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1. One of these characteristics is not related to vertebrates.

a. multicellular b. eukaryotic c. heterotrophic d. prokaryotic
2. One of these is not a vertebrate.
a. crab b. frog c. snake d. crocodile
3. The swim bladder is a typical organ of.
a. bony fish b. amphibians c. reptiles d. birds
4. The salamander is
a. caecilian b. a lizard c.amphibian d. an invertebrate
5. One of these is not a reptile
a. toad b. turtle c. green iguana d. ocellated lizard
6. The skin of cartilaginous fish is covered in.
a. scales b.small dermal denticles c. mucus d. poisonous glands
7. Sin covered in mucus is typical of…
a. reptiles b. amphibians c. fish d. marsupials
8. Crawling is typical of…
a. Amphibians b. fish c. birds d. reptiles
9. Fusiform shape is typical of…
a. birds and fish b. mammals and amphibians c. fish and amphibians d. reptiles and fish
10. Their bones are special
a. reptiles b. birds c. cartilaginous fish d. mammals
11. One of these has many glands
a. reptiles b. mammals c. birds d. Fish
12. Most mammals are
a. marsupials b. placentals c. monotremes d. testudine
13. The external pouch to develop the young is typical of…
a. birds b. monotremes c. placentals d. Marsupials
14. Tadpoles (larvae or baby frogs) can breathe by
a. lungs b. skin c. gills d. all of them

15. a seambream is a…? a. bony fish b. cartilaginous fish

16. They are viviparous, the are born from the mother´s womb. ………………………………
17. They are oviparous, they have feathers and some can fly. ………………………………
18. They crawl and slither. ………………………………
19. Spinal cord…
a. Removes carbon dioxide from the body
b. Are nerve centres that process the information
c. Are tissues or organs whose cells contract. When they contract they generate movement.
20. What´s the difference between “ovoviviparous” and “ oviparous” . Explain

21. Match each term.

A. Ectothermic 1. The transformation from larvae goes through to become adults.
B. Lateral line 2. An animal whose body temperature depends on the environment´s temperature
C. Metamorphosis 3. The organ that connects the embryo to the mother, allowing the embryo to receive
nutrients from the mother and remove waste.
D. Placental 4. A fish's sense organ, which allows them to detect vibrations.
22. The organ used for respiration in fish is called.
a. denticle b.aquatic carapace c.operculum d. Gills

23.this photo show a. membranous hand b. Interdigital webbing c. flying leg d. caudal fin
24. One is not an amphibian. a. frog b. newt c. toad lizard
25. Fur of hair are typical of … a.birds b.reptiles c. amphibians d. Mammals
26. Select all the mammals.

27. Select the montrome

28. Match
Ray placental mammal
Wolf reptile
Lizard cartilaginous fish
Koala amphibian
Sardine bony fish
Ostrich bird
Toad marsupial
29. Which are cold-blooded? frog wolf snake bird whale penguin alligator turtle duck
30. Why can the arctic fox live in cold climate?
a. Because it is cold-blooded ,so it can survive cold temperatures
b. Because it is warm-blooded and it can control its own body temperature
c. Because it is warm-blooded, so it can move more quickly.
31. Put into the correct order
a. The larva, called a tadpole, hatches from the egg
b. Males and females release gamentes into the water and fertilisation takes place
c. The tadpole loses its tail , develops legs and lungs and becomes an adult.
d. Fertilised eggs develop in the water.
32. Place the following characteristics in the correct column
have lungs, endothermic, have feathers, have teeth, pulmonary respiration, ectothermic, have scales, have air
sacs, lay eggs with shells.


33. List characteristics that enable reptiles to survive in very dry places.
34. How do monotremes reproduce?

35. What is the function of the placenta?

36. How do the offspring of mammals feed in the first stages of their lives?

37. What type of respiration do amphibians have?

38. Complete by writing YES or NO

Longer hinder legs
Legs of same length
Very thin skin and many glands
The do not have a tail
Long body


They have an operculum
They have a swim bladder
Where is the mouth?
What are their scales like?
What is their tale fin like?
40. “Amphi” means “double” and “ bio” means “life”. Explain why amphibians have this name.

41. Match
URODELE the body excluding the neck, head, and limbs
TORSO vertebrate that has four limbs
LIMB the hard part of the mouth of a bird
TETRAPOD walking on two legs
BIPEDAL an amphibian without a tail
BEAK an organ that allows fish to control their buoyancy
MOULT shed the outer hair, feathers or skiing or a bird or animal, shed an insect´s exoskeleton
SPINAL COLUMN an amphibian with a tail
VERTEBRATE a fish whose structure is made of cartilage rather than bones
LATERAL LINE an arm, a leg, or a similar part of an animal
CARTILAGINOUS a hard part of the mouth of a bird
ANURAN the series of sensory organs of a fish that detects movements in the surrounding water
SWIM BLADDER the series of vertebrae that forms the backbone of the skeleton and protects the spinal cord
STERNUM the exchange of gases through the lungs
CUTANEOUS RESPIRATION the exchange of gases through the skin

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