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Q1 The Kangra and Kullu valley are located in

a)Uttarakhand b)Jammu and Kashmir

c)Himachal Pradesh d)Uttar Pradesh

Q2 The soil containing calcareous deposits is locally known as

a)Bhangar b)Khadar

c)Bhabar d)Kankar

Q3 Lake Chilika lies in the state of

a)Jharkhand b)Telangana

c)Odisha d)Tamil Nadu

Q4 How much area is covered by the Northern plains?

a)3 lakh b)5 lakh

c)7 lakh d)9 lakh

Q5 The Northern Plains have been formed by the interplay of how many river
systems in India?

a)Two b)Three c)Four d)None


Q6.Mountain Ranges in the eastern part of India forming its boundary with Myanmar
are collectively called as

a)Himachal b)Uttarakhand

c)Purvachal d)None of the above

Q7Which of the following rivers is found in the desert region of india?

a)Narmada b)Tapti

c)Luni d)Kaveri

Q8 Majuli is a riverine island located in the river

a)Ganga b)Brahmaputra

c)Yamuna d)Kaveri

Q9 What is the name by which the central stretch of the west coast is known?


b)Malabar coast

c)Kannad Plains

d)coromandel coast

Q10 In which direction ,the Himalayan mountain ranges run from the Indus to the

a)West-East b)North -South

c)East-west d)North-East

Q11 In which division of the Himalayas are the famous valleys of Kangra,Kashmir
and Kullu located?

a)The Himadri b)The Himachal

c)The Shivaliks d)The Duns

Q12 The _______is a storehouse of minerals ,which has played a crucial role in
industrialisation of the country.

a)The Himalaya region

b)The Peninsular region

c)The Northern Plains

d)The Coastal Plains.

Q13 Arrange the following peaks of the Himalayan mountains from highest to lowest

1 Kanchenjunga
2 Nanda Devi
3 Namcha Barwa
4 Dhaulagiri

a)1,3,2,4 c)2,3,4,1

b)1,4,2,3 d)3,2,1,4


Q14 Consider the following statements ,which of these are correct?

(i)Kanchenjunga is the second highest peak of Himalayan range in India.

(ii)Nanga Parbat is located in Nepal

a)(i)and (ii) b)Only (i)

c)only (ii) d)none of the above

Q15 Match the following items given in Column A with those in Column B

Column A Column B

i)Indus and Satluj A Kumaon Himalayas

ii)Satluj and Kali B Kashmir and Himachal Himalayas

iii)Kali and Teesta C Assam Himalayas

iv)Teesta and Dihang D Nepal Himalayas

a)i)A ,ii)B ,iii)C iv)D

b)i)D, ii)A ,iii)B iv)C

c)i)B ,ii)A ,iii)D iv)C

d)i)C,ii)B iii)A iv)D

Q16 Which among the following statements are true .

I A longitudinal valley lying between lesser himalaya and the shiwalik is duns.

II Barchans are the crescent -shaped dunes cover large areas of

Rajasthan”s Thar desert

IIIThe Highest peak of Eastern Ghat is Anai Mudi.

a)only I and II b)only II and III

c)I,II and III d)All of the above


1 c

2 a

3 c

4 c

5 b

6 c

7 c

8 b

9 c

10 a

11 b

12 b

13 b

14 d

15 c

16 a


The following questions consist of two statements –Assertion (A)and

Reason(R).Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given

a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of the

b) Both (A) and (R)are true and (R)is not the correct explanation of the

c) (A)is true but (R)is false.

d ) (A)is false but (R) is true

1.Assertion(A) : The Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats mark the Western and
Eastern edges of the Deccan Plateau respectively.
Reason (R): The Western Ghats are higher than the Eastern Ghats.

2.Assertion(A):The Peninsular Plateau is a table land composed of the old

Crystalline ,Igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Reason(R):It was formed due to the breaking and drifting of the Gondawana Land

3.Assertion(A):The Northern Plains are generally described as rocky lands with no

variations in its relief.

Reason(R):These Northern plains have diverse relief features.

4.Assertion(A):The Eastern ghats are Higher than the Western ghats.

Reason(R):The Eastern Ghats stretch from the Mahanadi Valley to the Nilgiris in the

5.Assertion(A): . The Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers are vital for agriculture in the
northern plains of India..
Reason(R):The Alluvial soil deposited by these rivers during the monsoon season
enriches the agricultural lands,making them highly fertile and conductive to crop

6. Assertion (A): The land of India displays great Physical variation.

Reason (R): Our Country has practically all major Physical features of the earth i.e.,
Mountains, Plains, Deserts, Plateaus and Islands.

7 .Assertion(A): Northern plains is broadly divided into of three sections.

Reason(R):The western part of Northern plains is referred to as Ganga Plains.


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C


Read the extracts and answer the question that follows:


The Himalayas, geologically young and structurally fold mountains stretch over the
Himalayas northern borders of India. These mountain ranges run in a west-east
direction from the Indus to the Brahmaputra. The Himalayas represent the loftiest
and one of the most rugged mountain barriers of the world. They form an arc, which
covers a distance of about 2,400 Km. Their width varies from 400 Km in Kashmir to
150 Km in Arunachal Pradesh. The altitudinal variations are greater in the eastern
half than those in the western half. The Himalaya consists of three parallel ranges in
its longitudinal extent. A number of valleys lie between these ranges. The
northernmost range is known as the Great Himalayas. It is the most continuous
range consisting of the loftiest peaks with an average height of 6,000 metres. It
contains all the prominent Himalayan peaks. The folds of Great Himalayas are
asymmetrical in nature. The core of this part of the Himalayas is composed of
granite. It is perennially snowbound, and a number of glaciers descend from this
1. State one characteristics of Himalayas on the basis of its height and type of

2 .Name three longitudinal ranges of Himalaya.

3.Write any one feature each of the Inner and outer Himalayas.


India is a vast country with varied landforms. What kind of terrain do you live in? If
you live in the plains, you are familiar with the vast stretches of plain land. In
contrast, if you live in a hilly region, the rugged terrain with mountains and valleys
are common features. In fact, our country has practically all major physical features
of the earth, i.e., mountains, plains, deserts, plateaus, and islands. Therefore, the
land of India displays great physical variation. Moreover, the Peninsular Plateau
constitutes one of the ancient land masses on the earth's surface. Whereas, the
Himalayas and the Northern Plains are the most recent landforms.

The whole mountain system of the Himalayas represents a very youthful topography
with high peaks, deep valleys, and fast-flowing rivers. Therefore, the northern plains
are made of alluvial deposits. However, the peninsular plateau is made of igneous
and metamorphic rocks.

Q1Which physiographic division of India is the oldest landmass of earth?

Q2 How the Himalayas are different from Northern plains .State any one point..

Q3. Name two divisions of Peninsular Plateau? Write a feature of any one division.


According to the variations in relief features, the Northern plains have four regions. The
rivers, after descending from the mountains, deposit pebbles in a narrow belt of about 8 to
16 km in width lying parallel to the slopes of the Shivalik. It is known as bhabar.
Further, South of this belt, the streams and rivers re-emerge and create a wet, swampy, and
marshy region known as terai. However, the forests have been cut to create agricultural land
and to settle migrants from Pakistan after the partition.

The largest part of the northern plain is made up of older alluvium. Moreover, It lies above
the flood plains of the rivers and presents a terrace-like feature. This part is known as
bhangar. But, the soil in this region contains calcareous deposits, locally known as kankar.
The newer, younger deposits of the floodplains are the khadar. As they are renewed almost
every year, so they are fertile. Thus, ideal for intensive agriculture .

1.Name diverse relief features of Northern Plains.

2.Northern plains are formed by the interplay of which three major river systems.

3.Difference between Khadar and Bhangar?




Q1.State any three features of Himalayan mountains.

Q2. Describe the formation of the peninsular plateau .

Q3 Name three sections into which the Northern plain is divided.Write one feature of

Q4 Describe the key features of Eastern coastal Plains.


Q5 “Beside the longitudinal divisions ,the Himalayas have been divided on the basis
of regions from west to east”Discuss.

Q6.How are coral reefs formed?Name two examples of coral reefs.

Q7 Give an account of the Eastern hills of Himalayas.


Q8.”The land of India displays great physical variation.”Elucidate.

Q9 Name the coastal strip of peninsular plateau lying around Arabian sea .Describe
any four features of it.

Q10 Name the Islands group lying in Bay of Bengal.Mention its important features.


Q11 ”The northern plains are generally described as flat land with no variations in its
relief”Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer.

Q12 Explain the major characteristics of the physiographic division of India ,which
lies towards the western margins of the Aravalli Hills.


On the outline political map of India locate and label the following physical features
of India.

a)MountainRanges:The Aravalli,The Satpura,Western and Eastern Ghats.

b)Mountain Peaks:K2,AnaiMudi

c)Plaeau-Malwa,Deccan ,Chotta Nagpur.

d)Coastal Plains:Malabar,Coromandal and Northern Circar

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