CHS REVIEWERatt - lJSRQov1F2ZDeAm3wQ018d4WnaI-TPmiaFOTnmlgmaQ

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1. A celebration/season commemorating the coming of the Holy Spirit as promised to
Jesus' disciples.
a. Pentecost
c. Lent
b. Easter
d. none of the above

2. A community known as "the Jesus movement" that proclaimed Jesus as Messiah and
as Lord, Son of God and Savior.
a. Synagogue
b. Church
c. Temple
d. Mosque

3. Which of the following refers to the festive meal celebrated by Christians as the heart
of its worship.
a. Holy Communion
c. Lord's Supper
b. Holy Eucharist
d. All of the above

4. Choose which of the names below refers to the early Christian/Jesus' movement.
a. Believers,
b. Followers of the way,
c. Pentecostals
d. Disciples,
e. Protestants,
f. Catholics

5. He was a sworn enemy and persecutor of Jesus followers until he was converted to
Christianity. Most of the NT letters was attributed to him.
a. Peter
c. Paul
b. Barnabas
d. James

6. Which emperor of the Roman Empire declares Christianity a legal and official religion
of the empire?
a. Constantine
c. Titus
b. Nero
d. Domitian
7. A believer described in Acts as the first who died on account of his faith in Jesus the
a. Stephen
b. Peter
c. Saul
d. Silas

8. Place where Jesus followers were called Christians for the first time.
a. Jerusalem
b. Antioch
c. Alexandria
d. Rome

9. Paul's companion in his missionary journey and in

establishing the church in Antioch.
a. Barnabas
c. Philip
b. Stephen
d. none of the above

10. Who is the brother of Jesus who led the church in Jerusalem?
a. James
c. Simon
b. Joses
d. all of the above


TRUE 1. The coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts empowered the disciples
to proclaim Jesus as Messiah and Lord.
TRUE 2. All peoples regardless of race, ethnicity, social status,
nationality, are welcomed in the Church.
TRUE 3. The church is holy because it is set apart for a special function and purpose
FALSE 4. The church should isolate itself from the world in order to remain holy.
FALSE 5. Both the Jews and the Romans welcomed the coming of the Christian
FALSE 6. The early Church practices partiality and discriminates women and Gentiles.
FALSE 7. The Christian community pledge their allegiance to the Roman Caesars.
TRUE 8. The Christian community perceives itself as a distinctive and alternative
TRUE 9. The Festive meal at the heart of Christian gatherings is a symbol of the
presence of Jesus.
TRUE 10. When the Church holds power as a state religion it no longer become an
alternative, prophetic community.
1. What are the two main focus of the New Testament story.
● That of Church, which Jesus being is the proclaimed
● That of Jesus, the proclaimer
2. Write examples of the various names given to the early Christian movement
● Believers
● Disciples
● Followers of the way
● Ekklesia
● Christians
3. Write 'names' that refers to the festive meal that is at the heart of Christian worship.
● Holy Communion
● Last Supper
● Lord’s Supper
● Eucharist


1. The original language of the New Testament Text - GREEK
2. A Greek word which means to uncover or to reveal - APOCALYPSIS
3. It involves study of “end things” - ESCHATOLOGY
4. It refers to love and mercy freely given by God for salvation. - GRACE
5. A festival meal at the heart of Christian worship. - HOLY COMMUNION
6. A group known as “Jesus movement.” - CHURCH
7. It is a city depicted as a bride in fine linen, bright and pure. - NEW JERUSALEM
8. A first century empire referred to in Revelation as the Beast - ROMAN EMPIRE
9. In Revelation, it is a world where God lives and reigns - HEAVEN
10. A group insisting that Gentiles converts must keep the Jewish ceremonial law,
particularly circumcision. - JUDAIZERS


1. How many books compose the NT? 27
2. Which of the following books are classified as gospels? Matthew and Luke
3. Which of the following Pauline Epistles are addressed to local churches?
Romans and Ephesians
4. Which of the Epistles below are addressed to a specific person? Titus and
5. Which of the Epistles below are classified as a general or catholic epistles?
James, Jude, and 1 Peter
6. Which NT book that contains the historical narrative of the emergence of the
early Christian movement? Acts
7. Which book is a prophetic-apocalyptic letter addressed to the Christians in the
first century. Revelation
8. This epistle brings an action-oriented perspective. In it the author says that “fiath
without action is dead.” James
9. Which letter Paul talks about master and slave relation to a Christian slave owner
whose slave ran away? Philemon
10. Which Epistles is written to a young Church leader to lead the church on the
island of Crete with confidence? Titus
11. In this Epistles, Paul taught the believers that they are free from the law for they
have been justified by grace through faith Paul
12. In this Epistles, Paul counteracts a false teaching that Jesus had already
returned and there was no more resurrection Thessalonians Colossians
13. Who was exiled in the island of Patmos on account of his testimony of Jesus?
14. Who was the run-away slave who became a subject in one of Paul’s personal
letters Onesimus
15. What message did Jesus proclaim that refers to the reign of God as sovereign
ruler over creation Kingdom of God

1. Apocalyptic Writing is ‘’crisis’’ literature that looks to the imminent intervention of God in
human history to establish his kingdom. TRUE
2. The New Testament is the product of the church which existed prior to the writings
themselves and the collection. FALSE TRUE
3. In the church all peoples regardless of race, ethnicity, social status, nationality, are
welcomed into one family of faith. TRUE
4. The holy communion at the heart of christian gatherings is a symbolic ritual of
partnership and solidarity. TRUE
5. The christian community withdraws or isolates itself from the world and creates walls and
boundaries. FALSE
6. The apostle Paul anchored every part of his teachings on the lordship of jesus christ.
7. The gospel, according to Paul, is ‘’salvation through good works and obedience to the
law.’ FALSE
8. Paul preached that Jew and Gentile alike were justified by their faith in Jesus Christ
without keeping the law. TRUE
9. The New Jerusalem is a picture of what happens when God’s reign is realized on earth;
in which all brokenness is restored. TRUE
10. Revelation shows that the final hope that motivates Christians is to participate in God’s
renewal of the universe. TRUE
The written records of Jesus life are found in the collection called GOSPELS. Jesus was born
during the reign of Herod the Great as the king of the Jews, and of Augustus Caesar as
emperor of Rome. He was born at Bethlehem in Judea and grew up at Nazareth in the
province of Galilee.

The angel named Gabriel announced his birth to a young woman named Mary. Matthew’s
gospel recounted the visit of the Magi from the East with their gifts, while Luke’s gospel narrated
the visit of the Shepherds at his birth in manger. At the age of Twelve (12), Jesus joined his
family to attend the Passover festival in Jerusalem. He worked as a Carpenter, a trade he
practiced after his father as required of the oldest son.

John use to baptize repentant people to prepare for the way of the Messiah. Jesus himself
submits to baptism and was baptized at the river Jordan. John the baptizer was sentenced to
death by Herod Antipas son of Herod the Great, ruler of Galilee. Meanwhile, in Judea, Pontius
Pilate took over the post of Archelaus, one of Herod’s sons who was removed as ruler of Judea.

At the sea of Galilee, Jesus called some fishermen to become his disciples. He chose Twelve
(12) disciples to help accompany him in his journeys. But doing his missions led him to be
sentenced to death by Crucifixion. During his trial, a bandit named Barabbas who was
involved in armed struggle for liberation against the Tomans was released on popular demand,
while Jesus, after series of flogging, walked his way to Golgatha and was crucified. He was
buried in a tomb owned by Joseph of Arimanthaea.

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