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358 / Dexpanthenol / Monographs FCC 9

Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample


exhibits maxima at the same wavelengths as those in

the spectrum of the Reference standard. First Published: Prior to FCC 6
• PROCEDURE INS: 1400 CAS: [9004-53-9]
Sample: 400 mg UNII: 2NX48Z0A9G [icodextrin]
Analysis: Transfer the Sample into a 300-mL reflux flask
fitted with a standard taper glass joint, add 50.0 mL of
Dextrin occurs as free-flowing white, yellow, or brown
0.1 N perchloric acid in glacial acetic acid, and reflux
powders and consist chiefly of polygonal, rounded, or

for 5 h. [CAUTION—Handle perchloric acid in an

oblong or truncated granules. Dextrin is partially
appropriate fume hood.] Cool, covering the condenser
hydrolyzed starch converted by heat alone, or by heating
with foil to prevent contamination by moisture, and
in the presence of suitable food-grade acids and buffers,
rinse the condenser with glacial acetic acid. Add 5
from any of several grain- or root-based unmodified native
drops of crystal violet TS, and titrate with 0.1 N
starches (e.g., corn, waxy maize, high-amylose maize, milo,
potassium acid phthalate in glacial acetic acid to a blue-
waxy milo, potato, arrowroot, wheat, rice, tapioca, sago,
green endpoint. Perform a blank determination (see
etc.). Dextrin is partially to completely soluble in water.
General Provisions) and make any necessary correction.
Function: Thickener; colloidal stabilizer; binder; surface-
Each mL of 0.1 N perchloric acid is equivalent to 20.53
finishing agent
mg of C9H19NO4.
Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% and NMT 102.0% of
C9H19NO4, calculated on the anhydrous basis IDENTIFICATION
Sample: 1 g
Inorganic Impurities
Analysis: Suspend the Sample in 20 mL of water, and
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Flame Atomic Absorption
add a few drops of iodine TS.
Spectrophotometric Method, Appendix IIIB
Acceptance criteria: A dark blue to red-brown color
Sample: 5 g
Acceptance criteria: NMT 5 mg/kg
Organic Impurities IMPURITIES
• AMINOPROPANOL Inorganic Impurities
Sample: 5 g • CHLORIDE
Analysis: Transfer the Sample into a 50-mL flask, and Sample solution: Dissolve 1 g of sample in 25 mL of
dissolve in 10 mL of water. Add bromothymol blue TS boiling water, cool, dilute to 100 mL with water, and
and titrate with 0.1 N sulfuric acid from a microburet filter.
to a yellow endpoint. Each mL of 0.1 N sulfuric acid is Control: 20 µg chloride (Cl) ion
equivalent to 7.5 mg of aminopropanol. Analysis: To 1 mL of filtrate from the Sample solution,
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1% add 24 mL of water, 2 mL of nitric acid, and 1 mL of
silver nitrate TS. Repeat the preceding using the Control
in place of the Sample solution.
Acceptance criteria: Any turbidity produced in the
Sample solution: 50 mg/mL in water (on the anhydrous
Sample solution does not exceed that shown in the
Control. (NMT 0.2%)
Acceptance criteria: [α]D25 between +29.0° and +31.5°
• LEAD, Appendix IIIB
Sample solution: Transfer 4.0 g of sample to an
[NOTE—Use an Abbé or other refractometer of equal or
evaporating dish, add 4 mL of sulfuric acid solution
greater accuracy.]
(1:4), and evaporate most of the water on a steam
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.495 and 1.502 at 20°
bath. Char and dehydrate the sample by heating on a
hot plate, while at the same time, heating with an
Sample: 1 g
infrared lamp from above, and then heat in a muffle
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1%
furnace at 500° until the residue is free from carbon.
• WATER, Water Determination, Appendix IIB
Remove the dish from the furnace, cool, and cautiously
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1%
wash down the inside of the dish with water. Add 1
mL of 1 N hydrochloric acid, evaporate to dryness on a
steam bath, and then add 2 mL of 1 N hydrochloric
acid, and heat briefly, while stirring, on a steam bath.
Quantitatively transfer the solution into a separatory
funnel with the aid of small quantities of water, and
neutralize with 1 N ammonium hydroxide.
Control: 4 µg Pb (4 mL of Diluted Standard Lead
FCC 9 Monographs / Dextrin / 359

Acceptance criteria: NMT 1 mg/kg required. Conduct two reagent blank determinations in
• SULFUR DIOXIDE, Sulfur Dioxide Determination, Appendix X the same manner, substituting water for the sample
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.005% filtrate, and record the average volume (B), in mL, of
Organic Impurities the blanks. Obtain the Titer Difference, expressed as mL
• REDUCING SUGARS: of 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate, using the following
Sample preparation: Transfer the 10 g of sample into a equation:
200-mL collecting flask, dilute to volume with water,
shake for 30 min, and filter through Whatman No. 1 Titer Difference = B – S
filter paper, or equivalent, collecting the filtrate in a
clean, dry flask. Use the collected filtrate as the Sample
B = average volume (mL) of sodium thiosulfate

used in the blank titration
Analysis: Pipet 10 mL each of The Copper Solution (A)
S = volume (mL) of sodium thiosulfate used in
and The Alkaline Tartrate Solution (B) (see Cupric Tartrate
the sample titration
TS, Solutions and Indicators) into a 250-mL Erlenmeyer
Using the Titer Difference, determine the weight, in mg,
flask, add 20.0 mL of the Sample preparation and 10
of reducing sugars, expressed as D-glucose (dextrose),
mL of water, and mix. Add two small glass beads,
by reference to the table below entitled Conversion of
cover the mouth of the flask with a small glass funnel
Titer Difference to Reducing Sugars Content. Record this
or glass bulb, and heat on a hot plate adjusted to
value as R.
bring the solution to a boil in 3 min. Continue boiling
Calculate the percentage of reducing sugars, as D-
for exactly 2 min (total heating time, 5 min), and then
glucose, on the dried basis, by the formula:
quickly cool to room temperature in an ice bath or in a
cold running-water bath. Add 10 mL each of 30% Result = (R × 200 × 100)/(W × 20 × 1000)
potassium iodide solution and 28% sulfuric acid, and
titrate immediately with 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate. Near
the endpoint, add 1 mL of starch TS, and continue W = weight (g) of the sample taken
titrating carefully, while agitating the solution R = weight (mg) of reducing sugars determined
continuously, until the blue color is discharged. Record using the Titer Difference
the volume (S), in mL, of 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate

Conversion of Titer Difference to Reducing Sugars Contenta

ence (mL) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Reducing Sugar (as Dextrose) mg
0.0 0.0 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.8
0.1 3.2 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.4 4.7 5.0 5.3 5.6 5.9
2.0 6.4 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.5 8.8 9.1
3.0 9.4 9.8 10.1 10.4 10.7 11.0 11.4 11.7 12.0 12.3
4.0 12.6 13.0 13.3 13.6 14.0 14.3 14.6 15.0 15.3 15.6

5.0 15.9 16.3 16.6 16.9 17.2 17.6 17.9 18.2 18.5 18.9
6.0 19.2 19.5 19.8 20.1 20.5 20.8 21.1 21.4 21.8 22.1
7.0 22.4 22.7 23.0 23.3 23.7 24.0 24.3 24.6 24.9 25.2
8.0 25.6 25.9 26.2 26.6 26.9 27.3 27.6 28.0 28.3 28.6
9.0 28.9 29.3 29.6 30.0 30.3 30.6 31.0 31.3 31.6 31.9

10.0 32.3 32.7 33.0 33.3 33.7 34.0 34.3 34.6 35.0 35.3
11.0 35.7 36.0 36.3 36.7 37.0 37.3 37.6 38.0 38.3 38.7
12.0 39.0 39.3 39.6 40.0 40.3 40.6 41.0 41.3 41.7 42.0
13.0 42.4 42.8 43.1 43.4 43.7 44.1 44.4 44.8 45.2 45.5
14.0 45.8 46.2 46.5 46.9 47.2 47.6 47.9 48.3 48.6 48.9

15.0 49.3 49.6 49.9 50.3 50.7 51.1 51.4 51.7 52.1 52.4

aUse of this table presumes the ability of the analyst to duplicate exactly the conditions under which the data were developed. The risk of error can be avoided
by careful duplicate standardization with known quantities of pure dextrose (five samples, ranging from 10 to 70 mg). A plot of Titer Difference versus mg of
dextrose is slightly curvilinear, passing through the origin. If use of a standardization curve is adopted, the thiosulfate solution need not be standardized. Some
additional increase in accuracy results from use of a 0.065 N sodium thiosulfate solution, which increases the blank titer to about 44 to 45 mL.
360 / Dextrin / Monographs FCC 9

Conversion of Titer Difference to Reducing Sugars Contenta (continued)

ence (mL) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
16.0 52.8 53.2 53.5 53.9 54.2 54.5 54.9 55.3 55.6 56.0
17.0 56.3 56.7 57.0 57.3 57.7 58.1 58.4 58.8 59.1 59.5
18.0 59.8 60.1 60.5 60.9 61.2 61.5 61.9 62.3 62.6 63.0
19.0 63.3 63.6 64.0 64.3 64.7 65.0 65.4 65.8 66.1 66.5

20.0 66.9 67.2 67.6 68.0 68.4 68.8 69.1 69.5 69.9 70.3
21.0 70.7 71.1 71.5 71.9 72.2 72.6 73.0 73.4 73.7 74.1
22.0 74.5 74.9 75.3 75.7 76.1 76.5 76.9 77.3 77.7 78.1
23.0 78.5 78.9 79.3 79.7 80.1 80.5 80.9 81.3 81.7 82.1
24.0 82.6 83.0 83.4 83.8 84.2 84.6 85.0 85.4 85.8 86.2

25.0 86.6 87.0 87.4 87.8 88.2 88.6 89.0 89.4 89.8 90.2
26.0 90.7 91.1 91.5 91.9 92.3 92.7 93.1 93.5 93.9 94.3
27.0 94.8
aUse of this table presumes the ability of the analyst to duplicate exactly the conditions under which the data were developed. The risk of error can be avoided
by careful duplicate standardization with known quantities of pure dextrose (five samples, ranging from 10 to 70 mg). A plot of Titer Difference versus mg of
dextrose is slightly curvilinear, passing through the origin. If use of a standardization curve is adopted, the thiosulfate solution need not be standardized. Some
additional increase in accuracy results from use of a 0.065 N sodium thiosulfate solution, which increases the blank titer to about 44 to 45 mL.

Acceptance criteria: NMT 18.0% (as D-glucose), necessary correction (see General Provisions). Each mL of
calculated on the dried basis 0.1 N sulfuric acid consumed is equivalent to 1.401 mg
of nitrogen (N).
SPECIFIC TESTS Calculate the percent N in the sample, and then
• CRUDE FAT, Appendix X calculate the percent protein by multiplying the percent
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0% N by 6.25, in the case of starches obtained from corn,
• LOSS ON DRYING, Appendix IIC: Under vacuum not or by 5.7, in the case of starches obtained from wheat.
exceeding 100 mm Hg, at 120° for 4 h Other factors may be applied as necessary for starches
Sample: 5.0 g obtained from other sources.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 13.0% Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0%
Sample: 10 g Sample: 5 g
Analysis: Transfer the Sample into an 800-mL Kjeldahl Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5%
flask, and add 10 g of anhydrous potassium or sodium
sulfate, 300 mg of copper selenite or mercuric oxide, OTHER REQUIREMENTS
and 60 mL of sulfuric acid. Gently heat the mixture, • LABELING: Indicate the presence of sulfur dioxide if the
keeping the flask inclined at about a 45° angle, and, residual concentration is greater than 10 mg/kg.
after frothing has ceased, boil briskly until the solution
has remained clear for about 1 h. Cool, add 30 mL of
water, mix, and cool again. Cautiously pour about 75

mL (or enough to make the mixture strongly alkaline)

of 400 mg/mL sodium hydroxide solution down the
First Published: Prior to FCC 6
inside of the flask so that it forms a layer under the acid
solution, and then add a few pieces of granular zinc.
Immediately connect the flask to a distillation apparatus
consisting of a Kjeldahl connecting bulb and a Glucose
condenser, the delivery tube of which extends well Corn Sugar
beneath the surface of an accurately measured excess
of 0.1 N sulfuric acid contained in a 50-mL flask. Gently
rotate the contents of the Kjeldahl flask to mix, and
distill until all ammonia has passed into the absorbing
acid solution (about 250 mL of distillate). Add 0.25 mL
of methyl red-methylene blue TS to the receiving flask,
and titrate the excess acid with 0.1 N sodium C6H12O6 Formula wt 180.16
hydroxide. Perform a blank determination, substituting CAS: [50-99-7]
pure sucrose or dextrose for the sample, and make any
FCC 9 Monographs / DHA from Algal (Crypthecodinium) Oil / 361

UNII: 5SL0G7R0OK [anhydrous dextrose] Acceptance criteria: [α]D25 between +52.6° and +53.2°,
UNII: LX22YL083G [dextrose monohydrate] on the dried basis
DESCRIPTION Sample: 10.0 g
Dextrose occurs as white, crystalline granules or as a Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1%
granular powder. It is purified and crystallized D-glucose. It • STARCH
is anhydrous or contains one molecule of water of Sample solution: 1 g in 10 mL of water
crystallization. It is freely soluble in water, very soluble in Analysis: Add 1 drop of iodine TS to the Sample
boiling water, and slightly soluble in alcohol. solution.
Function: Nutritive sweetener; humectant; texturizing Acceptance criteria: A yellow color indicates the

agent absence of soluble starch.
Packaging and Storage: Store in tight containers in a dry
• LABELING: Indicate the presence of sulfur dioxide if the
IDENTIFICATION residual concentration is greater than 10 mg/kg.
Sample: 50 mg/mL
Analysis: Add a few drops of the Sample solution to 5
mL of hot alkaline cupric tartrate TS. DHA from Algal (Crypthecodinium) Oil

Acceptance criteria: A copious red precipitate of

cuprous oxide forms. First Published: First Supplement, FCC 7
Last Revision: FCC 8
• REDUCING SUGARS, Appendix X Crypthecodinium cohnii Oil
Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.5% and NMT 100.5% of UNII: ZAD9OKH9JC [doconexent]
reducing sugar content (dextrose equivalent), expressed
as D-glucose, calculated on the dried basis DESCRIPTION
DHA from Algal (Crypthecodinium) Oil occurs as a light
IMPURITIES yellow to orange colored oil providing a source of
Inorganic Impurities docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22H32O2) (C22:6 n-3), an
• ARSENIC, Arsenic Limit Test, Appendix IIIB omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid. It is
Sample: 1 g obtained from fermentation of the species of microalgae
Control: 1 µg As (1 mL of Standard Arsenic Solution) Crypthecodinium cohnii, usually by solvent extraction. The
• CHLORIDE oil may be winterized, bleached, and deodorized to
Sample: 2.0 g substantially remove free fatty acids, phospholipids, odor
Acceptance criteria: Sample shows no more chloride and flavor components, and other material.
than corresponds to 0.50 mL of 0.020 N hydrochloric Docosahexaenoic acid is the only significant
acid. (NMT 0.018%) polyunsaturated fatty acid present; DHA content may be
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric standardized with other oils. Suitable antioxidants may be
Graphite Furnace Method, Method I, Appendix IIIB added.
Sample: 5 g Function: Source of DHA
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg Packaging and Storage: Store in tight, light-resistant
• SULFUR DIOXIDE, Sulfur Dioxide Determination, Appendix X containers. Avoid exposure to excessive heat.
Sample: 75 g
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.002% IDENTIFICATION
• FATTY ACID COMPOSITION, Fatty Acid Composition
SPECIFIC TESTS (Saturated, cis-Monounsaturated, and cis-Polyunsaturated)
• LOSS ON DRYING, Appendix IIC in Oils Containing Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids,
Sample: 10 g of anhydrous sample or 5 g of Appendix VII
monohydrate sample Acceptance criteria: The retention time of the peak of
Analysis: Dry for 2 h at 70° in a vacuum oven not the docosahexaenoic acid methyl ester from the Sample
exceeding 50 mm Hg, cool in a desiccator for 30 min, Preparation corresponds to that from the Standard
and weigh. Dry for successive 1-h intervals until the Solution. The area percentage for the methyl esters of
weight change is less than 2 mg. the fatty acids from the Sample Preparation meet the
Acceptance criteria requirements for each fatty acid indicated in the table
Anhydrous: NMT 2.0% below.
Monohydrate: NMT 10.0%
• OPTICAL (SPECIFIC) ROTATION, Appendix IIB Shorthand Lower Limit Upper Limit
Sample solution: Dissolve 10 g of sample, previously Fatty Acid Notation (area %) (area %)
dried, and 0.2 mL of 6 N ammonium hydroxide in Linoleic acid 18:2 n-6 0 1.0
sufficient water to make 100 mL. Dihomo-gamma-
linolenic acid 20:3 n-6 0 0.1
362 / DHA from Algal (Crypthecodinium) Oil / Monographs FCC 9

Shorthand Lower Limit Upper Limit Calibration standard solutions: 2.0 µg/L, 5.0 µg/L,
Fatty Acid Notation (area %) (area %)
10.0 µg/L, 25.0 µg/L, and 50.0 µg/L in 2% nitric acid
Eicosapentanoic acid 20:5 n-3 0 0.1 from the Calibration standard stock solution
Docosapentaenoic acid 22:5 n-6 0 0.1 1% Palladium stock solution: Mix 1 g of ultrapure
Docosahexaenoic acid 22:6 n-3 35.0 47.0 palladium metal with 20 mL of water and 10 mL of
nitric acid in a Teflon beaker, and warm the solution on
a hot plate to dissolve the palladium. Allow the
ASSAY solution to cool to room temperature, transfer it into a
• DHA, Fatty Acid Composition (Saturated, cis- 100-mL volumetric flask, and dilute with deionized
Monounsaturated, and cis-Polyunsaturated) in Oils water to volume.

Containing Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, 1% Magnesium nitrate stock solution: Mix 1 g of
Appendix VII ultrapure magnesium nitrate with 40 mL of water and
Acceptance criteria: NLT 35.0% docosahexaenoic acid 1 mL of nitric acid in a Teflon beaker, and warm the
(DHA) solution on a hot plate to dissolve. Allow the solution
to cool to room temperature, transfer it into a 100-mL
IMPURITIES volumetric flask, and dilute with deionized water to
Inorganic Impurities
[NOTE—Because of the difficulty in preparing matrix
modifier stock solutions with the required purity,
Sample digestion: Use a microwave oven (CEM
purchasing modifier stock solutions and using them
Model MDS-2100, or equivalent) equipped with
to prepare working modifier solutions is
advanced composite vessels with 100-mL Teflon
recommended. A palladium (0.3%) and magnesium
liners. Use rupture membranes to vent vessels should
nitrate (0.2%) solution may be purchased from High
the pressure exceed 125 psi. The vessels fit into a
Purity Standards, or equivalent.]
turntable, and each vessel can be vented into an
Modifier working solution: Transfer 3 mL of 1%
overflow container. Equip the microwave oven with
Palladium stock solution and 2 mL of 1% Magnesium
an exhaust tube to ventilate fumes.
nitrate stock solution to a 10-mL volumetric flask, and
Sample analysis: Use a suitable graphite furnace
dilute with 2% nitric acid to volume. A volume of 5 µL
atomic absorption spectrophotometer (GFAAS)
provides 0.015 mg of palladium and 0.01 mg of
equipped with an autosampler, pyrolytically coated
magnesium nitrate.
graphite tubes, solid pyrolytic graphite platforms, and
Sample solution: [CAUTION—Wear proper eye
an adequate means of background correction. This
protection and protective clothing and gloves during
method was developed using a Perkin-Elmer Model
sample preparation. Closely follow the manufacturer’s
5100, HGA-600 furnace, and an AS-60 autosampler
safety instructions for use of the microwave digestion
with Zeeman effect background correction. An
electrodeless discharge lamp serves as the source,
Transfer 500 mg of the sample into a Teflon digestion
argon as the purge gas, and air as the alternate gas.
vessel liner. Prepare samples in duplicate. Add 15 mL
Set up the instrument according to manufacturer’s
of nitric acid, and swirl gently. Cover the vessels with
specifications, with consideration of current good
lids, leaving the vent fitting off. Predigest overnight
GFAAS practices. The instrument parameters are as
under a hood. Place the rupture membrane in the vent
fitting, and tighten the lid. Place all vessels on the
Wavelength: 193.7 nm
microwave oven turntable. Connect the vent tubes to
Lamp current: 300 (EDL) modulated
the vent trap, and connect the pressure-sensing line to
Pyrolysis: 1000°
the appropriate vessel. Initiate a two-stage digestion
Atomization: 2400°
procedure by heating the microwave at 15% power for
Slit: 0.7
15 min followed by 25% power for 45 min. Remove
Characteristic mass: 15 pg
the turntable of vessels from the oven, and allow the
Glassware: Acid wash all glass, Teflon, and plastic
vessels to cool to room temperature (a cool water bath
vessels by soaking them in a nitric acid bath containing
may be used to speed the cooling process). Vent the
a solution of water and nitric acid (4:1). [CAUTION—
vessels when they reach room temperature. Remove
Wear a full face shield and protective clothing and
the lids, and slowly add 2 mL of 30% hydrogen
gloves at all times when working with acid baths.]
peroxide to each. Allow the reactions to subside, and
After acid soaking, rinse acid-washed items in deionized
seal the vessels. Return the vessels on the turntable to
water, dry them, and store them in clean, covered
the microwave oven and heat for an additional 15 min
at 30% power. Remove the vessels from the oven, and
Calibration standard stock solution: 100 µg/L
allow them to cool to room temperature. Transfer the
Prepare from a suitable standard, which may be
cooled digests into 25-mL volumetric flasks, and dilute
purchased [accuracy certified against National Institute
with deionized water to volume.
of Standards and Technology (NIST) spectrometric
Analysis: The graphite furnace program is as follows:
standard solutions].
1. Dry at 115° using a 1-s ramp, a 65-s hold, and a
300-mL/min argon flow.
FCC 9 Monographs / DHA from Algal (Crypthecodinium) Oil / 363

2. Char the sample at 1000° using a 1-s ramp, a 20-s overflow container. Equip the microwave oven with
hold, and a 300-mL/min air flow. an exhaust tube to ventilate fumes.
3. Cool down and purge the air from the furnace for Sample analysis: See Apparatus in Lead Limit Test,
10 s using a 20° set temperature and a 300-mL/ Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Graphite Furnace
min argon flow. Method, Method I, Appendix IIIB.
4. Atomize at 2400° using a 0-s ramp and a 5-s hold Calibration standard stock solution: 100 µg/L
with the argon flow stopped. Prepare from a suitable standard, which may be
5. Clean out at 2600° with a 1-s ramp and a 5-s purchased (accuracy certified against NIST
hold. spectrometric standard solutions).
Use the autosampler to inject 20-µL aliquots of blanks, Calibration standard solutions: 2.0 µg/L, 5.0 µg/L,

Calibration standard solutions, and Sample solutions and 10.0 µg/L, 25.0 µg/L, and 50.0 µg/L in 2% nitric acid
5 µL of Modifier working solution. Inject each solution in from the Calibration standard stock solution
duplicate, and average the results. Use peak area 10% Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate stock
measurement for all quantitations. After ensuring that solution: Mix 10 g of ultrapure ammonium
the furnace is clean by running a 5% nitric acid blank, dihydrogen phosphate with 40 mL of water and 1 mL
check the instrument’s sensitivity by running a 20-µL of nitric acid to dissolve the phosphate. Dilute with
aliquot of the 25-µg Calibration standard solution. deionized water to 100 mL.
Compare the results obtained with the expected results 1% Magnesium nitrate stock solution: Mix 1 g of
for the equipment used, and take the necessary steps ultrapure magnesium nitrate with 40 mL of water and
to correct any problems. 1 mL of nitric acid in a Teflon beaker, and warm on a
Calculate the characteristic mass. Record and track the hot plate to dissolve the solids. Allow the solution to
integrated absorbance and characteristic mass for cool to room temperature, transfer it into a 100-mL
reference and quality assurance. volumetric flask, and dilute with deionized water to
Inject each Calibration standard solution in duplicate. Use volume.
the algorithms provided in the instrument software to [NOTE—Because of the difficulty in preparing matrix
establish calibration curves. Recheck calibration modifier stock solutions with the required purity,
periodically, and recalibrate if the recheck differs from purchasing modifier stock solutions and using them
the original calibration by more than 10%. to prepare working solutions is recommended. An
Inject the Sample solution in duplicate, and record the ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (4%) and
integrated absorbance. If the instrument response magnesium nitrate (0.2%) solution may be purchased
exceeds that of the calibration curve, dilute with 5% from High Purity Standards, or equivalent.]
nitric acid to bring the sample’s response into the Modifier working solution: Transfer 4 mL of 10%
working range, and note the dilution factor (DF). All Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate stock solution and 2
sample analyses should be blank corrected using a mL of 1% Magnesium nitrate stock solution to a 10-mL
sample solution blank. volumetric flask, and dilute with 2% nitric acid to
If a computer-based instrument is used, the data output volume. A volume of 5 µL provides 0.2 mg of
is reported as µg/L. Calculate the concentration of phosphate plus 0.01 mg of magnesium nitrate.
arsenic, in µg/g (equivalent to mg/kg), in the original Sample solution: Prepare as directed for the Sample
sample taken: solution in the Arsenic test (above).
[CAUTION—Wear proper eye protection and protective
Result = (C × DF × V)/W clothing and gloves during sample preparation.
Closely follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions
C = concentration of arsenic in the sample
for use of the microwave digestion apparatus.]
aliquot injected (µg/L)
Analysis: The graphite furnace program is as follows:
DF = dilution factor of the Sample solution
1. Dry at 120° using a 1-s ramp, a 55-s hold, and a
V = final volume of the Sample solution (L)
300-mL/min argon flow.
W = weight of the sample taken to prepare the
2. Char the sample at 850° using a 1-s ramp, a 30-s
Sample solution (g)
hold, and a 300-mL/min air flow.
[NOTE—To monitor recovery and ensure analytical
3. Cool down and purge the air from the furnace for
accuracy for proper quality assurance, analyze blanks,
10 s using a 20° set temperature and a 300-mL/
spiked blanks, and a spiked oil with each digestion
min argon flow.
4. Atomize at 2100° using a 0-s ramp and a 5-s hold
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg
with the argon flow stopped.
5. Clean out at 2600° with a 1-s ramp and a 5-s
Sample digestion: Use a microwave oven (CEM
Use the autosampler to inject 20-µL aliquots of blanks,
Model MDS-2100, or equivalent) equipped with
Calibration standard solutions, Sample solutions, and
advanced composite vessels with 100-mL Teflon
5 µL of Modifier working solution. Inject each solution in
liners. Use rupture membranes to vent vessels should
duplicate, and average the results. Use peak-area
the pressure exceed 125 psi. The vessels fit into a
measurement for all quantitation. After ensuring that
turntable, and each vessel can be vented into an
the furnace is clean by running a 5% nitric acid blank,
364 / DHA from Algal (Crypthecodinium) Oil / Monographs FCC 9

check instrument sensitivity by running an aliquot of Glassware: Acid wash all glass, Teflon, and plastic
the 25-µg Calibration standard solution. Compare the vessels by soaking them in a nitric acid bath
results obtained with the expected results for the containing a solution of water and nitric acid (4:1).
equipment used, and take the necessary steps to [CAUTION—Wear a full face shield and protective
correct any problems. clothing and gloves at all times when working with
Calculate the characteristic mass, and record and track acid baths.] After acid soaking, rinse acid-washed
the integrated absorbance and characteristic mass for items in deionized water, dry, and store them in
reference and quality assurance. clean, covered cabinets.
Inject each Calibration standard solution in duplicate. Use Calibration standard stock solution: 200 ng/g of
the algorithms provided in the instrument software to mercury. Prepare from a suitable standard, which

establish calibration curves. Recheck the calibration may be purchased (accuracy certified against NIST
periodically, and recalibrate if the recheck differs from spectrometric standard solutions).
the original calibration by more than 10%. Calibration standard solutions: 20 ng, 60 ng, 100
Inject the Sample solution in duplicate, and record the ng, 200 ng, and 400 ng of mercury in 1 N
integrated absorbance. If the instrument response hydrochloric acid from the Calibration standard stock
exceeds that of the calibration curve, dilute with 5% solution
nitric acid to bring the sample response into the Reducing reagent: 5% stannous chloride in 25%
working range, and note the dilution factor (DF). All hydrochloric acid (trace-metal grade). [NOTE—Prepare
sample analyses should be blank corrected using a daily.]
sample solution blank. Sample solution: Prepare as directed for the Sample
If a computer-based instrument is used, the data output solution in the Arsenic test (above).
is reported as micrograms per liter. Calculate the [CAUTION—Wear proper eye protection and
concentration, in µg/g (equivalent to mg/kg), of lead protective clothing and gloves during sample
in the original sample: preparation. Closely follow the manufacturer’s
safety instructions for use of the microwave
Result = (C × DF × V)/W digestion apparatus.]
Analysis: Optimize the instrument settings for the
C = concentration of lead in the sample aliquot
spectrophotometer as described in the instrument
injected (µg/L)
manual. The instrument parameters for cold vapor
DF = dilution factor of the Sample solution
generation are as follows:
V = final volume of the Sample solution (L)
Wavelength: 253.6 nm
W = weight of the sample taken to prepare the
Slit: 0.70 nm
Sample solution (g)
Reagent setting: 5
[NOTE—To monitor recovery and ensure analytical
Gas flow: 5–6 L/min
accuracy for proper quality assurance, analyze blanks,
Reaction time: 0.5 min
spiked blanks, and a spiked oil with each digestion
Use a peak height integration method with a 40-s
integration time and a 20-s read delay in an
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg
unheated absorption cell. Zero the instrument as
follows. Place a Fleaker containing 50 mL of 1 N
hydrochloric acid in the sample well of the hydride
Sample digestion: Use a microwave oven (CEM
generator. Press “start” on the vapor generator and
Model MDS-2100, or equivalent) equipped with
“read” on the atomic absorption
advanced composite vessels with 100-mL Teflon
spectrophotometer. The instrument will
liners. Use rupture membranes to vent vessels should
automatically flush the sample container with
the pressure exceed 125 psi. The vessels fit into a
nitrogen, dispense the designated amount of
turntable, and each vessel can be vented into an
reagent, stir the sample for a designated reaction
overflow container. Equip the microwave oven with
time, and purge the head volume again with
an exhaust tube to ventilate fumes.
nitrogen, sweeping any vapor into the quartz cell for
Sample analysis: Use a suitable atomic absorption
determination of absorption. The atomic absorption
spectrophotometer equipped with an atomic vapor
spectrophotometer will automatically zero on this
assembly. This method was developed using a Perkin-
sample when “autozero” is selected from the
Elmer Model 5100 and IL 440 Thermo Jarrell Ash
calibration menu.
atomic vapor assembly. An electrodeless discharge
Generate a standard curve of concentration versus
lamp serves as the source, with an inert gas such as
absorption by analyzing the five Calibration standard
argon or nitrogen as the purge gas. Set up the
solutions prepared as described for daily standards in
instrument according to manufacturers specifications.
Calibration standard solutions. Analyze each solution
Instrument parameters are as follows:
in duplicate, generate the calibration curve, and
Wavelength: 253.6 nm
store, using procedures specific for the
Slit: 0.7
Reagent setting: 5
Transfer an appropriate aliquot of the Sample solution
Gas flow: 5–6 L/min
(usually 2 mL) in a Fleaker containing 50 mL of 1 N
Reaction time: 0.5 min
FCC 9 Monographs / DHA from Algal (Schizochytrium) Oil / 365

hydrochloric acid. Analyze solutions in duplicate docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22H32O2) (C22:6 n-3), an
using the procedure specified in the instrument omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid. It is
manual. Using the calibration algorithm provided in obtained from fermentation of the species of microalgae
the instrument software, calculate and report the Schizochytrium sp., usually by solvent extraction. The oil
mercury concentration in nanograms of mercury in may be winterized, bleached, and deodorized to
the aliquot analyzed. substantially remove free fatty acids, phospholipids, odor
Calculate the level of mercury as µg/g (equivalent to and flavor components, and other material.
mg/kg) in the original sample: Docosahexaenoic acid is the main polyunsaturated fatty
acid present; DHA content may be standardized with other
Result = (A × DF)/(W × 1000) oils. Suitable antioxidants may be added.

Function: Source of DHA
Packaging and Storage: Store in tight, light-resistant
A = amount of mercury in the aliquot analyzed
containers. Avoid exposure to excessive heat.
DF = dilution factor (final volume of Sample IDENTIFICATION
solution/volume taken for analysis) • FATTY ACID COMPOSITION, Fatty Acid Composition
W = weight of the sample taken to prepare the (Saturated, cis-Monounsaturated, and cis-Polyunsaturated)
Sample solution (g) in Oils Containing Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids,
[NOTE—To monitor recovery and ensure analytical Appendix VII
accuracy for proper quality assurance, analyze Acceptance criteria: The retention times of the peaks of
blanks, spiked blanks, and a spiked oil with each the docosahexaenoic acid methyl ester and
digestion set.] eicosapentanoic acid methyl ester from the Sample
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg Preparation correspond to those from the Standard
Solution. The area percentage for the methyl esters of
the fatty acids from the Sample Preparation meet the
requirements for each fatty acid indicated in the table
Acceptance criteria: NMT 20.0
Analysis: Use 28.2 for the equivalence factor (e) in the
Lower Upper
formula given in the procedure. Shorthand Limit Limit
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.4% Fatty Acid Notation (area %) (area %)
• PEROXIDE VALUE, Appendix VII Dihomo-gamma-
Acceptance criteria: NMT 5.0 mEq/kg linolenic acid 20:3 n-6 1.7 2.8
Analysis: Calculate by the formula: acid 20:4 n-6 0.6 1.3
Result = (2 × PV) + AV acid 20:5 n-3 1.3 3.9
PV = peroxide value, determined above Docosapentaenoic
acid 22:5 n-6 10.5 16.5
AV = anisidine value, determined above
Acceptance criteria: NMT 26 Docosahexaenoic
acid 22:6 n-3 30.0 40.0
Acceptance criteria: NMT 3.5%


• DHA, Fatty Acid Composition (Saturated, cis-
• LABELING: Label to indicate the content of
Monounsaturated, and cis-Polyunsaturated) in Oils
docosahexaenoic acid in mg/g (%). Indicate the name of
Containing Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids,
any added antioxidant and the presence of any other
Appendix VII
oil(s) used to standardize the docosahexaenoic acid
Acceptance criteria: NLT 30.0% docosahexaenoic acid

Inorganic Impurities
DHA from Algal (Schizochytrium) Oil

First Published: First Supplement, FCC 7 Apparatus
Sample digestion: Use a microwave oven (CEM
Schizochytrium Oil Model MDS-2100, or equivalent) equipped with
advanced composite vessels with 100-mL Teflon
UNII: ZAD9OKH9JC [doconexent]
liners. Use rupture membranes to vent vessels should
DESCRIPTION the pressure exceed 125 psi. The vessels fit into a
DHA from Algal (Schizochytrium) Oil occurs as a light yellow turntable, and each vessel can be vented into an
to orange colored oil providing a source of
366 / DHA from Algal (Schizochytrium) Oil / Monographs FCC 9

overflow container. Equip the microwave oven with dilute with 2% nitric acid to volume. A volume of 5 µL
an exhaust tube to ventilate fumes. provides 0.015 mg of palladium and 0.01 mg of
Sample analysis: Use a suitable graphite furnace magnesium nitrate.
atomic absorption spectrophotometer (GFAAS) Sample solution: [CAUTION—Wear proper eye
equipped with an autosampler, pyrolytically coated protection and protective clothing and gloves during
graphite tubes, solid pyrolytic graphite platforms, and sample preparation. Closely follow the manufacturer’s
an adequate means of background correction. This safety instructions for use of the microwave digestion
method was developed using a Perkin-Elmer Model apparatus.]
5100, HGA-600 furnace, and an AS-60 autosampler Transfer 500 mg of sample into a Teflon digestion vessel
with Zeeman effect background correction. An liner. Prepare samples in duplicate. Add 15 mL of nitric

electrodeless discharge lamp serves as the source, acid, and swirl gently. Cover the vessels with lids,
argon as the purge gas, and air as the alternate gas. leaving the vent fitting off. Predigest overnight under a
Set up the instrument according to manufacturer’s hood. Place the rupture membrane in the vent fitting,
specifications, with consideration of current good and tighten the lid. Place all vessels on the microwave
GFAAS practices. The instrument parameters are as oven turntable. Connect the vent tubes to the vent
follows: trap, and connect the pressure-sensing line to the
Wavelength: 193.7 nm appropriate vessel. Initiate a two-stage digestion
Lamp current: 300 (EDL) modulated procedure by heating the microwave at 15% power for
Pyrolysis: 1000° 15 min followed by 25% power for 45 min. Remove
Atomization: 2400° the turntable of vessels from the oven, and allow the
Slit: 0.7 vessels to cool to room temperature (a cool water bath
Characteristic mass: 15 pg may be used to speed the cooling process). Vent the
Glassware: Acid wash all glass, Teflon, and plastic vessels when they reach room temperature. Remove
vessels by soaking them in a nitric acid bath containing the lids, and slowly add 2 mL of 30% hydrogen
a 4:1 solution of water:nitric acid. [CAUTION—Wear a peroxide to each. Allow the reactions to subside, and
full face shield and protective clothing and gloves at all seal the vessels. Return the vessels on the turntable to
times when working with acid baths.] After acid the microwave oven, and heat for an additional 15 min
soaking, rinse acid-washed items in deionized water, at 30% power. Remove the vessels from the oven, and
dry them, and store them in clean, covered cabinets. allow them to cool to room temperature. Transfer the
Calibration standard stock solution: 100 µg/L cooled digests into 25-mL volumetric flasks, and dilute
Prepare from a suitable standard, which may be with deionized water to volume.
purchased [accuracy certified against National Institute Analysis: The graphite furnace program is as follows:
of Standards and Technology (NIST) spectrometric 1. Dry at 115° using a 1-s ramp, a 65-s hold, and a
standard solutions]. 300-mL/min argon flow.
Calibration standard solutions: 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 2. Char the sample at 1000° using a 1-s ramp, a 20-s
and 50.0 µg/L in 2% nitric acid, from the Calibration hold, and a 300-mL/min air flow.
standard stock solution 3. Cool down and purge the air from the furnace for
1% Palladium stock solution: Mix 1 g of ultrapure 10 s using a 20° set temperature and a 300-mL/
palladium metal with 20 mL of water and 10 mL of min argon flow.
nitric acid in a Teflon beaker, and warm the solution on 4. Atomize at 2400° using a 0-s ramp and a 5-s hold
a hot plate to dissolve the palladium. Allow the with the argon flow stopped.
solution to cool to room temperature, transfer it into a 5. Clean out at 2600° with a 1-s ramp and a 5-s
100-mL volumetric flask, and dilute with deionized hold.
water to volume. Use the autosampler to inject 20-µL aliquots of blanks,
1% Magnesium nitrate stock solution: Mix 1 g of Calibration standard solutions, and Sample solutions and
ultrapure magnesium nitrate with 40 mL of water and 5 µL of Modifier working solution. Inject each solution in
1 mL of nitric acid in a Teflon beaker, and warm the duplicate, and average the results. Use peak area
solution on a hot plate to dissolve. Allow the solution measurement for all quantitations. After ensuring that
to cool to room temperature, transfer it into a 100-mL the furnace is clean by running a 5% nitric acid blank,
volumetric flask, and dilute with deionized water to check the instrument’s sensitivity by running a 20-µL
volume. aliquot of the 25-µg Calibration standard solution.
[NOTE—Because of the difficulty in preparing matrix Compare the results obtained with the expected results
modifier stock solutions with the required purity, for the equipment used, and take the necessary steps
purchasing modifier stock solutions and using them to correct any problems.
to prepare working modifier solutions is Calculate the characteristic mass. Record and track the
recommended. A palladium (0.3%) and magnesium integrated absorbance and characteristic mass for
nitrate (0.2%) solution may be purchased from High reference and quality assurance.
Purity Standards, or equivalent.] Inject each Calibration standard solution in duplicate. Use
Modifier working solution: Transfer 3 mL of 1% the algorithms provided in the instrument software to
Palladium stock solution and 2 mL of 1% Magnesium establish calibration curves. Recheck calibration
nitrate stock solution to a 10-mL volumetric flask, and
FCC 9 Monographs / DHA from Algal (Schizochytrium) Oil / 367

periodically, and recalibrate if the recheck differs from [NOTE—Because of the difficulty in preparing matrix
the original calibration by more than 10%. modifier stock solutions with the required purity,
Inject the Sample solution in duplicate, and record the purchasing modifier stock solutions and using them to
integrated absorbance. If the instrument response prepare working solutions is recommended. An
exceeds that of the calibration curve, dilute with 5% ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (4%) and
nitric acid to bring the sample’s response into the magnesium nitrate (0.2%) solution may be purchased
working range, and note the dilution factor (DF). All from High Purity Standards, or equivalent.]
sample analyses should be blank corrected using a Modifier working solution: Transfer 4 mL of 10%
sample solution blank. Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate stock solution and 2
If a computer-based instrument is used, the data output mL of 1% Magnesium nitrate stock solution to a 10-mL

is reported as µg/L. Calculate the concentration of volumetric flask, and dilute with 2% nitric acid to
arsenic, in µg/g (equivalent to mg/kg), in the original volume. A volume of 5 µL provides 0.2 mg of
sample taken: phosphate plus 0.01 mg of magnesium nitrate.
Sample solution: Prepare as directed for Sample solution
Result = (C × DF × V)/W in the Arsenic test (above).
[CAUTION—Wear proper eye protection and protective
C = concentration of arsenic in the sample
clothing and gloves during sample preparation.
aliquot injected (µg/L)
Closely follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions
DF = dilution factor of the Sample solution
for use of the microwave digestion apparatus.]
V = final volume of the Sample solution (L)
Analysis: The graphite furnace program is as follows:
W = weight of the sample taken to prepare the
1. Dry at 120° using a 1-s ramp, a 55-s hold, and a
Sample solution (g)
300-mL/min argon flow.
[NOTE—To monitor recovery and ensure analytical
2. Char the sample at 850° using a 1-s ramp, a 30-s
accuracy for proper quality assurance, analyze blanks,
hold, and a 300-mL/min air flow.
spiked blanks, and a spiked oil with each digestion
3. Cool down and purge the air from the furnace for
10 s using a 20° set temperature and a 300-mL/
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg
min argon flow.
4. Atomize at 2100° using a 0-s ramp and a 5-s hold
with the argon flow stopped.
Sample digestion: Use a microwave oven (CEM
5. Clean out at 2600° with a 1-s ramp and a 5-s
Model MDS-2100, or equivalent) equipped with
advanced composite vessels with 100-mL Teflon
Use the autosampler to inject 20-µL aliquots of blanks,
liners. Use rupture membranes to vent vessels should
Calibration standard solutions, Sample solutions, and
the pressure exceed 125 psi. The vessels fit into a
5 µL of Modifier working solution. Inject each solution in
turntable, and each vessel can be vented into an
duplicate, and average the results. Use peak-area
overflow container. Equip the microwave oven with
measurement for all quantitation. After ensuring that
an exhaust tube to ventilate fumes.
the furnace is clean by running a 5% nitric acid blank,
Sample analysis: See Apparatus in Lead Limit Test,
check instrument sensitivity by running an aliquot of
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Graphite Furnace
the 25-µg Calibration standard solution. Compare the
Method, Method I, Appendix IIIB
results obtained with the expected results for the
Calibration standard stock solution: 100 µg/L
equipment used, and take the necessary steps to
Prepare from a suitable standard, which may be
correct any problems.
purchased [accuracy certified against National Institute
Calculate the characteristic mass, and record and track
of Standards and Technology (NIST) spectrometric
the integrated absorbance and characteristic mass for
standard solutions].
reference and quality assurance.
Calibration standard solutions: 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0,
Inject each Calibration standard solution in duplicate. Use
and 50.0 µg/L in 2% nitric acid, from the Calibration
the algorithms provided in the instrument software to
standard stock solution
establish calibration curves. Recheck the calibration
10% Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate stock
periodically, and recalibrate if the recheck differs from
solution: Mix 10 g of ultrapure ammonium
the original calibration by more than 10%.
dihydrogen phosphate with 40 of mL water and 1 mL
Inject the Sample solution in duplicate, and record the
of nitric acid to dissolve the phosphate. Dilute with
integrated absorbance. If the instrument response
deionized water to 100 mL.
exceeds that of the calibration curve, dilute with 5%
1% Magnesium nitrate stock solution: Mix 1 g of
nitric acid to bring the sample response into the
ultrapure magnesium nitrate with 40 mL of water and
working range, and note the dilution factor (DF). All
1 mL of nitric acid in a Teflon beaker, and warm on a
sample analyses should be blank corrected using a
hot plate to dissolve the solids. Allow the solution to
sample solution blank.
cool to room temperature, transfer it into a 100-mL
If a computer-based instrument is used, the data output
volumetric flask, and dilute with deionized water to
is reported as micrograms per liter. Calculate the
368 / DHA from Algal (Schizochytrium) Oil / Monographs FCC 9

concentration, in µg/g (equivalent to mg/kg), of lead preparation. Closely follow the manufacturer’s
in the original sample: safety instructions for use of the microwave
digestion apparatus.]
Result = (C × DF × V)/W Analysis: Optimize the instrument settings for the
spectrophotometer as described in the instrument
C = concentration of lead in the sample aliquot
manual. The instrument parameters for cold vapor
injected (µg/L)
generation are as follows:
DF = dilution factor of the Sample solution
Wavelength: 253.6 nm
V = final volume of the Sample solution (L)
Slit: 0.70 nm
W = weight of the sample taken to prepare the
Reagent setting: 5
Sample solution (g)

Gas flow: 5–6 L/min

[NOTE—To monitor recovery and ensure analytical
Reaction time: 0.5 min
accuracy for proper quality assurance, analyze blanks,
Use a peak height integration method with a 40-s
spiked blanks, and a spiked oil with each digestion set.]
integration time and a 20-s read delay in an
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg
unheated absorption cell. Zero the instrument as
follows: Place a Fleaker containing 50 mL of 1 N
hydrochloric acid in the sample well of the hydride
Sample digestion: Use a microwave oven (CEM
generator. Press “start” on the vapor generator and
Model MDS-2100, or equivalent) equipped with
“read” on the atomic absorption
advanced composite vessels with 100-mL Teflon
spectrophotometer. The instrument will
liners. Use rupture membranes to vent vessels should
automatically flush the sample container with
the pressure exceed 125 psi. The vessels fit into a
nitrogen, dispense the designated amount of
turntable, and each vessel can be vented into an
reagent, stir the sample for a designated reaction
overflow container. Equip the microwave oven with
time, and purge the head volume again with
an exhaust tube to ventilate fumes.
nitrogen, sweeping any vapor into the quartz cell for
Sample analysis: Use a suitable atomic absorption
determination of absorption. The atomic absorption
spectrophotometer equipped with an atomic vapor
spectrophotometer will automatically zero on this
assembly. This method was developed using a Perkin-
sample when “autozero” is selected from the
Elmer Model 5100 and IL 440 Thermo Jarrell Ash
calibration menu.
atomic vapor assembly. An electrodeless discharge
Generate a standard curve of concentration versus
lamp serves as the source, with an inert gas such as
absorption by analyzing the five Calibration standard
argon or nitrogen as the purge gas. Set up the
solutions prepared as described for daily standards
instrument according to manufacturer specifications.
under Calibration standard solutions. Analyze each
Instrument parameters are as follows:
solution in duplicate, generate the calibration curve,
Wavelength: 253.6 nm
and store, using procedures specific for the
Slit: 0.7
Reagent setting: 5
Transfer an appropriate aliquot of Sample solution
Gas flow: 5–6 L/min
(usually 2 mL) in a Fleaker containing 50 mL of 1 N
Reaction time: 0.5 min
hydrochloric acid. Analyze solutions in duplicate
Glassware: Acid wash all glass, Teflon, and plastic
using the procedure specified in the instrument
vessels by soaking them in a nitric acid bath
manual. Using the calibration algorithm provided in
containing a 4:1 solution of water:nitric acid.
the instrument software, calculate and report the
[CAUTION—Wear a full face shield and protective
mercury concentration in nanograms of mercury in
clothing and gloves at all times when working with
the aliquot analyzed.
acid baths.] After acid soaking, rinse acid-washed
Calculate the level of mercury as µg/g (equivalent to
items in deionized water, dry, and store them in
mg/kg) in the original sample:
clean, covered cabinets.
Calibration standard stock solution: 200 ng/g of Result = (A × DF)/(W × 1000)
mercury. Prepare from a suitable standard, which
may be purchased [accuracy certified against National A = amount of mercury in the aliquot analyzed
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (ng)
spectrometric standard solutions]. DF = dilution factor (final volume of Sample
Calibration standard solutions: 20, 60, 100, 200, solution/volume taken for analysis)
and 400 ng of mercury in 1 N hydrochloric acid from W = weight of the sample taken to prepare the
the Calibration standard stock solution Sample solution (g)
Reducing reagent: 5% stannous chloride in 25% [NOTE—To monitor recovery and ensure analytical
hydrochloric acid (trace-metal grade) [NOTE—Prepare accuracy for proper quality assurance, analyze
daily.] blanks, spiked blanks, and a spiked oil with each
Sample solution: Prepare as directed for the Sample digestion set.]
solution in the Arsenic test (above). Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg
[CAUTION—Wear proper eye protection and
protective clothing and gloves during sample
FCC 9 Monographs / DHA from Algal (Ulkenia) Oil / 369

SPECIFIC TESTS in Oils Containing Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids,

• ANISIDINE VALUE, Appendix VII Appendix VII
Acceptance criteria: NMT 20.0 Acceptance criteria: The retention time of the peak of
• FREE FATTY ACIDS (AS OLEIC ACID), Appendix VII the docosahexaenoic acid methyl ester from the Sample
Analysis: Use 28.2 for the equivalence factor (e) in the Preparation corresponds to that from the Standard
formula given in the procedure. Solution. The percentage of the fatty acids (calculated
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.4% using the results from the corresponding methyl esters)
• PEROXIDE VALUE, Appendix VII from the Sample Preparation, meets the requirements
Acceptance criteria: NMT 5.0 mEq/kg for each fatty acid as indicated in the table below.

Analysis: Calculate by the formula: Shorthand Lower Limit Upper Limit
Fatty Acid Notation (area %) (area %)
Result = (2 × PV) + AV Myristic acid 14:0 1.5 4.5
Stearic acid 18:0 0.5 2.0
PV = peroxide value, determined above
AV = anisidine value, determined above Eicosapentaenoic acid 20:5 n-3 0 0.5
Acceptance criteria: NMT 26 Docosapentaenoic acid 22:5 n-6 8.0 14.0
• UNSAPONIFIABLE MATTER, Appendix VII Docosapentaenoic acid 22:5 n-3 0.2 1.5
Acceptance criteria: NMT 4.5% Docosahexaenoic acid 22:6 n-3 40.0 55.0

• LABELING: Label to indicate the content of ASSAY
docosahexaenoic acid in mg/g (%). Indicate the name of • DHA, Fatty Acid Composition (Saturated, cis-
any added antioxidant and the presence of any other Monounsaturated, and cis-Polyunsaturated) in Oils
oil(s) used to standardize the docosahexaenoic acid Containing Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids,
content. Appendix VII
Acceptance criteria: NLT 40.0% docosahexaenoic acid
(DHA), as the percentage of total fatty acids (w/w)

DHA from Algal (Ulkenia) Oil IMPURITIES


Inorganic Impurities
First Published: FCC 8
• ARSENIC, Elemental Impurities by ICP, Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg
Ulkenia DHA Oil • CADMIUM, Elemental Impurities by ICP, Appendix IIIC
UNII: 4LA1OHZ06A [dha from algal (ulkenia) oil] Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg
• LEAD, Elemental Impurities by ICP, Appendix IIIC
DESCRIPTION Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg
DHA from Algal (Ulkenia) Oil occurs as a slightly waxy to • MERCURY
liquid, light yellow to orange colored oil providing a source Apparatus
of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22H32O2) (C22:6 n-3), an Sample digestion: Use a microwave oven1 equipped
omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid. It is with advanced composite vessels with 100-mL Teflon
obtained from fermentation of a thraustochytrid liners. Use rupture membranes to vent vessels should
microalgae, Ulkenia sp., followed by extraction and the pressure exceed 125 psi. The vessels fit into a
refining. Extraction can be pure pressing or supported by turntable, and each vessel can be vented into an
solvents approved for food processing. Solvents, if used, overflow container. Equip the microwave oven with
are subsequently removed by vacuum distillation. The oil an exhaust tube to ventilate fumes.
may be degummed, deacidified, winterized, bleached, and Sample analysis: Use a suitable atomic absorption
deodorized to substantially remove free fatty acids, spectrophotometer equipped with an atomic vapor
phospholipids, odor and flavor components, and other assembly.2 An electrodeless discharge lamp serves as
material. Docosahexaenoic acid is the main the source, with an inert gas such as argon or
polyunsaturated fatty acid present; DHA content may be nitrogen as the purge gas. Set up the instrument
standardized with other oils. Suitable antioxidants may be according to manufacturer specifications. Instrument
added. parameters are as follows:
Function: Source of DHA Wavelength: 253.6 nm
Packaging and Storage: Store in tight, light-resistant Slit: 0.7
containers, under inert gas and below 5°. Avoid exposure Reagent setting: 5
to excessive heat. Gas flow: 5–6 L/min
IDENTIFICATION Reaction time: 0.5 min
• FATTY ACID COMPOSITION, Fatty Acid Composition
(Saturated, cis-Monounsaturated, and cis-Polyunsaturated) 1CEM Model MDS-2100, or equivalent.
2This method was developed using a Perkin-Elmer Model 5100 and IL 440
Thermo Jarrell Ash atomic vapor assembly.
370 / DHA from Algal (Ulkenia) Oil / Monographs FCC 9

Glassware: Acid wash all glass, Teflon, and plastic Use a peak height integration method with a 40-s
vessels by soaking them in a nitric acid bath integration time and a 20-s read delay in an
containing a solution of water and nitric acid (4:1). unheated absorption cell. Zero the instrument as
[CAUTION—Wear a full face shield and protective follows. Place a Fleaker containing 50 mL of 1 N
clothing and gloves at all times when working with hydrochloric acid in the sample well of the hydride
acid baths.] After acid soaking, rinse acid-washed generator. Press “start” on the vapor generator and
items in deionized water, dry, and store them in “read” on the atomic absorption
clean, covered cabinets. spectrophotometer. The instrument will
Calibration standard stock solution: 200 ng/g of automatically flush the sample container with
mercury. Prepare from a suitable standard, which nitrogen, dispense the designated amount of

may be purchased [accuracy certified against National reagent, stir the sample for a designated reaction
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) time, and purge the head volume again with
spectrometric standard solutions]. nitrogen, sweeping any vapor into the quartz cell for
Calibration standard solutions: 20 ng, 60 ng, 100 determination of absorption. The atomic absorption
ng, 200 ng, and 400 ng of mercury in 1 N spectrophotometer will automatically zero on this
hydrochloric acid from the Calibration standard stock sample when “autozero” is selected from the
solution calibration menu.
Reducing reagent: 5% stannous chloride in 25% Generate a standard curve of concentration vs.
hydrochloric acid (trace-metal grade). [NOTE—Prepare absorption by analyzing the five Calibration standard
daily.] solutions prepared as described for daily standards
Sample solution under Calibration standard solutions. Analyze each
[CAUTION—Wear proper eye protection and solution in duplicate, generate the calibration curve,
protective clothing and gloves during sample and store, using procedures specific for the
preparation. Closely follow the manufacturer’s instrumentation.
safety instructions for use of the microwave Transfer an appropriate aliquot of Sample solution
digestion apparatus.] (usually 2 mL) to a Fleaker containing 50 mL of 1 N
Transfer 500 mg of sample into a Teflon digestion hydrochloric acid. Analyze solutions in duplicate
vessel liner. Prepare samples in duplicate. Add 15 using the procedure specified in the instrument
mL of nitric acid, and swirl gently. Cover the vessels manual. Using the calibration algorithm provided in
with lids, leaving the vent fitting off. Predigest the instrument software, calculate and report the
overnight under a hood. Place the rupture mercury concentration in ng of mercury in the
membrane in the vent fitting, and tighten the lid. aliquot analyzed.
Place all vessels on the microwave oven turntable. Calculate the level of mercury as µg/g (equivalent to
Connect the vent tubes to the vent trap, and mg/kg), in the original sample:
connect the pressure-sensing line to the appropriate
vessel. Initiate a two-stage digestion procedure by Result = (A × DF)/(W × 1000)
heating the microwave at 15% power for 15 min
A = amount of mercury in the aliquot analyzed
followed by 25% power for 45 min. Remove the
turntable of vessels from the oven, and allow the
DF = dilution factor (final volume of Sample
vessels to cool to room temperature (a cool water
solution/volume taken for analysis)
bath may be used to speed the cooling process).
W = weight of the sample taken to prepare the
Vent the vessels when they reach room temperature.
Sample solution (g)
Remove the lids, and slowly add 2 mL of 30%
[NOTE—To monitor recovery and ensure analytical
hydrogen peroxide to each. Allow the reactions to
accuracy for proper quality assurance, analyze
subside, and seal the vessels. Return the vessels on
blanks, spiked blanks, and a spiked oil with each
the turntable to the microwave oven, and heat for
digestion set.]
an additional 15 min at 30% power. Remove the
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg
vessels from the oven, and allow them to cool to
room temperature. Transfer the cooled digests into SPECIFIC TESTS
25-mL volumetric flasks, and dilute with deionized • ACID VALUE (FATS AND RELATED SUBSTANCES), Appendix VII
water to volume. Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5
Analysis: Optimize the instrument settings for the • PEROXIDE VALUE, Appendix VII
spectrophotometer as described in the instrument Acceptance criteria: NMT 5.0 mEq/kg
manual. The instrument parameters for cold vapor • UNSAPONIFIABLE MATTER, Appendix VII
generation are as follows: Acceptance criteria: NMT 4.5%
Wavelength: 253.6 nm
Reagent setting: 5 • LABELING: Label to indicate the content of
Gas flow: 5–6 L/min docosahexaenoic acid in mg/g (%). Indicate the name of
Reaction time: 0.5 min any added antioxidant and the presence of any other
FCC 9 Monographs / Diacetyl / 371

oil(s) used to standardize the docosahexaenoic acid Boiling Point: ∼88°

content. Function: Flavoring agent

• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC

Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
Last Revision: First Supplement, FCC 6 those of the spectrum below.


Dimethyldiketone • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
Dimethylglyoxal XI.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 95.0% of C4H6O2

• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.393 and 1.397
C4H6O2 Formula wt 86.09 • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
FEMA: 2370 method (see General Provisions).
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.979 and 0.985
UNII: K324J5K4HM [diacetyl]
Diacetyl occurs as a yellow to yellow-green liquid. It may
Acceptance criteria: Between −2.0° and −4.0°
contain a suitable antioxidant.
Odor: Powerful, buttery in very dilute solution
Solubility: Soluble in glycerin, water; miscible in alcohol,
most fixed oils, propylene glycol

372 / Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides / Monographs FCC 9

Solution B: Pipet 25.0 mL of Solution A into a 100-mL

Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono-

volumetric flask, and dilute with water to volume

and Diglycerides (Solution B). [NOTE—Retain the rest of Solution A for the
First Published: Prior to FCC 6 determination of Glycerin (below).]
Last Revision: First Supplement, FCC 7 Standard stock solution: 1 mg/mL of tartaric acid
Standard solutions: Transfer 3.0-, 4.0-, 5.0-, and 6.0-mL
INS: 472e CAS: [91052-83-4] aliquots of the Standard stock solution into separate 19-
[100085-39-0] mm × 150-mm matched cuvettes, and add sufficient
water to make 10.0 mL. Add 4.0 mL of a freshly

DESCRIPTION prepared 50 mg/mL solution of sodium metavanadate

Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides and 1.0 mL of glacial acetic acid to each cuvette.
occur over a range in appearance from sticky, viscous [NOTE—Use these solutions within 10 min after color
liquids through a fatlike consistency to a waxy solid, development.]
depending on the iodine value of the oils or fats used in Blank solution: Prepare in the same manner as the
their manufacture. They are the reaction product of partial Standard solutions, using 10.0 mL of water in the
glycerides of edible oils, fats, or fat-forming fatty acids with cuvette in place of the tartaric acid solutions.
diacetyl tartaric anhydride. The diacetyl tartaroyl esters are Sample solution: Prepare in the same manner as the
miscible in all proportions with oils and fats. They are Standard solutions, using 10.0 mL of Solution B in the
soluble in most common fat solvents, in methanol, in cuvette in place of the tartaric acid solutions.
acetone, and in ethyl acetate, but are insoluble in other Analysis: Using a suitable spectrophotometer or photo-
alcohols, in acetic acid, and in water. They are dispersible electric colorimeter equipped with a 520-nm filter that
in water and resistant to hydrolysis for moderate periods of has been set at zero with the Blank solution, determine
time. The pH of a 3% dispersion in water is between 2 and the absorbance of each of the Standard solutions and
3. the Sample solution. Prepare a standard curve from the
Function: Emulsifier data obtained for the Standard solutions by plotting the
Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers. absorbances on the ordinate against the corresponding
quantities, in mg, of tartaric acid in each solution on
IDENTIFICATION the abscissa. From the curve, determine the weight, in
• PROCEDURE mg, of tartaric acid in the final dilution (WT). Calculate
Sample solution: 500 mg in 10 mL of methanol the percentage of tartaric acid taken by the formula:
Analysis: Add, dropwise, lead acetate TS to the Sample
solution. Result = (WT/WS) x 20
Acceptance criteria: A white, flocculent, practically
insoluble precipitate forms.
WT = weight (mg) of tartaric acid in the final
ASSAY dilution
• TARTARIC ACID WS = weight (mg) of sample taken
Solution A: Transfer 4 g of sample into a 250-mL Acceptance criteria: Between 17.0 and 20.0 g of
Erlenmeyer flask, and add 80 mL of 0.5 N potassium tartaric acid (C4H6O6) per 100 g of sample after
hydroxide and 0.5 mL of phenolphthalein TS. Connect saponification
an air condenser at least 65 cm long to the flask, and
heat the mixture on a hot plate for about 2.5 h. IMPURITIES
Remove the air condenser and add approximately 10% Inorganic Impurities
phosphoric acid to the hot mixture until it is definitely • LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric
acid to congo red test paper. Reconnect the air Graphite Furnace Method, Method II, Appendix IIIB
condenser, and heat until the fatty acids are liquefied Sample: 10 g
and clear. Cool, and transfer the mixture into a 250-mL Acceptance criteria: NMT 2 mg/kg
separatory funnel with the aid of small portions of SPECIFIC TESTS
water and hexane. Extract the liberated fatty acids with • ACETIC ACID, Volatile Acidity, Appendix VII
three successive 25-mL portions of hexane, and collect Sample: 4 g
the extracts in a second separatory funnel. Wash the Analysis: Use 30.03 as the equivalence factor (e).
combined hexane extracts with two 25-mL portions of Acceptance criteria: Between 14.0 and 17.0 g of acetic
water, and add the washings to the first separatory acid (CH3COOH) per 100 g of sample after hydrolysis
funnel containing the water layer. Retain the combined • ACID VALUE
hexane extracts for the determination of Fatty Acids Solvent mixture: Prepare a 20% solution of hexane in
(Total). Transfer the contents of the first separatory methanol (v/v), and add phenol red TS. Neutralize the
funnel to a 250-mL beaker, heat on a steam bath to solution if necessary.
remove traces of hexane, filter through acid-washed, Analysis: Transfer 1 g of sample into a 125-mL
fine-texture filter paper into a 500-mL volumetric flask, Erlenmeyer flask, and dissolve in 25 mL of Solvent
and finally dilute with water to volume. mixture. Titrate with 0.1 N methanolic potassium
FCC 9 Monographs / Diacylglycerol Oil / 373

hydroxide to a light red endpoint. Perform a blank precipitate during saponification to cause serious
determination (see General Provisions), using a 25-mL bumping and spattering.]
portion of the Solvent mixture, and make any necessary Acceptance criteria: Between 380 and 425
correction. Calculate the acid value by the formula:

Result = 56.1V × N/W

Diacylglycerol Oil

V = volume (mL) of the methanolic potassium First Published: FCC 6

hydroxide used in the titration
N = normality of the methanolic potassium

hydroxide used CAS: [308082-33-9]
W = weight (g) of the sample taken UNII: GN1LK75KSX [diacylglycerol oil]
Acceptance criteria: Between 62 and 76
Sample: The combined hexane extracts of fatty acids Diacylglycerol Oil occurs as an opaque white to pale yellow,
obtained in the Assay for Tartaric Acid usually viscous liquid at room temperature, and free from
Analysis: Dry the sample by shaking with a few grams particulate matter. It is manufactured through enzymatic
of anhydrous sodium sulfate. Filter the solution into a esterification of fatty acids derived from natural, edible
tared, 250-mL beaker, evaporate the hexane on a steam plant oils, such as soybean, rapeseed, corn, sunflower,
bath, cool, and weigh. cottonseed, safflower, peanut, palm, coconut, or olive oil,
Acceptance criteria: NLT 56.0 g of total fatty acids per with either monoacylglycerol or glycerol. Its main
100 g of sample after hydrolysis component is randomized diacylglycerol. Oleic acid,
• GLYCERIN linoleic acid, and linolenic acid are the main constituent
Periodic acid solution: Dissolve 2.7 g of periodic acid fatty acids. It is soluble in ethanol, in isopropanol, in
(H5IO6) in 50 mL of water, add 950 mL of glacial acetic acetone, and in hexane, and insoluble in water.
acid, and mix thoroughly. [NOTE—Protect this solution Function: Component of shortening; coating agent;
from light.] texturizer
Analysis: Transfer 5.0 mL of Solution A, prepared in the Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers.
Assay for Tartaric Acid, into a 250-mL glass-stoppered
Erlenmeyer or iodine flask. Add 15 mL of glacial acetic IDENTIFICATION
acid and 25.0 mL of Periodic acid solution to the flask, • FATTY ACID COMPOSITION, Appendix VII
shake the mixture for 1 or 2 min, allow it to stand for Acceptance criteria: A sample exhibits the following
15 min, add 15 mL of a 150 mg/mL potassium iodide composition profile of fatty acids:
solution and 15 mL of water, swirl, and let it stand for
Weight %
1 min. Titrate the liberated iodine with 0.1 N sodium Fatty Acid (Range)
thiosulfate, using starch TS as the indicator. Perform a
16:0 ≤10
residual blank titration (see General Provisions, Tests and
Assays, Blank Tests), using water in place of sample, and 18:0 ≤10
make any necessary correction. The corrected volume is 18:1 20-65
the number of mL of 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate required 18:2 15-65
for the glycerin and the tartaric acid in the sample 18:3 ≤15
represented by the 5 mL of Solution A. From the
20:1 ≤0.5
percentage determined in the Assay for Tartaric Acid,
calculate the volume of 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate
required for the tartaric acid in the titration. The ASSAY
difference between the corrected volume and the • PROCEDURE
calculated volume required for the tartaric acid is the [NOTE—This method is adapted from AOAC Method
number of mL of 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate consumed 965.35.]
because of the glycerin in the sample. One mL of 0.1 N Silica gel preparation: Transfer 10 g of silica gel (Fischer
sodium thiosulfate is equivalent to 2.303 mg of glycerin Scientific Co. No. S-679, grade 923, 100-to 200-mesh,
and to 7.505 mg of tartaric acid. or equivalent) into a tared weighing bottle, and cap
Acceptance criteria: NLT 12.0 g of glycerin (C3H8O3) immediately. Weigh the bottle and its contents to the
per 100 g of sample after hydrolysis nearest mg, and subtract the tare weight. Remove the
• RESIDUE ON IGNITION (SULFATED ASH), Appendix IIC cap and dry the bottle and its contents in an oven for 2
Sample: 10 g h at 200°. Remove the bottle from the oven,
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5% immediately cap it, and let it cool for 30 min at room
• SAPONIFICATION VALUE, Appendix VII temperature. Raise the cap briefly to equalize the
Sample: 2 g internal pressure with the atmospheric pressure, weigh,
[NOTE—Add 5 to 10 mL of water to samples and blanks reheat for 5 min at 200°, cool, and reweigh. Repeat the
before saponification; otherwise, sufficient salts
374 / Diacylglycerol Oil / Monographs FCC 9

5-min drying cycle until two consecutive weights agree complete the transfer. Rinse the funnel and sides of the
within 10 mg. Calculate the water content as follows: column; when the solvent level drops to 2 cm above
the silica gel, close the bottom stopcock and remove
WP = L × 100/S the powder funnel.
Sample solution: Transfer 0.9 to 1.1 g of prepared
sample into a 100-mL beaker. Add 15 mL of chloroform
WP = percentage of water in the original silica gel
and warm with minimal heat, not to exceed 40°, if
L = loss in weight (mg) of the silica gel
necessary for complete dissolution.
S = weight (mg) of the original silica gel
[NOTE—If unknown, determine the melting temperature
Calculate the amount of water necessary to adjust the
of the sample as directed under Melting Range or
final water content of the silica gel to 5% using the

Temperature Determination, Appendix IIB.]

following formula:
[NOTE—Use extreme caution to avoid heating samples to
Result = S × (5 – WP)/95 more than 50°, as this may cause partial glycerides to
rearrange. For samples that melt below 50°, melt by
warming at less than 50° for short periods not to
S = weight (mg) of the silica gel exceed 30 min. For samples that melt above 50°, grind
WP = percentage of water in the silica gel 10 g of sample using a mortar and pestle. If needed,
To adjust the water content of the silica gel to 5%, chill samples in solid carbon dioxide.]
transfer the gel to be adjusted, accurately weighed, into Analysis: Carefully add the Sample solution to the
a blender (Patterson-Kelley Twin Shell Blender, or column. Open the stopcock, and adjust the flow to 2
equivalent). Add the calculated amount of water mL/min. Rinse the beaker with 5 mL of chloroform, and
necessary to take the final water content of the silica add the rinse to the column when the level drops to 2
gel to 5 ± 0.1%, blend the contents for 1 h to ensure cm above the silica gel. Attach the reservoir to the
complete water distribution, and store the gel in a column, add 200 mL of benzene, and collect the eluate
sealed container. Before use, determine the water (triacylglycerol fraction) in a tared 250-mL flask.
content of the adjusted silica gel, as above, and [NOTE—After each collection, rinse the tip of the column
readjust it if necessary. into the flask with the same solvent used in elution just
Column preparation: Use a 250-mL reservoir with before changing flasks for the next eluate.]
Teflon stopcock attached through a standard taper 19/ When all of the benzene has been added from the
22 drip tip inner joint to a 19- (id) × 290-mm chro- reservoir and the level in the column drops to 2 cm
matographic tube. The tube has an outer standard above the silica gel, add 200 mL of 10% (v/v) diethyl
taper 19/22 joint at the top and a coarse fritted glass ether in benzene and collect the eluate in a second
disk and an inner standard taper 19/22 joint at the tared 250-mL flask (diacylglycerol and free fatty acid
bottom. The bottom joint connects to an adapter fraction). When all of the benzene–diethyl ether solvent
consisting of an outer standard taper 19/22 joint has been added from the reservoir and the level in the
connected to a Teflon stopcock (Lurex Scientific, or column drops to 2 cm above the silica gel, add 200 mL
equivalent). of diethyl ether and, using a third 250-mL flask, collect
[NOTE—Keep the temperature of the work area below the monoacylglycerol fraction.
the boiling point of ethyl ether (34.6°). Higher [NOTE—Adding diethyl ether to a column often creates
temperatures will cause the column packing to separate internal pressure, resulting in an increased flow rate and
and permit the solvent to channel.] cracks in the silica gel packing before a fraction is
[NOTE—Never let the column become dry on top, and completely eluted. To avoid this event, slightly separate
maintain a 2-mL/min flow rate throughout elution. If it the reservoir from the column for about 30 s, and let
is necessary to interrupt the elution, do so when a very the solvent flow into the column at the same rate the
small volume of eluate is passing through the bottom eluate is collecting. To ensure quantitative separation of
stopcock. Such interruptions, however, may allow the fractions, rinse the tip of the column into the receiver
solvent above the bottom stopcock to cause a pressure with the same solvent used in elution prior to changing
buildup, resulting in leakage through the stopcock or flasks for the next eluate.]
cracks in the silica gel packing.] Place the collected fractions in a steam bath, and
Assemble the column without the reservoir and without evaporate the solvents under a stream of nitrogen or
greasing the joints. Transfer 30 g of Silica gel preparation dry air. Let the flasks cool at room temperature for at
into a 150-mL beaker, and add 50 to 60 mL of least 15 min, and weigh. Repeat this sequence, heating
petroleum ether. Slowly stir the slurry with a glass rod the flasks for only 5 min, and reweigh until two
until it is free of air bubbles. Transfer the slurry into the consecutive weights agree within 2 mg.
column using a powder funnel. Open the stopcock, and Any free fatty acid (FFA) present has eluted with the
let the liquid level in the column drop to about 2 cm diacylglycerol fraction. To determine the FFA content,
above the level of the silica gel. Transfer any remaining add 25 mL of warm neutral ethanol and 1 drop of
slurry by inverting the beaker over the powder funnel at phenolphthalein indicator, and titrate with 0.05 M
45°, and washing it into the column using a wash sodium hydroxide.
bottle containing petroleum ether. Use only the
minimum amount of petroleum ether necessary to
FCC 9 Monographs / Diatomaceous Earth / 375

Calculate the percent FFA, triacylglycerol (T), diacyl- • RESIDUE ON IGNITION (SULFATED ASH), Appendix IIC
glycerol (D), and monoacylglycerol (M) using the Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1%
following equations: • SAPONIFICATION VALUE, Appendix VII
Acceptance criteria: Between 180 and 185
FFA (as oleic acid) = A × MO × 28.2/S • UNSAPONIFIABLE MATTER, Appendix VII
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.5%
A = volume (mL) of sodium hydroxide used in
the titration
MO = molarity of the sodium hydroxide
Diatomaceous Earth

28.2 = equivalence factor of FFA as oleic acid

S = weight (g) of the sample taken First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Last Revision: FCC 9
T = TG × 100/S
Diatomaceous Silica
TG = weight (g) of the eluted triacylglycerol Diatomite
fraction after evaporation of the solvents D.E.
CAS: natural powder and calcined powder
D = DG × 100/S – FFA [61790-53-2]
flux-calcined powder
DG = weight (g) of the diacylglycerol fraction UNII: 2RF6EJ0M85 [diatomaceous earth]
after evaporation of the solvents
M = MG × 100/S
Change to read:
Diatomaceous Earth occurs as a powder of varying colors
MG = weight (g) the monoacylglycerol fraction
consisting of processed siliceous skeletons of diatoms. The
after evaporation of the solvents
natural powder (gray to off-white) is air dried and classified
Acceptance criteria
by particle size; the calcined powder (pink to buff-colored)
Diacylglycerol: NLT 80%
is air dried, classified, calcined at a high temperature
Triacylglycerol: NMT 18%
(815°–982°), and again classified; the flux-calcined powder
Monoacylglycerol: NMT 2%
(white) is air dried, classified, calcined in the presence of a
IMPURITIES suitable flux (generally soda ash or other alkaline salt), and
Inorganic Impurities again classified; the acid-washed powder is any of the
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric preceding powders having been further purified by
Graphite Furnace Method, Method II, Appendix IIIB washing in acid and rinsing with water; ▲ and the
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg functionally coated powder is any of the preceding powders
• WATER, Water Determination, Method Ib, Appendix IIB treated with silicon dioxide—a substance used as an
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1% adsorbent or absorbent in food processing.▲ FCC9 It is
Organic Impurities insoluble in water, in acids (except hydrofluoric), and in
• FREE FATTY ACIDS (AS OLEIC ACID) dilute alkalis.
Analysis: Determine as directed in the Assay (above). Function: Filter aid in food processing
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.2% Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers.
• FREE GLYCERIN, Free Glycerin or Propylene Glycol, Appendix
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5%
Analysis: Examine the powdered sample with a 100- to
SPECIFIC TESTS 200-power microscope.
• ACID VALUE (FATS AND RELATED SUBSTANCES), Method II, Acceptance criteria: Typical diatom shapes are
Appendix VII observed.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5
Inorganic Impurities
Analysis: Determine as directed using a 133.4-mm cell.
• ARSENIC, Arsenic Limit Test, Appendix IIIB
Acceptance criteria: NMT 5 yellow/0.7 red
Sample solution: Transfer 10.0 g of sample to a 250-
• HYDROXYL VALUE, Method II, Appendix VII
mL beaker, add 50 mL of 0.5 N hydrochloric acid,
Acceptance criteria: Between 77 and 85
cover with a watch glass, and heat to 70° for 15 min.
Cool, and decant through a Whatman No. 3 filter
Acceptance criteria: Between 81 and 170
paper, or equivalent, into a 100-mL volumetric flask.
Wash the slurry with three 10-mL portions of hot
Acceptance criteria: NMT 2 mEq/kg
376 / Diatomaceous Earth / Monographs FCC 9

water, and wash the filter paper with 15 mL of hot Acceptance criteria
water. Dilute with water to volume, and mix. Natural powders: 5.0–10.0
Analysis: Proceed as directed using a 3.0-mL portion of Acid-washed powders: 5.0–10.0
the Sample solution. [NOTE—Retain the remaining Calcined powders: 5.0–10.0
Sample solution for the test for Lead (below).] Flux-calcined powders: 8.0–11.0
Acceptance criteria: Passes test (NMT 10 mg/kg) ▲ Functionally coated powders: 5.0–11.0
▲ FCC9
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Appendix IIIB
Sample: 10.0-mL portion of the Sample solution
prepared in the test for Arsenic (above)
Control: 10 µg Pb (10 mL of Diluted Standard Lead Dibenzyl Ether

First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Acceptance criteria: NMT 10 mg/kg

Change to read:
• LOSS ON DRYING, Appendix IIC: 105° for 2 h
Acceptance criteria C14H14O Formula wt 198.26
Natural powders: NMT 10.0% FEMA: 2371
Acid-washed powders: NMT 10.0% UNII: 2O6CNO27RJ [dibenzyl ether]
Calcined powders: NMT 3.0%
Flux-calcined powders: NMT 3.0% DESCRIPTION
▲ Functionally coated powders: NMT 10.0%
▲ FCC9 Dibenzyl Ether occurs as a colorless to pale yellow liquid.
Sample: 1 g Boiling Point: ∼298°
Analysis: Ignite the Sample at 800° to constant weight Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
in a suitable, tared crucible. mL of 95% alcohol.
Acceptance criteria Function: Flavoring agent
Natural powders: NMT 7.0%, calculated on the dried
Calcined powders: NMT 0.5%, calculated on the dried • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
basis Appendix IIIC
Flux-calcined powders: NMT 0.5%, calculated on the Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
dried basis exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
• NONSILICEOUS SUBSTANCES those of the spectrum below.
Sample: 200 mg
Analysis: Transfer the Sample to a tared platinum
• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
crucible, add 5 mL of hydrofluoric acid and 2 drops of
1:2 sulfuric acid, and evaporate gently to dryness. Cool,
Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C14H14O
add 5 mL of hydrofluoric acid, evaporate again to
dryness, and then ignite to constant weight. SPECIFIC TESTS
Acceptance criteria: NMT 25.0%, calculated on the • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
dried basis Acceptance criteria: Between 1.557 and 1.565
Change to read: • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions).
• PH, pH Determination, Appendix IIB Acceptance criteria: Between 1.039 and 1.044
Sample: Boil 10 g of sample with 100 mL of water for
30 min, make up to 100 mL with water, and filter
through a fine-porosity, sintered-glass funnel. Use the
resulting filtrate as the Sample.
FCC 9 Monographs / Diethyl Malonate / 377

Acceptance criteria: Passes test

Dibenzyl Ether

• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable


method (see General Provisions).

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Acceptance criteria: Between 0.915 and 0.925

Diethyl Malonate

First Published: Prior to FCC 6

C11H24O4 Formula wt 220.31 Ethyl Malonate

FEMA: 3534 Malonic Ester
UNII: S52T0S2V2J [1,2-di((1′-ethoxy)ethoxy)propane]

1,2-Di[(1′-ethoxy)ethoxy]propane occurs as a colorless to
pale yellow liquid.
C7H1204 Formula wt 160.17
Odor: Odorless when pure
FEMA: 2375
Function: Flavoring agent
UNII: 53A58PA183 [diethyl malonate]
• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix DESCRIPTION
XI. Diethyl Malonate occurs as a colorless liquid.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 97.0% of C11H24O4 Odor: Slight, fruity
Solubility: Soluble in most fixed oils, propylene glycol;
SPECIFIC TESTS slightly soluble in alcohol, water; insoluble or practically
• ACID VALUE, FLAVOR CHEMICALS (OTHER THAN ESSENTIAL insoluble in glycerin, mineral oil
OILS), M-15, Appendix XI Boiling Point: ∼200°
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20° 1.5 mL of 60% alcohol.
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.409 and 1.413 Function: Flavoring agent
378 / Diethyl Malonate / Monographs FCC 9


Appendix IIIC OILS), M-15, Appendix XI
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
those of the spectrum below. Acceptance criteria: Between 1.413 and 1.416
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
ASSAY method (see General Provisions).
• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix Acceptance criteria: Between 1.053 and 1.056

Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C7H12O4

Diethyl Malonate

Solubility: Miscible in alcohol, ether, other organic

Diethyl Sebacate

solvents, most fixed oils; insoluble or practically insoluble in

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 water
Last Revision: First Supplement, FCC 7 Boiling Point: ∼302°
Function: Flavoring agent
• INFRARED ABSORPTION, Spectrophotometric Identification
Tests, Appendix IIIC
Reference standard: USP Diethyl Sebacate RS
Sample and standard preparation: F
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
C14H26O4 Formula wt 258.36 exhibits maxima at the same wavelengths as those in
FEMA: 2376 the spectrum of the Reference standard.
UNII: I41B9FJK6V [diethyl sebacate]
DESCRIPTION • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
Diethyl Sebacate occurs as a colorless to slightly yellow XI.
liquid. Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C14H26O4
Odor: Faint, winy, fruity
FCC 9 Monographs / Diethyl Succinate / 379

SPECIFIC TESTS Boiling Point: ∼217°

OILS), M-15, Appendix XI
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0 IDENTIFICATION
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20° • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.435 and 1.438 Appendix IIIC
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
method (see General Provisions). exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.960 and 0.965 those of the spectrum below.


• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
Diethyl Succinate

Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.0% of C8H14O4

First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Ethyl Succinate
OILS), M-15, Appendix XI
Acceptance criteria: NMT 2.0
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.419 and 1.423
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions).
C8H14O4 Formula wt 174.20
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.036 and 1.040
FEMA: 2377
UNII: ELP55C13DR [diethyl succinate] OTHER REQUIREMENTS
DESCRIPTION Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.03%
Diethyl Succinate occurs as a colorless, mobile liquid. • WATER, Water Determination, Method I, Appendix IIB
Odor: Faint, winy, ethereal Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.05%
Solubility: One mL dissolves in 50 mL of water; miscible in
alcohol, ether, and most fixed oils.

Diethyl Succinate
380 / Dihydrocarveol / Monographs FCC 9


First Published: Prior to FCC 6

C10H16O Formula wt 154.24

FEMA: 3565
UNII: YQS5CW1O1J [dihydrocarvone, (+)-]

C10H18O Formula wt 154.25 (+)-Dihydrocarvone occurs as an almost colorless liquid.
FEMA: 2379 Odor: Herbaceous, spearmint
UNII: 2683FD21WA [dihydrocarveol, (-)-] Solubility: Soluble in alcohol, most fixed oils; insoluble or
UNII: R6OW1F785H [dihydrocarveol, (+)-] practically insoluble in water
UNII: ZR76810L52 [dihydrocarveol, (+/-)-] Boiling Point: ∼222°
SOLUBILITY IN ALCOHOL, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
DESCRIPTION mL of 95% alcohol.
Dihydrocarveol occurs as an almost colorless, oily liquid. Function: Flavoring agent
Odor: Spearmint
Solubility: Soluble in alcohol, most fixed oils; insoluble or IDENTIFICATION
practically insoluble in water • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Boiling Point: ∼225° Appendix IIIC
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1 Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
mL of 95% ethanol. exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
Function: Flavoring agent those of the spectrum below.

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
Acceptance criteria: NLT 96.0% of C10H18O (sum of two Acceptance criteria: NLT 92.0% of C10H16O (sum of two
isomers) isomers)


• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20° • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.477 and 1.481 Acceptance criteria: 1.470–1.474
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions). method (see General Provisions).
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.921 and 0.926 Acceptance criteria: 0.923–0.928

• ANGULAR ROTATION, Optical (Specific) Rotation, Appendix

Acceptance criteria: Between +14° and +25°

First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Last Revision: Third Supplement, FCC 7

FCC 9 Monographs / Dilauryl Thiodipropionate / 381


color), add 4 more drops of the indicator solution and

Dilauryl Thiodipropionate

continue the titration, dropwise, to a color change from

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 red to pale yellow. Perform a blank determination (see
General Provisions) and make any necessary correction.
Each mL of 0.1 N bromine is equivalent to 25.74 mg of
C30H58O4S. Multiply the percentage of thiodipropionic
acid, determined in the test for Acidity (below), by 2.89,
and subtract this value from the percentage of dilauryl
thiodipropionate calculated from the titration. The
difference is the percent purity of C30H58O4S.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.0% and NMT 100.5% of
C30H58O4S Formula wt 514.85 C30H58O4S
INS: 389 CAS: [123-28-4]
UNII: V51YH1B080 [dilauryl thiodipropionate] IMPURITIES
Inorganic Impurities
DESCRIPTION • LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Appendix IIIB
Dilauryl Thiodipropionate occurs as white, crystalline flakes. Sample solution: Prepare as directed for organic
It is soluble in most organic solvents, but insoluble in compounds.
water. Control: 10 µg Pb (10 mL of Diluted Standard Lead
Function: Antioxidant Solution)
Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers. Acceptance criteria: NMT 10 mg/kg


Acceptance criteria: Dilauryl Thiodiproprionate may be Sample: 2 g
identified by its solidification point as determined under Analysis: Transfer the Sample into a 250-mL Erlenmeyer
Solidification Point (below). flask. Dissolve the Sample in 50 mL of a mixture
comprising 1 part methyl alcohol and 3 parts and
ASSAY benzene, add 5 drops of phenolphthalein TS, and
• PROCEDURE titrate with 0.1 N alcoholic potassium hydroxide. Each
Sample: 700 mg mL of 0.1 N alcoholic potassium hydroxide is equivalent
Analysis: Transfer the Sample into a 250-mL Erlenmeyer to 8.91 mg of 3,3′-thiodipropionic acid.
flask, and add 100 mL of glacial acetic acid and 50 mL Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.2% of 3,3′-thiodipropionic
of alcohol. Heat the mixture at a temperature of about acid
40°, until the sample is completely dissolved, then add • SOLIDIFICATION POINT, Appendix IIB
3 mL of hydrochloric acid and 4 drops of p-ethoxy- Acceptance criteria: NLT 40°
chrysoidin TS and immediately titrate the solution with
0.1 N bromine. When the endpoint is approached (pink
382 / Dill Seed Oil, European Type / Monographs FCC 9

Dill Seed Oil, European Type

• KETONES, Aldehydes and Ketones, Neutral Sulfite Method,

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Appendix VI
Acceptance criteria: NLT 42.0% and NMT 60.0%, by
volume, of ketones as carvone
UNII: 86T27UW55G [dill seed oil]
DESCRIPTION • ANGULAR ROTATION, Optical (Specific) Rotation, Appendix
Dill Seed Oil, European Type, occurs as a pale yellow to
IIB: Use a 100-mm tube.
light yellow liquid with a caraway odor and flavor. It is the
Acceptance criteria: Between +70° and +82°
volatile oil obtained by steam distillation from the crushed,


dried fruit or seeds of Anethum graveolens L. (Fam.
[NOTE—Use an Abbé or other refractometer of equal or
Umbelliferae). It is soluble in most fixed oils and in mineral
greater accuracy.]
oil. It is soluble, with slight opalescence, in propylene
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.483 and 1.490 at 20°
glycol, but it is practically insoluble in glycerin.
Function: Flavoring agent
Acceptance criteria: One mL of sample dissolves in 2
Packaging and Storage: Store in a cool place protected
mL of 80% alcohol, with slight opalescence that might
from light in full, tight containers that are made from steel
not disappear on dilution to as much as 10 mL.
or aluminum and that are suitably lined.
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine by any reliable method (see
IDENTIFICATION General Provisions).
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests, Acceptance criteria: Between 0.890 and 0.915
Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.

Dill Seed Oil, European Type

Dill Seed Oil, Indian Type

Dill Seed Oil, Indian Type, occurs as a light yellow to light

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 brown liquid with a rather harsh, caraway odor and flavor.
It is the volatile oil obtained by steam distillation from the
Dill Seed Oil, Indian crushed mature fruit of Indian Dill, Anethum sowa D.C.
Dill Oil, Indian Type (Fam. Umbelliferae). It is soluble in most fixed oils and in
mineral oil, occasionally with slight opalescence. It is
UNII: 86T27UW55G [dill seed oil]
FCC 9 Monographs / Dillweed Oil, American Type / 383

sparingly soluble in propylene glycol and practically Acceptance criteria: NLT 20.0% and NMT 30.0%, by
insoluble in glycerin. volume, of ketones as carvone
Function: Flavoring agent
Packaging and Storage: Store in a cool place protected SPECIFIC TESTS
from light in full, tight containers that are made from steel • ANGULAR ROTATION, Optical (Specific) Rotation, Appendix
or aluminum and that are suitably lined. IIB: Use a 100-mm tube.
Acceptance criteria: Between +40° and +58°
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests, [NOTE—Use an Abbé or other refractometer of equal or
Appendix IIIC greater accuracy.]

Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample Acceptance criteria: Between 1.486 and 1.495 at 20°
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as • SOLUBILITY IN ALCOHOL, Appendix VI
those of the spectrum below. Acceptance criteria: One mL of sample dissolves in 0.5
mL of 90% alcohol and remains clear on dilution.
ASSAY • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine by any reliable method (see
• KETONES, Aldehydes and Ketones, Neutral Sulfite Method, General Provisions).
Appendix VI Acceptance criteria: Between 0.925 and 0.980

Dill Seed Oil, Indian Type

soluble in most fixed oils and in mineral oil. It is soluble,

Dillweed Oil, American Type

usually with opalescence or turbidity, in propylene glycol,

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 but it is practically insoluble in glycerin.
Function: Flavoring agent
Packaging and Storage: Store in a cool place protected
Dill Oil
from light in full, tight containers that are made from steel
Dill Herb Oil, American Type
CAS: [8006-75-5] or aluminum and that are suitably lined.
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
Dillweed Oil, American Type occurs as a light yellow to
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
yellow liquid. It is the volatile oil obtained by steam
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
distillation from the freshly cut stalks, leaves, and seeds of
those of the spectrum below.
the plant Anethum graveolens L. (Fam. Umbelliferae). It is
384 / Dillweed Oil, American Type / Monographs FCC 9


• KETONES, Aldehydes and Ketones, Neutral Sulfite Method, [NOTE—Use an Abbé or other refractometer of equal or
Appendix VI greater accuracy.]
Acceptance criteria: NLT 28.0% and NMT 45.0%, by Acceptance criteria: Between 1.480 and 1.485 at 20°
volume, of ketones as carvone (See NOTE under Assay.)
[NOTE—Oil obtained from early season distillation can • SOLUBILITY IN ALCOHOL, Appendix VI
show a carvone content as low as 25.0% and a Acceptance criteria: One mL of sample dissolves in 1
correspondingly lower specific gravity, lower refractive mL of 90% alcohol, frequently with opalescence that
index, and higher angular rotation.] might not disappear on dilution to as much as 10 mL.
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine by any reliable method (see

SPECIFIC TESTS General Provisions).

• ANGULAR ROTATION, Optical (Specific) Rotation, Appendix Acceptance criteria: Between 0.884 and 0.900 (See
IIB: Use a 100-mm tube. NOTE under Assay.)
Acceptance criteria: Between +84° and +95° (See NOTE
under Assay.)

Dillweed Oil, American Type

Odor: Melon

Solubility: Soluble in vegetable oils; slightly soluble in

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 propylene glycol; insoluble or practically insoluble in water
Last Revision: First Supplement, FCC 6 Boiling Point: ∼116° to 124° (100 mm Hg)
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
mL of 95% alcohol.
Function: Flavoring agent

• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
C9H16O Formula wt 140.23 Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
FEMA: 2389 exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
UNII: Z331YX9EL9 [2,6-dimethyl-5-heptenal] those of the spectrum below.

2,6-Dimethyl-5-heptenal occurs as a pale yellow liquid. It • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-2d, Appendix
may contain a suitable antioxidant. XI.
FCC 9 Monographs / 3,4-Dimethyl 1,2-Cyclopentandione / 385

Sample: 1 g Acceptance criteria: NMT 5.0

Analysis: Use 14.01 as the equivalence factor (e). • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Acceptance criteria: NLT 85.0% of C9H16O Acceptance criteria: Between 1.442 and 1.447
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
SPECIFIC TESTS method (see General Provisions).
• ACID VALUE, FLAVOR CHEMICALS (OTHER THAN ESSENTIAL Acceptance criteria: Between 0.848 and 0.854
OILS), M-15, Appendix XI


Boiling Point: ∼142°

3,4-Dimethyl 1,2-Cyclopentandione

Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One g dissolves in 3

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 mL of 95% ethanol.
Last Revision: First Supplement, FCC 6 Function: Flavoring agent

• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.
C7H10O2 Formula wt 126.16 ASSAY
FEMA: 3268 • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
UNII: 50AIF51OCI [3,4-dimethyl 1,2-cyclopentandione] XI.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 95.0% of C7H10O2
3,4-Dimethyl 1,2-Cyclopentandione occurs as a pale yellow OTHER REQUIREMENTS
to orange crystal. It may contain a suitable antioxidant. • MELTING RANGE OR TEMPERATURE DETERMINATION,
Odor: Maple Appendix IIB
Solubility: Slightly soluble in propylene glycol; insoluble or Acceptance criteria: Between 64.0° and 72.0°
practically insoluble in vegetable oils, water
386 / 3,4-Dimethyl 1,2-Cyclopentandione / Monographs FCC 9

3,4-Dimethyl 1,2-Cyclopentandione


• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
Dimethyl Octanol exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
Tetrahydrogeraniol those of the spectrum below.

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under Total Alcohols,
Appendix VI.
Sample: 1.2 g
C10H22O Formula wt 158.28 Analysis: Use 79.15 as the equivalence factor (e).
FEMA: 2391 Acceptance criteria: NLT 90.0% of total alcohols as
UNII: DPY9K1927C [3,7-dimethyl-1-octanol] C10H22O


3,7-Dimethyl-1-octanol occurs as a colorless liquid. • ACID VALUE, FLAVOR CHEMICALS (OTHER THAN ESSENTIAL
Odor: Sweet, rose OILS), M-15, Appendix XI
Solubility: Soluble in most fixed oils, propylene glycol; Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0
insoluble or practically insoluble in glycerin • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Boiling Point: ∼213° Acceptance criteria: Between 1.435 and 1.445
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 3 • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
mL of 70% alcohol. method (see General Provisions).
Function: Flavoring agent Acceptance criteria: Between 0.826 and 0.842
FCC 9 Monographs / Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinol / 387


Acceptance criteria: Between 98.0 and 101.3% of total

Dimethyl Anthranilate

esters as C9H11NO2
First Published: Prior to FCC 6
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Methyl N-Methyl Anthranilate Acceptance criteria: Between 1.577 and 1.583
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions).
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.124 and 1.132

C9H11NO2 Formula wt 165.19 Acceptance criteria: NLT 14°
FEMA: 2718
UNII: 5Z37T562P9 [dimethyl anthranilate]

Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinol

Dimethyl Anthranilate occurs as a pale yellow liquid with

pale blue fluorescence. First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Odor: Grape
Solubility: Soluble in most fixed oils; slightly soluble in α,α-Dimethylphenethyl Alcohol
propylene glycol; insoluble or practically insoluble in
glycerin, water
Boiling Point: ∼256°
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 3
mL of 80% alcohol, and remains in solution on dilution to
C10H14O Formula wt 150.22
10 mL.
FEMA: 2393
Function: Flavoring agent
UNII: N95NCI59MI [dimethyl benzyl carbinol]
• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under Esters, Appendix DESCRIPTION
VI. Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinol occurs as a white crystalline solid;
Sample: 1.1 g may exist in supercooled form as a colorless to pale yellow
Analysis: Use 82.60 as the equivalence factor (e). liquid.
388 / Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinol / Monographs FCC 9

Odor: Floral Acceptance criteria: NLT 97.0% of C10H14O

Solubility: Soluble in mineral oil, most fixed oils, propylene
glycol; insoluble or practically insoluble in glycerin SPECIFIC TESTS
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 3 • ACID VALUE, FLAVOR CHEMICALS (OTHER THAN ESSENTIAL
mL of 50% alcohol, and remains in solution on dilution to OILS), M-15, Appendix XI
10 mL. Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0
Function: Flavoring agent • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: 20°
[NOTE—Determine as a supercooled liquid.]
IDENTIFICATION Acceptance criteria: Between 1.514 and 1.517
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests, • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable

Appendix IIIC method (see General Provisions).

Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample Acceptance criteria: Between 0.972 and 0.977
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below. OTHER REQUIREMENTS
ASSAY Acceptance criteria: Passes test
• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix • SOLIDIFICATION POINT, Appendix IIB
XI. Acceptance criteria: NLT 22°

Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinol

Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinyl Acetate

Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinyl Acetate occurs as a colorless

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 liquid; solidifies at room temperature.
Odor: Floral, fruity
α,α-Dimethylphenethyl Acetate Solubility: Soluble in most fixed oils; slightly soluble in
propylene glycol; insoluble or practically insoluble in water
Boiling Point: ∼250°
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 4
mL of 70% alcohol.
Function: Flavoring agent
C12H16O2 Formula wt 192.26
UNII: 6Y9488RL8H [dimethyl benzyl carbinyl acetate] • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
FCC 9 Monographs / Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinyl Butyrate / 389

Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as Acceptance criteria: Between 1.490 and 1.495
those of the spectrum below. • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions).
ASSAY Acceptance criteria: Between 0.995 and 1.002
• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C12H16O2 • CHLORINATED COMPOUNDS, Appendix VI
Acceptance criteria: Passes test

Acceptance criteria: NLT 28°
OILS), M-15, Appendix XI
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0

Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinyl Acetate

Boiling Point: ∼237° to 255°

Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinyl Butyrate

Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 mL of 95% ethanol.
Function: Flavoring agent
α,α-Dimethylphenethyl Butyrate IDENTIFICATION
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
C14H20O2 Formula wt 220.31 those of the spectrum below.
FEMA: 2394
UNII: 3Q0C60547R [dimethyl benzyl carbinyl butyrate]
• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinyl Butyrate occurs as an almost Acceptance criteria: NLT 95.0% of C14H20O2
colorless liquid. SPECIFIC TESTS
Odor: Prune • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Solubility: Soluble in alcohol, most fixed oils; insoluble or Acceptance criteria: Between 1.484 and 1.489
practically insoluble in propylene glycol, water
390 / Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinyl Butyrate / Monographs FCC 9

• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable Acceptance criteria: Between 0.960 and 0.981
method (see General Provisions).

Dimethyl Benzyl Carbinyl Butyrate

Dimethyl Dicarbonate

• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
Dicarbonic Acid exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
Dimethyl Ester those of the spectrum below.
Dimethyl Pyrocarbonate ASSAY
1 N Di-n-butylamine: 129.3 mg/mL of di-n-butyl-
amine in toluene
Sample: 2 g
Analysis: Dissolve the Sample in 100 mL of acetone
C4H6O5 Formula wt 134.09 contained in a 250-mL beaker. Add 25 mL of 1 N Di-n-
INS: 242 CAS: [4525-33-1] butylamine by pipet. Allow the mixture to stand for 5
UNII: 1AY9229ZMG [dimethyl dicarbonate] min. Titrate with 1 N hydrochloric acid, determining
the endpoint potentiometrically. Perform a blank
DESCRIPTION titration (see General Provisions) and make any
Dimethyl Dicarbonate occurs as a clear, colorless liquid. Its necessary correction. Calculate the percent dimethyl
solubility in water is 35 g/L at 20° with decomposition. Its dicarbonate in the sample taken by the formula:
melting point is about 17°, and its flash point is 85°. It
reacts quantitatively with water, producing carbon dioxide Result = [100 × (VB − VS) × FE]/W
and methanol.
Function: Preservative; antimicrobial
Packaging and Storage: Store in the original container in VB = volume of hydrochloric acid used for the
a cool (about 20°), dry, and well-ventilated area. Do not blank (mL)
repackage because it is particularly susceptible to VS = volume of hydrochloric acid used for the
contamination by water. [CAUTION—Dimethyl Dicarbonate Sample (mL)
is toxic if inhaled.] FE = milliequivalent weight of dimethyl
dicarbonate, 0.134
FCC 9 Monographs / Dimethyl Succinate / 391

W = weight of the sample taken (mg) Column temperature: Initially at 30° for 5-min hold
Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.8% and NMT 101.5% of time, followed by a linear temperature gradient of
C4H6O5 40°/min to final temperature of 120° held for 5 min
Carrier gas: Helium
IMPURITIES Carrier gas flow rate: 11 mL/min
Inorganic Impurities Fuel gas: Hydrogen
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Flame Atomic Absorption Fuel gas flow rate: 35 mL/min
Spectrophotometric Graphite Furnace Method I, Appendix Injection volume: About 5 µL
IIIB System suitability
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1 mg/kg Sample: Standard solution

System suitability requirement: Relative standard
deviation is NMT 2.0% for 5 replicate injections.
Analysis: Using a metal-free syringe, separately inject
[NOTE—Conduct this procedure without delay.]
portions of the Standard solution and the Sample
Internal standard solution: 1.0 mg/mL of methyl
solution into the chromatograph and record the
isobutylketone in methanol
chromatograms. Measure the peak area ratio of
Standard solution: 2 mg/mL of 99% dimethyl
dimethyl carbonate to that of the internal standard
carbonate (Aldrich, or equivalent), in Internal standard
obtained with the Standard solution. Similarly, measure
the same peak area ratio for the Sample solution.
Sample solution: 1.0 g/mL of sample in Internal
Acceptance criteria: The ratio of peak areas for the
standard solution
Sample solution is equal to or smaller than that obtained
Chromatographic system, Appendix IIA
with the Standard solution (NMT 0.2%).
Mode: Gas chromatography
Detector: Flame ionization detector
Column: 50-m × 0.3-mm (id) capillary column coated
with SE 30-D, or equivalent

Dimethyl Dicarbonate

Dimethyl Succinate

Dimethyl Succinate occurs as a colorless to pale yellow

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 liquid.
Odor: Mild, fruity
Solubility: Soluble in propylene glycol, vegetable oils;
insoluble or practically insoluble in water
Boiling Point: ∼196°
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
mL of 95% alcohol.
C6H10O4 Formula wt 146.14 Function: Flavoring agent
FEMA: 2396
UNII: 914I2127JR [dimethyl succinate]
392 / Dimethyl Succinate / Monographs FCC 9

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix Dimethyl Sulfide occurs as a colorless to pale yellow liquid.
XI. Odor: Disagreeable, intense boiled cabbage
Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C6H10O4 Solubility: Soluble in propylene glycol, vegetable oils;
insoluble or practically insoluble in water
SPECIFIC TESTS Boiling Point: ∼37°
• ACID VALUE, FLAVOR CHEMICALS (OTHER THAN ESSENTIAL Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
OILS), M-15, Appendix XI mL of 95% alcohol.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0 Function: Flavoring agent
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°

Acceptance criteria: Between 1.418 and 1.421 IDENTIFICATION

• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
method (see General Provisions). Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.114 and 1.118 Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.

Dimethyl Sulfide ASSAY


• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 XI.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.0% of C2H6S
Methyl Sulfide
Thiobismethane SPECIFIC TESTS
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.431 and 1.441
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions).
C2H6S Formula wt 62.14
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.842 and 0.847
FEMA: 2746
UNII: QS3J7O7L3U [methyl sulfide]

Dimethyl Sulfide
FCC 9 Monographs / Dimethylpolysiloxane / 393

Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One g dissolves in 2

2,6-Dimethoxy Phenol

mL of 95% ethanol.
First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Function: Flavoring agent

• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.

C8H10O3 Formula wt 154.17
UNII: 4UQT464H8K [2,6-dimethoxyphenol] • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
DESCRIPTION Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C8H10O3
2,6-Dimethoxy Phenol occurs as a white to brown crystal.
Solubility: Slightly soluble in propylene glycol, vegetable • MELTING RANGE OR TEMPERATURE DETERMINATION,
oils; insoluble or practically insoluble in water Appendix IIB
Boiling Point: ∼262° Acceptance criteria: Between 53.0° and 56.0°

2,6-Dimethoxy Phenol

(CH3)2SiO that are terminated with trimethylsiloxy end-


blocking units of the formula (CH3)3SiO–. It is soluble in

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 most aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon solvents, but it is
insoluble in water.
Function: Defoaming agent
Dimethyl Silicone
Packaging and Storage: Store in tightly closed
CAS: [9006-65-9] containers.
UNII: 92RU3N3Y1O [dimethicone] [NOTE—Dimethylpolysiloxane is frequently used in
commerce as such, or as a liquid containing silica (usually
DESCRIPTION 4% to 5%), which must be removed by high-speed
Dimethylpolysiloxane occurs as a clear, colorless, viscous centrifugation (about 20,000 rpm) before testing
liquid. It is a mixture of fully methylated linear siloxane Dimethylpolysiloxane for Identification, Refractive Index,
polymers containing repeating units of the formula
394 / Dimethylpolysiloxane / Monographs FCC 9

Specific Gravity, and Viscosity. This monograph does not DESCRIPTION

apply to aqueous emulsions containing emulsifying agents 2,3-Dimethylpyrazine occurs as a colorless to slightly yellow
and preservatives in addition to silica.] liquid.
Odor: Nutty, cocoa
IDENTIFICATION Solubility: Miscible in organic solvents, water
• INFRARED ABSORPTION, Spectrophotometric Identification Boiling Point: ∼156°
Tests, Appendix IIIC Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
Reference standard: USP Dimethylpolysiloxane RS mL of 95% ethanol.
Sample and standard preparation: F Function: Flavoring agent
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample

exhibits maxima at the same wavelengths as those in IDENTIFICATION

the spectrum of the Reference standard. • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
IMPURITIES Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
Inorganic Impurities exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Flame Atomic Absorption those of the spectrum below.
Spectrophotometric Method, Appendix IIIB
Sample: 10.0 g ASSAY
Acceptance criteria: NMT 5 mg/kg • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
SPECIFIC TESTS Acceptance criteria: NLT 95.0% of C6H8N2
Analysis: Transfer the Sample into an open, tared • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
aluminum cup having an internal surface area of about Acceptance criteria: Between 1.506 and 1.509
30 cm2, weigh the cup and its contents, heat for 4 h at • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
200° in a circulating air oven, cool, and weigh again. method (see General Provisions).
Acceptance criteria: NMT 18.0% Acceptance criteria: Between 1.000 and 1.022
[NOTE—Use an Abbé or other refractometer of equal or OTHER REQUIREMENTS
greater accuracy.] • DISTILLATION RANGE, Appendix IIB
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.4000 and 1.4050 Acceptance criteria: Between 152° and 157°
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine by any reliable method (see • SOLIDIFICATION POINT, Appendix IIB
General Provisions). Acceptance criteria: 11° to 13°
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.96 and 0.98 • TRI- AND TETRAPYRAZINES
• VISCOSITY DETERMINATION, Viscosity of Dimethylpolysiloxane, Analysis: By GC assay
Appendix IIB Acceptance criteria: NMT 5%
Acceptance criteria: Between 300 and 1500 centistokes • WATER, Water Determination, Method I, Appendix IIB
[NOTE—Use freshly distilled pyridine as solvent.]
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5%


First Published: Prior to FCC 6

C6H8N2 Formula wt 108.14

FEMA: 3271
UNII: WHF7883D0V [2,3-dimethylpyrazine]
FCC 9 Monographs / 2,5-Dimethylpyrazine / 395


Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample


exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 those of the spectrum below.

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.0% of C6H8N2

C6H8N2 Formula wt 108.14
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
FEMA: 3272
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.497 and 1.501
UNII: V99Y0MUY1Q [2,5-dimethylpyrazine] • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions).
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.980 and 1.000
2,5-Dimethylpyrazine occurs as a colorless to slightly yellow
Odor: Earthy, potato • SOLIDIFICATION POINT, Appendix IIB
Solubility: Miscible in water, organic solvents Acceptance criteria: Between 12° and 17°
Boiling Point: ∼155° • WATER, Water Determination, Method I, Appendix IIB
Function: Flavoring agent [NOTE—Use freshly distilled pyridine as solvent.]
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5%
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
396 / 2,5-Dimethylpyrazine / Monographs FCC 9


Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample


exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 those of the spectrum below.

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C6H8N2

C6H8N2 Formula wt 108.14

• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 50° by any reliable
FEMA: 3273
method (see General Provisions).
UNII: N77Q72C9I3 [2,6-dimethylpyrazine]
Acceptance criteria: 0.965
2,6-Dimethylpyrazine occurs as white to yellow, lumpy • MELTING RANGE OR TEMPERATURE DETERMINATION,
crystals. Appendix IIB
Odor: Nutty, coffee Acceptance criteria: Between 35° and 40°
Solubility: Soluble in water, organic solvents • RESIDUE ON IGNITION (SULFATED ASH), Appendix IIC
Boiling Point: ∼155° Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1%
Function: Flavoring agent • WATER, Water Determination Method I, Appendix IIB
IDENTIFICATION [NOTE—Use freshly distilled pyridine as solvent.]
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests, Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5%
Appendix IIIC
FCC 9 Monographs / 2,5-Dimethylpyrrole / 397


Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample


exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 those of the spectrum below.

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C6H9N

C6H9N Formula wt 95.14 SPECIFIC TESTS

UNII: MZ3OYF5521 [2,5-dimethylpyrrole] • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.503 and 1.506
DESCRIPTION • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
2,5-Dimethylpyrrole occurs as a colorless to yellow, oily method (see General Provisions).
liquid. Acceptance criteria: Between 0.932 and 0.942
Odor: Burnt
Solubility: Very soluble in alcohol, ether; very slightly
• WATER, Method I (Karl Fischer Titrimetric Method),
soluble in water
Appendix IIB
Boiling Point: ∼165°
[NOTE—Use freshly distilled pyridine as solvent.]
Function: Flavoring agent
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5%
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
398 / 2,5-Dimethylpyrrole / Monographs FCC 9


Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Sample solution: Transfer 3.8 g of sample into a 50-mL
Last Revision: First Supplement, FCC 6 volumetric flask, dissolve in and dilute with chloroform
to volume, and mix.
Docusate Sodium; DSS Tetra-n-butylammonium iodide solution: 2.5 mg/mL
tetra-n-butylammonium iodide
Salt solution: 100 mg/mL anhydrous sodium sulfate and
10 mg/mL sodium carbonate, made to 1000 mL
Analysis: Pipet 10.0 mL of the Sample solution into a
250-mL flask, and add 40 mL of chloroform, 50 mL of
Salt solution, and 10 drops of bromophenol blue TS.
Titrate with Tetra-n-butylammonium iodide solution to
C20H37NaO7S Formula wt 444.56 the first appearance of a blue color in the chloroform
INS: 480 CAS: [577-11-7] layer after vigorous shaking. Calculate the percent
UNII: F05Q2T2JA0 [docusate sodium] C20H37NaO7S by the formula:
DESCRIPTION Result = (V × Mr1 × F1 × F2)/(W × Mr2)
Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate occurs as a white, waxlike,
plastic solid. One g of sample dissolves slowly in about 70
mL of water. It is freely soluble in alcohol and in glycerin, V = volume of Tetra-n-butylammonium iodide
and it is very soluble in solvent hexane. solution required (mL)
Function: Emulsifier; wetting agent Mr1 = approximate molecular weight of dioctyl
Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers. sodium sulfosuccinate, 444.6
F1 = factor, 10
IDENTIFICATION F2 = factor, 1.250
• INFRARED ABSORPTION, Spectrophotometric Identification W = weight of the sample taken to prepare the
Tests, Appendix IIIC Sample solution (g)
Reference standard: USP Docusate Sodium RS Mr2 = molecular weight of tetra-n-butylammonium
Sample and Standard preparation: A iodide, 369.4
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.5% of C20H37NaO7S, on the
exhibits maxima at the same wavelengths as those in dried basis
the spectrum of the Reference standard.
FCC 9 Monographs / Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate / 399

IMPURITIES Solution A: Dissolve in 1000 mL of water.* Filter and

Inorganic Impurities degas prior to use.
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, APDC Method, Appendix IIIB Solution B: Use acetonitrile. Store acetonitrile in a glass
Acceptance criteria: NMT 2 mg/kg container; protect from light.
Organic Impurities Diluent: Solution A and Solution B (1:1)
• BIS(2-ETHYLHEXYL) MALEATE Mobile phase: See Gradient Table (below). Make
Mobile phase: Alcohol and water (78:22), filtered and adjustments if necessary (see System Suitability in High-
degassed Performance Liquid Chromatography, Appendix IIA).
Standard solution: 80 µg/mL of USP Bis(2-ethylhexyl)
Maleate RS in alcohol Gradient Table

Sample solution: 20 mg/mL sample in alcohol [NOTE— Time Solution Solution Flow
If necessary, warm the mixture using a steam bath to (min) A (%) B (%) (mL/min) Elution
achieve a complete dissolution.] 0 80 20 1.25 initial flow
Chromatographic system, Appendix IIA 0–3 80→25 20→75 1.25 linear gradient
Mode: High-performance liquid chromatography 3–5 25→10 75→90 1.25→1.50 isocratic
Detector: UV 210 nm
5–6 10→80 90→20 1.25 linear gradient
Column: 4.6-mm × 3-cm, 3.5-µm Zorbax XDB C18
Rapid resolution (Agilent Technologies) 6–8 80 20 1.25 re-equilibration
Column temperature: 30°
Flow rate: About 1.0 mL/min Standard stock solution: About 0.4 mg/mL of USP
Injection volume: About 3 µL Docusate Sodium Related Compound B RS in Diluent
System suitability Standard solution: 0.16 mg/mL of USP Docusate
Sample: Standard solution Sodium Related Compound B RS in Diluent: from
Suitability requirement: The relative standard Standard stock solution
deviation for replicate injections is NMT 2.0%. System suitability solution: Prepare a solution of USP
Analysis: Separately inject equal volumes of the Docusate Sodium RS in Diluent having a concentration
Standard solution and the Sample solution into the of about 4 mg/mL. Transfer 1.0 g of this solution to a
chromatograph, record the chromatograms, and 25-mL volumetric flask, add 1.0 g of the Standard stock
measure the responses for the bis(2-ethylhexyl) maleate solution, and dilute with Diluent to volume.
peaks. Calculate the percentage of bis(2-ethylhexyl) Sample solution: About 4 mg/mL of Dioctyl Sodium
maleate in the portion of sample taken by the formula: Sulfosuccinate in Diluent, made to 25 mL
Chromatographic system, Appendix IIA
Result = 5C/W(rU/rS) Mode: Liquid chromatography
Detector: UV 210 nm
Column: 4.6-mm × 75-mm column that contains 3.5-
C = concentration of USP Bis(2-ethylhexyl) µm packing, Agilent XDB-C18 Rapid Resolution
Maleate RS in the Standard solution (µg/ (Agilent Technologies)
mL) Column temperature: 45°
W = weight of the sample taken to prepare the Flow rate: About 1.25 to 1.50 mL/min, see Gradient
Sample solution (mg) Table
rU = peak response of bis(2-ethylhexyl) maleate Injection volume: About 10 µL
obtained from the Sample solution System suitability
rS = peak response of bis(2-ethylhexyl) maleate Sample 1: Standard solution
obtained from the Standard solution Suitability requirement 1: The relative standard
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.2% deviation for replicate injections is NMT 1.0%.
Sample 2: System suitability solution
SPECIFIC TESTS Suitability requirement 2: The resolution between
docusate sodium related compound B and dioctyl
Sample solution: Dissolve 25 g of sample in 94 mL of
sodium sulfosuccinate peaks is greater than 2.0.
Analysis: Separately inject equal volumes of the Standard
Acceptance criteria: The solution does not develop a
solution and the Sample solution into the
haze within 24 h.
chromatograph, record the chromatograms, and
• LOSS ON DRYING, Appendix IIC: 105° for 2 h
measure the responses of the major peaks. Calculate
Acceptance criteria: NMT 2.0%
the percentage of each impurity in the portion of
Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate taken by the formula:
Sample: 1 g
Acceptance criteria: Between 15.5 and 16.2% Result = 0.1(CS/CT) (ri/rS)
Reference standard: USP Docusate Sodium Related in which CS is the concentration, in µg/mL, of docusate
Compound B RS sodium related compound B in the Standard solution; CT

* Waters PICB-8 Low UV Reagent (Waters Part Number WAT084283)

400 / Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate / Monographs FCC 9

is the concentration, in mg/mL, of Dioctyl Sodium DESCRIPTION

Sulfosuccinate in the Sample solution; ri is the peak Diphenyl Ether occurs as a colorless to white to pale yellow
response for each impurity obtained from the Sample liquid.
solution; and rS is the docusate sodium related Odor: Rose
compound B response obtained from the Standard Solubility: Soluble in vegetable oils; very slightly soluble in
solution. water
Acceptance criteria: Refer to Table 1 for the impurity Boiling Point: ∼259°
limits. Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One g dissolves in 2
mL of 95% ethanol.
Table 1 Function: Flavoring agent

Compound Name (min) Limit (%) • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Salt compound 0.443 0.8 Appendix IIIC
Related compound A1 1.687 0.4 Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
Related compound B1 2.007 0.6
those of the spectrum below.
Related compound C2 2.582 1.5
Related compound D 2 2.679 0.8 ASSAY
Dioctyl sodium ~3.48 N/A • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
sulfosuccinate XI.
Any other individual — 0.1 Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.0% of C12H10O
impurity found
Total, other impurities — 0.5
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
1One isomer of disodium mono (2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (CAS# 63782- Acceptance criteria: Freezes
2 One isomer of butanedioc acid, sulfo-, C-(2-ethylhexyl) C-ethyl ester,
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
sodium salt. method (see General Provisions).
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.070 and 1.074




First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Acceptance criteria: Between 26.0° and 30.0°
Diphenyl Oxide

C12H10O Formula wt 170.21

FEMA: 3667
UNII: 3O695R5M1U [diphenyl ether]
FCC 9 Monographs / Disodium EDTA / 401

Diphenyl Ether

tube. Add the Sample to the deep red solution so

Disodium EDTA

obtained, and mix.

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Acceptance criteria: The deep red color disappears.
• C. INFRARED ABSORPTION, Spectrophotometric Identification
Tests, Appendix IIIC
Disodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetate
Reference standard: USP Edetate Disodium RS
Disodium (Ethylenedinitrilo)tetraacetate
Sample and standard preparation: K
Disodium Edetate
Analysis: The spectrum of the sample exhibits maxima
at the same wavelengths as those in the spectrum of
the Reference standard.

Sample: 5 g
Sample solution: Transfer the Sample into a 250-mL
C10H14N2Na2O8 · 2H2O Formula wt 372.24 volumetric flask, dissolve in water, dilute to volume, and
INS: 386 CAS: [6381-92-6] mix.
UNII: 7FLD91C86K [edetate disodium] Analysis: Place about 200 mg of chelometric standard
calcium carbonate, accurately weighed, in a 400-mL
DESCRIPTION beaker, add 10 mL of water, and swirl to form a slurry.
Disodium EDTA occurs as a white, crystalline powder. It is Cover the beaker with a watch glass and introduce 2
soluble in water. mL of 2.7 N hydrochloric acid from a pipet inserted
Function: Preservative; sequestrant; stabilizer between the lip of the beaker and the edge of the
Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers. watch glass. Swirl the contents of the beaker to dissolve
the calcium carbonate. Wash down the sides of the
IDENTIFICATION beaker, the outer surface of the pipet, and the watch
• A. SODIUM, Appendix IIIA glass, and dilute to about 100 mL with water. While
Sample solution: 50 mg/mL in water stirring, preferably with a magnetic stirrer, add about
Acceptance criteria: Responds to the flame test. 30 mL of the Sample solution from a 50-mL buret, then
• B. PROCEDURE add 15 mL of 1 N sodium hydroxide and 300 mg of
Sample: 50 mg hydroxy naphthol blue indicator, and continue the
Analysis: Add 2 drops of ammonium thiocyanate TS and titration with the Sample solution to a blue endpoint.
2 drops of ferric chloride TS to 5 mL of water in a test
402 / Disodium EDTA / Monographs FCC 9

Calculate the weight, in mg, of C10H14N2Na2O8 · 2H2O Suitability requirement 2: The relative standard
in the Sample taken by the formula: deviation for replicate injections is NMT 2.0%.
Analysis: Separately inject the Standard solution and the
Result = 929.8(W/V) Sample solution into the chromatograph, record the
chromatograms, and measure the responses for the
major peaks. [NOTE—The retention times for
W = weight (mg) of calcium carbonate
nitrilotriacetic acid and disodium EDTA are about 3.5
V = Volume (mL) of the Sample solution
min and 9 min, respectively.]
consumed in the titration
Acceptance criteria: The response of the nitrilotriacetic
Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.0% and NMT 101.0% of
acid peak of the Sample solution does not exceed the
C10H14N2Na2O8 · 2H2O

difference between the nitrilotriacetic acid peak

IMPURITIES responses obtained from the Standard solution and the
Inorganic Impurities Sample solution. (NMT 0.1%)
Sample solution: 50 mg/mL
• PH, pH Determination, Appendix IIB
Analysis: Add 2 drops of methyl red TS to the Sample
Sample solution: 10 mg/mL
solution and neutralize with 6 N ammonium hydroxide.
Acceptance criteria: Between 4.3 and 4.7
Add 3 N hydrochloric acid dropwise until the solution
is just acid, and then add 1 mL of ammonium oxalate
Acceptance criteria: No precipitate forms.
Disodium Guanylate

• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Appendix IIIB

Sample solution: Prepare as directed for organic First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Control: 10 µg Pb (10 mL of Diluted Standard Lead Disodium 5′-Guanylate
Solution) Disodium Guanosine-5′-monophosphate
Acceptance criteria: NMT 10 mg/kg
Organic Impurities
Mobile phase: Add 10 mL of a 25% solution of
tetrabutylammonium hydroxide in methanol to 200 mL
of water, and adjust with 1 M phosphoric acid to a pH
of 7.5 ± 0.1. Transfer the solution to a 1000-mL C10H12N5Na2O8P · xH2O Formula wt 407.19
volumetric flask, add 90 mL of methanol, dilute with INS: 627 CAS: [5550-12-9]
water to volume, mix, filter through a membrane filter UNII: B768T44Q8V [disodium 5′-guanylate]
(0.5-µm or finer porosity), and de-gas.
Cupric nitrate solution: 10 mg/mL DESCRIPTION
Standard stock solution: Transfer 100 mg of Disodium Guanylate occurs as colorless or white crystals, or
nitrilotriacetic acid to a 10-mL volumetric flask, add 0.5 as a white, crystalline powder. It contains approximately
mL of ammonium hydroxide, and mix. Dilute to seven molecules of water of crystallization. It is soluble in
volume and mix. water, sparingly soluble in alcohol, and practically insoluble
Standard solution: Transfer 1.0 g of sample to a 100- in ether.
mL volumetric flask, add 100 µL of Standard stock Function: Flavor enhancer
solution, dilute to volume with Cupric nitrate solution Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers.
and mix. If necessary, sonicate to achieve complete
Sample solution: 10 mg/mL in Cupric nitrate solution • ULTRAVIOLET ABSORPTION SPECTRUM
Chromatographic system, Appendix IIA Sample solution: 20 µg/mL in 0.01 N hydrochloric acid
Mode: High-performance liquid chromatography Acceptance criteria: The ultraviolet absorption spectrum
Detector: UV 254 nm of the Sample solution exhibits an absorbance maximum
Column: 4.6-mm × 15-cm column that contains 5- to at 256 ± 2 nm.
10-mm porous microparticles of silica bonded to
octylsilane (Zorbax 8, or equivalent)
Flow rate: About 2 mL/min
Sample solution: 20 µg/mL in 0.01 N hydrochloric acid
Injection volume: About 50 µL
Standard solution: 20 µg/mL of USP Disodium
System suitability
Guanylate RS in 0.01 N hydrochloric acid
Sample: Standard solution
Analysis: Using a suitable spectrophotometer set to the
Suitability requirement 1: The resolution factor
absorbance maximum at about 260 nm with
between nitrilotriacetic acid and disodium EDTA is
1-cm cells and 0.01 N hydrochloric acid as the blank,
NLT 4.0.
determine the absorbance of the Sample solution and of
FCC 9 Monographs / Disodium Inosinate / 403

the Standard solution. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of Acceptance criteria: Only one spot is visible.
C10H12N5Na2O8P in the sample taken by the formula:
Sample solution: 100 mg in 10 mL of water
Acceptance criteria: The Sample solution is colorless and
C = exact concentration (µg/mL) of the shows no more than a trace of turbidity.
Standard solution • LOSS ON DRYING, Appendix IIC: 120° for 4 h
AU = absorbance of the Sample solution Acceptance criteria: NMT 25.0%
AS = absorbance of the Standard solution • PH, pH Determination, Appendix IIB
Acceptance criteria: NLT 97.0% and NMT 102.0% of

Sample solution: 50 mg/mL
C10H12N5Na2O8P, calculated on the dried basis Acceptance criteria: Between 7.0 and 8.5
Inorganic Impurities
Disodium Inosinate

Sample: 100 mg
Analysis: Transfer the Sample into a small test tube and First Published: Prior to FCC 6
add 50 mg of magnesium oxide and 1 mL of water.
Moisten a piece of red litmus paper with water, Disodium 5′-Inosinate
suspend it in the tube, cover the mouth of the tube, Disodium Inosine-5′-monophosphate
and heat in a water bath for 5 min.
Acceptance criteria: The litmus paper does not change
to blue.
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Appendix IIIB
Sample solution: Prepare as directed for organic
C10H11N4Na2O8P · xH2O Formula wt 392.17
Control: 5 µg Pb (5 mL of Diluted Standard Lead INS: 631 CAS: [4691-65-0]
UNII: T2ZYA7KC05 [disodium 5′-inosinate]
Acceptance criteria: NMT 5 mg/kg
Organic Impurities DESCRIPTION
• AMINO ACIDS Disodium Inosinate occurs as colorless or white crystals, or
Sample solution: 1 mg/mL as a white, crystalline powder. It contains approximately
Analysis: Add 1 mL of ninhydrin TS to 5 mL of the 7.5 molecules of water of crystallization. It is soluble in
Sample solution and heat for 3 min. water, sparingly soluble in alcohol, and practically insoluble
Acceptance criteria: No color appears. in ether.
• OTHER NUCLEOTIDES Function: Flavor enhancer
Sample solution: 10 mg/mL Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers.
Chromatographic system, Appendix IIA
Mode: Descending chromatography (see Paper IDENTIFICATION
Stationary phase: Prepare a strip of Whatman No. 2, Sample solution: 20 µg/mL in 0.01 N hydrochloric acid
or equivalent, filter paper about 20 × 40 cm, and Acceptance criteria
draw a line across the narrow dimension about 5 cm Absorbance maximum: 250 ± 2 nm
from one end. A250/A260 ratio: Between 1.55 and 1.65
Solvent mixture: Saturated ammonium sulfate A280/A260 ratio: Between 0.20 and 0.30
solution:tert-butyl alcohol:0.025 N ammonia
(160:3:40) ASSAY
Application volume: 10 µL • PROCEDURE
Detection/visualization: UV, 254 nm Sample solution: 20 µg/mL in 0.01 N hydrochloric acid
Analysis: Using a micropipette, apply the Sample Standard solution: 20 µg/mL of USP Disodium Inosinate
solution to the center of the line drawn across the filter RS in 0.01 N hydrochloric acid
paper and dry in air. Fill the trough of an apparatus Analysis: Using a suitable spectrophotometer set to the
suitable for descending chromatography with the absorbance maximum at about 250 nm with
Solvent mixture. Suspend the strip in the chamber, 1-cm cells and 0.01 N hydrochloric acid as the blank,
placing the end of the strip in the trough at a distance determine the absorbance of the Sample solution and of
about 1 cm from the pencil line. Seal the chamber, the Standard solution. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of
and allow the chromatogram to develop until the C10H11N4Na2O8P in the sample taken by the formula:
solvent front descends to a distance about 30 cm from
Result = 25C × AU / AS
the starting line. Remove the strip from the chamber,
dry in air, and observe under shortwave (254 nm)
ultraviolet light in the dark.
404 / Disodium Inosinate / Monographs FCC 9

C = exact concentration (µg/mL) of the Acceptance criteria: The Sample solution is colorless and
Standard solution shows no more than a trace of turbidity.
AU = absorbance of the Sample solution • PH, pH Determination, Appendix IIB
AS = absorbance of the Standard solution Sample: 50 mg/mL
Acceptance criteria: NLT 97.0% and NMT 102.0% Acceptance criteria: Between 7.0 and 8.5
C10H11N4Na2O8P, calculated on the anhydrous basis • WATER, Water Determination, Appendix IIB
Acceptance criteria: NMT 28.5%
Inorganic Impurities

Sample: 100 mg
Disodium 5′-Uridylate

Analysis: Transfer the Sample into a small test tube and

add 50 mg of magnesium oxide and 1 mL of water. First Published: First Supplement, FCC 7
Moisten a piece of red litmus paper with water,
suspend it in the tube, cover the mouth of the tube, Uridine 5′-monophosphate disodium salt
and heat in a water bath for 5 min. Disodium uridine 5′-monophosphate
Acceptance criteria: The litmus paper does not change UMP disodium salt
to blue.
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Appendix IIIB
Sample solution: Prepare as directed for organic
Control: 5 µg Pb (5 mL of Diluted Standard Lead
Acceptance criteria: NMT 5 mg/kg C9H11N2Na2O9P · xH2O Formula wt 368.15
Organic Impurities CAS: [3387-36-8]
• AMINO ACIDS UNII: KD8E20071T [uridine monophosphate disodium]
Sample solution: 1 mg/mL
Analysis: Add 1 mL of ninhydrin TS to 5 mL of the
Disodium 5′-Uridylate occurs as colorless or white crystals. It
Sample solution.
contains approximately seven molecules of water of
Acceptance criteria: No color appears.
crystallization. It is soluble in water, sparingly soluble in
alcohol, and practically insoluble in ether. It is produced by
Sample solution: 10 mg/mL
enzymatic cleavage of yeast ribonucleic acid (RNA) with a
Chromatographic system, Appendix IIA
5′-phosphodiesterase followed by heat treatment, further
Mode: Descending chromatography (see Paper
purification steps, and washing of crystals with ethanol.
Chromatography, Appendix IIA)
Function: Source of Disodium 5’-Uridylate
Stationary phase: Prepare a strip of Whatman No. 2,
Packaging and Storage: Store in tight containers,
or equivalent, filter paper about 20 × 40 cm, and
protected from light and moisture.
draw a line across the narrow dimension about 5 cm
from one end. IDENTIFICATION
Solvent mixture: Saturated ammonium sulfate • A. INFRARED ABSORPTION, Spectrophotometric Identification
solution:tert-butyl alcohol:0.025 N ammonia Tests, Appendix IIIC
(160:3:40) Reference standard: USP Disodium 5’-Uridylate RS
Application volume: 10 µL Sample and standard preparation: A
Detection/visualization: UV, 254 nm Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
Analysis: Using a micropipette, apply the Sample exhibits maxima at the same wavelengths as those in
solution to the center of the line drawn across the filter the spectrum of the Reference standard.
paper and dry in air. Fill the trough of an apparatus • B. PROCEDURE
suitable for descending chromatography with the Acceptance criteria: The retention time of the major
Solvent mixture. Suspend the strip in the chamber, peak (excluding the solvent peak) in the chromatogram
placing the end of the strip in the trough at a distance of the Sample solution corresponds to that of the
about 1 cm from the pencil line. Seal the chamber, Standard solution in the Assay.
and allow the chromatogram to develop until the
solvent front descends to a distance about 30 cm from ASSAY
the starting line. Remove the strip from the chamber, • PROCEDURE
dry in air, and observe under shortwave (254 nm) Mobile phase: 0.1 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate
ultraviolet light in the dark. (KH2PO4) in degassed water, adjusted to pH 5.6 with
Acceptance criteria: Only one spot is visible. 0.1 M dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HP04)
Standard solution: 0.02 mg/mL of USP Disodium 5’-
SPECIFIC TESTS Uridylate RS in Mobile phase. [NOTE—Ultrasonication
• CLARITY AND COLOR OF SOLUTION may be necessary to aid in complete dissolution.]
Sample solution: 500 mg in 10 mL of water
FCC 9 Monographs / Disodium 5′-Uridylate / 405

Sample solution: 0.02 mg/mL in Mobile phase. [NOTE— Spectrophotometric system, Plasma Spectrochemistry,
Ultrasonication may be necessary to aid in complete Appendix IIC
dissolution.] Mode: Inductively coupled plasma–optical emission
Chromatographic system, Appendix IIA spectroscopy (ICP–OES)
Mode: High-performance liquid chromatography Setup: Use a suitable ICP–OES configured in a radial
Detector: UV 254 nm optical alignment. [NOTE—This method was
Column: 25 cm × 4.6-mm; packed with 5-µm reversed developed using a Varian Vista MPX ICP–OES unit.]
phase C18 silica gel1 The instrument parameters are as follows: set the
Column temperature: Ambient ultraviolet detector to scan arsenic at 188.980 nm.
Flow rate: About 1.0 mL/min Set the sample read time to 20 s. Set the forward

Injection size: 50 µL power from the RF generator to 1150 watts. Use an
System suitability argon plasma feed gas flow of 13.5 L/min with the
Sample: Standard solution auxiliary gas set to flow at 2.25 L/min. The sample is
Suitability requirements delivered to the spray chamber by a multichannel
Suitability requirement 1: The relative standard peristaltic pump set to deliver sample at a rate of 20
deviation of the disodium 5′-uridylate peak area rpm. Samples are flushed through the system for 20 s
responses from replicate injections is NMT 2.0%. prior to analysis. A 40-s read delay is also
Suitability requirement 2: The resolution, R, between programmed into the sampling routine to allow for
the disodium 5′-uridylate peak and all other peaks is fluid flow equilibration after the high-speed flush,
NLT 2.0. prior to the first analytical read of the sample.
Analysis: Separately inject equal volumes of the Standard Between samples, the pumping system is washed by
solution and Sample solution into the chromatograph, flushing the Diluent for 20 s.
and measure the responses for the major peaks on the Analysis: Generate a standard curve using Diluent as a
resulting chromatograms. [NOTE—The approximate blank and the Standard solutions. [NOTE—The
retention time for disodium 5′-uridylate is 6.2 min.] correlation coefficient for the best-fit line should not be
Calculate the percentage of disodium 5′-uridylate, less than 0.999.]
C9H11N2Na2O9P, in the sample taken: Similarly, analyze the Sample solution on the ICP.
Calculate the concentration (mg/kg) of arsenic in the
Result = (rU/rS) × (CS/CU) × 100 Sample taken:
rU = peak area response for disodium 5′-uridylate Result = (C/W) × F
in the Sample solution
rS = peak area response for disodium 5′-uridylate C = concentration of arsenic in the Sample
in the Standard solution solution determined from the standard
CS = concentration of disodium 5′-uridylate in the curve (µg/mL)
Standard solution (mg/mL) W = weight of Sample taken (g)
CU = concentration of sample in the Sample F = Sample solution final volume, 100 mL
solution (mg/mL) Acceptance criteria: NMT 2 mg/kg
Acceptance criteria: 98.0%–103.0%, calculated on the • CADMIUM
anhydrous basis [NOTE—When water is specified as a diluent, use
deionized ultrafiltered water. When nitric acid is
IMPURITIES specified, use nitric acid of a grade suitable for trace
Inorganic Impurities element analysis with as low a content of cadmium as
• ARSENIC practical.]
[NOTE—When water is specified as a diluent, use Diluent: 4% nitric acid in water
deionized ultrafiltered water. When nitric acid is Standard stock solution: 100 µg/mL of cadmium
specified, use nitric acid of a grade suitable for trace prepared by diluting a commercially available 1000 mg
element analysis with as low a content of arsenic as /kg cadmium ICP standard solution
practical.] Standard solutions: 0.005, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 2
Diluent: 4% nitric acid in water µg/mL of cadmium: from Standard stock solution
Standard stock solution: 100 µg/mL of arsenic diluted with Diluent
prepared by diluting a commercially available 1000 mg Sample: 5 g
/kg arsenic ICP standard solution Sample solution: Dissolve the Sample in 40 mL of 10%
Standard solutions: 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 2 µg/mL nitric acid in a 100-mL volumetric flask, and dilute with
of arsenic: from Standard stock solution diluted with water to volume.
Diluent Spectrophotometric system, Plasma Spectrochemistry,
Sample: 5 g Appendix IIC
Sample solution: Dissolve the Sample in 40 mL of 10% Mode: ICP–OES
nitric acid in a 100-mL volumetric flask, and dilute with Setup: Same as that described in the test for Arsenic,
water to volume. but set to scan for cadmium at 228.802 nm
1 YMC-Pack ODS-AQ (YMC Europe GmbH, Dinslaken, Germany), or Analysis: Generate a standard curve using Diluent as a
equivalent. blank and the Standard solutions. [NOTE—The
406 / Disodium 5′-Uridylate / Monographs FCC 9

correlation coefficient for the best-fit line should not be Standard solutions: 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 2
less than 0.999.] µg/mL of mercury: from Standard stock solution diluted
Similarly, analyze the Sample solution on the ICP. with Diluent
Calculate the concentration (mg/kg) of cadmium in the Sample: 5 g
Sample taken: Sample solution: Dissolve the Sample in 40 mL of 10%
nitric acid in a 100-mL volumetric flask, and dilute with
Result = (C/W) × F water to volume.
Spectrophotometric system, Plasma Spectrochemistry,
C = concentration of cadmium in the Sample
Appendix IIC
solution determined from the standard
curve (µg/mL)

Setup: Same as that described in the test for Arsenic,

W = weight of Sample taken (g)
but set to scan for mercury at 194.164 nm
F = Sample solution final volume, 100 mL
Analysis: Generate a standard curve using Diluent as a
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1 mg/kg
blank and the Standard solutions. [NOTE—The
correlation coefficient for the best-fit line should not be
[NOTE—When water is specified as a diluent, use
less than 0.999.]
deionized ultrafiltered water. When nitric acid is
Similarly, analyze the Sample solution on the ICP.
specified, use nitric acid of a grade suitable for trace
Calculate the concentration (mg/kg) of mercury in the
element analysis with as low a content of lead as
Sample taken:
Diluent: 4% nitric acid in water Result = (C/W) × F
Standard stock solution: 100 µg/mL of lead prepared
by diluting a commercially available 1000 mg/kg lead C = concentration of mercury in the Sample
ICP standard solution solution determined from the standard
Standard solutions: 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, and 2 µg/mL curve (µg/mL)
of lead: from Standard stock solution diluted with W = weight of Sample taken (g)
Diluent F = Sample solution final volume, 100 mL
Sample: 5 g Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5 mg/kg
Sample solution: Dissolve the Sample in 40 mL of 10% Organic Impurities
nitric acid in a 100-mL volumetric flask, and dilute with • ETHANOL
water to volume. Standard solution: 100 mg/kg of ethanol in 1 N
Spectrophotometric system, Plasma Spectrochemistry, sodium hydroxide. Add 10 mL of this solution to a 20-
Appendix IIC mL headspace vial, and cap tightly.
Mode: ICP–OES Sample solution: 100 mg/g in 1 N sodium hydroxide.
Setup: Same as that described in the test for Arsenic, Add 10 mL of this solution to a 20-mL headspace vial,
but set to scan for lead at 220.353 nm and cap tightly.
Analysis: Generate a standard curve using Diluent as a Chromatographic system, Appendix IIA
blank and the Standard solutions. [NOTE—The Mode: Gas chromatography equipped with pressure-
correlation coefficient for the best-fit line should not be loop headspace autosampler
less than 0.999.] Detector: Flame ionization
Similarly, analyze the Sample solution on the ICP. Column: 30-m × 0.53-mm (id) capillary column with
Calculate the concentration (mg/kg) of lead in the a 6% cyanopropylphenyl–94% dimethylpolysiloxane
Sample taken: stationary phase and a 3.00-µm film thickness2
Result = (C/W) × F Column: 20 min at 40°; increase to 240° at 10°/min;
maintain at 240° for 10 min
C = concentration of lead in the Sample solution
Injection port: 140°
determined from the standard curve (µg/
Detector: 250°
Carrier gas: Nitrogen
W = weight of Sample taken (g)
Flow rate: 2.5 mL/min
F = Sample solution final volume, 100 mL
Headspace unit: 2.5 mL/min
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1 mg/kg
Equilibration temperature: 80°
Equilibration time: 60 min
[NOTE—When water is specified as a diluent, use
Loop temperature: 85°
deionized ultrafiltered water. When nitric acid is
Transfer temperature: 90°
specified, use nitric acid of a grade suitable for trace
Pressurization time: 0.5 min
element analysis with as low a content of mercury as
Loop fill time: 0.1 min
Injection time: 1 min
Diluent: 4% nitric acid in water
Injection size: 1 mL of headspace
Standard stock solution: 100 µg/mL of mercury
prepared by diluting a commercially available 1000 mg
/kg mercury ICP standard solution 2 CP-Select 624 CB (Varian-Chrompack, Palo Alto, CA), or equivalent.
FCC 9 Monographs / δ-Dodecalactone / 407

System suitability • WATER, Water Determination, Method I, Appendix IIB

Sample: Standard solution Acceptance criteria: NMT 26.0%
Suitability requirement: The relative standard • BILE-TOLERANT GRAM-NEGATIVE BACTERIA, Appendix XIIC
deviation of the ethanol peak area responses from Sample preparation: Proceed as directed using a 10-g
replicate injections is NMT 5.0%. sample and incubating at 30°–35° for 18–24 h.
Analysis: Separately inject equal volumes of the Acceptance criteria: Negative in 10 g
Standard solution and Sample solution into the • ENTEROBACTER SAKAZAKII (Cronobacter spp.), Appendix XIIC
chromatograph, record the chromatograms, and Sample preparation: Proceed as directed using a 10-g
measure the peak responses. [NOTE—The approximate sample and incubating at 30°–35° for 18–24 h.
retention time for ethanol is 11 min.] Acceptance criteria: Negative in 10 g

Acceptance criteria: The peak area from the Sample • SALMONELLA SPP., Appendix XIIC
solution does not exceed that from the Standard Sample preparation: Dissolve 25 g of sample at a
solution (NMT 1000 mg/kg). sample/broth ratio of 1/8, and proceed as directed.
• OTHER RIBONUCLEOTIDES Acceptance criteria: Negative in 25 g
Mobile phase and Chromatographic system: Prepare • TOTAL AEROBIC MICROBIAL COUNT, Method I (Plate Count
as directed in the Assay. Method), Appendix XIIB
Sample solution: 1.0 mg/mL. [NOTE—Ultrasonication Acceptance criteria: NMT 1,000 cfu/g
may be necessary to aid in complete dissolution.] • TOTAL YEASTS AND MOLDS COUNT, Method I (Plate Count
Standard solution: Mixture of USP Disodium 5′- Method), Appendix XIIB
Uridylate RS, USP 5′-Adenylic Acid RS, USP 5′-Cytidylic Acceptance criteria: NMT 100 cfu/g
Acid RS, USP Disodium Guanylate RS, and USP
Disodium Inosinate RS, each at 0.02 mg/mL in Mobile

Suitability requirements
Sample: Standard solution
First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Suitability requirement 1: The relative standard
deviation of the disodium 5’-uridylate peak area
responses from replicate injections is NMT 2.0%.
Suitability requirement 2: The resolution, R, between
the disodium 5’-uridylate peak and all other
nucleotide peaks is NLT 2.0.
Analysis: Separately inject equal volumes of the C12H22O2 Formula wt 198.31
Standard solution and Sample solution into the FEMA: 2401
chromatograph, and measure the responses for all UNII: 33DIC582TL [δ-dodecalactone]
nucleotide peaks on the resulting chromatograms,
except the peak from disodium 5′-uridylate. [NOTE— DESCRIPTION
The approximate retention times are 4.6 min (5′- δ-Dodecalactone occurs as a colorless to yellow liquid.
cytidylic acid), 6.2 min (5′-uridylic acid), 10.3 min (5′- Odor: Coconut-fruity, buttery on dilution
guanylic acid), 11.5 min (5′-inosinic acid), and 27.5 Solubility: Very soluble in alcohol, propylene glycol,
min (5′-adenylic acid).] Separately calculate the vegetable oils; insoluble or practically insoluble in water
percentage of each analyte (5′-cytidylic acid, 5′- Boiling Point: ∼140° to 141° (1 mm Hg)
guanylic acid, 5′-inosinic acid, and 5′-adenylic acid) in Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
the sample taken: mL of 95% ethanol.
Function: Flavoring agent
Result = (rU/rS) × (CS/CU) × 100
rU = peak area of the analyte from the Sample • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
solution Appendix IIIC
rS = peak area of the analyte from the Standard Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
solution exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
CS = concentration of analyte in the Standard those of the spectrum below.
solution (mg/mL)
CU = concentration of analyte in the Sample ASSAY
solution (mg/mL) • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
Acceptance criteria: The sum of the percentages for all XI.
nucleotide impurities is NMT 1%, calculated on the Acceptance criteria
anhydrous basis. Sum of two isomers: NLT 98.0% of C12H22O2
δ Isomer: NLT 95.0% of C12H22O2
• PH, pH Determination, Appendix IIB SPECIFIC TESTS
Sample solution: 50 mg/mL • ACID VALUE (FATS AND RELATED SUBSTANCES), Method II,
Acceptance criteria: 7.0–8.5 Appendix VII
408 / δ-Dodecalactone / Monographs FCC 9

Acceptance criteria: NMT 8.0 OTHER REQUIREMENTS

Acceptance criteria: Between 1.458 and 1.461 Sample: 1 g
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable Acceptance criteria: Between 278 and 286
method (see General Provisions).
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.942 and 0.950


Acceptance criteria: NLT 97.0% of C12H22O2


First Published: Prior to FCC 6
OILS), M-15, Appendix XI
4-Hydroxydodecanoic Acid Lactone Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.451 and 1.456
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions).
C12H22O2 Formula wt 198.31 Acceptance criteria: Between 0.933 and 0.938
FEMA: 2400
UNII: YX9N4581LU [γ-dodecalactone]


γ-Dodecalactone occurs as a colorless to pale yellow liquid.

Odor: Fruity, peach, pear First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Solubility: Soluble in propylene glycol, vegetable oils; Last Revision: First Supplement, FCC 6
insoluble or practically insoluble in water
Boiling Point: ∼131° (1.5 mm Hg) trans-2-Dodecen-1-al
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
mL of 95% alcohol.
Function: Flavoring agent

ASSAY C12H22O Formula wt 182.31

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
FEMA: 2402
UNII: 1D55O81P4E [2-dodecenal, (2e)-]
FCC 9 Monographs / (E)-2-Dodecen-1-al / 409

DESCRIPTION Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample

(E)-2-Dodecen-1-al occurs as a slightly yellow liquid. It may exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
contain a suitable antioxidant. those of the spectrum below.
Odor: Fatty, citrus
Solubility: Soluble in alcohol, most fixed oils; insoluble or ASSAY
practically insoluble in water • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
Boiling Point: ∼272° XI.
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI Acceptance criteria: NLT 93.0% of C12H22O
Function: Flavoring agent SPECIFIC TESTS
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°

• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests, Acceptance criteria: Between 1.454 and 1.460
Appendix IIIC • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions).
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.839 and 0.849

410 / Enzyme Preparations / Monographs FCC 9

Lysozyme: Obtained from extracts of purified chicken

Enzyme Preparations

egg whites. Generally prepared and used in the

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 hydrochloride form as a white powder. Major active
Last Revision: FCC 6 principle: lysozyme. Typical application: used as an
antimicrobial in food processing.
Pancreatin: Obtained from porcine or bovine (ox)
DESCRIPTION pancreatic tissue. Produced as a white to tan, water-
Enzyme Preparations used in food processing are derived soluble powder. Major active principles: (1) α-amylase;
from animal, plant, or microbial sources (see Classification, (2) protease; and (3) lipase. Typical applications: used
below). They may consist of whole cells, parts of cells, or in the preparation of precooked cereals, infant foods,

cell-free extracts of the source used, and they may contain and protein hydrolysates.
one active component or, more commonly, a mixture of Pepsin: Obtained from the glandular layer of hog
several, as well as food-grade diluents, preservatives, stomach. Produced as a white to light tan, water-
antioxidants, and other substances consistent with good soluble powder; amber paste; or clear, amber to
manufacturing practices. The individual preparations brown, aqueous liquids. Major active principle: pepsin.
usually are named according to the substance to which Typical applications: used in the preparation of fishmeal
they are applied, such as Protease or Amylase. Traditional and other protein hydrolysates and in the clotting of
names such as Malt, Pepsin, and Rennet also are used, milk in the manufacture of cheese (in combination with
however. The color of the preparations—which may be rennet).
liquid, semiliquid, or dry—may vary from virtually colorless Phospholipase A2: Obtained from porcine pancreatic
to dark brown. The active components consist of the tissue. Produced as a white to tan powder or pale to
biologically active proteins, which are sometimes dark yellow liquid. Major active principle: phospholipase
conjugated with metals, carbohydrates, and/or lipids. A2. Typical application: used in the hydrolysis of
Known molecular weights of the active components range lecithins.
from approximately 12,000 to several hundred thousand. Rennet, Bovine: Aqueous extracts made from the
The activity of enzyme preparations is measured according fourth stomach of bovines. Produced as a clear, amber
to the reaction catalyzed by individual enzymes (see to dark brown liquid or a white to tan powder. Major
below) and is usually expressed in activity units per unit active principle: protease (pepsin). Typical application:
weight of the preparation. In commercial practice (but not used in the manufacture of cheese. Similar preparations
for Food Chemicals Codex purposes), the activity of the may be made from the fourth stomach of sheep or
product is sometimes also given as the quantity of the goats.
preparation to be added to a given quantity of food to Rennet, Calf: Aqueous extracts made from the fourth
achieve the desired effect. Additional information relating stomach of calves. Produced as a clear, amber to dark
to the nomenclature and the sources from which the active brown liquid or a white to tan powder. Major active
components are derived is provided under Enzyme Assays, principle: protease (chymosin). Typical application: used
Appendix V. in the manufacture of cheese. Similar preparations may
Function: Enzyme (see discussion under Classification, be made from the fourth stomach of lambs or kids.
below) Trypsin: Obtained from purified extracts of porcine or
Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers bovine pancreas. Produced as white to tan, amorphous
in a cool, dry place. powders soluble in water, but practically insoluble in
alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active
IDENTIFICATION principle: trypsin. Typical applications: used in baking,
Classification in the tenderizing of meat, and in the production of
• ANIMAL-DERIVED PREPARATIONS protein hydrolysates.
Catalase, Bovine Liver: Produced as partially purified • PLANT-DERIVED PREPARATIONS
liquid or powdered extracts from bovine liver. Major Amylase: Obtained from extraction of ungerminated
active principle: catalase. Typical application: used in barley. Produced as a clear, amber to dark brown
the manufacture of certain cheeses. liquid or a white to tan powder. Major active principle:
Chymotrypsin: Obtained from purified extracts of β-amylase. Typical applications: used in the production
bovine or porcine pancreatic tissue. Produced as white of alcoholic beverages and sugar syrups.
to tan, amorphous powders soluble in water, but Bromelain: The purified proteolytic substance derived
practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in from the pineapples Ananas comosus and Ananas
ether. Major active principle: chymotrypsin. Typical bracteatus L. (Fam. Bromeliaceae). Produced as a white
application: used in the hydrolysis of protein. to light tan, amorphous powder soluble in water (the
Lipase, Animal: Obtained from the edible forestomach solution is usually colorless to light yellow and
tissue of calves, kids, or lambs; and from animal somewhat opalescent), but practically insoluble in
pancreatic tissue. Produced as purified edible tissue alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active
preparations or as aqueous extracts dispersible in principle: bromelain. Typical applications: used in the
water, but insoluble in alcohol. Major active principle: chillproofing of beer, in the tenderizing of meat, in the
lipase. Typical applications: used in the manufacture of preparation of precooked cereals, in the production of
cheese and in the modification of lipids. protein hydrolysates, and in baking.
FCC 9 Monographs / Enzyme Preparations / 411

Ficin: The purified proteolytic substance derived from applications: used in the preparation of starch syrups
the latex of Ficus sp. (Fam. Moraceae), which includes and dextrose, alcohol, beer, ale, fruit juices, chocolate
a variety of tropical fig trees. Produced as a white to syrups, bakery products, liquid coffee, wine, dairy
off-white powder completely soluble in water. (Liquid products, cereals, and spice and flavor extracts.
fig latex concentrates are light to dark brown.) Major Carbohydrase: (Aspergillus oryzae var.) Produced as an
active principle: ficin. Typical applications: used in the off-white to tan, amorphous powder or a liquid by
chillproofing of beer, in the tenderizing of meat, and in controlled fermentation using Aspergillus oryzae var.
the conditioning of dough in baking. Soluble in water (the solution is usually light yellow to
Malt: The product of the controlled germination of dark brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in
barley. Produced as a clear amber to dark brown liquid chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1) α-

preparation or as a white to tan powder. Major active amylase, (2) glucoamylase (amyloglucosidase), and (3)
principles: (1) α-amylase and (2) β-amylase. Typical lactase. Typical applications: used in the preparation of
applications: used in baking, in the manufacture of starch syrups, alcohol, beer, ale, bakery products, and
alcoholic beverages and of syrups. dairy products.
Papain: The purified proteolytic substance derived from Carbohydrase: (Bacillus acidopullulyticus) Produced as an
the fruit of the papaya Carica papaya L. (Fam. off-white to brown, amorphous powder or a liquid by
Caricaceae). Produced as a white to light tan, controlled fermentation using Bacillus acidopullulyticus.
amorphous powder or a liquid soluble in water (the Soluble in water (the solution is usually light yellow to
solution is usually colorless or light yellow and dark brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in
somewhat opalescent), but practically insoluble in chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle:
alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active pullulanase. Typical applications: used in the hydrolysis
principles: (1) papain and (2) chymopapain. Typical of amylopectins and other branched polysaccharides.
applications: used in the chillproofing of beer, in the Carbohydrase: (Bacillus stearothermophilus) Produced as
tenderizing of meat, in the preparation of precooked an off-white to tan powder or a light yellow to dark
cereals, and in the production of protein hydrolysates. brown liquid by controlled fermentation using Bacillus
• MICROBIALLY-DERIVED PREPARATIONS stearothermophilus. Soluble in water, but practically
α-Acetolactatedecarboxylase: (Bacillus subtilis insoluble in alcohol, in ether, and in chloroform. Major
containing a Bacillus brevis gene) Produced as a brown active principle: α-amylase. Typical applications: used in
liquid by controlled fermentation using the modified the preparation of starch syrups, alcohol, beer,
Bacillus subtilis. Soluble in water (the solution is usually dextrose, and bakery products.
a light yellow to brown). Major active principle: Carbohydrase: (Candida pseudotropicalis) Produced as
decarboxylase. Typical application: used in the an off-white to tan, amorphous powder or a liquid by
preparation of beer. controlled fermentation using Candida pseudotropicalis.
Aminopeptidase, Leucine: (Aspergillus niger var., Soluble in water (the solution is usually light yellow to
Aspergillus oryzae var., and other microbial species) dark brown) but insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform,
Produced as a light tan to brown powder or as a and in ether. Major active principle: lactase. Typical
brown liquid by controlled fermentation using applications: used in the manufacture of candy and ice
Aspergillus niger var., Aspergillus oryzae var., or other cream and in the modification of dairy products.
microbial species. The powder is soluble in water (the Carbohydrase: (Kluyveromyces marxianus var. lactis)
solution is usually light yellow to brown). Major active Produced as an off-white to tan, amorphous powder or
principles: (1) aminopeptidase, (2) protease, and (3) a liquid by controlled fermentation using Kluyveromyces
carboxypeptidase activities in varying amounts. Typical marxianus var. lactis. Soluble in water (the solution is
applications: used in the preparation of protein usually light yellow to dark brown), but insoluble in
hydrolysates and in the development of flavors in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active
processed foods. principle: lactase. Typical applications: used in the
Carbohydrase: (Aspergillus niger var., including manufacture of candy and ice cream and in the
Aspergillus aculeatus) Produced as an off-white to tan modification of dairy products.
powder or a tan to dark brown liquid by controlled Carbohydrase: (Mortierella vinaceae var. raffinoseutilizer)
fermentation using Aspergillus niger var. (including Produced as an off-white to tan powder or as pellets
Aspergillus aculeatus). Soluble in water (the solution is by controlled fermentation using Mortierella vinaceae
usually light yellow to dark brown), but practically var. raffinoseutilizer. Soluble in water (pellets may be
insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major insoluble in water), but practically insoluble in alcohol,
active principles: (1) α-amylase, (2) pectinase (a mixture in chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle: α-
of enzymes, including pectin depolymerase, pectin galactosidase. Typical application: used in the
methyl esterase, pectin lyase, and pectate lyase), (3) production of sugar from sugar beets.
cellulase, (4) glucoamylase (amyloglucosidase), (5) Carbohydrase: (Rhizopus niveus) Produced as an off-
amylo-1,6-glucosidase, (6) hemicellulase (a mixture of white to brown, amorphous powder or a liquid by
enzymes, including poly(galacturonate) hydrolase, controlled fermentation using Rhizopus niveus. Soluble
arabinosidase, mannosidase, mannanase, and xylanase), in water (the solution is usually light yellow to dark
(7) lactase, (8) β-glucanase, (9) β-D-glucosidase, (10) brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in
pentosanase, and (11) α-galactosidase. Typical chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1) α-
412 / Enzyme Preparations / Monographs FCC 9

amylase and (2) glucoamylase. Typical application: used Carbohydrase and Protease, Mixed: (Bacillus subtilis
in the hydrolysis of starch. var. including Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) Produced as an
Carbohydrase: (Rhizopus oryzae var.) Produced as a off-white to tan, amorphous powder or as a liquid by
powder or a liquid by controlled fermentation using controlled fermentation using Bacillus subtilis var.
Rhizopus oryzae var. Soluble in water, but practically Soluble in water (the solution is usually light yellow to
insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major dark brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in
active principles: (1) α-amylase, (2) pectinase, and (3) chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1) α-
glucoamylase (amyloglucosidase). Typical applications: amylase, (2) β-glucanase, (3) protease, and (4)
used in the preparation of starch syrups and fruit juices, pentosanase. Typical applications: used in the
vegetable purees, and juices and in the manufacture of preparation of starch syrups, alcohol, beer, dextrose,

cheese. bakery products, and fishmeal, in the tenderizing of

Carbohydrase: (Saccharomyces species) Produced as a meat, and in the preparation of protein hydrolysates.
white to tan, amorphous powder by controlled Catalase: (Aspergillus niger var.) Produced as an off-
fermentation using a number of species of white to tan, amorphous powder or as a liquid by
Saccharomyces traditionally used in the manufacture of controlled fermentation using Aspergillus niger var.
food. Soluble in water (the solution is usually light Soluble in water (the solution is usually tan to brown),
yellow), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in but practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and
chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1) in ether. Major active principle: catalase. Typical
invertase and (2) lactase. Typical applications: used in applications: used in the manufacture of cheese, egg
the manufacture of candy and ice cream and in the products, and soft drinks.
modification of dairy products. Catalase: (Micrococcus lysodeikticus) Produced by
Carbohydrase: [(Trichoderma longibrachiatum var.) controlled fermentation using Micrococcus lysodeikticus.
(formerly reesei)] Produced as an off-white to tan, Soluble in water (the solution is usually light yellow to
amorphous powder or as a liquid by controlled dark brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in
fermentation using Trichoderma longibrachiatum var. chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle:
Soluble in water (the solution is usually tan to brown), catalase. Typical application: used in the manufacture
but practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and of cheese, egg products, and soft drinks.
in ether. Major active principles: (1) cellulase, (2) β- Chymosin: (Aspergillus niger var. awamori, Escherichia
glucanase, (3) β-D-glucosidase, (4) hemicellulase, and (5) coli K-12, and Kluyveromyces marxianus, each
pentosanase. Typical applications: used in the microorganism containing a calf prochymosin gene)
preparation of fruit juices, wine, vegetable oils, beer, Produced as a white to tan, amorphous powder or as a
and baked goods. light yellow to brown liquid by controlled fermentation
Carbohydrase: (Bacillus subtilis containing a Bacillus using the above-named genetically modified
megaterium α-amylase gene) Produced as an off-white microorganisms. The powder is soluble in water, but
to brown, amorphous powder or liquid by controlled practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in
fermentation using the modified Bacillus subtilis. Soluble ether. Major active principle: chymosin. Typical
in water (the solution is usually light yellow to dark application: used in the manufacture of cheese and in
brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in the preparation of milk-based desserts.
chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle: α- Glucose Isomerase: (Actinoplanes missouriensis, Bacillus
amylase. Typical applications: used in the preparation coagulans, Streptomyces olivaceus, Streptomyces
of starch syrups, alcohol, beer, and dextrose. olivochromogenes, Microbacterium arborescens,
Carbohydrase: (Bacillus subtilis containing a Bacillus Streptomyces rubiginosus var., or Streptomyces murinus)
stearothermophilus α-amylase gene) Produced as an off- Produced as an off-white to tan, brown, or pink
white to brown, amorphous powder or a liquid by amorphous powder, granules, or liquid by controlled
controlled fermentation using the modified Bacillus fermentation using any of the above-named organisms.
subtilis. Soluble in water (the solution is usually light The products may be soluble in water, but practically
yellow to dark brown), but practically insoluble in insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether; or if
alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active immobilized, may be insoluble in water and partially
principle: maltogenic amylase. Typical applications: soluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major
used in the preparation of starch syrups, dextrose, active principle: glucose (or xylose) isomerase. Typical
alcohol, beer, and baked goods. applications: used in the manufacture of high-fructose
Carbohydrase and Protease, Mixed: (Bacillus corn syrup and other fructose starch syrups.
licheniformis var.) Produced as an off-white to brown, Glucose Oxidase: (Aspergillus niger var.) Produced as a
amorphous powder or as a liquid by controlled yellow to brown solution or as a yellow to tan or off-
fermentation using Bacillus licheniformis var. Soluble in white powder by controlled fermentation using
water (the solution is usually light yellow to dark Aspergillus niger var. Soluble in water (the solution is
brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in usually light yellow to brown), but practically insoluble
chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1) α- in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active
amylase and (2) protease. Typical applications: used in principles: (1) glucose oxidase and (2) catalase. Typical
the preparation of starch syrups, alcohol, beer, applications: used in the removal of sugar from liquid
dextrose, fishmeal, and protein hydrolysates. eggs and in the deoxygenation of citrus beverages.
FCC 9 Monographs / Enzyme Preparations / 413

Lipase: (Aspergillus niger var.) Produced as an off-white of protein hydrolysates, and in the development of
to tan, amorphous powder by controlled fermentation flavor in processed foods.
using Aspergillus niger var. Soluble in water (the Rennet, Microbial: (nonpathogenic strain of Bacillus
solution is usually light yellow), but practically insoluble cereus) Produced as a white to tan, amorphous powder
in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active or a light yellow to dark brown liquid by controlled
principle: lipase. Typical application: used in the fermentation using Bacillus cereus. Soluble in water, but
hydrolysis of lipids (e.g., fish oil concentrates and practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in
cereal-derived lipids). ether. Major active principle: protease. Typical
Lipase: (Aspergillus oryzae var.) Produced as an off-white application: used in the manufacture of cheese.
to tan, amorphous powder or a liquid by controlled Rennet, Microbial: (Endothia parasitica) Produced as an

fermentation using Aspergillus oryzae var. Soluble in off-white to tan, amorphous powder or as a liquid by
water (the solution is usually light yellow), but controlled fermentation using nonpathogenic strains of
practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in Endothia parasitica. The powder is soluble in water (the
ether. Major active principle: lipase. Typical solution is usually tan to dark brown), but practically
applications: used in the hydrolysis of lipids (e.g., fish insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major
oil concentrates) and in the manufacture of cheese and active principle: protease. Typical application: used in
cheese flavors. the manufacture of cheese.
Lipase: (Candida rugosa; formerly Candida cylindracea) Rennet, Microbial: [Rhizomucor (Mucor) sp.] Produced
Produced as an off-white to tan powder by controlled as a white to tan, amorphous powder by controlled
fermentation using Candida rugosa. Soluble in water, fermentation using Rhizomucor miehei, or pusillus var.
but practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and Lindt. The powder is soluble in water (the solution is
in ether. Major active principle: lipase. Typical usually light yellow), but practically insoluble in
applications: used in the hydrolysis of lipids, in the alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active
manufacture of dairy products and confectionery principle: protease. Typical application: used in the
goods, and in the development of flavor in processed manufacture of cheese.
foods. Transglutaminase: (Streptoverticillium mobaraense var.)
Lipase: [Rhizomucor (Mucor) miehei] Produced as an off- Produced as an off-white to weak yellow-brown,
white to tan powder or as a liquid by controlled amorphous powder by controlled fermentation using
fermentation using Rhizomucor miehei. Soluble in water Streptoverticillium mobaraense var. Soluble in water but
(the solution is usually light yellow to dark brown), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in
practically insoluble in alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle: transglutaminase. Typical
ether. Major active principle: lipase. Typical applications: used in the processing of meat, poultry,
applications: used in the hydrolysis of lipids, in the and seafood; production of yogurt, certain cheeses,
manufacture of cheese, and in the removal of haze in and frozen desserts; and manufacture of pasta products
fruit juices. and noodles, baked goods, meat analogs, ready-to-eat
Phytase: (Aspergillus niger var.) Produced as an off-white cereals, and other grain-based foods.
to brown powder or as a tan to dark brown liquid by • REACTIONS CATALYZED
controlled fermentation using Aspergillus niger var. [NOTE—The reactions catalyzed by any given active
Soluble in water, but practically insoluble in alcohol, in component are essentially the same, regardless of the
chloroform, and in ether. Major active principles: (1) 3- source from which that component is derived.]
phytase and (2) acid phosphatase. Typical applications: α-Acetolactatedecarboxylase: Decarboxylation of α-
used in the production of soy protein isolate and in the cetolactate to acetoin
removal of phytic acid from plant materials. Aminopeptidase, Leucine: Hydrolysis of N-terminal
Protease: (Aspergillus niger var.) Produced by controlled amino acid, which is preferably leucine, but may be
fermentation using Aspergillus niger var. The purified other amino acids, from proteins and oligopeptides,
enzyme occurs as an off-white to tan, amorphous yielding free amino acids and oligopeptides of lower
powder. Soluble in water (the solution is usually light molecular weight
yellow), but practically insoluble in alcohol, in α-Amylase: Endohydrolysis of α-1,4-glucan bonds in
chloroform, and in ether. Major active principle: polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, etc.), yielding
protease. Typical application: used in the production of dextrins and oligo- and monosaccharides
protein hydrolysates. β-Amylase: Hydrolysis of α-1,4-glucan bonds in
Protease: (Aspergillus oryzae var.) Produced by polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, etc.), yielding
controlled fermentation using Aspergillus oryzae var. maltose and betalimit dextrins
The purified enzyme occurs as an off-white to tan, Bromelain: Hydrolysis of polypeptides, amides, and
amorphous powder. Soluble in water (the solution is esters (especially at bonds involving basic amino acids,
usually light yellow), but practically insoluble in leucine, or glycine), yielding peptides of lower
alcohol, in chloroform, and in ether. Major active molecular weight
principle: protease. Typical applications: used in the Catalase: 2H2O2↔O2 + 2H2O
chillproofing of beer, in the production of bakery Cellulase: Hydrolysis of β-1,4-glucan bonds in such
products, in the tenderizing of meat, in the production polysaccharides as cellulose, yielding β-dextrins
414 / Enzyme Preparations / Monographs FCC 9

Chymosin (calf and fermentation derived): Cleaves a Pullulanase: Hydrolysis of 1,6-α-D-glycosidic bonds on
single bond in kappa casein amylopectin and glycogen and in α-and β-limit
Ficin: Hydrolysis of polypeptides, amides, and esters dextrins, yielding linear polysaccharides
(especially at bonds involving basic amino acids, Rennet (bovine and calf): Hydrolysis of polypeptides;
leucine, or glycine), yielding peptides of lower specificity may be similar to pepsin
molecular weight Transglutaminase: Binding of proteins
α-Galactosidase: Hydrolysis of terminal nonreducing α- Trypsin: Hydrolysis of polypeptides, amides, and esters
D-galactose residues in α-D-galactosides at bonds involving the carboxyl groups of L-arginine
β-Glucanase: Hydrolysis of β-1,3- and β-1,4-linkages in and L-lysine, yielding peptides of lower molecular
β-D-glucans, yielding oligosaccharides and glucose weight

Glucoamylase (amyloglucosidase): Hydrolysis of

terminal α-1,4- and α-1,6-glucan bonds in ASSAY
polysaccharides (starch, glycogen, etc.), yielding • PROCEDURE
glucose (dextrose) Analysis: The following procedures, which are included
Glucose Isomerase (xylose isomerase): Isomerization under Enzyme Assays, Appendix V, are provided for
of glucose to fructose, and xylose to xylulose application as necessary in determining compliance
Glucose Oxidase: β-D-glucose + O2↔D-glucono-δ- with the declared representations for enzyme activity1:
lactone + H2O2 α-Acetolactatedecarboxylase Activity, Acid Phosphatase
β-D-Glucosidase: Hydrolysis of terminal, nonreducing β- Activity, α-Amylase Activity (Nonbacterial); Bacterial α-
D-glucose residues with the release of β-D-glucose Amylase Activity (BAU); Catalase Activity; Cellulase
Hemicellulase: Hydrolysis of β-1,4-glucans, α-L- Activity; Chymotrypsin Activity; Diastase Activity
arabinosides, β-D-mannosides, 1,3-β-D-xylans, and other (Diastatic Power); α-Galactosidase Activity, β-Glucanase
polysaccharides, yielding polysaccharides of lower Activity; Glucoamylase Activity (Amyloglucosidase
molecular weight Activity); Glucose Isomerase Activity; Glucose Oxidase
Invertase (β-fructofuranosidase): Hydrolysis of sucrose Activity; β-D-Glucosidase Activity; Hemicellulase Activity;
to a mixture of glucose and fructose (invert sugar) Invertase Activity; Lactase (Neutral) (β-Galactosidase)
Lactase (β-galactosidase): Hydrolysis of lactose to a Activity; Lactase (Acid) (β-Galactosidase) Activity; Lipase
mixture of glucose and galactose Activity; Lipase/Esterase (Forestomach) Activity;
Lysozyme: Hydrolysis of cell-wall polysaccharides of Maltogenic Amylase Activity; Milk-Clotting Activity;
various bacterial species leading to the breakdown of Pancreatin Activity; Pepsin Activity; Phospholipase
the cell wall most often in Gram-positive bacteria Activity; Phytase Activity; Plant Proteolytic Activity;
Maltogenic Amylase: Hydrolysis of α-1,4-glucan bonds Proteolytic Activity, Bacterial (PC); Proteolytic Activity,
Lipase: Hydrolysis of triglycerides of simple fatty acids, Fungal (HUT); Proteolytic Activity, Fungal (SAP);
yielding mono- and diglycerides, glycerol, and free Pullulanase Activity; and Trypsin Activity.
fatty acids Acceptance criteria: NLT 85.0% and NMT 115.0% of
Pancreatin the declared units of enzyme activity
α-Amylase: Hydrolysis of α-1,4-glucan bonds
Protease: Hydrolysis of proteins and polypepticles
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Appendix IIIB
Lipase: Hydrolysis of triglycerides of simple fatty acids
Control: 5 µg Pb (5 mL of Diluted Standard Lead
Pectate lyase: Hydrolysis of pectate to
Acceptance criteria: NMT 5 mg/kg
Pectin depolymerase: Hydrolysis of 1,4 galacturonide SPECIFIC TESTS
Pectin lyase: Hydrolysis of oligosaccharides formed by [NOTE—Current methods for the following tests may be
pectate lyase found in the Food and Drug Administration’s
Pectinesterase: Demethylation of pectin Bacteriological Analytical Manual online at
Pepsin: Hydrolysis of polypeptides, including those with /Food/default.htm.]
bonds adjacent to aromatic or dicarboxylic L-amino Acceptance criteria
acid residues, yielding peptides of lower molecular Coliforms: NMT 30 CFU/g
weight salmonella: Negative in 25 g
Phospholipase A2: Hydrolysis of lecithins and
phosphatidylcholine, producing fatty acid anions OTHER REQUIREMENTS
Phytase Enzyme preparations are produced in accordance with good
3-Phytase: myo-Inositol hexakisphosphate + H2O↔1,2, manufacturing practices. Regardless of the source of
4,5,6-pentakisphosphate + ortho- derivation, they should cause no increase in the total
Acid Phosphatase: Orthophosphate monoester +
1Because of the varied conditions under which pectinases are employed, and
because laboratory hydrolysis of a purified pectin substrate does not correlate
H2O↔an alcohol + orthophosphate with results observed with the natural substrates under use conditions,
Protease (generic): Hydrolysis of polypeptides, yielding pectinase suppliers and users should develop their own assay procedures that
peptides of lower molecular weight would relate to the specific application under consideration.
FCC 9 Monographs / Erythorbic Acid / 415

microbial count in the treated food over the level accepted IMPURITIES
for the respective food. Inorganic Impurities
Animal tissues used to produce enzymes must comply with • LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric
the applicable U.S. meat inspection requirements and must Graphite Furnace Method, Method II, Appendix IIIB
be handled in accordance with good hygienic practices. Acceptance criteria: NMT 1 mg/kg
Plant material used to produce enzymes or culture media
used to grow microorganisms consist of components that SPECIFIC TESTS
leave no residues harmful to health in the finished food • ACID VALUE (FATS AND RELATED SUBSTANCES), Method II,
under normal conditions of use. Appendix VII
Preparations derived from microbial sources shall be Sample: 5 g

obtained using a pure culture fermentation of a non- Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% and NMT 102.0% of
pathogenic and non-toxigenic strain and are produced by the labeled value
methods and under culture conditions that ensure a • LOSS ON DRYING, Appendix IIC: 105° for 48 h
controlled fermentation, thus preventing the introduction Acceptance criteria: NMT 4.0% for the dry product
of microorganisms that could be the source of toxic • MICROBIAL LIMITS
materials and other undesirable substances. [NOTE—Current methods for the following tests may be
The carriers, diluents, and processing aids used to produce found by accessing the Food and Drug Administration’s
the enzyme preparations shall be substances that are Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM) online at
acceptable for general use in foods, including water and]
substances that are insoluble in foods but removed from Acceptance criteria
the foods after processing. Aerobic plate count: NMT 10,000 CFU/g
Although limits have not been established for mycotoxins, Coliforms: NMT 10 CFU/g
appropriate measures should be taken to ensure that the Salmonella: Negative in 25 g
products do not contain such contaminants. Staphylococcal enterotoxins: Negative in 1 g
Staphylococcus aureus: NMT 100 CFU/g
Yeasts and molds: NMT 10 CFU/g

Enzyme-Modified Fats

• LABELING: Indicate the Acid Value.

First Published: Prior to FCC 6

DESCRIPTION Erythorbic Acid


Enzyme-Modified Fats occur as light to medium tan liquids,

pastes, or powders with a strong fatty acid odor and flavor. First Published: Prior to FCC 6
They are produced by enzyme lipolysis of fats obtained
from milk, refined beef fat, or steam-rendered chicken fat, D-Araboascorbic Acid
using suitable food-grade enzymes. Enzyme-modified
milkfat may be prepared from milk, concentrated milk, dry
whole milk, cream, concentrated cream(s), dry cream,
butter, butter oil, dried butter, or anhydrous milkfat. For
enzyme-modified milkfat, optional dairy ingredients such as
skim milk, concentrated skim milk, nonfat dry milk, C6H8O6 Formula wt 176.13
buttermilk, concentrated buttermilk, dried buttermilk, INS: 315 CAS: 89-65-6
liquid whey, concentrated whey, and dried whey may be UNII: 311332OII1 [erythorbic acid]
used to adjust the concentration of the flavors. Fat
emulsions are reacted with suitable food-grade enzymes DESCRIPTION
under controlled conditions to increase the flavor Erythorbic Acid occurs as white or slightly yellow crystals or
components. Thermoprocessing is then used to destroy the powder. It gradually darkens when exposed to light. In the
enzyme activity and provide acceptable microbiological dry state, it is reasonably stable in air, but in solution, it
quality. Suitable preservatives, emulsifiers, buffers, rapidly deteriorates in the presence of air. It melts between
stabilizers, and antioxidants as well as sodium chloride may 164° and 171° with decomposition. One g is soluble in
be added. The resulting product is concentrated or dried. about 2.5 mL of water and in about 20 mL of alcohol. It is
Function: Flavoring agent slightly soluble in glycerin.
Packaging and Storage: Store in tight containers in a Function: Preservative; antioxidant
cool place. Packaging and Storage: Store in tight, light-resistant
Acceptance criteria: A sample has a very strong fatty • A. PROCEDURE
acid odor. Sample solution: 20 mg/mL
416 / Erythorbic Acid / Monographs FCC 9

Analysis: Add a few drops of sodium nitroferricyanide TS INS: 968 CAS: [149-32-6]
to 2 mL of the Sample solution, then add 1 mL of UNII: RA96B954X6 [erythritol]
approximately 0.1 N sodium hydroxide.
Acceptance criteria: A transient blue color immediately DESCRIPTION
appears. Erythritol occurs as white crystals. It is obtained from the
• B. PROCEDURE fermentation broth of the yeast Moniliella pollinis or
Sample: 15 mg Trichosporonoides megachiliensis. It is stable to heat and is
Analysis: Dissolve the Sample in 15 mL of a 50 mg/mL nonhygroscopic. It is soluble in water and is slightly soluble
trichloroacetic acid solution, add 200 mg of activated in alcohol. Erythritol melts between 119° and 123°.
charcoal, and shake the mixture vigorously for 1 min. Function: Flavor enhancer; humectant; nutritive sweetener;

Filter through a small fluted filter, refiltering if necessary texturizing agent; stabilizer
to obtain a clear filtrate. Add 1 drop of pyrrole to 5 mL Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers.
of the clear filtrate, agitate the mixture until the pyrrole
is dissolved, then heat in a water bath at 50°. IDENTIFICATION
Acceptance criteria: A blue color appears. • A. PROCEDURE
Acceptance criteria: The retention time of the major
ASSAY peak in the chromatogram of the Sample solution
• PROCEDURE corresponds to that in the chromatogram of the
Sample: 400 mg Standard solution obtained in the Assay.
Analysis: Dissolve the Sample in a 100:25 (v/v) mixture • B. INFRARED ABSORPTION, Spectrophotometric Identification
of recently boiled and cooled water:2 N sulfuric acid. Tests, Appendix IIIC
Titrate the solution immediately with 0.1 N iodine, Reference standard: USP Erythritol RS
adding starch TS near the endpoint. Each mL of 0.1 N Sample and standard preparation: K
iodine is equivalent to 8.806 mg of C6H8O6. Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.0% and NMT 100.5% of exhibits maxima at the same wavelengths as those in
C6H8O6, calculated on the dried basis the spectrum of the Reference standard.

Inorganic Impurities • PROCEDURE
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Flame Atomic Absorption Mobile phase: Twice-distilled water
Spectrophotometric Method, Appendix IIIB Standard solution: 5.0 mg/mL USP Erythritol RS on the
Sample: 10 g dried basis, 0.5 mg/mL USP Glycerin RS (glycerol), and
Acceptance criteria: NMT 2 mg/kg 0.5 mg/mL ribitol in Mobile phase.
[NOTE—Save this preparation for the test for Ribitol and
• LOSS ON DRYING, Appendix IIC: Dry under reduced Sample solution: Transfer 4.0 g of sample into a 25-mL
pressure over silica gel for 3 h. volumetric flask, dissolve in and dilute to volume with
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.4% Mobile phase and mix. Pass through a 0.45-µm filter
• OPTICAL (SPECIFIC) ROTATION, Appendix IIB before injecting into the chromatograph.
Sample solution: 100 mg/mL [NOTE—Save this preparation for the test for Ribitol and
Acceptance criteria: [α]D25 between −16.5° and Glycerol.]
−18.0° Chromatographic system, Appendix IIA
• RESIDUE ON IGNITION (SULFATED ASH), Appendix IIC Mode: High-performance liquid chromatography with
Sample: 1.0 g a constant-flow, pulseless pump
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.3% Detector: Differential refractive index
Column: Strong cation-exchange resin in the hydrogen
form consisting of a macroreticular sulfonated
polystyrene divinylbenzene and an 8% cross-linked

copolymer, such as MCI-CKO8SH or Shodex KC811

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 (Mitsubishi Chemical Corp. and Showa Denko, Ltd.),
Last Revision: FCC 7 or equivalent
Flow rate: About 0.6 mL/min and maximum pressure
system is about 1500 psi
Injection volume: About 10 µL
Analysis: Separately inject the Standard solution followed
by the Sample solution into the chromatograph, and
record the peak responses over a period of 60 min. The
relative retention times are 1.0 for erythritol, 1.1 for

C4H10O4 Formula wt 122.12

FCC 9 Monographs / Erythrosine / 417

glycerol, and 0.9 for ribitol. Calculate the percentage of • RESIDUE ON IGNITION (SULFATED ASH), Appendix IIC
erythritol in the sample using the following formula: Sample: 2 g
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1%
Result = 2.5(C/W)(rU/rS)

C = concentration, in mg/mL, of erythritol in the


Standard solution
W = weight, in g, of sample taken to prepare the First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Sample solution
rU = peak response for erythritol from the Sample

CI Food Red 14
solution CI 45430
rS = peak response for erythritol from the Class: Xanthene
Standard solution.
Acceptance criteria: 99.5%–100.5% of C4H10O4,
calculated on the dried basis

Inorganic Impurities
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometric Graphite Furnace Method, Method I,
Appendix IIIB C20H6O5I4Na2 Formula wt 879.86
Sample: 5 g INS: 127 CAS: [16423-68-0]
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1 mg/kg UNII: PN2ZH5LOQY [fd&c red no. 3]
Organic Impurities
Analysis: Determine as directed in the Assay. Identify Erythrosine occurs as a brown powder or granules. It is
the peak area responses for glycerol and ribitol in the principally the disodium salt of the monohydrate of
chromatogram of the Sample solution by comparison 9-(o-carboxyphenyl)-6-hydroxy-2,4,5,7-tetraiodo-3H-
with the chromatogram of the Standard solution, and xanthen-3-one. It dissolves in water to give a solution red
calculate the percentage of glycerol and ribitol by the at neutrality, with a yellow-brown precipitate in acid, and
formula: with a red precipitate in base. When dissolved in
concentrated sulfuric acid, it yields a brown-yellow solution
Result = 2.5(C/W)(rU/rS)
that evolves iodine and a precipitate of the free acid when
heated. It is insoluble in ethanol.
C = concentration, in mg/mL, of glycerol or Function: Color
ribitol in the Standard solution Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers.
W = weight, in g, of sample taken to prepare the
Sample solution
rU = peak response of glycerol or ribitol obtained
Sample solution: 2.8 µg/mL
from the Sample solution
Analysis: Adjust the pH of two aliquots of the Sample
rS = peak response of glycerol or ribitol obtained
solution to pH 7 and pH 13. Measure the absorbance
from the Standard solution
intensities (A) and wavelength maxima of these
Acceptance criteria: The sum of glycerol and ribitol is
solutions with a suitable UV-visible spectrophotometer.
NMT 0.1%.
Acceptance criteria: In neutral and alkaline solutions,
SPECIFIC TESTS A = 0.32 at 527 nm with a shoulder at 490 nm. In acid
• LOSS ON DRYING, Appendix IIC: 105° for 4 h solution, a yellow-brown precipitate forms.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.2%
• TOTAL COLOR, Color Determination, Methods I and III,
Sample solution: Dissolve 500 mg of sample in 2 mL of
Appendix IIIC: Both methods must be used.
water in a 20-mL flask, and mix.
Method I: Spectrophotometric
Control solution: Transfer 2 mL of a glucose solution
Sample: 75 to 100 mg
containing 0.75 mg/mL into a 20-mL flask.
Analysis: Add 1 mL each of Fehling’s Solution A and of 1To be used or sold for use to color food that is marketed in the United
Fehling’s Solution B (see cupric tartrate TS, alkaline, States, this color additive must be from a batch that has been certified by the
Solutions and Indicators) to both the Sample solution U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). If it is not from an FDA-certified
and the Control solution, heat to boiling, and cool. batch, it is not a permitted color additive for food use in the United States,
even if it is compositionally equivalent. The name FD&C Red No. 3 can be
Acceptance criteria: The resulting Sample solution is less applied only to FDA-certified batches of this color additive. Erythrosine is a
turbid than the resulting Control solution, which forms a common name given to the uncertified colorant. See the monograph entitled
red-brown precipitate (NMT 0.3%). FD&C Red No. 3 for directions for producing an FDA-certified batch.
418 / Erythrosine / Monographs FCC 9

Analysis: Transfer the Sample into a 1-L volumetric • SUBSIDIARY COLORS, Thin-layer Chromatography, Appendix
flask; dissolve in and dilute to volume with water. IIA
Determine as directed at 527 nm using 0.110 L/(mg · Adsorbent: Silica Gel G
cm) for the absorptivity (a) for Erythrosine. Developing solvent system: Acetone, chloroform,
Method III: Gravimetric butylamine, and water (95:25:10:10)
Analysis: Determine as directed using 1.074 as the Sample solution: Transfer 2 g of sample into a 100-mL
gravimetric conversion factor (F) for Erythrosine. volumetric flask. Fill the flask about 3/4 full with water,
Acceptance criteria: The average of results obtained place it in the dark for 1 h, dilute to volume with
from Methods I and III is NLT 87.0% total coloring water, and mix well.
matters. Application volume: 0.1 mL

Analysis: Prepare a 20- × 20-cm glass plate coated with

IMPURITIES a 0.25-mm layer of Adsorbent. Spot the Sample solution
Inorganic Impurities 3 cm from the bottom edge. Allow the plate to dry for
• ARSENIC, Arsenic Limit Test, Appendix IIIB about 20 min in the dark, then develop with the
Sample solution: Prepare as directed for organic Developing solvent system in an unlined tank
compounds. equilibrated for at least 20 min before inserting the
Acceptance criteria: NMT 3 mg/kg plate. Allow the solvent front to reach to within about 3
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Appendix IIIB cm of the top of the plate. Dry the developed plate in
Sample solution: Prepare as directed for organic the dark. Scrape off each subsidiary color and extract
compounds. with 3- to 5-mL portions of 50% aqueous ethanol until
Control: 10 µg Pb (10 mL of Diluted Standard Lead no color remains on the gel by visual inspection. Dilute
Solution) each sample to 13 to 15 mL with the 50% ethanol, add
Acceptance criteria: NMT 10 mg/kg a few drops of ammonium hydroxide, and record the
Organic Impurities final volume. Repeat this procedure for the band of
• UNCOMBINED INTERMEDIATES AND PRODUCTS OF SIDE Erythrosine using 10- to 20-mL portions of 50%
REACTIONS, Color Determination, Method I, Appendix IIIC ethanol, and dilute the eluant to 250 mL in a
Sample solution: 20 mg/mL volumetric flask after adding enough ammonium
Analysis: Calculate the concentrations of 2-(2,4- hydroxide to make the solution slightly alkaline. The
dihydroxy-3,5-diiodobenzoyl)benzoic acid, iodine, approximate band positions (RF), wavelengths of
phthalic acid, sodium iodide, and triiodoresorcinol, maximal absorbance (λ), and absorptivities (a) are as
using the following absorptivities: follows:
2-(2,4-Dihydroxy-3,5-diiodobenzoyl)benzoic acid:
a = 0.047 L/(mg · cm) at 348 nm (alkaline solution) Color RF λ a
Iodine: a = 0.082 L/(mg · cm) at 245 nm (acidic Unknown 0.84 524 0.110
Erythrosine 0.84 526 0.110
Phthalic acid: a = 0.045 L/(mg · cm) at 228 nm
(acidic solution) 2,4,7-isomer 0.76 521 0.140
Sodium iodide: a = 0.091 L/(mg · cm) at 220 nm 2,4,5-isomer 0.67 521 0.116
(acidic solution). 2,4/2,5-isomers 0.45 513 0.145
Triiodoresorcinol: a = 0.079 L/(mg · cm) at 223 nm Unknown 0.45 524 0.110
(acidic solution)
Acceptance criteria Record the spectrum of each solution between 400 and
2-(2,4-Dihydroxy-3,5-diiodobenzoyl)benzoic 600 nm, and calculate the percent of each subsidiary
acid: NMT 0.2% color by the formula:
Sodium iodide: NMT 0.4%
Triiodoresorcinol: NMT 0.2% Result = (A × V × 100)/(a × W × b)
Unhalogenated intermediates: Total NMT 0.1%

SPECIFIC TESTS A = absorbance at the wavelength maximum

• COMBINED TESTS V = volume (mL) of the ethanol solution
Tests a = absorptivity (L/(mg · cm)) as given in the
• LOSS ON DRYING (VOLATILE MATTER), Color Determination, table
Appendix IIIC W = weight (mg) of the sample taken to prepare
• CHLORIDE, Sodium Chloride, Color Determination, the Sample solution
Appendix IIIC b = cell pathlength (cm)
• SULFATES (AS SODIUM SALTS), Sodium Sulfate, Color Acceptance criteria
Determination, Appendix IIIC Monoiodofluoresceins: NMT 1.0%
Acceptance criteria: NMT 13.0%, in combination Other lower-iodinated fluoresceins: NMT 9.0%
• ETHER EXTRACTS, Color Determination, Appendix IIIC • WATER-INSOLUBLE MATTER, Color Determination, Appendix
Analysis: Proceed as directed using a solution with a pH IIIC
of not less than 7. Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.2%
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.2%
FCC 9 Monographs / Estragole / 419

Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 6


mL of 80% alcohol to give a clear solution.

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Function: Flavoring agent

p-Allylanisole • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Methyl Chavicol Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.

C10H12O Formula wt 148.20 • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
FEMA: 2411 XI.
UNII: 9NIW07V3ET [estragole] Acceptance criteria: NLT 95.0% of C10H12O
Estragole occurs as a colorless to light yellow liquid. • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Odor: Anise Acceptance criteria: Between 1.519 and 1.524
Solubility: Soluble in alcohol; insoluble or practically • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
insoluble in water method (see General Provisions).
Boiling Point: ∼216° Acceptance criteria: Between 0.960 and 0.968

420 / Ethone / Monographs FCC 9

Function: Flavoring agent


First Published: Prior to FCC 6
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
1-(p-Methoxyphenyl)-1-penten-3-one Sample preparation: Mineral oil mull
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.


C12H14O2 Formula wt 190.24 • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix

FEMA: 2673 XI.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C12H14O2
UNII: U0ZZO1ACOR [ethone]
Ethone occurs as a white to pale yellow crystalline solid.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 59.0°
Odor: Nutty, maple
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One g dissolves in 7
mL of 95% alcohol.

Ethone (Mineral Oil Mull)

Function: Dough conditioner; emulsifier

Ethoxylated Mono- and Diglycerides

Packaging and Storage: Store in well-closed containers.

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 [NOTE—If the product is manufactured by direct
esterification of glycerin with a mixture of primary stearic,
palmitic, and myristic acids, then the intermediate product
Polyoxyethylene (20) Mono- and Diglycerides of
(before reaction with ethylene oxide) has an acid value of
Fatty Acids
not greater than 0.3 and a water content of not greater
Polyglycerate (60)
than 0.2%.]
INS: 488
Ethoxylated Mono- and Diglycerides occur as a pale, slightly
Sample solution: 50 mg/mL
yellow-colored, oily liquid or semigel. They are a mixture of
Analysis: Add 5 mL of 1 N sodium hydroxide to
stearate, palmitate, and lesser amounts of myristate partial
5 mL of the Sample solution. Boil the solution for a few
esters of glycerin condensed with approximately 20 moles
min, cool, and acidify with 2.7 N hydrochloric acid.
of ethylene oxide per mole of alpha-monoglyceride
Acceptance criteria: The solution is strongly opalescent.
reaction mixture, having an average molecular weight of
535 (±10%). They are soluble in water, in alcohol, and in
Sample solution: 46 : 54 (v/v) mixture of sample:water
xylene. They are partially soluble in mineral oil and in
at 40° or cooler
vegetable oils.
Acceptance criteria: A gelatinous mass forms.
FCC 9 Monographs / Ethoxyquin / 421


Inorganic Impurities
• LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Graphite Furnace, Method II, Appendix IIIB Last Revision: First Supplement, FCC 6
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1 mg/kg
Organic Impurities 6-Ethoxy-1,2-dihydro-2,2,4-trimethylquinoline
• 1,4-DIOXANE, 1,4-Dioxane Limit Test, Appendix IIIB
Acceptance criteria: Passes test


Appendix VII
Acceptance criteria: NMT 2 C14H19NO Formula wt 217.31
• HYDROXYL VALUE, Method II, Appendix VII INS: 324 CAS: [91-53-2]
Acceptance criteria: Between 65 and 80 UNII: 9T1410R4OR [ethoxyquin]
Determination, Appendix VII DESCRIPTION
Sample: 70 mg Ethoxyquin occurs as a clear yellow to red liquid that may
Acceptance criteria: NLT 60.5% and NMT 65.0%, darken with age without affecting its antioxidant activity. It
calculated as ethylene oxide (C2H4O), on the anhydrous is a mixture consisting predominantly of the monomer
basis (C14H19NO). It also contains dimers and other polymers of
• SAPONIFICATION VALUE, Appendix VII C14H19NO. Its specific gravity is about 1.02, and its
Sample: 6 g refractive index is about 1.57.
Acceptance criteria: Between 65 and 75 Function: Antioxidant
• STEARIC, PALMITIC, AND MYRISTIC ACIDS Packaging and Storage: Store in tightly closed carbon
Sample: 25 g steel or black iron (not rubber, neoprene, or nylon)
Analysis: Transfer the Sample into a 500-mL round- containers or in polypropylene or polyethylene drums or
bottom boiling flask, add 250 mL of alcohol and lined drums in a cool, dark place. Prolonged exposure to
7.5 g of potassium hydroxide, and mix. Connect a sunlight causes polymerization.
suitable condenser to the flask, reflux the mixture for
1 to 2 h, then transfer to an 800-mL beaker, rinsing the IDENTIFICATION
flask with about 100 mL of water and adding the • PROCEDURE
washings to the beaker. Heat on a steam bath to Sample solution: 1 mg in 10 mL of acetonitrile
evaporate the alcohol, adding water occasionally to Analysis: View under short-wavelength UV light.
replace the alcohol, and evaporate until the odor of Acceptance criteria: The Sample solution exhibits a
alcohol can no longer be detected. Use hot water to strong fluorescence.
adjust the final volume to about 250 mL. Neutralize the
soap solution with 1 : 2 sulfuric acid; add 10% in
excess; and while stirring, heat until the fatty acid layer
Sample: 200 mg
separates. Transfer the fatty acids into a 500- mL
Analysis: Transfer the Sample into a 150-mL beaker
separatory funnel, wash with three or four 20-mL
containing 50 mL of glacial acetic acid and immediately
portions of hot water, and combine the washings with
titrate with 0.1 N perchloric acid in glacial acetic acid,
the original aqueous layer from the saponification.
determining the endpoint potentiometrically.
Extract the combined aqueous layer with three 50-mL
[CAUTION—Handle perchloric acid in an appropriate
portions of petroleum ether, add the extracts to the
fume hood.] Perform a blank determination (see
fatty acid layer, evaporate to dryness in a tared dish,
General Provisions) and make any necessary correction.
cool, and weigh. The product so obtained has an Acid
Each mL of 0.1 N perchloric acid is equivalent to 21.73
Value between 199 and 211 (Method I, Appendix VII)
mg of C14H19NO.
and a Solidification Point not less than 50° (Appendix
Acceptance criteria: NLT 91.0% C14H19NO
Acceptance criteria: Between 31 and 33 g per 100 g of IMPURITIES
sample Inorganic Impurities
• WATER, Water Determination, Appendix IIB • LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Flame Atomic Absorption
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0% Spectrophotometric Method, Appendix IIIB
Sample: 10 g
Acceptance criteria: NMT 2 mg/kg
Organic Impurities
and high-boiling dimers, trimers, and oligomers of
422 / Ethoxyquin / Monographs FCC 9

Analysis: Calculate the quantity, in percentage, of APF = area response for p-phenetidine
related impurities by the formula: WPF = weight (g) of p-phenetidine
WDE = weight (g) of diphenyl ether
Result = 100 − (%Assay + %p-Phenetidine) PPF = purity of p-phenetidine
PDE = purity of diphenyl ether
Acceptance criteria: NMT 8.0%
Analysis: Inject the Sample preparation into the
gas chromatograph and calculate the content of
Standard solution: [CAUTION—Perform all steps in a
p-phenetidine, in percentage, by the formula:
fume hood and away from a source of ignition. Wear
appropriate protective equipment, including gloves.] Result = (AP × WD × F)/(WS × AD)
Transfer approximately 200 mg of p-phenetidine and

approximately 200 mg of diphenyl ether, both

accurately weighed, into a 4-dram bottle, add 10 mL AP = area of the p-phenetidine peak
of toluene and 5 drops of 10% sodium hydroxide, cap, AD = area of the diphenyl ether peak
and shake vigorously to dissolve. Prepare in triplicate. WD = weight (g) of diphenyl ether in the Sample
[NOTE—Both the p-phenetidine and the diphenyl ether preparation
must be of known purity. Unless the reagent supplier’s WS = weight (g) of the sample taken
reported purity is certified quantitative and traceable, F = p-phenetidine factor (calculated above)
determine the purity of a reagent standard by Acceptance criteria: NMT 3.0%
conducting an area percent profile by injecting 0.1 µL
on the same column and at conditions analogous to
those described below. The area percent corresponding
2-Ethyl Fenchol

to the standard in the chromatograph represents its

First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Sample preparation: Transfer 0.1 g of sample into a 4-
dram vial. Add between 0.010 and 0.015 g of diphenyl
ether, accurately weighed, 10 mL of toluene, and 5
drops of 10% sodium hydroxide solution; cap the vial;
and shake well. Allow the vial to stand until the caustic
layer settles to the bottom, and filter the neutralized
sample through a 0.45-µm polytetrafluoroethylene
(PTFE) filter, or equivalent. C12H22O Formula wt 182.31
Chromatographic system, Appendix IIA FEMA: 3491
Mode: Gas chromatography (HP 6890, or equivalent) UNII: OH8YI97N62 [2-ethyl fenchol]
Detector: Flame-ionization detector (FID)
Column: 30-m × 0.25-mm (id) GC capillary column DESCRIPTION
(DB-5MS, or equivalent) having a film thickness of 2-Ethyl Fenchol occurs as a pale yellow liquid.
0.25 µm Odor: Sharp, camphoraceous, earthy
Temperatures Solubility: Soluble in alcohol, propylene glycol, most fixed
Injector: 250° oils; insoluble or practically insoluble in water
Detector: 280° Boiling Point: ∼105° (15 mm Hg)
Column: Initially 50° with 1 min hold-time, linear Function: Flavoring agent
gradient increase of 10°/min to 280°, final hold-time
at 280° of 10 min IDENTIFICATION
Carrier gas: Helium • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Flow rates Appendix IIIC
Carrier gas: 2.3 mL/min Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
Makeup: 50 mL/min exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
Hydrogen (to burner): 45 mL/min those of the spectrum below.
Air (to burner): 450 mL/min ASSAY
Split flow rate: 232 mL/min • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
Total flow rate: 237 mL/min XI.
Injection size: 1.0 µL Acceptance criteria: NLT 95.0% of C12H22O
Injector type: Split injector port
Standardization: Inject the Standard solution into the SPECIFIC TESTS
chromatograph. Calculate the p-phenetidine factor (F) • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
by the formula: Acceptance criteria: Between 1.470 and 1.491
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
Result = (ADE × WPF × PPF)/(APF × WDE × PDE) method (see General Provisions).
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.946 and 0.967
ADE = area response for diphenyl ether
FCC 9 Monographs / 2-Ethyl-3,5(6)-dimethylpyrazine / 423

2-Ethyl Fenchol

2-Ethyl Hexanol 2-Ethyl-3,5(6)-dimethylpyrazine

. .

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 First Published: Prior to FCC 6


C8H12N2 Formula wt 136.20

C8H18O Formula wt 130.23 FEMA: 3149
FEMA: 3151 UNII: 1D80F4PE6E [2-ethyl-3,(5 or 6)-dimethylpyrazine]
UNII: XZV7TAA77P [2-ethylhexanol]
DESCRIPTION 2-Ethyl-3,5(6)-dimethylpyrazine occurs as a colorless to
2-Ethyl Hexanol occurs as a colorless to pale yellow liquid. slightly yellow liquid.
Odor: Green Odor: Roasted cocoa
Solubility: Soluble in propylene glycol, vegetable oils; Solubility: Soluble in propylene glycol, vegetable oils
insoluble or practically insoluble in water Boiling Point: ∼180° to 181°
Boiling Point: ∼183° Function: Flavoring agent
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
mL of 95% ethanol. IDENTIFICATION
Function: Flavoring agent • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
ASSAY Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
XI. those of the spectrum below.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 97.0% of C8H18O
SPECIFIC TESTS • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20° XI.
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.429 and 1.434 Acceptance criteria: NLT 95.0% of C8H12N2
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions). SPECIFIC TESTS
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.830 and 0.834 • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.500 and 1.503
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions).
424 / 2-Ethyl-3,5(6)-dimethylpyrazine / Monographs FCC 9

Acceptance criteria: Between 0.950 and 0.970 Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1%

• WATER, Water Determination, Method I, Appendix IIB
[NOTE—Use freshly distilled pyridine as solvent.]



• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
C7H10N2 Formula wt 122.17 XI.
FEMA: 3155 Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C7H10N2
UNII: 9GF35MK66U [2-ethyl-3-methylpyrazine]
2-Ethyl-3-methylpyrazine occurs as a colorless to slightly Acceptance criteria: Between 1.502 and 1.505
yellow liquid. • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
Odor: Strong, raw potato method (see General Provisions).
Solubility: Soluble in propylene glycol, vegetable oils, Acceptance criteria: Between 0.978 and 0.988
Boiling Point: ∼57° (10 mm Hg) • WATER, Water Determination, Method I, Appendix IIB
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1 [NOTE—Use freshly distilled pyridine as solvent.]
mL of 95% ethanol. Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.1%
Function: Flavoring agent
FCC 9 Monographs / 3-Ethyl Pyridine / 425


Function: Flavoring agent

3-Ethyl Pyridine

First Published: Prior to FCC 6
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.

C7H9N Formula wt 107.16 ASSAY

FEMA: 3394 • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
UNII: A25I3EZ88V [3-ethylpyridine]
Acceptance criteria: NLT 97.0% of C7H9N
3-Ethyl Pyridine occurs as a colorless to yellow liquid.
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: (at 20°)
Odor: Tobacco
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.500 and 1.505
Solubility: Soluble in propylene glycol, vegetable oils;
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
insoluble or practically insoluble in water
method (see General Provisions).
Boiling Point: ∼166°
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.951 and 0.957
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
mL of 95% ethanol.
426 / 3-Ethyl Pyridine / Monographs FCC 9

3-Ethyl Pyridine

Function: Flavoring agent

4-Ethyl Guaiacol

First Published: Prior to FCC 6
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
4-Hydroxy-3-methylethylbenzene Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1a, Appendix
C9H12O2 Formula wt 152.19
FEMA: 2436
Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C9H12O2
UNII: C9NFD83BJ5 [4-ethylguaiacol]
4-Ethyl Guaiacol occurs as a colorless to pale yellow liquid. Acceptance criteria: Between 1.525 and 1.530
Odor: Warm, spicy, medicinal • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
Solubility: Soluble in propylene glycol, vegetable oils; method (see General Provisions).
insoluble or practically insoluble in water Acceptance criteria: Between 1.061 and 1.064
Boiling Point: ∼235°
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
mL of 95% alcohol
FCC 9 Monographs / 5-Ethyl 3-Hydroxy 4-Methyl 2(5H)-Furanone / 427

4-Ethyl Guaiacol

Odor: Maple
5-Ethyl 3-Hydroxy 4-Methyl 2(5H)-

Solubility: Soluble in propylene glycol, vegetable oils;

Furanone slightly soluble in water
First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Boiling Point: ∼83° (0.5 mm Hg)
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 2
mL of 95% ethanol.
Maple Furanone
Function: Flavoring agent

• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
C7H10O3 Formula wt 142.15
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
FEMA: 3153
those of the spectrum below.
UNII: J007136N0N [5-ethyl-3-hydroxy-4-methyl-2(5h)-
furanone] ASSAY
• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
5-Ethyl 3-Hydroxy 4-Methyl 2(5H)-Furanone occurs as a pale Acceptance criteria: NLT 95% of C7H10O3
yellow to yellow liquid.
428 / 5-Ethyl 3-Hydroxy 4-Methyl 2(5H)-Furanone / Monographs FCC 9

• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.488 and 1.493

5-Ethyl 3-Hydroxy 4-Methyl 2(5H)-Furanone

Function: Flavoring agent

Ethyl p-Anisate

First Published: Prior to FCC 6
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
Ethyl p-Methoxybenzoate Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
C10H12O3 Formula wt 180.20 XI.
FEMA: 2420 Acceptance criteria: NLT 97.0% of C10H12O3
UNII: KJ95H2S7NM [ethyl p-anisate] SPECIFIC TESTS
Ethyl p-Anisate occurs as a colorless to slightly yellow liquid.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0
Odor: Light, fruity, anise
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Solubility: Soluble in alcohol, chloroform, ether; insoluble
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.522 and 1.526
or practically insoluble in water
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
Boiling Point: ∼270°
method (see General Provisions).
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 7
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.101 and 1.104
mL 60% alcohol to give a clear solution
FCC 9 Monographs / Ethyl 2-Methylbutyrate / 429

Ethyl p-Anisate

• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable

Ethyl 10-Undecenoate

method (see General Provisions).

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Acceptance criteria: Between 0.877 and 0.879

Ethyl 2-Methylbutyrate

First Published: Prior to FCC 6

C13H24O2 Formula wt 212.33
FEMA: 2461
UNII: 7P1S77T8BF [ethyl 10-undecenoate]

Ethyl 10-Undecenoate occurs as a colorless to pale yellow
liquid. C7H14O2 Formula wt 130.19
Odor: Waxy, coconut FEMA: 2443
Solubility: Soluble in vegetable oils; insoluble or practically UNII: L1T4AB29DS [ethyl 2-methylbutyrate]
insoluble in propylene glycol, water
Boiling Point: ∼258° to 259° DESCRIPTION
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1 Ethyl 2-Methylbutyrate occurs as a colorless liquid.
mL of 95% ethanol. Odor: Strong, green-fruity, apple
Function: Flavoring agent Solubility: Soluble in alcohol, propylene glycol; very
slightly soluble in water; miscible in most fixed oils
ASSAY Boiling Point: ∼133°
• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
XI. mL of 95% ethanol.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C13H24O2 Function: Flavoring agent
OILS), M-15, Appendix XI XI.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0 Acceptance criteria: NLT 95.0% of C7H14O2 (one
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20° isomer)
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.436 and 1.440
430 / Ethyl 2-Methylbutyrate / Monographs FCC 9

SPECIFIC TESTS Solubility: Soluble in vegetable oils; insoluble or practically

• ACID VALUE, FLAVOR CHEMICALS (OTHER THAN ESSENTIAL insoluble in propylene glycol, water
OILS), M-15, Appendix XI Boiling Point: ∼153°
Acceptance criteria: NMT 2.0 Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20° mL of 95% ethanol.
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.393 and 1.400 Function: Flavoring agent
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions). IDENTIFICATION
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.863 and 0.870 • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC

Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample

exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.
Ethyl 2-Methylpentanoate

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 ASSAY

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C8H16O2

OILS), M-15, Appendix XI
C8H16O2 Formula wt 144.21
Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0
FEMA: 3488
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
UNII: 405SN8638D [ethyl 2-methylpentanoate] Acceptance criteria: Between 1.401 and 1.404
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
method (see General Provisions).
Ethyl 2-Methylpentanoate occurs as a colorless to pale
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.859 and 0.865
yellow liquid.
Odor: Fruity

Ethyl 2-Methylpentanoate
FCC 9 Monographs / Ethyl Acetate / 431

Function: Flavoring agent

Ethyl 3-Methylthiopropionate

First Published: Prior to FCC 6
• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.

C6H12O2S Formula wt 148.23 ASSAY

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix

FEMA: 3343
UNII: 1AVT374NII [ethyl 3-methylthiopropionate] XI.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.0% of C6H12O2S
Ethyl 3-Methylthiopropionate occurs as a colorless to pale SPECIFIC TESTS
yellow liquid. • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Odor: Onion, fruity, sweet Acceptance criteria: Between 1.457 and 1.463
Solubility: Soluble in propylene glycol, vegetable oils; • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
insoluble or practically insoluble in water method (see General Provisions).
Boiling Point: ∼89° to 91° (15 mm Hg) Acceptance criteria: Between 1.030 and 1.035
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 1
mL of 95% ethanol.

Ethyl 3-Methylthiopropionate

Ethyl Acetate

Ethyl Acetate occurs as a colorless liquid; volatile at low

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 temperatures; flammable.
Last Revision: First Supplement, FCC 7 Odor: Acetous, ethereal
Solubility: Miscible in alcohol, ether, glycerin, most fixed
oils, volatile oils; 1 mL dissolves in 10 mL water.
Boiling Point: ~77°
Function: Flavoring agent

C4H8O2 Formula wt 88.11 • INFRARED ABSORPTION, Spectrophotometric Identification
FEMA: 2414 Tests, Appendix IIIC
UNII: 76845O8NMZ [ethyl acetate] Reference standard: USP Ethyl Acetate RS
Sample and standard preparation: F
432 / Ethyl Acetate / Monographs FCC 9

Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample C6H10O3 Formula wt 130.14

exhibits maxima at the same wavelengths as those in FEMA: 2415
the spectrum of the Reference standard. UNII: IZP61H3TB1 [ethyl acetoacetate]

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix Ethyl Acetoacetate occurs as a colorless to very light yellow,
XI. mobile liquid.
Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.0% of C4H8O2 Odor: Fruity
Solubility: Miscible in alcohol, ether, ethyl acetate; 1 mL
SPECIFIC TESTS dissolves in 12 mL water.

Boiling Point: ∼181°

OILS), M-15, Appendix XI: Use bromocresol purple TS as
Function: Flavoring agent
the indicator.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 5.0 IDENTIFICATION
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20° • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.370 and 1.375 Appendix IIIC
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
method (see General Provisions). exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
Acceptance criteria: Between 0.894 and 0.898 those of the spectrum below.
• DISTILLATION RANGE, Appendix IIB • PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
Acceptance criteria: Between 76° and 77.5° XI.
• METHYL COMPOUNDS, M-10, Appendix XI Acceptance criteria: NLT 97.5% of C6H10O3
Acceptance criteria: Passes test
• RESIDUE ON EVAPORATION, M-16, Appendix XI: 105° OILS), M-15, Appendix XI
Sample: 10 g [NOTE—Use bromocresol purple TS as the indicator.]
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.02% Acceptance criteria: NMT 5.0
• REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Acceptance criteria: Between 1.418 and 1.421
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
Ethyl Acetoacetate method (see General Provisions).

Acceptance criteria: Between 1.022 and 1.027

First Published: Prior to FCC 6

Acetoacetic Ester
Ethyl 3-Oxybutanoate
FCC 9 Monographs / Ethyl Acrylate / 433

Ethyl Acetoacetate

Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample

Ethyl Acrylate

exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 those of the spectrum below.

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
Acceptance criteria: NLT 99.5% of C5H8O2

C5H8O2 Formula wt 100.12 SPECIFIC TESTS

UNII: 71E6178C9T [ethyl acrylate] OILS), M-15, Appendix XI
Acceptance criteria: NMT 5.0
DESCRIPTION • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
Ethyl Acrylate occurs as a colorless, mobile liquid. It acts as a method (see General Provisions).
lachrymator. Acceptance criteria: Between 0.916 and 0.919
Odor: Intense, harsh, fruity
Solubility: Miscible in alcohol, ether; 1 mL dissolves in 50 OTHER REQUIREMENTS
mL of water. • ANTIOXIDANTS, M-6, Appendix XI
Boiling Point: ∼99° Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.022%
Function: Flavoring agent

• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
Appendix IIIC
434 / Ethyl Acrylate / Monographs FCC 9

• WATER, Water Determination, Method I, Appendix IIB

Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.05%

Ethyl Acrylate

Ethyl Alcohol

Inorganic Impurities
First Published: Prior to FCC 6 • LEAD, Lead Limit Test, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric
Graphite Furnace Method, Method I, Appendix IIIB
Alcohol Sample: 10 g
Ethanol Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5 mg/kg
Organic Impurities
Sample: 10 mL
Analysis: Mix the Sample with 1 mL of glycerin and 1
C2H6O Formula wt 46.07
CAS: [64-17-5] mL of water, and allow to evaporate from a piece of
clean, odorless, absorbent paper.
UNII: 3K9958V90M [alcohol]
Acceptance criteria: No foreign odor is perceptible
DESCRIPTION when the last traces of alcohol leave the paper.
Ethyl Alcohol occurs as a clear, colorless, mobile liquid. It is • KETONES, ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL
miscible with water, with ether, and with chloroform. It Sample: 1 mL
boils at about 78° and is flammable. Its refractive index at Analysis: Transfer the Sample, 3 mL of water, and 10
20° is about 1.364. mL of mercuric sulfate TS to a test tube; mix; and heat
[NOTE—This monograph applies only to undenatured ethyl in a boiling water bath.
alcohol.] Acceptance criteria: No precipitate forms within 3 min.
Function: Extraction solvent; carrier solvent • METHANOL
Packaging and Storage: Store in tight containers, remote Analysis: To 1 drop of sample in a test tube, add 1
from fire. drop of 1:20 phosphoric acid and 1 drop of 50
mg/mL potassium permanganate solution, mix, and
ASSAY allow to stand for 1 min. Add, dropwise, 100 mg/mL
• SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine by any reliable method (see sodium bisulfite solution until the permanganate color
General Provisions). disappears. If a brown color remains, add 1 drop of the
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.8096 at 25°/25° phosphoric acid solution. Add 5 mL of freshly prepared
(equivalent to 0.8161 at 15.56°/15.56°), and equivalent chromotropic acid TS to the colorless solution, and
to NLT 94.9% by volume (92.3% by weight) of C2H6O heat it in a water bath at 60° for 10 min.
FCC 9 Monographs / Ethyl Anthranilate / 435

Acceptance criteria: No violet color appears.

Ethyl Anthranilate


Sample: 10 mL First Published: Prior to FCC 6
Analysis: Transfer 10 mL of sulfuric acid into a small
Erlenmeyer flask, cool to 10° and, with constant
Ethyl o-Aminobenzoate
agitation, add the Sample, dropwise.
Acceptance criteria: The mixture is colorless or has no
more color than either the acid or the sample before

Sample: 20 mL
Analysis: Transfer the Sample, previously cooled to 15°, C9H11NO2 Formula wt 165.19
to a glass-stoppered cylinder, add 0.1 mL of 0.1 N FEMA: 2421
potassium permanganate, mix, and allow to stand for UNII: 38Y050IUE4 [ethyl anthranilate]
5 min.
Acceptance criteria: The pink color does not entirely DESCRIPTION
disappear. Ethyl Anthranilate occurs as a colorless to amber-colored
SPECIFIC TESTS Odor: Floral, orange blossom
• ACIDITY (AS ACETIC ACID) Solubility: Soluble in alcohol, most fixed oils, propylene
Analysis: Transfer 10 mL of sample to a glass-stoppered glycol
flask containing 25 mL of water, add 0.5 mL of Boiling Point: ∼267°
phenolphthalein TS, and then add 0.02 N sodium Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 2
hydroxide to the first appearance of a pink color that mL of 70% alcohol.
persists after shaking for 30 s. Add an additional 25 mL Function: Flavoring agent
of sample, mix, and titrate with 0.02 N sodium
hydroxide until the pink color is restored. IDENTIFICATION
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.5 mL of 0.02 N sodium • INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,
hydroxide is required to restore the pink color. (NMT Appendix IIIC
0.003%) Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
• ALKALINITY (AS NH3) exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
Sample: 25 mL those of the spectrum below.
Analysis: Add 2 drops of methyl red TS to 25 mL of
water, add 0.02 N sulfuric acid until a red color just
• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under Esters, Appendix
appears, then add the Sample, and mix.
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.2 mL of 0.02 N sulfuric
Sample: 1.5 g
acid is required to restore the red color. (NMT 3 mg/
Analysis: Use 82.6 as the equivalence factor (e).
Acceptance criteria: NLT 96.0% of total esters as
Sample: 125 mL (about 100 g)
Analysis: Evaporate the Sample to dryness in a tared SPECIFIC TESTS
dish on a steam bath, dry the residue at 105° for 30 • ACID VALUE, FLAVOR CHEMICALS (OTHER THAN ESSENTIAL
min, cool, and weigh. OILS), M-15, Appendix XI
Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.003% Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0
Analysis: Transfer 50 mL of sample to a 100-mL glass- Acceptance criteria: Between 1.563 and 1.566
stoppered graduated cylinder, dilute to 100 mL with • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
water, and mix. Place the graduated cylinder, in a method (see General Provisions).
water bath maintained at 10°, and allow it to stand for Acceptance criteria: Between 1.115 and 1.120
30 min.
Acceptance criteria: No haze or turbidity develops.
Next Page

436 / Ethyl Anthranilate / Monographs FCC 9

Acceptance criteria: NLT 13°

Ethyl Anthranilate

Ethyl Benzoate

• INFRARED SPECTRA, Spectrophotometric Identification Tests,

First Published: Prior to FCC 6 Appendix IIIC
Acceptance criteria: The spectrum of the sample
exhibits relative maxima at the same wavelengths as
those of the spectrum below.

• PROCEDURE: Proceed as directed under M-1b, Appendix
C9H10O2 Formula wt 150.18 Acceptance criteria: NLT 98.0% of C9H10O2
FEMA: 2422
UNII: J115BRJ15H [ethyl benzoate] SPECIFIC TESTS
Ethyl Benzoate occurs as a colorless liquid. Acceptance criteria: NMT 1.0
Odor: Heavy, floral, fruity • REFRACTIVE INDEX, Appendix II: At 20°
Solubility: Soluble in alcohol, most fixed oils, propylene Acceptance criteria: Between 1.502 and 1.506
glycol; insoluble or practically insoluble in glycerin, water • SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Determine at 25° by any reliable
Boiling Point: ∼212° method (see General Provisions).
Solubility in Alcohol, Appendix VI: One mL dissolves in 6 Acceptance criteria: Between 1.043 and 1.046
mL of 60% alcohol.
Function: Flavoring agent

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