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MATH 20408 Linear Algeora Z 2015-16 Week 15: Jordan canonical forms (textbook § 3.1, 9 2) Recall thet we have a cherecterizetion of te diagonal itty of & linger operator Ts V—> Von a Finke din, weet pace V (over IF) + These: Ti Vip y ft diagonetizabie Af ond only of (4) the cher, poly. splits over IF Ha) = CU"awashs (a-ay" (2) Hee eigencpacer hove marine! dimension” ve [dim Ea; = mi For all fet [FROM Now on, we Assume IFoC, =D (4) ie always satisfied! Heme, “ . Ones dragunaliceble” => eigemspacer are “big enaugh”, Remember se followny exengle of & “nome deanenelisedle® matn due to“ rmell” e/senspace : vo only 1 etgenvelne [Ard] As | anal | (: ') din Bede. What else can We do f a matrix fs ©) net diesonalizeble ? Schur’s Lemma => We Com always male a matriv “upper trienguter” (whe Fe €) pb Question: Can we do beta? ~ \¥ . ° Ant! Yes, Tordan camontce! Pn” Thearom: Any AE Mom (C) ie yt a mation of the Following Form: “Jordan coneniee! = Where Ain, Aw are the Uisenvelas of A Cast nee, distinct!) Tn other wards, tht “worst cere ~ Seomerte” for a matnoe whitels SF NST dingonctieatte i just hewing some Ws shove the Examples of Tevden cevenicel forms ; diagonal! Thur, a Jordan Camonicel form Contirts of @ certam number ® of "Tord blocks” [D] along the “die genet” + Ae | © Meee) “Tordan black” trek a with ergenvahes 2 We fiest stedy fame bate propertier of « Tovclen block Prop: G) A har only 4 eigemvatne A. Cweltipiveety © ke) @) [dim Ey = 4 CD A tr NOT diagenatinare valers ke 1) HR) The timeltert positive integer Pct (A-atyreo as equal to its dimension Ke, (> [N@-arye ch HU) TH FQ Ce) se the standard basin afer CF, Hen [@-arye: 20 Fur each felis, Feoof: 01) A upper triangular => cher. poly = fitds CUM (Eoay” Here, 2 i the only eigeuvake with maultipliothy ke ir) oy Ponac ( ey :) D ratt pou sapen er} © Ea ° dim ed. (3) The V's “merches up” one lint at a time whin we tele powers of AeaT (ey. 8) . ES)-G22) @ By (4), only @ tr am exgenvecter of A, Hines [A-A2T)@e0 Other CFC art only annihilated by higher powers of (AAT) ! This motivates the fottevans defiebens Def: Let A be an eigenvelne of A € Mam (CO). xEC tea Gerwaliced eigonvecter of A wrvetpenary te the eigemelue AF ty X¥O P * aed GO |(RAT) x FO For some positive iatager P We donate the gewnlizad cisencpaur by : [Kaz}xecl (-a ero fe come Pett Brccweck Ka ise subrpece gemverters axe generated edgenvecters with Pel. Remeart + Fot a Tovdem blocte ar cbore, Kye Given @ mate A © Mn (E) with exgenralacs Arsen Die Cdistinet), PL dissnetizente <> | C= Ey,0 En, 0-@Ea, “gener, Sf A it NOT diagenatisehle . we heve Cg ExeEne © Es | EN Le cathe O Fo | But. tf we veplece Ea by Ka, We cluags heave XO Ky® - @ Ky, * Main Theorem 5 (Torden Detompesitinn Thaarte) ? Ee Let A © Mam (€) with ecgenvetues Os, coveespeedieg, wattipleeder Mi Me, The , () [don Ray = mi | Ar each fete ) | C= ky@ ke + @ Ka, 1 Ae Cditting +) witle () Eeeh Ka; hes a bart 6 =H; 0 OT where oe) Tayi Ha cycles be sche Yaa = PAI, arse. ed —_—— a" intl ete end vector (am eisenester!) Proof Exomple : Postpened until later! a0 : Ae ( a :) 2x3 Tovden block” a Tots cece, Kae CF ond we here a berie contininy of 1 cycle . Feb a-arte, W-ate, er}. & ee Now, let us fret address he “Computational aspect” of Torden deromporttion Quastion Ex enn: (33 Az 7. s ee Step L* Compute eigenvalues. oe . fore axetacary =u (% Bea B ) =e), wtp Ba D Only 1 cigemveing [ae a) wre [(recterpity © 31 Step 2 > Compute ergenspeas » Ee N(AShI) EN (2 : 2 3) : sn (7) (2) / thnehere, [dim Ey 22 <3] (2A eT iagunetiradte ) Seep Bt Determine the Taorden cemanttal form - Sinte Phas only one ergenvetae Av I oud it MOT Phegaetizedte, we are Vet wath oly two pessibilttres cfu ote Tovdew Covonrcet farm: =) - Ca r imperil, nee Lire ie? deo Vase 0. ted Cup to order of bles) eve trettly ev geneerter, Stop |: Find parit of Ka wonsisting of cyeler. From Stop 3. We nerd e basis = Huh = I} PA-aDw ved a genscelned ei semeector Ct semeectans We find the Semmret'ecd eigenvector Ve Fert Ned vie N(A-ATY bet Veg N(A-AT) we othonie, canmet senate © ty tle of length 2 eee S\e ico. (a-stve (123) - (222) <0 tag oes Therohre, we can pre any WEE vty, We (2) 2 Bef @rrwnde {(4),()). Tm the end, take emg UC Ey st vs ie vet perce te (}) C= ACD) CA (D4 se ewe a > @Qhrage ( 7 tet cl fom of A One more exomple: el-lo Ae (2 ae oon SOMA» Compute eigenvalues, A upper trranguter 2D oly one efsenvelne Deed} ond [er3] Step 2: Compute eigenspasee, E,en(A-col) en (283) = speed (s)} =) | div e, e443] (A Not diegenetinabte ) Gkep_3 + Determine Tardan canonical “form. py Con only have £ block a. (22) ree SHES | Step 4s Find bens of Kg comsitting of oneles. Frm Sup 3, we need @ bene GeV = [Cattty, wv. v3 t aut Tengen 3 Need VEN (AHI) but Vi NCAET) oe NCAET)®, a Sate (22) 2 NCard = ate T($)). eo wets (38 3) 2 nentie ge t(,(03 € We cam tele VE (8) ars #40, G.G)) oe a-(33 4) ot = QAQs (ee = Tovden conenicad = tem of A Let's wove on to some 4x4 examples! Example, Step 1: Compute eigenvalues . The chevacteristie polyramial is lA) = det (A-AT) zal -1 2 4 eed leg 1 det (0-05, 2 peed lang 1M calemn aos sae Fa oath SE ota ° o ara, expeed alans 3 calenen remember (tot itt = (2-ay det i “ = (2a) G-9[ Gwu-a +1] eet Bedard = (Anz) = (er) aes) ea Me? med Set $A) eo, we get two eigenvalues : Aes. me ‘Step + Compute eigenspaces . (Rez: Ere N(ae2td ew dim Eze 2<3 el-tor Ree |: Eye N(A-32)=N (: 7 e120 dim Ez = 1 = Bil 7 Note: A) is NOT diegonatizable, Seoce ° Step 3: Determine the Toren canonical fom We lemaw tet Fan the rmeltsthctti, ne ouly hae the -illening possibilities: z Js 20 z : ’ z m 2 ” 2 Ey Snpounite This ie it! aakeed mapocrible lane YA MT deagpoaieble, She: Find bese of Ka’s consisting of cycles. Ka=Ex t= (E)} Gor a oe Keel wum = tvyu fete ad t Gem. tiyeoneater st (Ret L) vy, #0 WEN(A-2T) eistmecctws Goel: Find Vee N(A-2T but N(B-21) = E, © see (4) (2) —— oe (2) Naarten(S 2 s)=~ 40) BG. oat ’ 7 ( Therefore One meg taht vee ( ) > (A-2D (3) -oc- Hence, 4 me choore the bese eT @.G.G) -oe- — ono One more 4x4 exemple Gert: Compute ergenvalves * FIA) = (A-2P (An GY Eeeeeste check D There ave 2 cigervemes: [Ae 2 a Step2 + Comprte eegenstees - [mez] B= N(A-2I)=N din Ey 22 = | dar4| TESTS) spel (? = He N(A-4IDEN [7 Ad) eted a . taht ctem Uy A not déagonatinade . Step 3B: Determine Toren form Step : Find basis of Ka’s towstiting of cycles meee 4 CS) (J) we tone tee Keely > [(a-eryy, vy} ite dered bene We wed ve N(A-4I)* but ve N(A-4¥I) © Ey 48H He “pt A-4iy eS TE) 2 ped (7) (2 n(A-41) “(i S)ee 4() (2) 4 =e aes Take ve (2), then Carty e (f) | eHOLELCHA «ef? then oar (As, es. -oo~ one One mort Yel example: eyo Ae (#23) voeo Cher. paige FAD SAY =D Evgenvetee :|APO ey Eigearpe : Eee N(A) © een (2), (8) [em Es e2 | Tordon forms (2 pormbitter)e- since Ge+2 F143 Qs Howe te tath when Gy) - (yess Look at powers uf the mates 7 (Fy > Tso Clete) Sine Q'AQ = T*, ond we cee thet oer w+ (2228) +0 : ° We are tm this Need to find at lest @ basis Of the fore @={%} olay. Avew) Find Va: La ic welt) BY} «mam we es “es BE (= « (EE then snout) = ° (; l Yq )

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