Binders - What Are They and Why Use Them 10-26-22

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Binders - What Are They and Why Use Them?

What is a Herxheimer Reaction? Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizer & wreaks havoc on
bio lm, chemicals, heavy metals, pathogens, & small parasites. After their destruction, the waste
particles circulate in the bloodstream until the liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system,
& skin can remove them. If pathogens & toxins are being killed/oxidized faster than the body can
eliminate them, or if detox pathways are compromised, the excess toxins can cause u like
symptoms, a runny nose, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, headaches, diarrhea, excessive
tiredness, etc. This is called a Herxheimer reaction & is common when going through a detox
program. Although it doesn’t feel so great, a “Herx” reaction is a sign that healing is happening.

What are binders? Binders are a critical part of a detox protocol. They’re used to attract or
“grab” toxins, pathogens, & oxidized particles for elimination through the kidneys & bowels.
Using binders can reduce a Herx reaction & help prevent reabsorption of toxins back into the
body. When shopping for a binder, look for “food grade” or “for internal use”, to avoid
contaminants. ALWAYS drink plenty of water when using binders. Take most binders 2 hours
away from meds and at least 1 hour after your protocol is nished for the day. (Unless doing the
mold & fungus protocol per Jim Humble’s instructions.) Follow directions on the binder package
for your particular binder.

Bentonite/Montmorillonite Clay
-Removes mycotoxins, a atoxins, pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, kills candida & E. coli.
-Take clay at least 2 hours from food, supplements, & meds, as it will absorb them.
-Drink plenty of water when taking clay to avoid constipation.

-Removes heavy metals, biotoxins, chemical food additives, candida, xenobiotics, & pesticides.
-Diarrhea, gas, bloating, or mild headache can occur when starting chlorella due to detox power.
-Do not take with vitamin C or hot liquids/foods. Can be mixed with smoothies or cold foods.
-If choosing chlorella, the bottle should say, “broken cell wall”.
-Spirulina is an excellent source of iron in higher doses (around 10 grams per day).

Diatomaceous Earth
-Removes aluminum, viruses, fungi, bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides, parasites, & candida.
-Provides silica to the diet for strong bones, joints, hair, ligaments, & nails.
-Able to slice/destroy parasites & candida, while protecting the GI tract & being gentle on the liver.
-Can be mixed with food & beverages, hot or cold.

-Removes medication residues, cesium-137 & strontium-90, lead, cadmium, & mercury.
-Provides ber and can help normalize bowel movements.
-Can naturally lower cholesterol, ght diabetes, and support weight loss. • created by Tara W • revised October 2022

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Fulvic/Humic Acid
-Helps cells absorb minerals & discard waste. Removes mycotoxins & heavy metals.
-Excellent source of micro & macro nutrients iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, & sodium.
-Improves iron absorption, makes iron bioavailable to bone marrow cells for blood formation.
-Releases hydrogen ions, producing an electric charge which attracts free radicals.
-Has anti-cancer/anti-in ammatory properties.

Activated Charcoal
-Removes poisons, environmental toxins, heavy metals, intestinal gas, bacteria, viruses, & fungi.
-Removes radioactive elements: radon, iodine, cobalt, cesium, uranium, thorium, & lead.
-Take activated charcoal at least 2 hours away from supplements & meds, as it will absorb them.
-Drink plenty of water when taking activated charcoal, as it can cause constipation & black stools.

-Removes aluminum, heavy metals, & chemical toxins.
-Creates stronger bones, joints, hair, ligaments, & nails.
-Protects & heals the G.I. tract.

EDTA Chelation
-Can be given intravenously under a medical professional’s care.
-Can be done orally using supplements, but not as e cient as IV.
-May remove needed minerals as well. Vitamin & mineral supplement is recommended.

-Potent antioxidant…do not take at the same time as protocols using oxidants.
-Naturally produced by the body to move toxins and heavy metals out of cells.
-Glutathione levels can be increased by N-acetylcysteine, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin D3, & SAMe.
-An absorbent binder (clay, charcoal, pectin, etc.) helps remove the toxins ejected from cells.
-Can be given intravenously under a medical professional’s care.

-Removes metals, including lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, nickel, tin, and aluminum.
-Binds a atoxins, nitrates, pesticides, glyphosates, histamine, and viruses.
-Does not dissolve in stomach acid, water, or fat. Passes through body completely intact.
-Avoid raw, powdered zeolites. Zeolite must be cleansed of heavy metals & micronized.
-Research companies for scienti c documentation of purity, don’t just buy from anywhere.

Removes mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, & nickel. Radio-protective against X-Rays.
Perhaps the most potent free radical scavenger known to man. Anti-in ammatory.
Anti-bacterial, anti-viral, & anti-fungal. Helps cells ush out toxins. Potent pain reliever. • created by Tara W • revised October 2022

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