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Wexlar (2009) Little Too Large Tables

Understanding the processes and materials that designers use to realise their final artefacts is
essential and often influential in your own design thinking. Particularly significant is the detail or
detailing that makes the final piece successful, as you will find in the final fabrication of the
furniture piece for this unit.


Research and illustrate the work of your nominated ‘design exemplar” with particular
emphasis on their processes, materials and detail work.

Analyse the work and written information you uncover through your research in order to draw
some clear conclusions.

These points should form the structure a 200-word written component focusing on their
material and design approach. Avoid a rambling chronological description of your designers
work. This research is to be supported be a ‘study detail’ which physically explores one of the
key details used within the work. Ensure you identify your designer’s primary motivations and
the processes by which these are achieved.

Through further material exploration develop a conceptual design for a furniture piece which
builds off your exemplar research and engages with an ‘off cut’ found in the workshop. The
design should also focus on the unit theme ‘inside/outside’. Considerations of this theme may

Makes you focus on the outside whilst inside or visa/versa.

Is divisible for inside/outside use
Rests on the threshold between inside and outside
Engages with the inside/outside of a material’s properties
Engages with inside hidden components accessible from the outside
Has a malleable inside and hard outside or visa versa
Is related to inside/outside contexts
And others that you might want to propose…..

Week 1 Brief handed out and design exemplar assigned to students
Week 2 Pin up review of exemplar research utilising ONE A3 sheet which clearly
identifies your designer and their processes, materials and detail work
Week 2-3 Experimentation & concept development of individual furniture design
Week 4 Individual pitch of concept to group – table-based pitch.
Week 6 Online submission: Exemplar Research & Individual Furniture Concept Design

Exemplar Research (1xA3 & study detail)
▪ 200 word exemplar summary (max)
▪ 1 x “hero shot” of exemplar key work accompanied by 1 or 2 additional works (smaller
▪ Illustration of 3 typical material approaches ie. types of materials/ how the designer uses
materials and specific details.
▪ Photos or drawings of the process steps you engaged with to create your ‘study detail’.

Individual Furniture Concept Design & Pitch (2xA3 and design artefacts)
▪ The presentation is to include material experiments (artefacts) and individual concept
design of your furniture proposal. The concept is to articulate the connection between
your exemplar research and ‘study detail’ (physical artifact), a workshop ‘off cut’ and unit
theme ‘inside/outside’.
▪ A brief summary (200-300 words) of the concept and its development.
▪ Photos or drawings of your process steps and material experiments.
▪ Three dimensional drawings 1:10 scale of your furniture concept.
▪ Each verbal pitch will be maximum 2-3 minutes in duration.
▪ Presentation material for the pitch is to be in draft form.
▪ Additional time is provided to finalise project work due in Week 6.


Individual Furniture Concept Design & Pitch

Draft Individual Furniture Concept Design Pitch | Week 4 - In Class Time
1 x A3 Exemplar Research (Draft)
2 x A3 Furniture Concept Design (Draft)
Including Concept Summary, photos/sketches of material experiments and scale concept
design drawings.
1 x Study Detail (Draft)
Material experiments – artefacts (Draft)
2-3 verbal pitch (assessed)

Individual Furniture Concept Design & Exemplar Research

Individual Furniture Concept Design & Exemplar Research [Online] | Week 6 [30%]
Final package of work as per above submitted digitally online through canvas

Please ensure all work includes your last name and student ID
See Canvas for the submission details and rubric for your online workbook.

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