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Whether or not it is economical to purchase clothing through E-commerce

rather than purchasing locally in Jamaica.

1. To find out if persons participate more in purchasing clothing through

e-commerce rather than locally in Jamaica.

2. To find out if purchasing clothing through e-commerce is more cost effective

than purchasing locally in Jamaica.

3. To identify the factors that contribute to the cost of clothing when purchasing
through e-commerce and locally in Jamaica.

4. To determine whether e-commerce is a threat to local businesses in Jamaica.

E-commerce, short for electronic commerce, is the buying and selling of goods and
services over the internet. It also includes the transfer of money and data to execute these
transactions. E-commerce is often used to refer to the sale of physical products online,
but it can also describe any kind of commercial transaction that is facilitated through the
internet. The origins of e-commerce can be traced back to the 1960s with the
development of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) which allowed businesses to carry
out electronic transactions. The first online transaction is often credited to have
occurred in 1979 when Michael Aldrich used a modified domestic television connected
to a telephone line to sell groceries. However, the concept of e-commerce as we know it
today became more practical in the 1990s with the advent of the World Wide Web and
browsers, which allowed for the easy navigation of the internet. E-commerce in Jamaica
began to take shape in the late 1990s and early 2000s, with challenges including limited
internet penetration, lack of consumer trust in online transactions, and inadequate
logistics infrastructure. Internet penetration in Jamaica has grown significantly over the
years, with increased access to broadband services and mobile internet contributing to
greater digital literacy among the population.Global e-commerce platforms have had a
considerable impact on the Jamaican market by providing access to international
products and competition, influencing local businesses to improve their online presence
and services.
As a student of Principles of Business this topic was chosen to learn more about the
impact e-commerce has on local businesses and to discover ways in which
customers will be able to make better purchasing decisions when deciding whether
it is economical to purchase certain items through e-commerce or locally.

E-commerce has had a profound impact on society, bringing both positive and
negative consequences. It has transformed the way businesses operate and
consumers shop, influenced social behaviors, affected the environment, driven
technological innovation, reshaped labor markets, and necessitated new legal
frameworks. The balance of these impacts continues to evolve as e-commerce itself
evolves. E-commerce has also significantly impacted the economy by creating new
markets and business models, reducing transaction costs, increasing competition,
and enabling businesses to reach a global audience.Without proper knowledge,
citizens may continue to make uneconomical decisions when purchasing clothing
items through e-commerce which can result in serious problems for local
businesses and the economy. However, the decision will depend on the individual's
valuation of the factors such as cost, convenience, environmental impact, and
support for local businesses.
1. What is your gender?
2. What is your age range?
3. Do you purchase clothing through E-commerce (online)?
4. If your answer was yes above,how often do you shop online?
5. Do you purchase clothing locally in Jamaica?
6. If your answer was yes above, how often do you shop locally in
7. Do you prefer to shop online rather than locally in Jamaica?
Locally in Jamaica
8. Is it cheaper to shop online compared to locally in Jamaica?
9. Do you think you benefit more from purchasing clothing through
e-commerce rather than locally in jamaica?

10. What are the main factor(s) that contribute to your final cost when
purchasing clothing online? (one or more can be selected)
Shipping + delivery
Brand value
Product quality

11. What are the main factor(s) that contribute to your final cost of
purchasing clothing locally in Jamaica? (one or more can be selected)
Sales tax
Discounts or promotions
Base Price

12. Do you think e-commerce is posing a threat to local clothing businesses

in Jamaica?
Interview Questions
1. If you prefer to purchase clothing through e-commerce,how long have you been
doing so?
2. Do you think it is cost effective to purchase clothing through e-commerce?,
3. Do you think it is cost effective to purchase clothing locally in Jamaica?,
4. What are the benefits of purchasing clothing through e-commerce?
5. What are the benefits of purchasing clothing locally in Jamaica?
6. How has your experience been when purchasing clothing online?
7. How has your experience been when purchasing clothing locally in jamaica?
8. What are the disadvantages of purchasing clothing online?
9. What are the disadvantages of purchasing clothing locally in Jamaica?
10.What kind of advice would you give to someone looking to purchase
clothing but is indecisive about where to purchase it?

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