QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS KELOMPOK 1 (Irvan, Aulia Dyah, Dewanti, Nanda)

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In requirement for the completion of final assignment of Language Assessment I

Lectured by Mahendra Puji P.A, M.Pd

Written by Gropu 1
1. Muhammad Irvan Rahmada.
2. Aulia Dyah Anggraini Irawan.
3. Dewanti Anggariza.
4. Nanda Hastuti Prihandini.

Identifying the specific information 13
Identifying the message of the story 13
Identifying the detail information 13
Classifying the information 14
Ordering the events in the story 14
Identifying the general information 15
Identifying the implied information 16
Identifying the meaning of difficult word/phrase/sentence 16
Deducing cause and effect relationship 17

P a g e 2 | 19

Read the following text and answer the questions no. 1-4!
Influenza is contagious disease, primarily of the respiratory tract. Influenza is
sometimes referred to as grippe. Influenza is caused by a virus transmitted from one
person to another in droplets coughed or sneezed into the air. It is characterized by
cold like symptoms plus chills, fever, headaches, muscle aches, and fatigue.
Influenza viruses pass from person to person mainly in droplets expelled during
sneezes and coughs. When a person breathes in virus-laden droplets, the
hemagglutinin on the surface of the virus binds to enzymes in the mucous membranes
that line the respiratory tract. The enzymes, known as proteases, cut the
hemagglutinin in two, which enables the virus to gain entry into cells and begin to
multiply. These proteases are common in the respiratory and digestive tracts but not
elsewhere, which is why the flu causes primarily a respiratory illness with occasional
gastrointestinal symptoms. In the 1990s scientists discovered that some flu strains also
can use the enzyme plasmin to cut hemagglutinin. Plasmin is common throughout the
body, enabling the flu strains to infect a variety of tissues.

1. What does the text inform us about?

A. The transmission of influenza
B. The nature of influenza
C. The causes of influenza
D. The infected area of influenza
E. The types of influenza
2. When a laden droplet is breathed in, what does the virus bind into?
A. Digestive system
B. Proteases
C. Throat
D. Mucous membrane
E. respiratory tract
3. “Influenza is contagious disease.” What does the underlined word mean?
A. infectious
B. cautious
C. serious
D. dangerous
E. continuous
4. How do the flu strains enable to infect a variety of tissues?
A. By binding the plasmin enzyme
B. By binding the proteases enzyme
C. By multiplying in digestive system
D. By binding neither proteases nor plasmin
E. By multiplying in respiratory tract

P a g e 3 | 19
Read the following text and answer the questions no. 5-7!
A hurricane is a powerful storm with pouring rains and strong winds. Hurricanes
can do a lot of damage. They cause floods. They blow down trees. Windows break and
roofs fly off of houses.
Hurricanes start over the ocean. They form over warm water near the equator.
The equator is an imaginary line that goes around the middle of the planet.
Hurricanes move across the water. They grow stronger if they stay over warm water.
Some hurricanes head for land. Hurricanes can do a lot of damage if they come up on
land. But hurricanes grow weaker the farther inland they go. They also grow weaker
over cold water.
In the past, hurricanes often hit land without being detected beforehand. Today,
weather satellites ensure that this never happens. As a storm begins to threaten land,
forecasters call on military or civilian aircraft for detailed storm data that satellites
cannot supply. When a storm comes within about 160 km (100 m) of land, weather
radar images also become available. Forecasters use several computer models, which
combine observational data from all around the world and mathematical equations, to

forecasts. But since forecasts from different models often disagree, they are
merely tools to help humans make predictions.
During a hurricane, everyone should stay indoors and away from doors and
windows, even if they have protective covers. If debris begins striking the house, those
inside should seek refuge in an interior bathroom, closet, or under a stairwell. People
should not go outdoors when the wind dies down because the storm’s eye could be
passing over and winds could quickly begin blowing again at full speed. Wait until radio
announcements say that the hurricane has passed before going outside.

5. What is the main idea of paragraph two?

A. The damages caused by the hurricane
B. The place where the hurricane ends
C. The equator line that goes around the middle of the planet
D. The power of the hurricane
E. The way how hurricane forms
6. How does the hurricane grow stronger?
A. If it meets the dark cloud
B. If the quantity of the water decreases
C. If it meets the cold water
D. If it meets the warm water
E. If it raises high up to the sky

7. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. Electronic media is crucial to assist the threatened people
B. Radio is the only device that help people from hurricane
C. Forecasters are not necessary anymore
D. Hurricane remains the sadness to its victims
E. Building with hard construction puts people in threatened condition of being

P a g e 4 | 19
Read the following text and answer the questions no. 8-11!
Corrosion happens when the atoms on the surface of an object undergo a chemical
reaction with atoms from the environment. The chemical reaction produces new
substances that change the material's color or texture. These might not bind to the
material very tightly, so the material's surface might start to become rough or weak
and is more easily worn away by wind or rain.
Corrosion is a common problem with many metals. One of the metals that it affects
most often is iron. When iron corrodes, it combines with water and oxygen molecules
from the air to form a new substance called iron oxide, which is reddish-brown in color.
It is rust.

8. How does corrosion occur?When the atoms …

A. of an object undergo a chemical reaction with atoms on the surface of
another object.
B. of an object undergo a chemical reaction with atoms from the environment.
C. on the surface of an object undergo a chemical reaction with atoms from the
D. on the surface of an object undergo a chemical reaction with atoms from the
entire object.
E. on the surface of an object undergo a chemical reaction with another surface
of an object.
9. "Corrosion happens when the atoms on the surface of an object undergo a
chemical reaction. The word undergo is similar in meaning to the word ... .
A. experience
B. cooperate
C. combine
D. force
E. change

10. What is rust?

A. The combination of iron, oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules from the air.
B. The combination of iron, water and oxygen molecules from the air.
C. The combination or iron, atoms and oxygen molecules.
D. The substance triggering iron to corrode.
E. The chemical reaction occurred among atoms.

11. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?

A. The new substances produced because of corrosion might not bind the
material tightly.
B. The surface of the material gets rough or weak because of corrosion.
C. Corrosion changes the material's color or texture.
D. Iron oxide is brownish red in color.
E. Corrosion affects iron most often.

P a g e 5 | 19
Read the following text and answer the questions no. 12-14!
Glacier is an enduring accumulation of ice, snow, water, rock, and sediment that
moves under the influence of gravity. Glaciers form where the temperature is low
enough to allow falling snow to accumulate and slowly transform into ice. This
accumulation is most common in the Polar Regions, but can also occur at high altitudes
on mountains even near the equator. Glaciers are complex systems that grow and
shrink in response to climate.
Glaciers wax and wane not only with long-term climate change but also on a seasonal
basis. Snow falls in winter, accumulates, and slowly turns to ice when it is compressed
by additional snow loads. In summer the upper snow layers thaw and melt water runs
off; this loss is called ablation. The glacier’s mass balance or budget then turns from
positive to negative as it loses mass. The balance is neutral or in equilibrium from year
to year if the glacier does not experience any mass loss or gain. A complex series of
processes determines the glacier’s health.
12. What is the main idea of paragraph1?
A. The condition of glacier in summer
B. The glacier’s health
C. The condition of glacier in winter
D. The effect of climate on glacier
E. The definition of glacier
13. When is the glacier in neutral balance condition?
A. When it grows
B. When it lose its quantity
C. During summer season
D. During winter season
E. When it doesn’t either lose or gain mass
14. Which statement is true according to the text?
A. Glacier is always found in polar region.
B. Climate influence the glacier’s condition.
C. Ablation happens in winter.
D. Glacier grows when it lose its mass
E. Glacier is never neutral in its balance

P a g e 6 | 19
Read the following text and answer the questions no. 15-17!
Iceberg is a mass of freshwater ice that is calved, or broken off, from a glacier or
an ice shelf (a huge slab of permanent ice that floats on water near the edges of polar
land masses) and that floats in the ocean or in a lake. Ice floats because it is less
dense than water.
As ice in coastal glaciers slides toward sea level, it eventually breaks off and falls
into the ocean in various-sized pieces. The smallest pieces, which are football-size to
table-size chunks less than 2 m (7
ft) in diameter, are called brash ice. Larger pieces that float low in the water are
called growlers because waves washing over them produce a growling sound. Bergy
bits are ice pieces between 2 and 5 m (7 and 16 ft) in diameter. All larger bodies of ice
are called icebergs. Glaciers feeding into an icecap or ice sheet push the ice shelf out
to sea. Ice shelves float on the ocean and can be 200 to 300 m (650 to 980 ft) thick.
The pieces that eventually break off from ice shelves can form icebergs hundreds of
kilometers long and tens of kilometers wide. These icebergs may weigh billions or even
trillions of tons. Icebergs that break off from ice shelves are called tabular icebergs
because their flat upper surface resembles a flat tabletop.

15. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

A. The process of iceberg formation
B. The general idea of iceberg
C. Different kinds of iceberg
D. The description of tabular iceberg
E. The description of ice shelf
16. How many kinds of iceberg are there in the text?
A. 3 kinds
B. 4 kinds
C. 5 kinds
D. 6 kinds
E. 7 kinds
17. Which statement is not true according to the text?
A. Iceberg is classified based on the size.
B. Water is heavier than ice therefore ice float on it.
C. Tabular iceberg get its name because of its surface’s shape.
D. Iceberg can be from glacier or ice shelf

P a g e 7 | 19
E. The iceberg is usually found in polar area

Read the following text and answer the questions no. 18-21!
Inflation is simply a rise in the average price of goods and services in the macro
economy. Which particular goods and services depends on the measure we are
examining. Consumer price inflation is the one usually in the news, and it takes a
weighted average of various items purchased by the typical household (the list being
determined by survey and then updated periodically). The average can rise while some
prices have actually fallen, and how much it reflects your personal situation is a
function of how closely the basket of goods and services in the index matches your
buying patterns. But, the bottom line is that we say that inflation has occurred when
the average price of those goods and services has increased.
Demand-pull inflation is caused by increases in aggregate demand due to
increased private and government spending, etc. Demand inflation is constructive to a
faster rate of economic growth since the excess demand and favorable market
conditions will stimulate investment and expansion.
Cost-push inflation, also called "supply shock inflation," is caused by a drop in
aggregate supply (potential output). This may be due to natural disasters, or increased
prices of inputs. For example, a sudden decrease in the supply of oil, leading to
increased oil prices, can cause cost-push inflation. Producers for whom oil is a part of
their costs could then pass this on to consumers in the form of increased prices.
Built-in inflation is induced by adaptive expectations, and is often linked to the
"price/wage spiral". It involves workers trying to keep their wages up with prices
(above the rate of inflation), and firms passing these higher labor costs on to their
customers as higher prices, leading to a 'vicious circle'. Built-in inflation reflects
events in the past, and so might be seen as hangover inflation.

18. What does the text explain about?
A. Inflation in general
B. Cost-push inflation
C. Built-in inflation
D. Why several kinds of inflation occurs
E. The definition of inflation
19. Cost-push inflation is caused by….
A. a faster rate of economic growth since the excess demand
B. a drop in aggregate supply (potential output)
C. increases in aggregate demand due to increased private and government
D. workers trying to keep their wages up with prices
E. adaptive expectations, and is often linked to the "price/wage spiral"

P a g e 8 | 19
20. “…and firms passing these higher labor costs on to their customers as higher
prices, leading to a 'vicious circle'.” (par. 4) The underlined word has the similar
meaning with…
A. tame
B. clear
C. apparent
D. fierce
E. visible
21. What is mainly discussed in paragraph 2?
A. Favorable market conditions
B. Increases in aggregate demand
C. The cause of Demand-pull inflation
D. A faster rate of economic growth
E. Increased private and government spending

Read the following text and answer the questions no. 22-24!
A monopoly is a market condition in which a single seller controls the entire output
of a particular good or service. A firm is a monopoly if it is the sole seller of its product
and if its product has no close substitutes.
The first and simplest way for a monopoly to come about is for a single firm to
own a key resource. For example, if a small town had many working wells owned by
different firms, no firm would have a monopoly on water. If, however, there were only
one working well in town, the firm owning that well would be considered a monopoly.
Although exclusive ownership of a key resource is one way for a monopoly to arise,
monopolies rarely come about for this reason.
In many cases, monopolies have arisen because the government has given a firm
the exclusive right to sell a particular good or service. For example, when a
pharmaceutical company discovers a new drug, it can apply to the government for a
patent. If the patent is granted, the firm has the exclusive right to produce and sell the
drug for a set number of years. The effects of such a government created monopoly
are easy to see. In the case of the pharmaceutical company, the firm is able to charge
higher prices for its patented product and, in turn, earn higher profits.
A natural monopoly occurs when a single firm can supply a good or service to an
entire market at a lesser cost than could two or more firms. An example of a natural
monopoly is the distribution of water in a community. To provide water to residents, a
firm must first put into place a network of pipes throughout the community. If two or
more firms were to compete in providing the water distribution, each would have to
pay the fixed cost of building a network. In this case, the average total cost of water is
lowest when one firm serves the entire market.

P a g e 9 | 19
22. “A natural monopoly occurs when a single firm can supply a good or service to an
entire market at a lesser cost than could two or more firms.” (par. 4) What does
the underlined word mean?
A. incomplete
B. whole
C. several
D. partial
E. many
23. What is the role of the government in the conduct of monopoly?
A. issuing patent of the product
B. market supervision
C. joint profit with private sectors
D. providing links with stakeholders
E. setting up government based-firm
24. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?
A. The first and simplest way for a monopoly to come about is for a single firm to
own a key resource.
B. The average total cost of water is lowest when one firm serves the entire
C. An example of a natural monopoly is the distribution of water in a community.
D. If two or more firms were to compete in providing the water distribution, each
would have to pay the fixed cost of building a network.
E. A natural monopoly occurs when a single firm can supply a good or service to
an entire market at a lesser cost than could two or more fi

P a g e 10 | 19
Read the following text and answer the questions no. 25-27!
For many people, immigrating from one country to another will often be a very
difficult and stressful process, and can include a lot of upheaval and changes both in
lifestyle and in the work that they do, but the motivating factors for immigration can
often be just as important as making the move.
One of the main reasons for immigration is poverty. This leads to higher category
that is for economic reasons, especially in industries where some countries can be
much more advanced and highly paid than others, and especially in industries that are
highly paid this is a big motivating factor. It will end to be skilled workers who will use
this as their reason for immigration, and when it comes to people moving because of
their skills and trade, this will often be a more welcome form of immigration, especially
when these people already have work in place before they move.
An important factor in the choice of many people to move will also be for personal
or health reasons. There are many conditions such as arthritis where living in a cold
climate can make it especially painful, but by moving to a country with a warmer
climate, then they will often be able to get a great deal of relief. Others will simply
want to move because they feel they have gone as far as they can in their current
surroundings, and are looking for a fresh start. Whatever the reason behind the move,
there are plenty of articles and helpful guides here on thecivil society.info that help
people with their big move.
25. “…and can include a lot of upheaval and changes both in lifestyle and in the
work that they do,..” (par 1) The underlined word has the same meaning with…
A. advancement
B. trouble
C. decision
D. consideration
E. thought
26. What is second reason of immigration mentioned by the author?
A. strong wind country
B. overpopulated country
C. most polluted country
D. overexploited country
E. severe freezing country
27. What is mainly discussed in the second paragraph?
A. the immigration posts problems to other countries
B. the immigration is mainly due to poverty
C. the advanced country is more motivating for better living
D. the poverty tends to stimulate economic crisis
E. the industrial country needs more immigrants for their workers
The following text is for question number 28-30!
Acid Rain is a form of air pollution in which airborne acids produced by electric
utility plants and other sources fall to Earth in distant regions. The corrosive nature of
acid rain causes widespread damage to the environment. The problem begins with the
production of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the burning of fossil fuels, such
as coal, natural gas, and oil, and from certain kinds of manufacturing. These acid
pollutants reach high into the atmosphere, travel with the wind for hundreds of miles,
and eventually return to the ground by way of rain, snow, or fog, and as invisible “dry”

The process that leads to acid rain begins with the burning of fossil fuels. Burning,
or combustion, is a chemical reaction in which oxygen from the air combines with
carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and other elements in the substance being burned. The new
compounds formed are gases called oxides. When sulfur and nitrogen are present in
the fuel, their reaction with oxygen yields sulfur dioxide and various nitrogen oxide
compounds. Once in the atmosphere, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides undergo
complex reactions with water vapor and other chemicals to yield sulfuric acid, nitric
acid, and other pollutants called nitrates and sulfates. The acid compounds are carried
by air currents and the wind, sometimes over long distances. When clouds or fog form
in acid-laden air, they too are acidic, and so is the rain or snow that falls from them.
28. What is the text about?
A. Acid rain
B. The effect of acid rain
C. The formation of acid rain
D. The elements of acid rain
E. The danger of acid rain
29. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
A. The definition of acid rain
B. The substances in acid rain
C. The danger of acid rain
D. How acid pollutes the soil
E. The process of acid rain formation
30. Acid rain will rarely happen in:
A. big cities
B. industrial areas
C. village near factories
D. village near plantation
E. coastal are

1. Indicator :Identifying meaning of reference word (IDENTIFYING THE

Wording of the
Item item/the written Degree of
number script of complexity
What does the text Easy This item is use a sentence aims to
1 inform us about? finds the main idea from the
Which statement is Easy Because the answer that provide is
17 not true according easy to find, its only one right
to the text? answer.
Acid rain will rarely Medium The options in this item are not in
happen in: the text which means we have to
identifying the answer before find
the right answer.
Overall analysis for this group: most of these questions are consist of easy
cpmplexity, expcept number 30 beecause of the sentence that use not directly
refereing to the paragraph.

2. Indicator :Identifying meaning of reference word (IDENTIFYING THE

Wording of the
Item item/the written Degree of
number script of complexity
What can be Difficult Because from all options of the
inferred from the items we should identify the
last paragraph? paraghraph to find the right option
Overall analysis for this group: On this group consist only one degree of
complexity that is difficult because of the option that provide using sentences that
not directly refering to the paragraph.

3. Indicator :Identifying meaning of reference word (IDENTIFYING THE DETAIL

Wording of the
Item item/the written Degree of
number script of complexity
What does the text Easy This item is easy to understand
1 inform us about? because all the options are directly
refered to the paragraph.
Which statement is Easy This item is reachable since all the
14 true according to options can be detectedd and
the text? tracked throughtout the text.
Overall analysis for this group: most of these questions are easy because all the
options are directly refered and easy to be detected to the paragraph.

4. Indicator :Identifying meaning of reference word (CLASSIFYING THE

Wording of the
Item item/the written Degree of
number script of complexity
How many kinds of Easy This item is reachable since all the
iceberg are there options can be detected and
in the text? tracked throughout the text.

Overall analysis for this group: On this group consist only one degree of
complexity that is easy because of the option that provide using sentences that
directly refering to the paragraph.

5. Indicator : Identifying meaning of reference word (ORDERING THE EVENTS

Wording of the
Item item/the written Degree of
number script of complexity
How does the Easy This item is reachable since all the
6 hurricane grow options can be detected and
stronger? tracked throughout the text.
How does Easy This item is easily to understand
corrosion occur? because all the options can be
When the atoms … detected and tracked from the text.

When is the glacier Medium This item is rather difficult because

in neutral balance there are some optionts doesn’t
13 condition? exist on the text, and it has to
identify before findig the right
Overall analysis for this group: most of these questions are easy except
question number 13 because the four options difficult because there are some
optionts doesn’t exist on the text, and it has to identify before findig the right

6. Indicator : Identifying meaning of reference word (IDENTIFYING

Wording of the
Item item/the written Degree of
number script of complexity
This item is reachable because the
What does the text aim of this sentence is to find the
1. Easy
inform us about? main idea from the Information
What is the main This item is reachable and this item
5. idea of Easy included the content of all the
paragraph two? option.
This item is understandable since
What is rust?
10. Easy all the option can be detected and
tracked from the text.
What is the main This item is reachable since all the
idea of options can be detected and
12. Easy
paragraph1? tracked throughout the text.

What is the main This item is reachable since all the

idea of paragraph options can be detected and
15. Easy
1? tracked throughout the text.

This kind of question is rather

What does the text
difficult because all the answer is
18. explain about? Difficult
already in the text but we have to
pick the right one.
What is mainly This item is reachable since all the
discussed in options can be detected and
21. Easy
paragraph 2? tracked throughout the text.

What is the main This item is reachable since all the

idea of paragraph options can be detected and
24. Easy
4? tracked throughout the text.

What is second This item is difficult to understand

reason of because not all the options have a
immigration clearly explanation.
26. Difficult
mentioned by the

This item is difficult to identify

What is mainly
because all the options are
discussed in the
27. Difficult provided short explanation and it’s
second paragraph?
not completely the mention what is
being discussed.
What is the text This item is easy because we can
28. about? Easy be detected the option in the text.
What is the main This item is easy because we can
idea of paragraph be detected the option in the text.
29. Easy

This item is rather difficult to

Acid rain will rarely understand, because the options
30. happen in: Medium are not in the text which mean we
have to identifying the answer
before find the right answer.
Overall analysis for this group: most of these questions are easy except
question number 18, 26, 27 and 30 due to the availability of more than four items
using with almost the same reference in the same paragraph. And those question
has some difficulties explanation also the options of those question doesn’t refer to
the text.

7. Indicator : Identifying meaning of reference word (IDENTIFYING THE

Wording of the
Item Degree of
item/the written Explanation
number complexity
script of question
How does the Difficult Some of contents are included of
6 hurricane grow implied sentence, that makes the
stronger? text bit difficult to understand.
Which statement is Difficult The options are confusing
11 NOT TRUE based because the answer are not
on the text? directly provide to the text.
What is the role of Difficult Because we have to identify the
the government in options before choosing the right
23 the conduct of answer.
Overall analysis for this group: all of those questions are difficult. We should
identify the literature before finding the right answer.

8. Indicator : Identifying meaning of reference word (IDENTIFYING THE

Item Wording of the
Degree of
numbe item/the written Explanation
r script of question
“Influenza is Medium This item is rather little since all
contagious the options are not all can be
3 disease.” What identified.
does the underlined
word mean?
9 "Corrosion happens Medium This item is rather little since all
when the atoms on the options are not all can be
the surface of an identified.
object undergo a
chemical reaction.
The word undergo
is similar in
meaning to the
word ...
“…and firms Easy This item is easy because the
passing these options can be detected through
higher labor costs the text.
on to their
customers as higher
20 prices, leading to a
'vicious circle'.”
(par. 4) The
underlined word
has the similar
meaning with…
“A natural Easy This item is reachable since all the
monopoly occurs options can be detected and
when a single firm tracked throughout the text.
can supply a good
or service to an
entire market at a
lesser cost than
could two or more
firms.” (par. 4)
What does the
underlined word
“…and can include Medium This item is rather little since all
a lot of upheaval the options are not all can be
and changes both identified.
in lifestyle and in
25 the work that they
do,..” (par 1) The
underlined word
has the same
meaning with…
… … …
Overall analysis for this group: most of these questions are easy except
question number 9 and 23 due to the availability of more than four items using
with almost the same reference in the same paragraph.

9. Indicator : Identifying meaning of reference word (DEDUCING CAUSE AND

Wording of the
Item item/the written Degree of
number script of complexity
When a laden Medium This item is rather difficult to
droplet is breathed understand because of the four
in, what does the options are refer to the same
virus bind into? paragraph.
How do the flu Difficult All of the options are hard to
strains enable to identif because they refer to the
4 infect a variety of same paragrap, and all the options
tissues? are almost has the same meaning
to the correct answer.
Cost-push inflation Easy This item is reachable since the
19 is caused by…. options can be detected through
the text
Overall analysis for this group: from this indicators we have 3 questions with
diffrenet level it consist of easy question, medium question, and difficult question,
and every level have their own characteristic.

From all these questions and text above, we identify there are 9 indicators to
classified all the question. Most of the question are belong to the “Identifying General
Information” and including in easy degree of complexity. While for the medium are not
often to find, we assumed if the medium level have the same specification that is all
the four options are refered to the same paragraph, and for the difficult level we
assumed the same characteristic to other difficulties question level that is most of the
options are confusing because we have to identify the options throughout the text.

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