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Day 4:

Dear Anna,
I hope this email finds you well. It’s great to hear that you’ve
started your summer vacation in New York! Your experiences sound
amazing – visiting the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, and
Central Park. I’m a little jealous! I’m still fine after the final exam, and
now I’m writing to let you know about my life these days as well as my
plan for this summer vacation.
Regarding my final exam, I have just finished it with a flying
colors. Obviously/ In particular, Phylosophy is quite difficult subject,
but I got 10 marks. It’s incredible, isn’t it?/ unbelievable
As for my summer plans, I’ve decided to head to a charming beach
city called Santa Monica. It’s located along the sunny coast of
California. The beach stretches for miles, offering soft sands, rolling
waves, and plenty of space for sunbathing, beach volleyball, and
leisurely strolls. I’ll keep you posted once I decide.
When it comes to activities to enjoy there, I’ll start my days with
sunrise yoga sessions right by the water. There’s something magical
about practicing yoga with the sound of waves in the background. Since
I’ve always wanted to ride the waves, I’ve signed up for beginner
surfing lessons. In addition, I will also enjoy the local food with a
variety of seafood.
By the way, thank you for offering to buy me a souvenir! How
about a small New York-themed keychain? That would be lovely. Enjoy
the rest of your vacation, Anna! Looking forward to hearing more about
your adventures.
Take care,


You have just received a letter from an English friend and this is
part of the letter.
I’m so glad to hear that you are settling down very well in the new city
and have found a new job! How is the life over there? And how is your
new job?
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Write an email responding to Peter.
You should write at least 120 words. You are not allowed to include
your name or address. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
fulfiment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
setting dwon: ổn định cuộc sống
Answer key:
Dear Peter,
I hope this email finds you well. It was a pleasure to hear from you, and
I appreciate your kind words regarding my settling into the new city and
Life in the new city has been exciting yet challenging. I'm gradually
adapting to the rhythm and pace here, discovering new places, and
meeting new people. As for the job, it's been a stimulating experience so
far. I'm learning a lot and enjoying the challenges it brings.
Your inquiry about my life and job is much appreciated. It's
heartwarming to know that you're interested in my well-being. I promise
to keep you updated on my adventures and experiences in this new
chapter of my life.
Please do share any updates on your end as well. How have things been
for you lately?
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Warm regards,

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