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Analysing The Relationship Between a Child’s Performance and Their Source

of Values
Marisar Ramos and Andy Mark M. Lingo
MAED, Current Issues In Education

The individuals in a child’s immediate environment have a crucial role in their growth in
various domains and greatly influence their moral principles. According to Dr. Abraham
Maslow, there are 5 stages of human needs that motivates human behavior. First, Physiological
needs include the urge to breath, eat, drink or sleep. When we have enough of it, we become
inspired by the next thing. Next, we want safety. We try to earn money, build up resources, and
look for shelter that protects us against dangers. Once we are satisfied and feel safe, Then we
will think about what we want next. At stage 3, we seek love and belonging. We decide to be
close to family and friends and belong to a society or join a gang. But the moment we feel
completely part of a group. We already wish to be a little different than the rest. At stage 4, we
look for esteem, self-confidence and respect from our peers. We want to be someone. If we have
money, we buy fancy things, If we have brain, we write or think or work a lot. Motivation to
perform and compete is now at its highest. If we get enough all of these, only then we can reach
level five, the Self-actualization. Now we can relax, be creative, accept facts for what they are,
give back or do whatever we want. No more pressure unless there is trouble below the hierarchy.
Therefore, survival has a higher priority than security and social acceptance. Moreover, not all
values have the same weight or priority. Some are more important than others and must be
satisfied before others.
In some cases a child sometimes cannot concentrate and not responding during class
hours, this leads to low grades and poor social interactions. Thus as teachers, an action research
is necessary to address this issue.

This study seeks to understand the following questions:

A. How do various value systems, including those found in the home,school, and
community, affect children’s performance in terms of their general development and
response affect students attention and performance in school?
B. How can teachers actions and reactions impact learners focus and academic


Through a survey questionnaire, learners who struggle in class and receive low grades through
out grade levels are asked if they believe that their friends,family or teachers are the source of
their problems.

The questionnaire has six (10) items which is answerable by “yes” “sometimes” or “no.” If the
respondent had answered “no” to any of the questions, the student might be having problems. On
the other hand if the student answered “yes” to all ten (10) questions, the student has no problem.

The selected students who had been identified as student who has problem in class performance
and grades.
a. Undergone counselling through guidance counsellor and adviser.
b. Observable sudden behavior changes.

The output of research gave more understanding in dealing and helping students with academic
and social interaction problems. Through utilization and dissemination of results and proposed
prevention and intervention, teachers were more enlightened and making them more aware in
responding to students needs and treating such observable behaviors.
a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information
Grades 2 to 6 pupils were included in the study. This content concentrated on the responses from
the pupils on the survey test questionnaire. The number of students that was interviewed was
limited into five (5) respondents which were randomly selected from each grade level. The study
also gathered information from the teachers of Grades 2-6 through interviews and observations.
b. Data Gathering Methods
The data gathering methods used in this study included surveys, interviews, and
observations. The research questions was taken through survey questionnaire from Grade
2 – 6 which identified students problem. Please refer appendix 1.
The research interview to Grade 2 – 6 teachers was taken to identify teachers strategy and
actions. Please refer to appendix 2.

c. Data Analysis Plans

The students research questions data were arranged through tables and bar graph to have
a clear picture of overall percentage of the results.
The teachers research questions was analyzed through the result of interview. With the
questions answered, the researcher will tally the results and grouped them accordingly to
see which teachers strategy and actions had positive result towards students overall


a. Work Plan
The researcher will focus on the students of Tugnao Elementary School. The plan
is to survey the selected students and teachers in Grades 2 to 6. The researcher identified five
students to participate in this qualitative experiment to find out how sources of values affect to
their behavior.

The students will be interviewed that focuses on the questions to

the impact of the sources of values to their overall behavior in school. The collected data will be
analyzed through table and graph which give the researcher ideas and understand how the
surroundings affect them. Then the teachers interview result will be analyzed to come up better
propose strategies in classroom management to create conducive learning environment as well as
managing students expectations and behaviors.

b. Timelines
february 11 Interview of the teachers and identifying the

Tugnao Elementary School


february 12 Survey questions of the selected students

february 13 Conclusion on the overall research output


The teachers in Tugnao Elementary School will be disseminated with the information taken from
output of this research through pamphlets that will be distributed among teachers. The purpose of
this is to enlighten the teachers who deal with students that may have problems involving family
and other sources of values which are the reasons of the students problem with regards to
academic and social interactions. The researcher will propose to head teachers so that easy relay
of information throughout the school will be disseminated with ease.


Appendix 1
Ten questionnaires to identify the interviewees reason of having a problem with regards to
academic and social problems.
1.I often communicate with the parents of my students regarding their academic progress and
2.I frequently inquire about my students' breakfast habits and address any family problems they
may be facing before coming to school.
3.I encourage or facilitate to actively promote and instill family values in my students' education
and daily lives.
4.I often observe students forming friendships within the classroom.
5.I allocate time to have private conversations with students who exhibit noticeable changes.
6.Have you created an inclusive and welcoming learning environment?
7.Do you think the current set of rules positively contributes to student engagement in class?
8.Have you found it necessary to adapt or modify any of the classroom rules based on the needs
of your students?
9.Do you provide positive reinforcement or encouragement for your students’ efforts in the
10.Are my specific teaching strategies enhancing the learning experience of my students?
Appendix 2
The ten questionnaires to the teachers to identify better propose strategies and actions towards
students’ behavior.
1. I often communicate with the parents of my students regarding their
academic progress and behavior.
2. I frequently inquire about my students' breakfast habits and address any
family problems they may be facing before coming to school.
3. I encourage or facilitate to actively promote and instill family values in my students'
education and daily lives.
4. I often observe students forming friendships within the classroom.
5. I allocate time to have private conversations with students who exhibit noticeable
6. Have you created an inclusive and welcoming learning environment?
7. Do you think the current set of rules positively contributes to student engagement in
8. Have you found it necessary to adapt or modify any of the classroom rules based on the
needs of your students?
9. Do you provide positive reinforcement or encouragement for your students’ efforts in the
10. Are my specific teaching strategies enhancing the learning experience of my students?

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