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Dear Amazon Intellectual Property Team,

I am writing to appeal the suspension of my Amazon seller account, which was

purportedly due to copyright infringement claims made by "Taylor Swift"

regarding several product images. I assert that the suspension is unjustified as

my product images do not infringe upon any copyrights held by Taylor Swift or

any other entity. I respectfully request a thorough review of my case, and I

provide the following detailed points and evidence to support my appeal:

1.Clarification of Allegations:

It is essential to address the specific allegations made by Taylor Swift or her

representatives regarding copyright infringement. Upon careful examination, I

can confirm that the images in question were created independently and do

not contain any elements protected by Taylor Swift's copyright. To substantiate

this claim, I have provided a detailed analysis of the similarities and differences

between the disputed images and Taylor Swift's copyrighted works. This

analysis, conducted by a qualified intellectual property expert, demonstrates

that no actionable infringement has occurred.

2.Automated Program Error:

While I understand that Amazon employs automated programs to detect

potential intellectual property violations, it is imperative to acknowledge their

limitations. In this instance, it appears that the suspension of my account was

triggered by an error in the automated detection system. To corroborate this

assertion, I have included evidence of similar cases where automated programs

have erroneously flagged legitimate listings as infringing. Furthermore, I have

highlighted instances where Amazon has acknowledged and rectified such

errors, underscoring the need for a manual review of my case.

3. Compliance with Amazon's Intellectual Property Policy:

I wish to reaffirm my unwavering commitment to complying with Amazon's

intellectual property policies. My team and I have invested considerable time

and resources into ensuring the authenticity and originality of our products and

associated content. To provide transparency and assurance of our compliance

efforts, I have attached detailed documentation outlining our internal

procedures for vetting products and obtaining necessary permissions for any

third-party content used in our listings. Additionally, I have included records of

our proactive measures to address any claims of infringement promptly and


4.Evidence of Compliance:

Attached to this appeal letter, you will find comprehensive documentation

supporting our adherence to Amazon's intellectual property policies. This

includes but is not limited to:

⚫ Records of our product development process, including sourcing,

design, and content creation, demonstrating the originality of our


⚫ Licenses and permissions obtained for any third-party content used in

our listings, ensuring compliance with copyright laws and regulations.

⚫ Correspondence with copyright holders regarding permissions and

usage rights, illustrating our commitment to respecting intellectual

property rights and seeking proper authorization.

⚫ Internal policies and procedures implemented to prevent and address

intellectual property issues, showcasing our proactive approach to

compliance and risk mitigation.

5.Request for Account Reinstatement:

In light of the compelling evidence presented, I respectfully request the

immediate reinstatement of my Amazon seller account. The suspension has

caused significant disruption to my business operations and reputation,

resulting in financial losses and undue hardship. I am confident that a thorough

review of the facts will confirm my adherence to Amazon's policies and justify

the reinstatement of my account. Furthermore, I am committed to

implementing any additional measures or recommendations deemed necessary

to prevent similar issues from arising in the future.

In conclusion, I appreciate the opportunity to present my case comprehensively

and trust that the Amazon Intellectual Property Team will conduct a fair and

impartial review. I remain steadfast in my commitment to upholding the highest

standards of intellectual property protection and compliance and look forward

to a positive resolution to this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this appeal.


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