1 Forming A Research Question

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`Choosing a Topic & Forming a Research Question

For this unit, you will choose a social, environmental, or economic issue that you are interested in
finding solutions for. Your goal is to find out how the problem can best be solved or alleviated. There
will be different perspectives on how this can be done, and that will make your task all the more

Possible topics – Problems that need solving

Social Environmental Economic

Gender equality Climate change Poverty
Racial or ethnic Pollution (water, air, or soil) Economic inequality
discrimination Deforestation Unemployment
Crime Biodiversity loss/extinction Corruption
Slavery Desertification Homelessness
Child labor Invasive species Public/Government Debt
Unequal access to health Noise/light pollution
Ocean acidification
Genetic Modification Foods
Unequal access to education
Digital Divide
Mental Health

Check if it’s researchable

Find out if you can find useful, interesting information about the topic in any country of your choice
(outside of China). Once you found something you would like to find more about and would like to see
solved (or at least mitigated):

Can you find ample information about it? Yes

Have you chosen a country outside of China? Yes
Is it interesting to you? Yes

Make a research question

Once you have a topic you like, work on developing a focused, clear research question:

Is the topic too big? (think about how many sub questions you would No, it is the national
need to answer it) problem.
Is it too specific or narrow? Yes, it is only the problem in
\]/outh Sudan.
Does it allow you to focus on solving the problem? Yes
Can you make the question more clear? Yes
Finally, have you shown it to others and your teacher? yes
What is the research question that you like?

What is the most effective solution to solve the extreme poverty in South Sudan?

Justify the research question

1. Why is your research question important locally, nationally and globally?

National. It is the problem that is extreme poverty in South Sudan.
2. Who and what job would find your research useful? Why?
The citizens in South Sudan will find my research useful. Because these problem all happening on the
citizens in South Sudan.

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