mean square velocity of the molecules of the gos A. contained in the same vessel where uy is the root pressure of the gas will Now, suppose Ny molecules, cach of mass my of another gas B, id there is no other gas present at the time the same temperature ani given by 2 Noll Py = “ay f the molecules of the gas B. ware velocity of c vessel, the total pressure P will be given by where u, is root mean sq! If both the gases are present in the samt mid mNy Pew 3V present, | be given by Similarly, if three, four or more gases were the total pressure P will Poa Pat Ppt Pet Pam con's law of partial pressure. of temperature and 6. Graham’ |The Jaw states that under similar conditions of a Oe versely proportional (0 the square root of thelr densilles. Pressure, the rates of diffusion of gases are in’ According to the kinetic equation for ‘Avogadro number (No) of molecules pv = riya? Vv 3PV. fe N; mo ‘The above expression represents Dalt i. Gasrous $y | e = Vey . [mNy = Molecular mast of the 5) M ve [ sae LD Va u@ V sy if P is kept constant. 4 is the mean velocity of the molecules and rate of diffusion of gas will be dependent upon it, 4 particular temperature. wee rou or raVs D This expression represents Graham’s law of diffusion. Bes a

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