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Under the umbrella of a cloudy, dark sky, a cold-shivering gust of wind flew inside the narrow and

antique corridor of Elizabeth’s school. Walking in, every set of eyes set upon her with shining
admiration and while walking past some small crowds of people, whispering filled in the emptiness of
the corridor’s atmosphere. Some, out of greed and jealousy while others were made mostly in her
admirable beauty many of whom were boys drooling and fighting for her attention. Unlike the rest,
however, was one. Arlo. With a warm smile, before disappearing to his classroom, he gazed in her
direction. She scratched and messed up her morning’s perfect hair whose colour was gold like the
sun’s light which now looked a typical teenager’s bedroom as her heart felt a strange sensation. It was
something she had never felt before. A feeling that her face emanated in before Elizabeth, herself,
walked to her class.

As bells rang echoed in the hallways, the classes just before filled with students now emptied.
Walking out, everyone chuckled with their friends. Everyone except for Elizabeth as she laid her eyes
of an eagle towards her prey. Like a snake slithering through crowds of people, Elizabeth skilfully
followed his trail in the hallway until she saw the glass door swing back and forth at the end of the
corridor. She came to a sudden stop. Under the depths of her voice, she cursed. Urghh! How am I
going to follow him now?

- She knows his timetable or next class.

- Someone (Teacher) asks if she is ok?
- Relentless, reckless, sassy girl lol, old hag

- Maybe delulu (to the point that she is unsavable) that she is his gf but now.
- Maybe Arlo looked at her general direction and Elizabeth goes crazy.
- Talks about it with her friends but then friends don’t agree.
- Technology? Take photos? Stalker?
- Delulu in crime scene (Dialogue)
- Stalking him in morning tea and gets caught and rejected by him

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