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Labov: Language variation and change

Chapter · January 2010

DOI: 10.4135/9781446200957.n2


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1 author:

Kirk Hazen
West Virginia University


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Labov: Language Variation
and Change
Kirk Hazen

2.1 INTRODUCTION physical fights with local kids. From these encoun-
ters, he sharpened his argumentative skills, learned
The full impact of a scholar like William Labov to take note of what was around him, and kept
(pronounced [l@bov]) is beyond the scope of swinging at what he was good at – winning verbal
a handbook chapter. The entire Handbook of arguments. He later studied at Harvard and
Language Variation and Change (Chambers, majored in English and philosophy, graduating in
Trudgill and Schilling-Estes, 2002) should be seen 1948. In ‘How I got into linguistics’, Labov
as part of Labov’s scholarly impact, and even that (1997) writes about his advisor’s comments at
one volume does not comprehensively capture Harvard: ‘When he learned that I was taking one
every aspect of his work. His publications are course in chemistry (inorganic), he sucked on his
voluminous, their range is broad, and their effects pipe, smoothed out his cord trousers, and said,
on current scholars continue. This chapter focuses “Just where did you get this idolatry of science?” ’
primarily, although not exclusively, on the early These scientific leanings fostered Labov’s efforts
works of Labov. At points, I also trace the connec- to make language study an empirical enterprise.
tions of Labov’s scholarship to that of his intellec- Labov (1997) reports that he held several writ-
tual predecessors, illustrating his motivations for ing jobs after college, then went to work as an
scholarship. The chapter is divided into sections on industrial chemist and ink-maker in the laboratory
Labov’s education and personal background, the of the Union Ink Co. in Ridgefield, NJ, between
intellectual influences on his scholarship, the con- 1949 and 1960. There he interacted with a wide
fluence of academic fields around the beginnings diversity of company workers, from millhands to
of sociolinguistics, an overview of Labov’s work, truck drivers and sales crew, figuring out how
and a conclusion.1 much everyone knew, learning how they argued,
and studying their narratives years before he
thought of writing about them.
In 1961, aged 34, he went back to graduate
2.2 LABOV’S TRAJECTORY TO school at Columbia University in New York City
GRADUATE SCHOOL with an idea to study English. Allen Walker Read
was Labov’s first linguistics teacher, and Labov
William Labov was born 4 December 1927 in argues (2006: 16) that Read’s papers on OK
Rutherford, NJ (USA). When he was 12 years old, (Read, 2002) ‘stand as a progenitor of socio-
he moved to Fort Lee, NJ, where he encountered historical work’. He was intrigued with linguistics
a different dialect area and all kinds of conflict because of the vibrancy of the field and linguists’
(Labov, 1997): he recounts getting into verbal and propensity for open argument. What dismayed

Labov was that the ‘evidence’ for linguistics at the larger perspective set forth by Weinreich, Labov,
time came from the linguists’ self-generated sen- and Herzog (1968), we can say that the linguistic
tences, which restricted both the educational and behavior of individuals cannot be understood
class range of the data. He figured he could up the without knowledge of the communities that they
ante and produce studies based on richer data. belong to’. Labov acknowledges the abstract nature
With this turn towards more diverse data, he also of speech communities and dialects but finds the
fostered study of the working class. He earned his data provided by idiolects to be insufficient to accu-
MA in 1963 and his PhD in 1964, both from rately describe, let alone explain, language change:
Columbia University. He taught at Columbia
(1964–70) before becoming a professor of linguis- The idea is that language is an abstract object, and
tics at the University of Pennsylvania (1971), it has to be treated with abstractions. So the ques-
where he has remained ever since. tion is, on what database do you form your con-
clusions? How do you know when you’re right and
how do you know when you’re wrong? ... So
I thought that it was possible to move this field into
2.3 THE INTELLECTUAL CLIMATE: a more scientific basis by grounding it on the use
LABOV AS A LINGUIST of language in everyday life (Gordon, 2006: 333).

As Labov remembers (Gordon, 2006), there were Labov has stated his argument on this issue
two substantial roadblocks in linguistics when he repeatedly for over four decades: ‘We study indi-
entered graduate school to his intended field of viduals because they give us the data to describe
study. First, synchronic linguistics held that a the community, but the individual is not really a
speaker’s idiolect was sufficient to account for the linguistic unit’ (Gordon, 2006: 341). Labov real-
qualities of a language. Second, since the method- izes that many people in sociolinguistics disagree
ology of the time went no further than the study of with him on this point; they argue instead that the
a few idiolects, diachronic linguistics was not able ‘reality’ is best found in the individual speaker. He
to account for how people used language if it was takes the inverse position, that there are ‘no indi-
continually changing. In Gordon (2006), Labov viduals from the linguistic point of view’ (Gordon,
discloses that he was never interested in categoric- 2006: 341).
ity (Chambers, 2003); his professional career has Although he did not accept the linguistics of
focused on principles underwritten by probabili- idiolects, Labov did not forsake all theoretical
ties and swayed by social pressures. linguistic concerns of the 1960s. Instead, he devel-
The relationship between the speech commu- oped them as part of the foundation of his studies.
nity and the individual has been in question For example, he writes (1966a: 5): ‘The one point
throughout the modern linguistic period (see also of view which would probably meet with general
Kerswill, this volume). Since the middle of the approval from all linguists today, is that the prime
twentieth century, this distinction has been cast object of linguistics is the structure of language,
often in the terms ‘idiolect’2 (the grammar of an not its elements ... ’. However, despite such points
individual) and ‘dialect’ (the grammar of a speech of agreement, Labov did critique contemporary
community). In order to position himself as a lin- linguistics on several grounds.
guistic researcher, yet study speech communities, To establish where his own work fell in linguistic
Labov had to establish theoretically the relation history and to emphasize the theoretical issues he
between language, the individual and the commu- was critiquing, in the publication of his disserta-
nity. He writes (Labov, 1966a: 6): tion, Labov (1966a) lists four assumptions of lin-
guistics which he found problematic: synchronic
It is generally considered that the most consistent language systems must be studied separately
and coherent system is that of an idiolect ... . We from diachronic systems; sound change cannot be
find an increasing number of alternations which directly observed; feelings about language are
are due to stylistic or cultural factors, or changes in inaccessible; and the use of non-linguistic data
time – and these are external to language, not a to explain linguistic change is prohibited. Labov
part of linguistic structure. lays the theoretical foundation for his empirical
The present study adopts an entirely opposite work by attacking the first two assumptions. He
view of the relative consistency of idiolect and attributes the privileging of synchronic systems
dialect in the structure of New York City English. over diachronic systems to Saussure and instead
argues that each synchronic state is marked as to
The clearest statement Labov provides concerning its direction and rate of change, and thus the two
the relation of idiolects and dialects would be in the areas of study are not so cleanly separable.
new chapter in the second edition of his dissertation, As for the second assumption, Labov deemed
where Labov (2006: 380) writes: ‘Drawing upon the Bloomfield’s statement about the unobservability

of language change (1933: 347) as supporting the of everything that does and can change’ (Gordon,
Neo-Grammarian argument for the absolute regu- 2006: 338).
larity of sound change (see also Labov, 1994). To describe correlations between patterns of
Bloomfield supposed that irregular linguistic proc- linguistic behaviour and social identities in as
esses, such as borrowing or analogy, would always objective a way as possible, Labov focuses on
disrupt, in the synchronic view, any possible phonological variation involving variants that are
observation of sound change. The data would (or are treated as) discrete and thus quantifiable,
always be too messy to draw reasonable conclu- and borrows from Parsonian sociology a way of
sions about directions and rates of change. Labov describing social facts about speakers in quantifi-
viewed this intellectual step as ‘... remov[ing] the able terms. In a pioneering study of variation from
empirical study of linguistic change from the classroom to playground, Fischer (1958) had intro-
program of twentieth-century linguistics’ (Labov, duced the quantification of language data and the
1966a: 11). Labov put empirical study back on the range of social variation to be found in that data.
programme for the study of language change. Fischer studied a variable – the velar vs alveolar
Labov found the explanatory power of empirical pronunciations of the English suffix –ing – which
synchronic observations in the correlations between sociolinguistics have continued to study for 50
social structures and linguistic structures.3 years, in part because its variants are discrete
With regard to the third assumption, Bloch and rather than scalar (Campbell-Kibler, 2007; Hazen,
Trager (1942) argued that the speakers’ feelings 2008). However, not all language traits are as open
about sounds should remain off limits to linguists to quantification. As Labov notes:
because that is not what linguists do, and although
such psychological correlates may be important, In many areas of generative syntax, quantifications
the linguist (as linguist) has no methodology for of everyday speech may not be appropriate – the
assessing them. Labov counters (1966a: 12) that data are not frequent enough. It’s not as if every
such purism gets in the way of ‘... one’s view of aspect of our field is open to quantification. Your
language as it is spoken’. The fourth basic assump- concepts have to become clear and solid and
tion in linguistics at the time was that linguists countable. There are areas, not only abstract
should not use non-linguistic information to solve arenas of grammar but areas of discourse analysis,
linguistic problems. The intent was to strengthen where the attempts at quantification may be quite
linguistic argument by excluding such explana- premature (Gordon, 2006: 334).
tions for language change as climate or inherited
differences in physiology (cf. Hock and Joseph, Some syntactic variables are open to Labovian
1996; Labov, 2001). Labov critiques Antoine exploration, however, and Labov has also been part
Martinet’s stringent adherence to this prohibition, of the effort to quantify previously unquantifiable
especially since Martinet himself had identified the areas of grammar. For example, Labov directed
potential for the study of language in social context. Lavandera’s 1975 University of Pennsylvania dis-
Martinet argued that the linguist could be excused sertation on si-clauses in Buenos Aires, which
‘... if, in his capacity as a linguist, he declines the employed a database of 1587 tokens gathered
invitation to investigate sociological conditioning’ from spontaneous speech.5 Lavandera was able to
(Labov 1966a: 13). Labov argues instead that the elicit this many tokens through carefully directing
role of language in self-identification4 is important the casual conversation towards the syntactic con-
for phonological change. texts most favourable to producing the si-clauses.
Labov was not alone in his critiques of the Another previous assumption Labov reassessed
canonical linguistics of the late 1950s and 1960s. is the independence of variation based on social
William Bright (1966) had criticized linguists’ stratification and variation based on situational
classifications of intralanguage diversity as ‘free style. Labov (1969c: 22) draws upon John
variation’. Labov successfully argued that most Kenyon’s (1948) ‘... distinction between cultural
‘free variation’ has systematic linguistic and social levels and functional varieties of English’. Kenyon
constraints. In the same vein, Labov (1969c: 15) argued that ‘... style and class stratification of lan-
cites Edward Klima’s (1964) analysis of differ- guage are actually independent’. Labov counters
ences between dialects and asserts that under- that this arrangement would be convenient for
lying grammatical differences, such as the ordering identifying speakers, but it is not true, since the
of rules, cannot account for the differences same variables are used for both style and social
between standard and nonstandard dialects in a stratification, as demonstrated in his work in
systematic manner. Labov has argued that much New York City. This issue would recur in Labov’s
of modern linguistics, since the Chomskyan revo- work and that of other sociolinguists (Rickford
lution (e.g. Chomsky, 1965), concerns those and Eckert, 2001). Such research topics have been
aspects of language which are stable. In contrast, investigated repeatedly over the last four decades,
‘We’ve been involved in a complementary study including by Labov himself. Labov demonstrates

consistency in his research topics over the decades emerged around him as a result of the political
of his work: for example, Labov (2008) is an pressures internal to the linguistics at that time.
enhanced and revised version of the questions first The formalist methodology of syntacticians led to
raised and explored in Labov (1966a, 1966b). ever more esoteric writings and a continued reli-
Along with these critiques of basic assump- ance on extremely small data sets, mostly drawn
tions, Labov took note of the changing theoretical from data derived by intuitions (Labov, 1996a).
positions motivating linguistic study. In The Study These data sets were subject to a linguistic calcu-
of Nonstandard English, he writes (1969c: 40): lus (cf. Port and Leary, 2005) that did not allow
for discussion about changes to methodology in
Not many years ago, linguists tended to emphasize data collection or analysis. For this reason, Labov’s
the differences among the languages of the world approach to language change – long a key compo-
and to assert that there was almost no limit to the nent of disciplinary linguistics – has come to be
ways in which languages could differ from each known as ‘sociolinguistics’ rather than simply
other. Dialectologists concentrated upon the fea- ‘linguistics’, as Labov would have preferred.
tures which differentiated their dialects – naturally,
for these are the features which define their object
of study.
However, the opposing trend is strong in linguis- 2.4 THE INTELLECTUAL CLIMATE:
tics today – there is a greater interest in the ways LABOV AS A SOCIOLINGUIST
in which languages resemble each other and how
they carry out the same functions with similar The debate about ‘sociolinguistics’ as a term was
rules. not about the label, but rather about the data,
theory and goals to be reached. In the preface to
In line with this trend, in his outreach work with Labov (1966a: v–vi), he writes:
minority dialects in schools, Labov emphasized
the similarities between vernacular varieties and In the past few years, there has been considerable
standard varieties. He intended to convince educa- programmatic discussion of sociolinguistics at vari-
tional professionals to accept the legitimacy of the ous meetings and symposia. If this term refers to
vernacular varieties. But Labov’s underlying inter- the use of data from the speech community to
est in diversity resonates with the work of anthro- solve problems of linguistic theory, then I would
pological linguists in the earlier periods of the agree that it applies to the research described
twentieth century, when descriptive work on here. But sociolinguistics is more frequently used
Native American languages revealed tremendous to suggest a new interdisciplinary field – the com-
diversity, and scholars celebrated this diversity. prehensive description of the relations of language
With increasing awareness of diversity in lan- and society. This seems to me an unfortunate
guage, scholars throughout the twentieth century notion, foreshadowing a long series of purely
had noted social correlates of language usage. descriptive studies with little bearing on the central
Studies working towards the aims of sociolinguistics theoretical problems of linguistics or of sociology.
existed decades before the term ‘sociolinguistics’ My own intention was to solve linguistic problems,
appeared.6 For example, Gesinus Gerardus bearing in mind that these are ultimately problems
Kloecke published De Hollandsche Expansie in in the analysis of social behavior: the description of
1927 where he combines language geography, continuous variation, of overlapping and multi-
sociology and history. Leonard Bloomfield (1933) layered phonemic systems; the subjective corre-
relied on this work when crafting his chapter on lates of linguistic variation; the causes of linguistic
dialectology. Koerner (1991) presents several differentiation and the mechanism of linguistic
other early works that touch upon both language change.
change and society (e.g. Joseph Vendryes, 1925).
But while knowledge from anthropological Two problems arose in the 1960s related to the
linguistics has certainly influenced the field of term ‘sociolinguistics’. First, scholars debated
linguistics, and sociolinguistics in particular, whether the study of language and society should
Labov does not describe anthropological linguis- be primarily cast as a field of anthropology, soci-
tics as one of the sources of his approach to lan- ology or linguistics. Labov took a clear and une-
guage change. Labov recognizes the impact and quivocal stance: he studied linguistics, and the
influence of anthropologists like John J. Gumperz term ‘sociolinguistics’ was not necessary to label
(1958) and Dell Hymes (1962), but he identifies the kind of work he did. The second issue with
his work with linguistics proper. sociolinguistics in the 1960s was that, if it were to
Clearly, William Labov has worked as a lin- be an interdisciplinary field, then how would future
guist in linguistics. In his publications, he did not students be trained for it? Would anthropology and
attempt to forge a new field. Rather, a new field sociology departments be willing to sacrifice the

graduate hours needed to train students in linguis- However, Malkiel (1976: 80 fn. 11) puts the date
tics to produce the scholars required to follow in a decade earlier, arguing for the early 1950s. In
the footsteps of Dell Hymes, John Gumperz, any case, the confluence of sociology, anthropol-
Emmanuel Schegloff and Erving Goffman (Shuy, ogy and linguistics, along with realms such as
1990: 187)? The divide between academic disci- language and education (Hazen, 2007a), devel-
plines can be seen in the names the sociology of oped the topics and methodologies which have
language and sociolinguistics, where the sociol- now become common for sociolinguistics. For
ogy of language denoted sociology done through modern sociolinguists who might be dismayed by
the means of language and sociolinguistics the unreconciling diversity of sociolinguistic goals,
denoted linguistics done while maintaining a methodologies and cliques, the intellectual atmos-
focus on social factors. Such distinctions were phere of this earlier time should be juxtaposed
present at the time Labov was entering graduate with the scholarly background of the participants.
school: For example, Shuy (1990: 188) reports These were scholars from distinct fields who
that Joshua Fishman first taught a Sociology of wanted to learn from each other but not become
Language course in 1956 at the University of each other. From the beginning of the term ‘socio-
Pennsylvania. linguistics’, the field has not been unified and was
Labov originally argued against the name mostly likely at the time not a single field but
‘sociolinguistics’, but he recognizes the utility of instead a set of subfields of separate disciplines.
the term today (Gordon, 2006: 335): ‘... it turns As a named discipline, sociolinguistics was new
out that it’s useful to approach the field through a at the time Labov was conducting his dissertation
subfield; most linguists want to have some form of as a linguist on language change in New York City.
sociolinguistics taught in their department’. The selected proceedings and discussions from a
Although the term ‘sociolinguistics’ is no longer a 1964 Conference on Sociolinguistics were pub-
point of objection for Labov, he reserves the label lished with William Bright as editor (1966). In it,
‘variation and change’ for the type of linguistics a wide range of language scholars came together
he practices: from fields including folklore, anthropology, lin-
guistics, dialectology and sociology. The confer-
But today, it seems the actual field we’re talking ence showcased renowned scholars such as Henry
about is best called the study of variation and Hoenigswald, John J. Gumperz, Raven I. McDavid
change. Sociolinguistics is a large and unformed Jr., Dell Hymes, John L. Fischer, William Samarin
area with many different ways of approaching the and Charles Ferguson. Included in this august
subject that aren’t necessarily linguistic, whereas group was one graduate student, a linguist, William
the study of variation and change describes pretty Labov. In editing the proceedings, and as a confer-
well the enterprise we’re engaged in. ence participant, William Bright sets the scene
for sociolinguistic research and characterizes sev-
This differentiation can at times be seen in the eral areas still relevant today. Bright (1966: 11)
subjects of study for summary reference works: remarks that the term ‘sociolinguistics’ is not new
the contrast between Blackwell’s The Handbook and that it is hard to precisely define. Bright
of Sociolinguistics and Blackwell’s The Handbook argues that it is ‘excessively vague’ to cast the
of Language Variation and Change reveals not field as dealing with language and society, but that
only different authors but also different topics and in light of ‘modern’ linguistics, researchers do
different foci, even within the same topics. view language as well as society to be a structure:
Trudgill (1978: 1) takes the opinion that ‘… ‘The sociolinguist’s task is then to show the sys-
whether you call something sociolinguistics or not tematic covariance of linguistic structure and
does not, in the last analysis, matter very much.’ social structure – and perhaps even to show a
He notes that sociolinguistics ‘... means many dif- causal relationship in one direction or the other’.
ferent things to many different people.’ For Bright also cites as ‘pernicious’ the traditional
Trudgill, the term sociolinguistics applies to three linguistic emphasis on the homogeneity of lan-
different disciplines, each containing different guage, opting instead for diversity as the subject
methodologies and objectives (1978: 2): ‘... those matter of sociolinguistics. He reflects on the appli-
where the objectives are purely sociological or cations of sociolinguistic work, one of these being
social-scientific; those where they are partly soci- within historical linguistics, which is where Bright
ological and partly linguistic; and those where the put Labov’s work (Labov, 1966b). Hence, Bright
objectives are wholly linguistic.’ For Labov and sees Labov’s earliest work as the study of lan-
Trudgill (1978: 11), sociolinguistics is ‘... a way guage variation and change drawn from descrip-
of doing linguistics.’ tive sociolinguistic accounts. At the conclusion of
Shuy (1990: 195) pinpoints the creation of his introduction, Bright (1966: 15) optimistically
sociolinguistics as a scholarly field to 1964 forecasts that, ‘It seems likely that sociolinguistics
(see, e.g., Bright, 1966; Spolsky this volume). is entering an era of rapid developments; we may

expect that linguistics, sociology, and anthropol- ‘who freed us from static analysis’ (Bailey and
ogy will all show the effects’. It is a safe assess- Shuy, 1973). From the early NWAVE proceedings
ment to note that linguistics has had significant (later changed to NWAV as languages other than
programmatic effects from this rapid develop- English came to be studied), it is clear the varia-
ment. For example, it is now common for major tionist enterprise was a call for all linguists inter-
review panels to include a sociolinguist: the advi- ested in variation to come together around a
sory panel for the National Science Foundation common approach to empirical data, and not neces-
linguistics programme has a sociolinguistic seat, sarily a common area of linguistics. These linguists
as does the editorial panel for the Linguistic included semanticians, syntacticians, phonologists,
Society of America’s journal Language. creolists and dialectologists. A separate linguistic
At the 1964 Sociolinguistics Conference, profession of ‘variationist’ does not appear to have
McDavid also presented on dialect differences in been a goal, although it was a term from the
urban society in general, and Greenville, SC, and outset.
Chicago, IL, specifically. A perusal of McDavid’s Modern students in linguistics may view
paper and Labov’s paper of the same volume pro- Labov’s early works as creating sociolinguistics. It
vides a succinct comparison of the methodologi- would be better to characterize Labov as a linguist
cal and rhetorical changes made in the transition whose revision of the study of language change
from traditional dialectology to variationist socio- coalesced well with the institutionalization of
linguistics. McDavid’s paper is a dialectological sociolinguistics into academic organizations such
narrative, highlighting his own personal judg- as journals and departments. Sociolinguistics has
ments of the varieties in question; Labov’s paper never been a discrete field of study with a coherent
is based on an empirically-driven statistical analy- methodology, but instead an academic place to
sis. Even though they appear adjacent to each meet, where scholars gather to have worthwhile
other in print, the two papers seem to be from dif- conversations about society and language. Labov
ferent decades. Like McDavid, others were con- has presented numerous papers to diverse audi-
cerned with urban dialects before Labov. Pederson ences where he made intriguing observations
(1964) had investigated Chicago using dialectolo- about society. However, for Labov himself, these
gist methods as used by Kurath and McDavid, but were by-products of his research on language
Labov’s method for integrating social information change.
and linguistic analysis ultimately resonated more
deeply with a wider scholarly audience.
Early commentators noted that Labov’s 2.5 LABOV’S PREDECESSORS IN
approaches covered numerous fields. In regard to
his work with English in the schools, A. Hood THE STUDY OF VARIATION
Roberts comments that ‘his work combines the AND CHANGE
insights offered by linguistics as well as sociol-
ogy, pedagogy, and psychology’ (Labov, 1969c: Labov’s connection to past scholars who studied
iii). Linguists interested in the language of ‘real language change is strong since he views the
people’ and the accountability of theory to data problems and solutions of his work as being an
hailed Labov’s work and followed suit. The intel- organic component of this scholarly history (2001:
lectual environment in which Labov presented his 10). When he cites Edward Sapir, Franz Bopp and
version of linguistics was ready for change. Labov Max Müller, Labov places himself in the tradition
comments: of the scholarship they established. In a more con-
nected genealogy, Konrad Koerner (1991) eluci-
I found that there were many people who were dates a lineage between William Dwight Whitney
ready for this approach, not only the quantitative (1827–1894) who influenced Ferdinand de
approach but were ready to take social context Saussure (1857–1913), who taught Antoine
into effect. That doesn’t mean that it suddenly Meillet (1866–1936), who taught André Martinet
became the mainstream of linguistics, far from it. (1908–1999), who directed at Columbia the MA
The approach that we follow in NWAV is still only and PhD theses of Uriel Weinreich (1926–1967),
a part and not at all the dominant part of linguistic who did the same for William Labov (1927–) at
studies (Gordon, 2006: 335). Columbia.
Although Whitney may seem far removed from
In 1972, the first NWAVE (‘New Ways of Labov, Whitney became the major proponent of
Analyzing Variation in English’) colloquium was the uniformitarian principle in linguistics.
held at Georgetown University, in conjunction Borrowed from geology, where it had been influ-
with the eighth Southeastern Conference on ential since 1833, the uniformitarian principle
Linguistics, and 64 papers were presented. The basically states that ‘knowledge of processes that
resulting volume is dedicated to William Labov: operated in the past can be inferred by observing

ongoing processes in the present’ (from Christy, Labov has demonstrated, since this early period,
1983 cited in Labov, 2001: 21). Whitney, whose the connection between social factors and lan-
brother was a geologist, had argued for the princi- guage change, but he was not the first to propose
ple in Language and the Study of Language this link. Meillet (1905, 1921) had explicated the
(1867), and it is this principle which allowed idea of motivation of language change through
Labov to study language synchronically and derive social factors, although he and his contemporaries
diachronic inferences from the data. were unable to provide empirical proof of such
Perhaps the best scholarly work to explore effects on language change. Shuy (1990: 185)
Labov’s academic roots openly is the coauthored argues that the actual theoretical context of lin-
work by Uriel Weinreich, William Labov and guistics during the late nineteenth and early twen-
Marvin Herzog (1968), Empirical Foundations tieth centuries hampered the investigation of
for a Theory of Language Change. In it, the social influences. With the advent of linguistic
authors project the foundational problems of structuralism, the development of systems for
constraints on language change, transitions of linguistic structure allowed for the inclusion of
the change through older to younger speakers, social factors in linguistic analysis, as a place to
embedding of the change in linguistic and social attach the social meaning found so important in
structure, evaluation of social awareness of the even the most casual of social studies. Labov
change, and the actuation of the change. To tackle (1966a: 14) positions Meillet as presenting the
language change and move its study towards right goals for an empirical linguistics in 1905,
scientifically-processed empirical foundations, before others adopted Saussure’s exclusive focus
Weinreich, Labov and Herzog had to overthrow on synchronic abstractions after 1913.8 Koerner
revered assumptions of renowned linguists, such (1991: 64) argues that
as Hermann Paul (1891) and Ferdinand de
Saussure (1916 [1972]). Paul had argued for the Labov’s work constitutes a synthesis of earlier
language of the individual to be the basis for attempts at a sociological approach to questions of
analysis;7 Paul himself was reacting against language change, beginning with Meillet’s paper
Völkerpsychologie which took up an ethos of com- of 1905 (if not much earlier) and dialectological
munity to be the controlling entity for social research done in the United States since the 1930s,
action, including language change. Saussure which in turn goes back to European traditions
argued for a strict dichotomy between synchronic established during the last quarter of nineteenth
and diachronic linguistics, with the purpose of century.
establishing synchronic study as the centrepiece
of language scholarship. Saussure was reacting Labov also was not the first to combine dialect
against his Neogrammarian predecessors, such as geography with diachronic analysis: Yakov Malkiel
Paul, in an attempt to turn the focus of scholars to (1976) points out that Jakob Jud, in 1914, wrote of
language structures as exemplified in the commu- the diffusion of the Latin lexicon, and Ramón
nity of speakers. Weinreich, Labov and Herzog Menéndez Pidal, in 1926, combined archival-
argued that these assumptions, especially Paul’s paleographic research with spatial analysis to inves-
isolation of the individual from the group, created tigate primarily phonological and morphological
paradoxes in the twentieth century about language data. Malkiel (1976: 60) also notes that a ‘gradual
change. rapprochement’ between dialectology and ethnog-
In this foundational essay, Weinreich, Labov raphy occurred throughout the twentieth century.
and Herzog also react against the foundational Labov does takes his scholarship into one area
work of generative phonology, e.g. Morris Halle where Malkiel (1976: 61) criticizes early ‘cultural
(1962), and argue that ‘... the generative model for history’ language scholars: Labov avoids theoreti-
the description of language as a homogenous cal weakness and participates in the scholarly
object is needlessly unrealistic, and we contend ‘... discussion of what advanced historical research
that it is quite pointless to construct a theory of is or should be ... ’. Methodological topics were
change which accepts as input descriptions of debated between 1920–1950 and became regular
language states that are contrary to fact and benchmarks in Labov’s work: the desire for ver-
unnecessarily idealized’. While Noam Chomsky nacular spontaneity, the value of urban dialects, the
and Halle were publishing The Sound Pattern of network required to capture dialect nuances, the
English in 1968, the branches of linguistics were value of different types of speakers (e.g. other than
advancingly rapidly and in quantum leaps; how- ‘pure’ dialect speakers), and the expectation of
ever, the expanding technical machinery of gruelling and time-consuming extensive data
Chomsky and Halle’s work did not address the collection for the language scholar.
arguments of Weinreich, Labov and Herzog. Other linguists who influenced Labov worked
Scholars in these branches of linguistics made on connections between dialectology and structural
little attempt to reconcile for years to come. linguistics. Martinet (1952, 1955) worked towards

a programme of structural dialectology. Weinreich his dissertation on the Lower East Side of New
(1954) questioned this effort since such a system York City. Labov states:
arrayed discrete structures over an empirical base
with much more fluid data (see Port and Leary There’s no question that the sociolinguistic inter-
(2005) for a modern comparison). However, view as we practice it today comes out of dialect
Moulton (1960, 1962) enacted this programme in geography and dialectology. As I listen to the early
the description of the geographic distribution of interviews in Martha’s Vineyard, I find a lot of
structural variations in the dialects of Swiss emphasis upon individual words and asking people
German. Moulton’s use of structural-dialect geog- direct questions about language which came from
raphy employed the structures of the phonology, dialect geography. That’s true of the New York
such as phonological gaps, to explain language City study too. A lot of time was wasted asking
changes. However, some scholars treated dialec- people about crullers and pot cheese and other
tology as if it were exempt from this trend in local terms (Gordon, 2006: 336).
empirical science: Labov criticizes (1966a: 27)
Herbert Pilch (1955) for his lack of empirical Labov’s renunciation of some dialectological
data, an ‘a-historical’ approach, in the historical techniques, while not abandoning dialectology
account of the American vowel system. overall, resulted in a changed discipline (see also
From such critiques, the range of ideas and Labov, 1984). Weinreich himself (1951), in his
effort needed to drive forward the cross-sectional Columbia dissertation a decade earlier, had initi-
study of language change became wider as the ated his own set of changes in methods which
twentieth century progressed. In reference to Labov adopted. These changes involved the direct
Romance language scholarship, Malkiel (1976: observation of synchronic language and interac-
68–9) writes: tions with native experts for Romance, German
and Swiss dialects, in order better to understand
Reconciling large-scale dialectology with the language change in this area.
sweeping scope of a full-bodied historical Milroy (1980, 1987) argues that Labov’s modi-
grammar ... and, at the same time, with the tenets fications of traditional twentieth century dialectol-
of structuralism would, by 1950, have involved a ogy do not go far enough to document accurately
three-way venture far too complex and far too the social influences on language variation pat-
demanding to be undertaken by any individual of terns (see Vetter, this volume). Specifically, she
lesser status than a genius. Unfortunately, no incorporates social network analysis to study
genius from the ranks of Romance scholars appeared maintenance of vernacular features, demonstrat-
on the scene when one was so desperately ing strong correlations of network quality and
needed. vernacular language variation patterns. Embracing
the value of this approach, Labov (2001) incorpo-
When Labov began his graduate work, in 1961, he rates these social network analyses into his
faced the kind of triangulation of fields Malkiel description of the effects of social factors on lan-
notes was so daunting. His success in concur- guage variation.
rently tackling academic debates in dialectology,
synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics
is a testament to his genius and determination.
As with other early scholars associated with the 2.6 LABOV’S CONTRIBUTIONS
foundation of sociolinguistics, such as Roger
Shuy for the USA and John Gumperz for India,9 Variation, social identity
Labov commanded extensive knowledge of dia- and language change
lectology. His mentor, Uriel Weinreich, directed
the project on the Language and Culture Atlas of Labov’s 1963 publication of The social motivation
Ashkenazic Jewry.10 Weinreich (1953, 1954) had of a sound change, based on his MA thesis,
also wrestled with how to integrate traditional marked a turning point in the study of language
dialectology with structural linguistics, where he change. Labov began with Sturtevant’s (1907)
argued that the chasm between structural and dia- argument that sound change starts in a few words
lectological studies was deeper than it ever had and may then spread by analogy to others of the
been. Yet, Weinreich sees them both as compo- same class. The change may progress slowly and
nents of linguistics. It is not clear that formal only end up appearing as a regular process. Labov
generative grammarians in the next decade would investigated the variation of the vowels /ay/ and
have made the same assumption of the shared /aw/ and their raised and centralized variants, [wy]
basis for those two fields.11 Labov adopted and and [ww], on Martha’s Vineyard, an island off the
modified dialectological interview techniques for coast of Massachusetts, USA. Labov knew about
his master’s thesis about Martha’s Vineyard and the history of these vowels and other features of

the area from the Linguistic Atlas of New England interview are labelled according to channel cues
(LANE), and a previous study of some families on of the speakers. Labov is also concerned with the
the island, hence incorporating dialect study into best representation of his findings in tables and
the study of language change. On this island, the graphs.
rapidly-changing local economy, from fishing to The NYC study established the theoretical
tourism, strengthened the differentiation of pre- concept of the ‘linguistic variable’ (Wolfram,
existing social divisions. The native up-islanders 1991), although the term had been used in Labov
resented the outsiders for overshadowing the (1963). The linguistic variable was originally con-
traditional industry of fishing, in contrast to ceived as a set of semantically-equivalent variants
the down-islanders, who supported the tourists. which alternated with each other in the production
Labov implemented the apparent-time construct, of a variable context: a variable such as (r) could
assessing the percentage of raised, centralized have two variants, constricted and unconstricted
vowels variants against age groups, finding that [r], which would be in competition with each
centralization corresponded with certain age other. The benefit of the linguistic variable as a
groups. As importantly, he found that positive conceptual entity was that variation could be
orientation towards Martha’s Vineyard corre- handled in a systematic manner by quantitatively
sponded strongly with centralization: those with tracking the production of variants in different
positive orientation had a rate of centralized vowel social and linguistic contexts. The linguistic vari-
nuclei over 50 per cent higher than those with a able as a theoretical innovation also permitted
negative orientation to the island. multivariate quantitative models of language vari-
The import from this study was at least two- ation, first implemented by Cedergren (1973) (see
fold: first, Labov demonstrated that sound change, Tagliamonte (2006) for further discussion).
long assumed to be either cataclysmic or glacially In the NYC study, Labov attended both to the
slow, was observable in synchronic variation; speech community and to individuals whose lin-
second, sound changes were connected to the guistic behaviour departed from that of the group.
social forces in a community. These were concep- In fact, Labov writes (2006: 157) that one effect
tual turning points in the scientific study of lan- that he has hoped for from the NYC study was the
guage. These issues continue to resonate with inclusion of individuals (such as Nathan B. and
researchers and later studies have re-evaluated the Josephine P., both subjects of analysis in the
progress of language change on Martha’s Vineyard study) in other sociolinguistic analyses. However,
(Blake and Josey, 2003; Pope, Meyerhoff and most sociolinguistic studies have shied away from
Ladd, 2007). thorough studies of individuals. Following his
Because Labov’s doctoral dissertation about own advice, in Labov (2001) he searched for the
variation and change in the Lower East Side of leaders of language change (2001: 500) as one
New York City (NYC) (1966a, 2006) was so well approach to understanding the causes and motiva-
designed, it continues to yield a series of compel- tions for language change. Of these leaders, he
ling arguments about the nature of language vari- writes, ‘The history of our leaders of linguistic
ation and change, as well as the methodology for change is a history of nonconformity, and their
studying it. It marked a turning point in the study sociolinguistic position is a display of noncon-
of dialects (Becker and Coggshall, 2009). A tre- formity’ (2001: 410).
mendous wealth of material unfolds from the The thoroughness of Labov’s work is reflected
NYC study. For one thing, it operationalized in the appendices to his published dissertation. For
social categories in new ways. For example, social most sociolinguists, if potential subjects say they
class is treated in this study as a composite of do not want to be interviewed, that is the end of
education and occupation. As a result of this their role in the study. Labov persisted beyond
study, the bar for planning a dialect study was set these initial rejections. Under a different guise, he
higher than it had ever been before. The NYC conducted telephone interviews with 33 subjects
study demonstrates how to research linguistic pat- who had refused to be interviewed in person: Out
terns rigorously through empirical observation of a total of 195 potential subjects for the American
and analysis. It shows how social factors, such as Language Survey (ALS) study,12 122 were inter-
social class and style shifting, affect language pat- viewed; of the 73 refusals, 33 were called on the
terns in structured ways. It is characterized by telephone and surveyed about their TV reception
rigorous systematicity in the definition of every in the area, gathering data on the variables in
variable under study: the phonological variables question. Labov presents the results from an
and their variants; careful delineation of socioeco- analysis of these 33 speakers’ language in
nomic class and the use of information from the Appendix D (Labov, 2006). In another appendix,
Mobilization For Youth survey on education, Labov presents results from 37 ALS interviews
income and occupation; and the exacting delinea- with non-native New Yorkers. For Labov, they
tion of style, whereby different portions of the were another opportunity to view the speech

community, and hence language, from a new per- (Labov 1969). Labov (1969a: fn20; 1972b: 72)
spective. Additionally, Labov provides the results states (small caps removed):
from experiments designed to assess the social
evaluation of language by NYC residents. Labov That any variable form (a member of a set of alter-
emphasizes that experiments are needed to study native ways of ‘saying the same thing’) should be
normative behaviour, necessary to understand the reported with the proportion of cases in which the
grammar of the speech community in an effort to form did occur in the relevant environment, com-
study language change. pared to the total number of cases in which it
might have occurred.

The linguistic variable and the This principle is a basic, and unquestioned, part of
variable rule variationist methodology today, but at the time,
Labov was guarding against scholars picking
The variable rule was officially introduced in and choosing data to conveniently (retro)fit their
Labov (1969a), but the machinery for it, the lin- theories.
guistic variable,13 was theoretically integrated into Another significant work in this regard, and
the study of language in Weinreich, Labov and one of the ones which placed nonstandard dialects
Herzog (1968: 167).14 Earlier scholars (e.g. Harris, in the focus of linguistic analysis, was Labov’s
1951) had discussed ‘variants’, but these were not work on negation. Labov (1972d) compares the
seen as part of a coherent system regulated by a standard English negation of any with three kinds
linguistic module in the mental grammar (i.e. a of negative transfer in Black English: negative
variable). In the NYC study, Labov (1966a) ana- attraction to subject any (e.g. *Anybody doesn’t
lyzed five variables, orthographically distinguished go Æ Nobody goes), negative postposing to inde-
from phonemes via parentheses: (r), (æh), (oh), terminates (e.g. She doesn’t like anything Æ He
(th), (dh). Although the term ‘linguistic variable’ likes nothing), and negative concord (e.g. They
was used in Labov (1963), the notations for it don’t like anything Æ They don’t like nothing).
were still represented as phonemes (e.g. /ay/) and Labov’s paper is an analysis of data drawn from
the variants as allophones [ay]. Labov et al. (1968),15 working from contemporary
Labov’s 1969a article on copula deletion used assumptions about deep and surface structure, and
the formal logic of contemporary generative gram- even incorporating the formal linguistic methods
mar and helped to bring variable rules into main- of abstracted intuitions and grammaticality judg-
stream linguistics. Labov (1969a: 737 fn. 20) ments with variationist methodology: ‘In this and
describes the advantage of variable rules over the other studies, we combine the abstract analysis of
concept of free variation. Hazen (2007b), Green our intuitive data with naturalistic observation of
(2007) and Guy (2007) highlight a few of the language in use, and supplement this with experi-
areas of more traditional linguistic fields where mental tests of well-defined variables’ (Labov,
quantitative formalizations of empirical observa- 1972d: 775). Although he does bring some dia-
tions have become a standard for evaluating the chronic concerns into play, his main focus is the
validity of scholarship. Labov (1969a) applied the morphological realm of the synchronic state of
concept of the variable rule to the copula absence Black English. Buchstaller (2009) discusses
described in Labov et al. (1968). Notably, social updates and current debates about Labov’s meth-
factors did not play a role but were separately ods for quantifying the variable with variation
considered in Labov (1969a), in contrast to beyond phonology: ‘In variationist sociolinguis-
Weinreich et al. (1968: 170) where the formula for tics, this procedure is referred to as ‘clos[ing] the
the linguistic variable included ‘... linguistic or set that defines the variable’ (Labov 1996a: 78),
extralinguistic ... ’ factors. Fasold (1991) argues which is especially important when working with
that Labov’s theoretical choice to consider linguis- more complex variables, which (morpho-) syntac-
tic factors separately from social factors is the tic variables and discourse variables often are.
most productive manner for analyzing linguistic After Labov (1966a), scholars empirically
variation. In addition, one of the initial stipulations studying language variation and change have con-
of variable rules was that categorical application of ceptualized variation in terms of sociolinguistic
a regular linguistic rule was constrained by varia- variables. For Labov, the search for variables was
ble input (1969a: 738). However, the variable rule not the cumulative goal, however. Labov (2006:
has fallen out of favour since that time. Fasold 32) decries the ‘peculiar practice’ of dissertating
(1991) notes that scholars have largely abandoned students searching for a variable to study, rather
variable rules as a descriptive mechanism, although than attempting to study the synchronic variation
the construct of the variable is widely used. and ongoing diachronic variation of a speech
Perhaps the most accepted and lasting import of community. For Labov, the exacting empirical
the variable rule is the principle of accountability description of the speech community’s linguistic

system was the main point. The variables were are virtually excluded from success in school’
only means to that end. (1966: 2).
The main area of deprivation on which scholars
focused was language. Scholars in education did
Labov’s work in education not believe that either the language or the social
environment fostering language worked well or
Reflecting the educational concerns and larger at all: ‘... the slum home is a place of little oppor-
social troubles of the 1960s, A. Hood Roberts, in tunity for infants to talk, question, and seek
Labov (1969c: iii), notes that ‘... the urgency of answers’ (Hechinger, 1966). Carl Bereiter,
the need for a new research approach and solu- Siegfried Engelman, Jean Osborn and Philip A.
tions became prominent during the last decade as Reidford presented a study, based on assumptions
a result of massive social problems’. The motiva- from two works – Negro Intelligence and Selective
tion for defending minority varieties of English Migration (Lee, 1951) and Early Education of the
came from attacks on these varieties by educa- Mentally Retarded (Kirk, 1958) – where they
tional scholars who promoted ‘... the explicit argue that ‘culturally deprived’ children did not
assumption that ‘the language of culturally think because their language was so deprived
deprived children ... is not merely an underdevel- that they could not think. Their solution was for
oped version of standard English, but is basically the preschool to lay the foundations of language
a non-logical mode of expressive behavior’ (Labov logic directly. They write (Hechinger, 1966: 105),
1969c: 47). The subtlety of Labov’s linguistic ‘... culturally deprived children do not just think at
assessment combined with his sociopolitical cri- an immature level: many of them do not think at
tique established him as the linguist with the final all’. It is clear, in Bereiter et al.’s article, that the
word: minority dialects are both logical and fully narrative categorization of speech is essential to
developed forms of language. distinguish thought from ‘non-thought’ (Hechinger,
Much of Labov’s educational writing was 1966: 107):
based on work done in Harlem by a collaborative
team he directed. This work was one of the first They are oblivious of even the most extreme dis-
scholarly efforts to describe minority speech com- crepancies between their actions and statements
munities in the USA. As Lavandera (1989: 4) as they follow one another in a series. They do not
notes, numerous scholars, including Dell Hymes just give bad explanations. They can not give
(see Johnstone and Marcellino, this volume), were explanations at all, nor do they seem to have any
calling for a socially-realistic linguistics at the idea of what it is to explain an event. The question
time. The research team of William Labov, Paul and answer process which is the core of orderly
Cohen, Clarence Robins and John Lewis under- thinking is completely foreign to most of them.
took such a project between 1965 and 1967 with
the goals being In reaction to such opinions, Labov, Cohen,
Robins and Lewis (1968) presented a two-volume
... to determine (1) differences in the structure of report (732 pages) empirically refuting the foun-
non-standard Negro English (NNE) and standard dational assumptions of the culturally-deprived
English (SE), and (2) differences in the ways in view of language. From this work came Labov’s
which speakers of these dialects use language, Logic of Nonstandard English (1969b; see also
with emphasis on the speech events, verbal skills, Labov, 1972a), which presented Labov’s view to a
and social controls which govern the development greatly expanded audience.
of the vernacular (Labov et al., 1968). Labov’s interest in narrative was fuelled in part
by educational scholars’ ignorance about the sys-
With this study, they were directly providing an tematic nature of spontaneous, vernacular talk.16
empirical argument against the widespread educa- In Labov and Waletsky (1967), republished in
tional belief in the ‘culturally deprived’ child. 1997, Labov set out to provide a formal charac-
The basic premise was that children who did not terization of personal experience narratives, using
receive cultural enrichment similar to (white) narratives collected on Martha’s Vineyard and in
middle-class families were not able to handle the New York in the course of his sociolinguistic
requirements of school and therefore were des- interviews. Labov’s study of narrative tried to
tined to failure. For example, Fred M. Hechinger, understand vernacular speakers in context. In a
the Education Editor of the New York Times, very influential paper called ‘The Logic of Non-
wrote, ‘All the evidence today indicates that chil- Standard English’, Labov (1969b: 54) describes
dren from a home background that not only is narrative interactions between students and teach-
economically and socially at the lowest level but ers. The narratives of the non-standard speakers,
lacks family orientation toward formal learning often seen by educators as illogical or incoherent,

are recast by Labov as clear expressions in a 2.8 CONCLUSION

rule-governed system. Using the logical formali-
zations of the linguistics of the time, he argues for As seen in his most recent interview (Gordon,
the legitimacy of non-standard English, by show- 2006: 338), Labov continues to search for the
ing that African-American students’ narratives are comprehensive principles he can find for lan-
in some ways more logical than those of White guage: for example, principles of chain shifting
adults (Labov 1969b: 55). (Labov, 1994: 116) or social principles such as
the Nonconformity Principle (Labov, 2001: 516).
The impact of Labov’s efforts should also be
assessed by their effect on how linguistic scholar-
2.7 REFINING HIS RESEARCH ship is conducted. Perhaps the most rewarding
component of his legacy has been his impact on
Since 1994, Labov has published two tomes in the his students at the University of Pennsylvania
three-volume set entitled Principles of Linguistic and the many students he has assisted from around
Change (Labov 1994, 2001). Volume I17 deals the world. Labov’s former students are them-
with internal factors, predominantly drawing from selves highly productive and innovative language
work begun for Labov, Yaeger and Steiner (1972), scholars.
the Linguistic Change and Variation project con- Despite his sweeping influence as teacher and
ducted in Philadelphia and eastern Pennsylvania scholar, the conglomerate field of sociolinguistics
from 1973 to 1979, and the work of Herold (1990) is not uniformly a Labovian field. In the introduc-
and Poplack (1979, 1980a, 1980b). Volume I pre- tion to Volume I of the Principles of Linguistic
dominantly explores the linguistic mechanics of Change, Labov remarks that his view of theoriz-
vowel mergers and chain shifts. Volume II18 deals ing may not be in line with that of other students
with social factors, incorporating the findings of of sociolinguistics who argue for a ‘sociolinguistic
the internal factors developed in Volume I. Volume theory’. Labov (1994: 4) does not attempt to model
II explores stable and changing linguistic varia- all possible relations between past and present
bles, neighbourhoods and ethnicity, gender, age language systems, but leans towards approaches
and social class, while portraying the leaders of in sciences like biology and geology, proceeding
linguistic change and charting their defining char- ‘... steadily from the known to the unknown,
acteristics. It also explores how scholars solve the enlarging the sphere of our knowledge on the foun-
problems of transmission, incrementation and dation of observation and experiment in a cumula-
continuation of linguistic change.19 tive manner’ (1994: 5). This approach is in contrast
In 2006, Labov, Sharon Ash and Charles Boberg to making more general statements (theories) and
published The Atlas of North American English.20 then deducing from them expectations of what
The authors and a team of researchers collected can be found in certain communities. Labov
data from 762 speakers over the telephone in read- instead works towards finding an explanation
ing passages, word lists and more casual inter- based on internal factors of linguistic change, an
views. Four hundred and thirty-nine of the explanation which must ultimately ‘... find its
interviews underwent acoustic analysis. Their causes in a domain outside of linguistics: in
major goals were to delimit the dialect areas of physiology, acoustic phonetics, social relations,
North America, primarily on the basis of speakers’ perceptual or cognitive capacities’ (1994: 5). It is
vowel systems, and to take account of the ‘mecha- towards this end of explanation that Labov has
nism, the causes, and the consequences of linguis- guided his work for over four decades.
tic change’ (Labov et al., 2006: v). This atlas takes
up boundaries of perception as well as production
in its search for sound changes in progress. Vowels
had been part of traditional dialectology’s reper- NOTES
toire of tools for deciding dialect boundaries, but
Labov and his colleagues have greatly enhanced 1 As with any historical view of an ongoing aca-
the acoustic analysis of vowel systems in dialecto- demic endeavor (Hazen, 2007a, 2007b), this chapter
logical work.21 By analysing the entire orchestra is one scholar’s perspective. It should therefore be
of vowels, their movements and pressures, Labov, read as an interpretation and, accordingly, part of a
Ash and Boberg describe fine linguistic distinc- larger conversation about how the fields analyzing
tions amongst large geographic regions. Their language in society have developed.
work represents a comprehensive sketch of English 2 Labov cites for the ‘precise statement’ con-
in North America, and they encourage other schol- cerning ‘idiolects’ Zellig Harris’s (1951: 9) Methods
ars to complete their sketch with studies of local in Structural Linguistics: ‘These investigations are
communities. carried out for the speech of one particular person,

or one community of dialectally identical persons, contest the assumptions of categoricity and the result-
at a time ... ’. ing methodological choices (see Chambers, 2003).
3 As part of this debate, Uriel Weinreich wrote 12 The American Language Survey was the basis
a review of Hockett’s (1958) A Course in Modern for Labov (1966a).
Linguistics where Hockett creatively reiterated 13 Weinreich et al. (1968: 167) write: ‘To
Bloomfield’s view. Weinreich argued that a view account for such intimate variation, it is necessary to
which holds up changes in the past as theoretically introduce another concept into the mode of orderly
interesting in contrast to current change is neither heterogeneity which we are developing here: the
sufficient nor necessary (Weinreich, 1959). “linguistic variable”– a variable element within the
4 Although perhaps not a direct influence, the system controlled by a single rule’. The term ‘variable
work of Kenneth Burke (1969) on identification rule’ does come up in footnote 56 on page 170, but
should be part of future scholarship on the history of it is presented without comment.
the study of language and self since that work has 14 Although, in section 3.21 on Coexistent
connections with Labov’s on several levels. Systems, Weinreich, Labov and Herzog (1968: 159)
5 Lavandera (1988) asserts that Labov (1969a) discuss forms from different language systems (in
and (1972g) focus on the systematicity of perform- one speaker):
ance in contrast to the systematicity of competence.
I disagree with that assertion. I suspect Labov viewed In terms of the model of a differentiated lan-
the boundary between the two as illusory and as guage system that we are developing, such
simply a fabrication to allow for weak data. Labov’s forms share the following properties: (1) They
search for robust data in the speech community offer alternative means of ‘saying the same
(abstracted from the grammar of the individual and thing’: that is, for each utterance in A there is a
hence not the grammar of an idiolect) does not fit corresponding utterance in B which provides
the profile of performance as Chomsky (1965) the same referential information (is synony-
describes it (cf. also Jackendoff 2002 for a critique of mous) and cannot be differentiated except in
Chomskyan performance). terms of the over-all significance which marks
6 Most assessors of linguistic history (e.g. the use of B as against A.
Koerner, 1991: 65) put the first use of the English
15 Labov’s (1972d) paper had first been pre-
term sociolinguistics at 1952 by Haver C. Curie
sented in 1968 at the LSA winter meeting.
16 Labov and Fanshel (1977) take up a different
7 Weinreich, Labov and Herzog use the term
track of narrative analysis by analysing a psycholo-
‘idiolect’ throughout the chapter, but the term ‘idi-
gist’s doctor–patient relations.
olect’ was not in print until 1948 (Hazen, 2006).
17 Reviewed by Kretzschmar (1996).
8 Labov at times contextualizes previous
18 Reviewed by Kretzschmar (2005).
scholars in his own line of thought through his
19 Volume III is in progress at the time of
translations of their work. For example, he translates
writing. The draft chapters are available at: http://
(2006: 11) the following line to have variables as
the noun whereas Meillet has variable conditions:
20 This book is reviewed in Bailey (2007). Some
‘car il resterait à découvrir les conditions variables qui
critics view this work as a return to traditional dialec-
permettent ou provoquent la réalization des possib-
tology, with a lack of representative sampling in any
lités ainsi reconnues’ (Meillet, 1921: 16–17).
one area.
9 Although Gumperz is renowned for his work
21 See Thomas (2001) for a discussion of Labov’s
with dialects of India, his dissertation focused on a
Swabian dialect (German) of third-generation farm-
ers in Michigan. Hence, Gumperz, who studied at
the University of Michigan, has his roots, in part, in
American dialectology. REFERENCES
10 Labov, in Gordon (2006: 334), argues that ‘If
Weinreich had lived, I think two things would have Bailey, R. W. (2007) ‘The greatest atlas ever’, American
happened. Studies of languages in contact would be Speech, 82(4): 292–300.
pursued much more vigorously as a part of sociolin- Bailey, C-J. N. and Shuy, R. W. (eds) (1973) New Ways of
guistics. And, most important, dialect geography Analyzing Variation in English. Washington, DC:
would have advanced much more strongly in the Georgetown University Press.
past forty years’. Bamberg, M. G. W. (ed.) (1997) ‘Oral versions of personal
11 Although the contrast between ‘generative experience: three decades of narrative analysis’, Journal of
grammarians’ and sociolinguists is sometimes made, Narrative and Life History, (7): 1–4.
many scholars of language variation and change Becker, K. and Coggshall, E. (2009) ‘The Sociolinguistics of
also assume that a mental grammar generates a Ethnicity in New York City’. Language and Linguistics
potentially infinite set of utterances. Variationists just Compass 3/3 751–766, 10.1111/j.1749-818x.2009.00138.x

Bereiter, C., Engelman, S., Osborn, J. and Reidford, P. A. (1966) of the Science of Language and Society. Berlin: Mouton de
‘An academically oriented pre-school for culturally deprived Gruyter.
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