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Faculty of Education and Communication

Title: Abortion


Cleyton de Jesus Alberto

Edilson Félix Ariscado Góia

Irene da Nelicia Gustavo

Pedro Selemane

Aissa Ali Assane

Chanjo Juma

Padissimento Domingos Quembo

Sally Velasco

Nampula, April 2024


Faculty of Education and Communication

Title: Abortion

Assessment Work for the General English Course, taught in the first year of the Degree
in Accounting and Auditing


Cleyton de Jesus Alberto

Edilson Félix Ariscado Góia

Irene da Nelicia Gustavo

Pedro Selemane

Aissa Ali Assane

Chanjo Juma

Padissimento Domingos Quembo

Sally Velasco

Lecturer: Zirimwabagabo Busomoki Alexandre. MA.

Nampula, April 2024


The present work has as its theme Abortion, where we will tell several stories of women
who discovered unwanted pregnancies and intend to have an abortion, and it is our
mission to advise them to change their minds.

Because nowadays we have seen many cases of this nature in which underage girls have
been faced with, thus compromising their future, and it is also important to mention that
these cases can end in death because the body of the minor is not yet prepared to have a
baby. The work contains an introduction, development and a brief conclusion.
In our opinion, we decided that we will tell different stories about Abortion to relate to
our points of view that we believe will help in making a decision whether Abortion is
worth it or continuing with the pregnancy.

1.My name is Aissa. My boyfriend Cleyton Carangueza and I are 22 years old and have
been dating for two years. I use birth control pills, although I forgot to take the pill a
few times last month. So I found out I was pregnant. I just started a new job that I love,
but it doesn't pay very well yet. I really like my life the way it is and I don't want a baby.
I went to a family planning clinic and was advised by a nurse who asked me to get
married and have the baby. Cleyton Carangueza agrees with the nurse because he
assumes that I will eventually become a mother, so why not now? I'm upset because I
feel like I'm being pressured into having a child that I don't want. I decided to go to a
place where I heard that there is a doctor who performs abortions without asking many

Our advice to Aissa is for her to listen to her boyfriend because first he took
responsibility for the baby, and they are old enough to have a baby, and we know that
Aissa has a job that although it does not pay well, with the help of her boyfriend she can
support the baby. It should be noted that Abortion does not always go perfectly, as there
may be some complications that could put your life and your job at risk.
2 - My name is Irene. I'm 15 years old and I live with my very extended family. Every
year, we have a visit from my aunt, her husband and children; my cousin, who is 18.
One day this year, when everyone was out of the house, he asked me if he could touch
me and wanted me to do the same to him. This was strange and I really didn't like it, but
my cousin was older and we didn't want to bother him. When he started undressing me
and got on top of me I was scared and tried to push him away, but he was too strong and
he raped me. When I found out I was pregnant, I was so scared. I wanted to ask my
mother for help, but I was too ashamed to explain what had happened. I finally found
the courage and told my mother. She immediately took me for an abortion and refused
to discuss it. I was relieved that I was no longer pregnant, but I wished I could have
talked to someone when I was going through this difficult experience.

In our opinion, continuing with teenage pregnancy is a health problem because there are
many health risks for the mother and the baby themselves, such as prematurity and
anemia, postpartum depression, and discrimination in society. So our advice would be
to abort, since it's not possible for a child to look after another child.

After a group discussion, we concluded that abortion should not be the first option for
any pregnancy, whether wanted or unwanted. And we decided that every child has the
right to life, health, food, education and a family. And without forgetting that abortion
has many risks for women such as: illness, infections that can lead to infertility,
bleeding and death.

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