College of Teacher Education: Technology For Teaching and Learning II

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Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Mercedes B. Ballos Date Started: 5/3/24

Course & Section: BTLED ICT 3D Date Submitted: 5/10/24
Activity No. : 1 Rating:

OBE Framework

Instruction: In your own perception, discuss the given framework below in not less than 300
words. You may use separate sheet of paper if necessary.

There are different levels of outcome in OBE. These are institutional ILO, program ILO,
and course ILO. Intended learning outcomes serves as a pathway for obtaining such clear and
measurable expectations. In Outcome-Based Education, the intended learning outcomes starts
from the institution. It can be seen through their mission and vision. Even though the institution
has different programs, there must still an alignment of intended learning outcomes of the
program to the institution. For instance, the graduate of a teacher education should be able to do
the expected outcome of their program upon the completion of their degree. But, those program
outcomes must also be connected from the institutions' ILO like their mission or vision. Example,
SLSU produce a BTLED graduate that is innovative and equipped with knowledge that can
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

contribute to their future students. Lastly, the intended learning outcomes of the course must also
be connected to the program ILO, in which the program ILO was cascaded from the institutional
ILO. So, the students undertaking the course are looking forward to achieve the outcome of the
course that aligns with the program ILO.
Under those different intended learning outcomes, there is an outcome-based learning
tasks in which the student should engage, explore and apply in a way that it can draw out
meaningful learning. To ensure that those things will be happen, the section intended learning
outcome and assessment must be utilized to measure the expected outcome from the student.
This can benefit both the students and the institution. The facilitators and faculties have also
played a crucial role in this situation. They are the one who will implement and execute the plan
or design to fully meet the expected outcomes. Therefore, the Outcome -Based Education allows
the institution, program and course to have a clear intended learning result making it more
meaningful and has a great impact to everyone.

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