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The French revolution

Chapter 1

NCERT solutions

1. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of Revolutionary protest in France.

The circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France were:
Social Inequality: French society in the eighteenth century was divided into three estates
namely The Clergy, The nobility and third estates which comprise peasants,
officials and small business. It was only third estates that pay taxes. Clergy and nobility were
exempt from taxes.
Subsistence Crisis: The population of France also increased from 23 million in 1715 to 28
million in 1789. Food grains were now in great demand. Price of bread shot up. Wages did
not keep pace with rising prices. This led to subsistence crisis.
Economic Problems: Long years of war had drained the financial resources of France. France
had a debt of more than 2 billion livres. To meet its regular expenses, such as the cost of
maintaining an army, the court, running government offices or universities, the state was
forced to increase taxes.
Strong Middle Class: The middle class emerged educated and wealthy during the eighteenth
century. They believed that no group in society should be given privileges by birth. Ideas of
equality and freedom were put forward by philosophers. The ideas of these philosophers were
discussed intensively in salons and coffee houses and spread among people.
Immediate Causes: On 5 may, 1789, Louis XVI called together an assembly of Estates General
to pass proposals for new taxes. Third estates protested against this proposal but as each
estate have one vote, the king rejected this appeal. They walked out of the assembly.
2. Which estates of the French society was benefited from the revolution? Which group was
forced to relinquish the power? which sections of the society would have been disappointed
with the outcome of the Revolution?
• The wealthy class of the Third Estate which came to be known as new middle class of
France, were affected the most from the Revolution. This group was comprised of big
businessmen, lawyers, teachers, doctors and Traders . Previously, these people have to
pay the taxes and they didn’t enjoy equal status but after the Revolution they were
treated equally with the upper sections of the society.
• With the abolition of Feudal system of obligations and taxes, the clergy and nobility
came on the same level with the middle class. They were forced to give up their
• The poorest sections of the society for example small Peasants, landless labourers,
servants, daily wage workers would have been disappointed with the outcome of the
Revolution. Women also would have been highly disconnected as they all were treated
as passive citizens.

3. Describe the legacy of French Revolution for the people of the world during the 19th and 20th
• The French Revolution proved to be the most important event in the world
history -as the ideas of Liberty and Democratic Rights were important legacy of
the French Revolution. These ideas became an inspiring source for the political
movement in the world in 19th and 20th century.
• The French revolutionary ideas of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity spread from
France to rest of the Europe, where feudal system was finally abolished.
• Colonized peoples reworked on the ideas of freedom from bondages into their
movement to create Sovereign Nation States.
• The idea of nationalism that emerged after the French Revolution started mass
movement all over the world.Now people began to oppose absolute powers.
• Impact of the French Revolution could be seen on India. Tipu Sultan and Raja
Ram Mohan Roy , they got deeply influenced by the ideas of revolution.

In the nutshell, we can say that, for the first time after the French Revolution,
people all over the world became aware about their rights.
4. Draw up the list of Democratic Rights we enjoy today and whose origins could be traced to the
French Revolution.
• The Right to Equality
• The Right to Speech and Expression
• The Right to Religious Freedom
• The Right to vote
• Right against Exploitation
• Right to Live
• Right to Get Education
• Right to Information
• Cultural and Educational Rights
5. Would you agree with the view of message of Universal Rights was beset with contradictions.
The message of Universal Rights was definitely beset with contradictions.
• Many ideals of the declaration of Rights of Men and citizens were not at all
• The French Revolution could not bring economic equality infact. Unless there is
an economic equality, equality can’t be there in the society. The Declaration of
Rights of men laid stress on equality.
• Women were still regarded as passive citizens. They did not have any political
right such as the Right to Vote and hold political offices like men. Hence, their
struggle for equal political rights continued.
• France continued to hold expanded colonies. Thus, its image as a Liberator
would not last for a long time.
• Slavery existed in France till the half of the 19th century.

6. How would you explain the rise of Napoleon?

• The political instability of the Directory paved the way for the rise of the military dictator
Napoleon Bonaparte. French people realised that only a military dictator like the Napoleon
could restore the stable government.
• In 1804 , Napoleon crowned himself as the Emperor of France. He started conquering
neighbouring European countries, disposing dynasties and creating kingdoms, where he
placed members of his family. Napoleon saw himself as moderniser of Europe.
• He introduced many laws such as Protection of private property, and a uniform system of
weights and measures provided by the decimal system.
• Initially, many saw Napoleon as a Liberator who could bring freedom for the people but
soon Napoleon’s armies came to be viewed everywhere as an invading force; he was finally
defeated in Waterloo in 1815.

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