Discussion 1-Violent Crimes and Their Characteristics

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Violent crimes and their characteristics

Violent crimes are viewed as where a life is susceptible and weapons at epochs might be

used. There are three different types of crimes. Arson, Murder, Robbery, Extremism,

negligence, abduction, and assault, this are all considered as natures of violent crimes.

Homicide involves where one is killed by another individual. Murder is where an individual

is killed intentionally. In some states murder is regarded into a number of degrees. There is

felony murder where death might have occurred or will occur in the process of kidnapping or

robbery. Assault is considered as an act of where some is hurt through physical contact and

an offensive act is normally conducted (Briggs, 2016).

Violent crimes are needed to be investigated effectively through the use of police techniques.

The police are the ones who are required to investigate on violent crimes. They use a variety

of techniques to carry on their investigation. They might tend to use experimental

investigative techniques to carry out on the investigation in sexual assault scenarios. A DNA

is carried out where physical evidence is required. Interrogations and interviews are carried

out in finding the course of a crime. In cases like negligence police develop some different

alternatives where they rely information on their informants. When also carrying out

investigations based on violent crimes a computer file check is normally carried out. While

doing a computer run check it is easy to know the witnesses background and even the

deceased. A line up is another type of effective investigative technique that is usually used by

most of the police. This is as a scenario where it is not possible to identify the case of the

investigation this is where its normally used.


Steven Briggs 3rd 2016 Defining the Different Types of Violent Crime.www.dummies.com


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