Sparta SP 0498 ExUS Patents 1784

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Schedule 1
Patents and patent applications being licensed by RIP to Sparta
persuant to the amended and restated license agreement
1 P.atenU/ AppllcaUOllliJl ISJued/Flledl 1
Phospholipid- coated mlcro{:rysta/s: Injectable form ula flons of water-Insoluble drugs
Purchased from Pharma-Loglc, Inc
UNITED STATES I 5.091,18 1 1 2125/92
J 1
PhosphOllpld- coated microcrystals; Injectable formulations o( Mlatef~Jnsol/Jble drugs
Putchued from Pharma-Loglc, Inc
UNITED STATES 1 5,091,1.61 2}25J92
1 1
SU$t.Illned ,./ease of waler-solubl. blo-mo/ecules and drugs usIng microcrystals
mlcrodroplets, and high concentrat}on Jlposomu
Pun:hued from Ph.rmll-Logle, lot:
UNITED STATES 5,.246,707 9121/93
US reissue Re.35,338 08/304,225 912·4/tIB

Susfa/ned release of w.ter.soluble blo..molecules .nd drugs usIng phospollpld--coated mlcrocrysl.l$

mluodroplets, and hIgh conceniraf/on IIposomes
Purchltsed (rom Phs",u.-Log/c, Inc
UNITED STATES 1 1 08/663,fl67 916194
1 1
PhO$phoflpld- coated mIcrocrystals: Injectable formul'tlons of wafer-Insoluble drugs
Purchased from. Phlrma~Loglc,lnc
CANADA 2078990 .123/91
EUROPE 91£108933.4 "123191
INDIA 173,056 4122/91
JAPAN 3..:i088s.4 .1231ll1
KOREA 702656192 4123191
MEXICO, 178176 51291115
RUSSIA 92016352 41231t11
TAIWAN 6165" 7131/93
SOUTH AFRICA 911312.,2 "129192

Method of Inducing lou/anesthe.s/. u.s/ng mlc:rodroplet.s of. genenll.nest/JeUc

Purchned (rom Ph.~a",,-oglc, Inc
UNITED STATES 1 .,822.2191 11/1118S
1 1
Mlctp,droplets o(water soluble drugs and contaIning sam.
Purchased (rom Ph.rma·Loglc, Inc
UNITED STATES I 4,125,.421 2/16/88
1 1
Method of InducIng local, mlcrodroplets 0(. genera/anesthetic
Purchued lrom Pharm • ..toglr:, Inc
AUSTRIA 153,926 216/91
BELGIUM 153,926 2161111
CANADA 1,242,645 10/4/66
SWITZERLAND 153,926 216191
GERMANY P34S10<1 216191
EUROPE 153,"26 216191
FRANCE 153,92f1 2IlI1ll1
GREAT BRITAIN 153."26 216191
JAPAN 2,5HI,605 5f17[ge
LUXENBOUR" 153,926 216/91
NETHERLANDS 153,£126 mill 1
SWEDEN -'-'" 153,928 216/91

Compressed nuld teChnology for InSOluble drug defJ'rfery

Ownlld by Rue.reh Ph.rm'ceuVe"s Ltd-
UNITED STATES (prov. pal. 10/17195

CompO$ltJon .nd method of preparing w.ter-inaoluble sub.s1'2

Owned by Reso.reh Tn.nUI. Ph.,maceut/c'" Ltd
UNitED STATES.I 1 Osno~,4831 8,'22196 .
L 1 I
• lhe paten1 ;lppl1catlon will be cO"'<lwned with the Unlver.1ty of Texa*

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