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Option Market:
Option is a product, traded in option market.

Over the Exchange Over the Organized market

counter product traded product counter market

Option is a contract/ agreement enforceable at law. It is a right (not obligation) to buy or to sell.
It is a contract between two parties (option buyer and option seller), which is made in order to buy
or to sell a particular asset at a strike/definite/specific/preferred price on a certain date in the future.

Features of Option:
• It is a contract.
• Between two parties (Option buyer and option seller).
• For a particular asset.
• Exercised at a strike/definite/specific/prefixed price.
• On a certain date in the future.
• It provides rights to option buyer.
• Option buyer buys right for payment of premium to the option seller.
• Option buyer cannot be compelled to exercise option rather option buyer exercise option.

Types of Option:

In order In order
to buy to sell
Call option Put option
Right Option Option to Option Option
to buyer seller sell buyer seller

Buye Selle Selle Buye

r of r of r of r of
asset asset asset asset

Position: Long Short Short Long

Option can be of following two kinds as well:

• European Option: European Option allows option buyer to exercise option on the last date
of the contract.

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• American Option: American Option allows option buyer to exercise any day with in the
contract period.

On What Assets Option is Made?

• Financial assets — Stock
- Currency
- Debt instrument (T-bond/T-bill/T-certificate/T-notes/Corporate
bond/Corporate debenture/Money market security/Commercial paper).
• Goods or commodity (Spices, wheat etc.)
• Option on stock index.
• Portfolio. Ex: ICB 14. (Strike price determine by stock index.

Problem 1:
Kim is bearish on the stock of the Chittagong Cement. Therefore, Kim purchases four put option
contracts of 100 shares each of Chittagong Cement for a premium of $3 per share. The option
striking price is $40 and it has a maturity of 3 months. Chittagong Cement has a current market
price of $38. If Chittagong Cement’s price falls to $30, how much profit will he earn over the 3-
month period? What is Kim’s gain or loss if the ending price of Chittagong Cement’s stock is $42?

Straddle is the combination of call and put options.

Problem 2:
Rumors that the City Corporation is going to tender a hostile offer for a controlling interest in the
Morris Corporation. The price of Morris’s stock has started moving up. However, if a hostile
takeover attempt fails, Morris’s stock price will probably fall dramatically. To profit from this,
Frank has established the following straddle position with the stock of the Morris Corporation:
a) Purchased one 3-month call with a striking price of $40 for a $2 premium.
b) Paid a $1 per share premium for a 3- month put with a striking price of $40.
1) Determine Frank’s ending position if the takeover offer bids the price of Morris’s stock up
to $41 in 3 months.
2) Determine Frank’s ending position if the takeover fails and the price of the stock falls to
$35 in 3 months.

It is the combinations of both call and put option:
• On the same stock
• For the same duration
• With different exercise price
• With different premium.

Spread is of two types. They are

• Bull Spread: share price increase highly
• Bear Spread: share price decrease

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Problem 3:
Freda established the following spread on the Glaxo’s stock:
a) Purchased one 3-month call option with a premium of $3 and an exercise price of $55.
b) Purchased one 3-month put option with a premium of $0.50 and an exercise price of $45.
The current price of Glaxo is $50.
Determine Freda’s profit or loss if,
i. The price of Glaxo stays at $50 after 3 months.
ii. The price of Glaxo falls to $35 after 3 months and
iii. The price of Glaxo rises to $60.

Black & Shocles (B/S) Model:

The Black-Scholes formulas for the prices at time 0 of a European call on a non-dividend-paying
stock and a European put option on a non-dividend-paying stock are:
c = S0 N (d1 ) − Ke− rT N (d 2 )
and p = Ke− rT N (−d 2 ) − So N (d1 )
ln( S0 / K ) + (r +  2 / 2)T
d1 =
where,  T
d 2 = d1 −  T
The variables c and p are the European call and European put price, S0 is the stock price at time
zero, K is the strike price, r is the continuously compounded risk-free rate, σ is the price volatility,
and T is the time to maturity of the option.

Problem 4:
Determine the value of a call option with the B/S model for the following inputs:
σ = 0.3, r = 0.10, S0 = $25, T = 0.3 years, and Striking/exercising price, K = $28. Also determine
the investor’s hedge ratio or delta.

Problem 5:
The following input information exists for the call options on the Roberts Corporation’s common
σ = 0.52, r = 0.10, S0 = $35, T = 0.25 years, and K = $30.
a) Determine the value of a call option with the B/S Model.
b) Determine the value of a put option.
Problem 6:
The stock price 6 months from the expiration of an option is $42, the exercise price of the option
is $40, the risk free interest rate is 10% per annum, and the volatility is 20% per annum.
a) Determine the value of a call option with the B/S Model.
b) Determine the value of a put option with the B/S Model.

Problem 7:
A put and call will expire in 3 months and both have a striking price of $25. The risk free rate is
10 percent.

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a) Determine the price of the put if the call has a price of $4 and the stock has a price of
b) b) If the put has a price of $5 and the stock price is $20, determine the price of the call.

Problem 8:
The Benson Corporation’s stock is currently selling for $45.
a) Determine the call premium on Benson’s stock for the following inputs:
σ = 0.35, T = 0.5, K = $41, r = 0.10, and zero cash dividend.
b) Determine the call premium for Benson’s stock if the annual dividend yield (D) is 6%.
c) Why do these premiums differ?
d) Determine the value of a put option on the Benson’s stock without dividend.
e) Determine the value of a put for Benson’s stock if the annual dividend yield (D) is 6%.

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