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1. What is the primary function of a parliament?

A. Make new laws, give authority, follow activities, and discuss it.
B. Run the army, spend money, and discuss.
C. Organize meetings, press conferences, and make new laws.
2. British Parliament is divided into how many "houses"?
A. Three B. Five C. Two D. Six
3. What is the typical atmosphere of a parliament?
A. Freedom to sit and arrange as required.
B. The seating arrangements and the conventions followed by its members.
C. Whoever arrives earlier gets to choose a seat first.
4. When do Members typically speak in a parliament?
A. Members say whatever they like.
B. Members may speak only from where they were called and must stand while speaking.
C. Members speak when called and are seated when speaking.
5. Are there specific rules for where Members can speak and stand in a parliament?
A. They may not speak from the floor of the House between the red lines, which are
traditionally supposed to be two sword-lengths apart.
B. They speak from the floor of the House between the red lines, which are traditionally
supposed to be two sword-lengths apart.
C. They may not speak from the floor of the House between the green lines, which are
traditionally supposed to be two sword-lengths apart.
6. What is the role of Ministers in a parliament?
A. Ministers act as spokespersons for the government on matters relating to their
B. Ministers act as secretaries to the government on matters relating to their
C. Ministers act as representatives of the government on matters related to it.
7. How many Members and Senators are appointed by the Prime Minister as Parliamentary
Secretaries (also referred to as Assistant Ministers)?
A. Up to 10 B. Up to 5 C. Up to 8 D. Up
to 12
8. In the proceedings of the House, Members and Senators can act in place of a Minister in
all respects except for answering questions or not?
A. Yes B. No
9. How are new laws and regulations created in parliament?
A. This process involves the introduction, solution, and voting on proposed legislation.
B. This process involves the introduction and voting on proposed legislation.
C. This process involves the introduction, discussion, and voting on proposed
10. How is the official opposition designated in parliament?
A. By convention, the party with the first-largest number of seats in the House is
designated as the official opposition.
B. By convention, the party with the second-largest number of seats in the House is
designated as the official opposition.
C. By convention, the party with the second-smallest number of seats in the House is
designated as the official opposition.

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