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Case study don’t hug me I’m scared

Interview with Becky Sloan, Joe Pelling and baker terry

“How did don’t hug me I’m scared first come about?”

Becky Sloan seis about 12 years ago she and the team met studying
art in university. She mentions baker and joe were studying
animation while she was studying fine art. Becky mentions they
became best buds and after uni they purchased a studio to continue
making stuff.

Joe, Baker and Becky started working more together using their
different skills in making props, big physical things, and a lot of
animations by Joe. And they worked together as a team with these
things they were making. She mentions they wanted to do puppets
and experimented in their free time. She mentions she made yellow
guy puppet first and after started building a small set.

Becky also mentions it was a weird way to do things because they

never had a script so she mentioned it was an organic process when
making the props and set so they made it up as they went. Becky said
that one day they made a song when they got together and wanted
to use a kids show format because she seis that coming out from art
school they thought of teaching the idea of creativity making it fun.
So, they did it and shot it over a weekend were she seis it was all
quite mad because the fire brigade came when they melted the roof
with a light.

Joe Pelling seis he remembers the fire brigade coming over and being
confused he seis they came into his room and saw a lot of meat on
felt with blood and apparently, they said “what’s the issue here”.
They mention that after that they teamed up with a company called
blink industry who showed them how to make things without
melting their roof. The producers James Stevenson Bretton and Hugo
Donkin and Charlie Perkins have helped with the show’s
development ever since.

“I wanted to ask about the craft – actually making the series’”

Becky Sloan seis the series her team made was keen on hanging onto
the DNA of their show. Were they still mixed media on the unique
show. There were a lot of technics they used like puppetry, live
action, 2D animation, CGI and stop motion. She mentions its not like
anything else out there with this series. And she seis it was exciting to
work with a lot of other artists.

Joe Pelling says the uk isn’t known when making animation shows
like this so he seis it was cool that they made this and made it
separate from 2D shows that come from America

Becky Sloan seis it feels like evolution from old now, stop motion,
puppeteering in children’s animation. She mentions that she thinks
it’s nice making the show with handmade props and puppets
because there is a lot of detail when you watch it again and again
were she mentions you might find something new. She also said they
showed an incredible amount of detail which also can be an
unnecessary amount.

Becky Sloan also mentioned about the USB grape stuff with different
input. she seis they had sockets in them like little gags that she
mentioned took a day but was on screen for a second. Joe mentioned
that hopefully it added comedy and to let you know how much
bothered they were when making stuff and the detail that added
oddness to their show.

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