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Maus by Art Spiegelman (Chapter 5): “Prisoner on the Hell Planet: A Case History”

“Prisoner on the Hell Planet” is a real comic by Art Spiegelman published in Breakdowns (1977).
Therefore, it exists outside of Maus

1. Reread “Prisoner on the Hell Planet: A Case History” (pp. 102-105). Compare and contrast
the style and themes to the rest of Maus.

“Prisoner on the Hell Planet” Maus

• Dark outlines around the • More speech bubbles
cartoon —> dramatic and worsens the way the situation • Less serious, one cannot see emotion that often
appears • Vladek is keeping the family together, he has to provide,
represses his emotions somewhat
• Fewer speech bubbles, more narration • Seems more objective
• Art is wearing prisoner‘s/concentration camp • More positive relationship between Art and his mother
• Real picture with his mum
—> implies happier Times and shows that they were real
• More Lines —> rigid and unwelcoming
• Faces show the émotions and are human
• Very scared faces
• The font is very clearly legible
• Vladek breaks
• Onomatopoeia —> makes situation more dramatic
• More emotions coming through
• Negative portrayal of his relationship with his mother
• Prison as a representation of his grief and guilt

2. How do Anja, Vladek and Art deal with grief in this chapter? How does grief affect them?



Maus by Art Spiegelman (Chapter 5): “Mouse Holes”

3. What physical and metaphorical mouse holes are in this chapter?

Basements, bunkers,
Metaphorical mouse holes: all the loopholes, safety, risk (lack of food and water), relief,
fear, last resort, grief

4. How is life in the bunkers represented in Maus? Use textual evidence.

Miserable —> p.125 “It was nothing to do all day but lie and starve”
Quiet —> p.125 “You’ve got to keep the baby quiet” (so as to not raise suspicion from the Nazis)
Disgusting —> Dirty,

5. What characteristics of postmodernism can be found in Maus?

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