Unit-V-Design of Two Way Slab by Limit State Method

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Design of Slab
Prepared by

Ashish D Kale
Head of Civil Department
K.K.Wagh Polytechnic,Nashik-03
Two Way Slab
➢Two way slab is a slab supported by beams
on all the four sides and the loads are carried
by the supports along with both directions

➢The ratio of long span to short span is less

than 2.

➢The main steel is provided in both direction.

Two Way Slab Design Steps
Step-1 Design Constant
In Limit state design, the sections are either balanced or under reinforced.
No over reinforced sections are permitted. This is to avoid sudden
concrete failure.
The value of Mu lim, Xu lim, and Pt lim, are give below

Steel Mu lim Xu lim Pt lim

Mild Steel 0.149fckbd2 0.53d 0.088fck

Fe 415 0.138fckbd2 0.48d 0.048fck

Fe 500 0.133fckbd2 0.46d 0.038fck

Step-2 Estimation of Slab Thickness
i. if Lx < 3.5m and or loading case < 3kN/m2
Then over all depth,
D= for Fe 250 steel
D= for Fe 415 steel
35 x 0.8
d= D – CC -

ii. if Lx > 3.5m and or loading case > 3kN/m2

Then ratio of shorter span to effective depth ratio will be same
as applicable for one way slab
20 x MF
Step-3 Effective span
Lxe=L+ d or L+ t
Lxe= Effective Span
L= Clear Span
d=Effective Depth of Slab
t=Thickness of Support
Lxe=L+ d or Lxe= L+ t or bs

Step-4 Loads Calculation

Self Weight of Slab =(1 x D) x 25
Weight of Finishing =(1 x t) x 24
Live Load =(1 x Intensity of LL)
Total Load= w
Factored Load = 1.5 x w
Step-5 Factored Moment
Mxd = αx wd l2xe
Myd = αy wd l2xe
Which is higher used as for required depth calculation and while for
calculation of steel both direction used concern moment for each
Step-6 Effective Depth of Slab (d)
Mu lim = Mxd

Find d reqd =
q fck b

Step-7 Main Reinforcement along shorter span

Step-7 Main Reinforcement along shorter span
i. Ares of steel in tension in X-Direction
0.5fck 4.6M𝑢𝑥
Astx = [1- 1 − ] bd
fy fck bd2

ii. Check for minimum area of steel

Ref. Clause of IS 456-2000
Grade of Steel Minimum area of steel in tension
Mild Steel Fe 250 0.15%bD
HYSD 0.12%bD
Fe 415 and Fe 500
iii. Spacing in X-Direction
1000 X Aϕ
iv. Check for maximum permissible spacing
S > 3d or 300mm which ever is less
Step-8 Main Reinforcement along Longer span
i. Ares of steel in tension in Y-Direction
0.5fck 4.6M𝑢𝑦
Astx = [1- 1 − ] bd‫׳‬
fy fck bd‫׳‬2

ii. Check for minimum area of steel

Ref. Clause of IS 456-2000
Grade of Steel Minimum area of steel in tension
Mild Steel Fe 250 0.15%bD
HYSD 0.12%bD
Fe 415 and Fe 5000
iii. Spacing in Y-Direction
1000 X Aϕ
iv. Check for maximum permissible spacing
S > 3d or 300mm which ever is less
Step-9 Check for Deflection
Ast provided at mid span of short span
Aϕ b
Astxp =
Pt provided = x 100
Pt assumed from table or given

Pt assumed > Pt provided Deflection criteria is satisfied

Step-9 Check for shear
Wd lxe
Vu =
τʋ =
Aϕ b
Astp =
Ast p
Ptp = x 100

Calculate shear strength of concrete τc

• τc is depends on the grade of concrete and percentage steel at
support(%Pt) Refer Table No-19,IS 456-2000.
• τ‫׳‬c =K τ c K for slab is given

• τ‫׳‬c > τʋ hence it is safe

Step-10 Check for Development Length
▪ Mu= Tu x Zu
fy Astp
▪ Zu= [d - ]
fck b
▪ Tu=0.87fy Astp

▪ M1= X Mu ( As alternate bars are bent up near support
moment of resistance near support will be)
wd x lxe
▪ V=
▪ Lo= Anchorage length for bent up bar at 90֯
Lo=12ϕ or d which ever is greater
1.3 M1
Ld Available = [ + Lo ]
0.87 fy ϕ
Ld Required =
4 x τbd
Ld Available > Ld Required ……satisfy the check
Design a roof slab for a room having inner dimension as 3.0m x
4.5m.the slab is simply supported on four side wall and corners are
not held down. The live load is 1.5kN/m2 use mild steel grade-I And
concrete of grade M-20
Step-1 Design Constant
For M.S. Garde Mu lim=0.149 fck b d2
q =0.149
Step-2 Estimation of slab thickness
if Lx < 3.5m and or loading case < 3kN/m2
Then over all depth,
D= = 85.71mm says 100mm
Assuming mild environment for which cover =15mm and 10mmφ main bars.
ϕ 10
d= D- CC- = 100-15- =80mm (Available )
2 2
Step-3 Effective span
Lxe=L+ d or L+ t
Lxe= Effective Span
L= Clear Span
d=Effective Depth of Slab
t=Thickness of Support
Lxe=3000+ 80=3080mm=3.080m
Lye=4500+ 80=4580mm=4.580m

Step-4 Loads Calculation

Self Weight of Slab =(1 x 0.10) x 25 = 2.50kN/m
Floor Finish=(1 x 1.0)=1.0 kN/m
Live Load =(1 x 1.5)=1.5 kN/m
Total Load= 5.0kN/m
Factored Load = 1.5 x 5.0 = 7.5 kN/m
Step-5 Factored Moment
L 4.580
Aspect Ratio a= ye = =1.487 Refer table which are given IS Code
Lxe 3.080

αx2 − αx1 0.104 − 0.099

αx= αx1 + (a − a1)= 0.099 + (1. 487 − 1.40) = 0.10335
a2 −a1 1.5−1.4
α − αy1 0.051 − 0.046
αy= αy1 + y2 (a − a1)= 0.051 + (1. 487 − 1.40) = 0.04665
a2 −a1 1.5−1.4

Mxd = αx wd l2xe =0.10335 x 7.50 x 3.082=7.353 kN.m

Myd = αy wd l2xe =0.04665 x 7.50 x 3.082=3.319kN.m
Step-6 Effective Depth of Slab (d)
Mu lim = Mxd

Find d reqd =
q fck b

7.353 x 106
d reqd =
0.149 x 20 x 1000

d reqd =49.67mm
d reqd < d Avail (80mm)……OK
So use d=80mm
Step-7 Main Reinforcement along shorter span
i) Ares of steel in tension in X-Direction
0.5fck 4.6M𝑢𝑥
Astx = [1- 1 − ] bd
fy fck bd2

0.5 x20 4.6 x 7.353 x 106

Astx = [1- 1 − ] 1000 x 80
250 20 x 1000 x 802

Astx =455.17mm2
ii) Spacing of Main steel
1000 X Aϕ
S= or 3d or 300mm which ever is less
Aϕ = x 102 =78.54mm2
1000 X 78.54
S= or 3 x 80 or 300mm
S = 172.55mm says 170 or 240 or 300mm
Which ever is less Hence S=170mm
Provide 10mm ϕ bars@ 170mm c/c
iii) Check for minimum steel for HYSD
Ast min = 0.15% Gross Area (b x D)
Ast min = (0.15 / 100) x 1000 x 100
Ast min =150mm2 < 455.17mm2 …..ok
iv) Check for maximum steel
Ast max = 4% Gross Area
Ast max = (4 / 100) x 1000 x 100
Ast max =4000mm2 > 455.17mm2 …..ok
Step-8 Main Reinforcement along Longer span
i. Ares of steel in tension in Y-Direction
0.5fck 4.6M𝑢𝑦
Asty = [1- 1 − ] bd‫׳‬
fy fck bd‫׳‬2

ϕx−direction ϕy−direction 10 8
d‫=׳‬d- - hence d‫=׳‬80- - = 71mm
2 2 2 2
0.5 x 20 4.6 x3.319 x106
Asty = [1- 1 − ] 1000 x 71 =223.79mm2
250 20 x 1000 x 712

ii) Spacing of Main steel

1000 X Aϕ
S= > 3d‫ ׳‬or 300mm which ever is less
Aϕ = x 82 =50.26mm2
1000 X 50.26
S= or 3 x 71 or 300mm
S = 224.58mm or 213 says 210mm or 300mm
Which ever is less Hence S=210mm
Provide 8 mm ϕ bars@ 210mm c/c
Step-9 Check for Deflection
Ast provided at mid span of short span
Aϕ b
Astxp =
78.50 x 1000
Astxp =
Astxp = 461.76mm2
Pt provided = x 100
Pt provided = x 100
1000 x 80
Pt provided =0.577 %
Pt assumed or given from table or given
As per step no-1 we have
0.088fck for Fe250 Grade of steel and we have grade of concrete M-20
Pt assumed or given = 0.088fck = 0.088 X 20 =1.76%
Pt assumed or given > Pt provided Deflection criteria is satisfied
Step-9 Check for shear
Wd lxe 7.50 X 3.08
Vu = = =11.55kN
2 2
Vu 11.55 X103
τʋ = b d = 1000 X 80 =0.144 N/mm2
Aϕ b 78.54 X 1000
Astp = = =462mm2
SX 170
Ast p 462
Ptp = x 100= x 100=0.577%
bd 1000 x 80
Calculate shear strength of concrete τc
Refer Table of IS Code 456-2000
0.50 0.48
0.75 0.56

τc= τc1 + τPc2t −−Pτt1c 1 (Pt −Pt1 ) =0.48+ 𝟎.𝟓𝟔−𝟎.𝟒𝟖

τ‫׳‬c =K τ
c K for slab is given

Design Shear Strength for Slab τ‫׳‬c =K τ c

τ‫׳‬c =1.3 x 0.505=0.656 N/mm 2

τ‫׳‬c > τʋ hence it is safe

Step-10 Check for Development Length
▪ Mu= Tu x Zu
f Ast 250 x 462
▪ Zu= [d - y p ]= [80- ]=74.225mm
fck b 20 x 1000

▪ Tu=0.87fy Astp =0.87 x 250 x 462= 100485N.mm

▪ Mu=100485 x 74.225 =7.4584 x 106 N.mm= 7.4584 kN.m

▪ M1= X Mu ( As alternate bars are bent up near support moment of
resistance near support will be)
▪ M1= X 7.4584= 3.7292 kN.m
W xl 7.5 x 3.08
▪ V= d xe = =11.55kN
2 2
Assume Anchorage Value of bars bent up at 90°
Hence Lo=12ϕ or d
Lo=12 x 10=120 or 80 which ever is greater provide
1.3 M1
Ld Available = [ + Lo ]
1.3 x 3.7292 x 106
Ld Available = [ + 120 ]
11.55 x 103
Ld Available =539.736mm

0.87 x fy x ϕ
Ld Required =
4 x Tbd
0.87 x 250x10
Ld Required =
4 x 1.6
Ld Required =339.84

Ld Available > Ld Required ……satisfy the check

Reinforcement Detailing

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