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1. What acts as a place of exchange in unicellular organisms?

2. What major components for material transportation do non-vascular plants have?

3. Vascular plants use their _______ and _______ for material transpo.
4. Sponge cells allow __________ with the environment.
5. T or F. Do cnidarians have flat and flexible bodies? ||T because it’s easier to distribute substance
throughout the body||
6. What are the major components of a proper chambered circulatory system?
7. What is the difference between the open and circulatory system?
8. What is the hemolymph in the open circulatory system?
9. T or F. Is the blood the interstitial fluid in the closed system?
10. What is the path of blood in closed systems?
11. How many chambers does the following have:
a. Mammals
b. Birds
c. Amphibians
d. Reptile
e. Fish


12. Name the four parts of the phloem.

13. What part of the phloem is in charge of conducting sugar and organic nutrients?
14. _____ are connected by channels (called plasmodesmata) that serve sieve-tube elements?
15. This phloem part stores food:
16. What provides the tension strength for the phloem?
17. All parts of the phloem are living except which?
18. What are the parts of the xylem?
19. Which xylem part conducts water and minerals?
20. Which xylem part is mainly in charge of maintaining mechanical strength?
21. The ____ gives mechanical support to the xylem.


22. How many transport mechanisms are there in total?

23. What transport mechanism focuses on higher to lower concentration?
24. What are the three major transports of diffusion?
a. _____________ : focuses on transport outside membrane and cells
b. _____________: focuses on transport of the entire cytosol mass, cytoplasm
c. _____________ : focuses on transport from one plasma membrane to another
25. What is the route of water and mineral transport in the roots? (Hint: There are six steps)
26. This mechanism is considered passive since the power to move the materials is created by roots
constantly absorbing the soil: ______
27. _______ is the mechanism that is also considered as the xylem movement moderator.
28. This mechanism is the most accepted model, explaining the upward flow of water.
29. Xylem Sap movement: ______ and ______:multidirectional
30. _____________ is the transportation of photosynthesis products. This method is considered as active
since plants use energy to do so.
31. _____ is the long-distance transportation, faster than diffusion. The movement is all due to pressure.

32. What’s a pathogen?
33. What’s an immune system? What’s its purpose?
34. What’s the difference between an antigen and an antibody?
35. What’s the difference between innate and adaptive?
36. Matching type (in each item there should be an innate and adaptive answer):
a. _____: Small set and _____: vast
b. _____: not specific and _____: very specific
c. ______: slow response and _____: active response
d. ____: acquired during birth and ____: acquired after
e. _____: humoral & cell-mediated and _____: barrier & internal


37. ______ are highly exposed to bacteria and viruses. They use antibiotics to kill and prevent bacteria
38. _____________ are stinging cells that inject toxins into prey or predators.
39. What is a phagocytic cell?
40. Flatworms produce ____________ that induce lysis and destroy cell membranes.
41. _________ engulf and destroy small invaders.
42. What are the three lines of defense in order?


43. How many barrier defenses in the human body are there?
44. What is the first lien of defense of organs?
45. The respiratory tract structure has the following parts:
a. Lining:
i. Nasal hairs
ii. Cillia
b. Protective Mechanisms
46. This barrier defense is longer in males and shorter in females which is why infection is more
prominent in females:
47. There are four bodily gland secretions and these are:
48. What is the function of the lysozymes?
49. What is the purpose of the organ pH in our body?
50. Match the correct organ pH:
a. Stomach
b. Vagina
c. Skin
d. Urine
51. The cellular innate defense in our body __________, __________, and __________ pathogens
which breaded the barrier defense.
52. Cellular innate defense relies on (TLRs) or __________.
53. TLRs could be classified into three categories:
54. What is phagocytosis?
55. Phagocytic cells respond immediately to infection. There are four classifications and these are:
56. __________ is a type of phagocytic cell that ingests pathogens and kills them. They are attracted by
signals coming from infected cells.
57. __________ is a type of phagocytic cell that is called the “large eater”.
58. ___________ immediately respond to big pathogens and kill parasitic worms.
59. ____________ are often used in direct contact with the environment. These mark the pathogens and
present them for destruction by adaptive immunity.
60. What are the three main steps in inflammatory response:
a. ______________ release __________ which makes blood vessels bigger.
b. ______________ release signaling to attract ___________.
c. ______________ composed of immune cells, cell debris, and dead pathogens.
61. _________________ is a type of phagocytic cell that is against viruses and cancer cells. These
release chemicals which result in cell death.
62. _________________ is a type of phagocytic cell that directly kills pathogens and impede their
reproduction. They produce interferon proteins and have a complement system.
63. ________________ is a protein that interferes with viral infections.
64. What are the three actions of the complement system:
65. ___________ is an organ system that is part of the immune system and complements the circulatory
66. ___________ carries leaked liquid and pathogens from interstitial fluid of cells and the blood.
67. ___________ where response cells involved in cellular innate defenses reside and act against the


68. Where is the WBC produced?

69. What are the three types of WBCs?
70. _______ remains and matures in the bone marrow.
71. Where are the B and T cell antigen receptors located?
72. What’s an epitope? What is its purpose?
73. How many antigen receptors are there on a B or T cell?
74. B cell secretes a soluble form of antigen receptor called?
75. Match the type of recognition:
a. Binding of antigen receptor of a B/T cell to an antigen
b. Binding of antigen receptor of a B/T cell to fragments of pathogens displayed on the surface
of the infected cell
c. After binding the B/T cell can identify as one with the pathogen
d. Antibodies of a B/T cell recognize epitopes of antigens on a pathogen’s surface/even freely
floating antigens on body fluids (blood/lymph).
76. What are the four characteristics of adaptive immunity?
77. ________________ explains our immunity to a variety of pathogens.
78. Self-reactive lymphocytes are destroyed by __________.
79. ________________ triggered by activation increases B & T cells.
80. What are the two types of B and T cells produced?
81. __________ are short-lived lymphocytes which immediately act against the pathogen.
82. __________ are long-lived lymphocytes that activate when a pathogen attacks the body again.
83. What are the two responses of adaptive immunity?
84. ___________ is the response against antigens freely floating in body fluids that is carried by B cells.
85. ___________ is the response against antigens in infected cells that is carried by T cells.
86. What are the two steps in humoral immune response:
87. ___________ binding of antibodies to the protein on the surface of the pathogen prevents the
pathogen from infecting body cells.
88. ___________ is a process by which a pathogen is marked for phagocytosis.


89. What is active immunity?

90. What is passive immunity?
91. __________ is the antibodies transferred from a pregnant female to a baby.
92. Give one example of an artificial active immunity.
93. What are three examples of artificial passive immunity? Explain each.
94. ___________ is the hypersensitive response to certain antigens called __________.
95. Allergy is the product of the interaction among __________, __________, and ____________.
96. ________________ is the massive release of histamines upon exposure to an allergen resulting in
the dilation of blood vessels.
97. _______________ is a hormone in the body that counters the effects of allergies.
98. When a body cell is lysed or broken down, it normally releases __________ and _________.
99. _______________ is an autoimmune disorder wherein the body produces antibodies that bind
histamines and DNA.
100. _______________ is an autoimmune disorder that is genetically inherited. There is a loss of
muscular contraction and skeletal muscle weakness because the antibodies bind to acetylcholine
101. _________________________ is a type of disease where the immune system response to
pathogens is defective or absent which results from a genetic or developmental defect in the
production of antibodies.
102. ___________________________ is caused by Human Immunodefiency Virus. This disease can be
transmitted through bodily fluids such as blood, semen, and vaginal fluid.
103. HIV attacks T cells by binding to the _____ protein of these cells.
104. There is no found drug or vaccine against HIV but modern facilities use _________________ which
prevent HIV to undergo reproduction.

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