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EH 208/1761/2021




By Mercy Mavuna

“When selecting the course that I wanted to pursue in

campus, I was filled with hope to be called for my selected course, which was a bachelor’s in
education arts. This dream was for a moment shuttered when I was not selected to pursue the
course of my choice”, says Collins Otieno, the current class representative BLC, 3 rd year student.
“As student’s we have all come to a point where we question ourselves on which course, we
would like to pursue, after we don’t get enrolled in our preferred courses”.

“Transferring from one course to another is hope that I cringed on as a freshman in Murang’a
University, when I received the calling letter to join the university and undertake a degree
program, in Bachelors of linguistics and communication (BLC). This is due to placement done
by The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS). I found myself,
placed in a course that was not of my choice, of my interest, or of

From left president elect with Collins Otieno

My dream”.

However, the process of transferring from one course to another, was never a walk in the park
for me and some of my friends. This is because it requires a lot of resilience and patience. This is
due to the many hurdles one has to cross, which
include: specified cluster points, combination of
subjects, lack of knowledge of the standardized
procedure across the university, retake of classes
already completed, administrative delays, lengthy
processing time, misplaced documents, missed
deadlines etc.

Collins Otieno with members of MUTPEC club

“As a peer counselor , a student leader and from personal experience , I have witnessed the
different things that
students go through when they are not able to transfer and are forced by circumstances to do the
course not of their choice, but submit to be victim of circumstances in pursuit of academics, they
include : feelings of frustration, disheartening, low morale, zero motivation to study, uncertainty
for the future, loneliness, poor class attendance, low concentration in class and some turn to
drugs and substance abuse as it gives them false sense of happiness. This are among the many
things that the guiding and counselling team members help students to come from”.

“The major reason that I decided to become a

student leader, was to use my experience to speak
to the current existing students and to our
esteemed freshmen on how to tackle the issue,
and the many techniques that I used to be able to
feel comfortable, and thrive in my course,inlude :
Seeking support from coaches , lectures and
experts ,who have specialized in the Course,
MUTPEC leaders training reassessing my academic goals ,by being open to
explore the alternative career path, staying persistent and patient, exploring alternative transfer
options, consulting academic advisors , understanding the reason why my application for a
course transfer did not go through and try to appeal the decision to transfer”.

“In conclusion I can proudly say that am happy pursuing the course and working very hard to
expound on my skills and knowledge in order for me to be an asset in the job market in the near
future and I hope that student will learn and make wiser decision from my experience”.

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