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How to build react-native bridge and get PDF

Maksym Rusynyk · Follow
Published in DailyJS
6 min read · Apr 24, 2018

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React Native allows to build native applications using JavaScript language and has
vast amount of components and functionality available. But some components or
features are not available by default. And sometimes it is necessary to improve
the performance of some components. In these cases native implementation can
be used.

This article describes how to make a bridge between JavaScript and a native
implementation, and provides an example how to build a PDF Viewer for React
Native to render PDF documents.

All sources are available in gitlab or as NPM package:

• NPM package react-native-view-pdf (


• Gitlab sources rumax/react-native-PDFView (


Getting started
First prepare a project. Open a terminal and run:

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How to build react-native bridge and get PDF Viewer |...

$ create-react-native-app react-native-PDFView
$ cd react-native-PDFView
$ yarn eject

Check that project works:

$ yarn run android

and open it in the IDE. I prefer Atom, therefore in terminal I can do:

$ atom .

Open Android Studio to work with Java sources.

Java implementation
In Android Studio:

• create new package reactlibrary

• create new Java classes PDFView , PDFViewManager and PDFViewPackage

According to official documentation PDFViewPackage should implements
ReactPackage and missing createNativeModules and createViewManagers methods
should be added:

public class PDFViewPackage implements ReactPackage {

public List<NativeModule>
createNativeModules(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {
return Collections.emptyList();

public List<ViewManager>
createViewManagers(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {
return Arrays.<ViewManager>asList(new

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How to build react-native bridge and get PDF Viewer |...


Android Studio will highlight an error PDFViewManager cannot be applied to ... ,

which has to be fixed by implementing PDFViewManager .

PDFViewManager should extends SimpleViewManager<PDFView> and implements
missing methods:

• getName which - should return the name of the react class

• createViewInstance is a place where the viewer should be initialized

The code is:

public class PDFViewManager extends SimpleViewManager<PDFView> {

private static final String REACT_CLASS = "PDFView";
private PDFView pdfView = null;
private Context context;

public PDFViewManager(ReactApplicationContext context) {

this.context = context;

public String getName() {

public PDFView createViewInstance(ThemedReactContext context)
if (pdfView == null) {
pdfView = new PDFView(context);

return pdfView;

with the error that PDFView should extend View , which has to be fixed by
implementing PDFView .


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How to build react-native bridge and get PDF Viewer |...

PDFView should extends android.view.View and the implementation is pretty


public class PDFView extends android.view.View {

private ThemedReactContext context;

public PDFView(ThemedReactContext context) {

this.context = context;

At this moment all classes are ready and PDFViewPackage can be registered.

Register PDFViewPackage
In there is the getPackages method. Right below
MainReactPackage the PDFViewPackage package can be registered:

protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new PDFViewPackage()

Java initial implementation is ready!

JavaScript implementation
In Atom create a new folder PDFView and create two files:

• index.js

• RNPDFView.js

This is main file where the PDFView react native component should be required
and component interface has to be defined:

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How to build react-native bridge and get PDF Viewer |...

import { requireNativeComponent, ViewPropTypes } from 'react-

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

const componentInterface = {
name: 'PDFView',
propTypes: {

export default requireNativeComponent('PDFView',


At this moment only ViewPropTypes are used to check that the component is
properly defined and can be used. All other properties will be added later.

This file is optional, and can be used as wrapper component, to handle
error/loading states, or to use flow types, etc:

/* @flow */
import React from 'react';

import RNPDFView from './RNPDFView';

type Props = {};

class PDFView extends React.Component<Props, *> {

static defaultProps = {};

constructor(props: Props) {

render() {
return <RNPDFView {...this.props} />;

export default PDFView;

The bridge is ready and can be imported and used:

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How to build react-native bridge and get PDF Viewer |...

import PDFView from './PDFView/index';


return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<PDFView style={styles.pdfView} />

Since it implements android.view.View in Java, it also should behave as a View

react-native component. This can be checked by defining styles:

const styles = StyleSheet.create({

pdfView: {
height: 400,
width: 300,
backgroundColor: 'green',

Restart the app and you will get a green rectangle like this:

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How to build react-native bridge and get PDF Viewer |...

Styling the component

Actually that’s all for the bridge, except properties and callbacks. And if they are
not required it is already possible to implement the component in Java.

PDF Viewer implementation

To implement PDF Viewer it is necessary to know:

• resource — String value to define the resource to render. Can be url, filePath or
base64 data

• resourceType - String value to define the resource type

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How to build react-native bridge and get PDF Viewer |...

And of course get some feedback from native part to JavaScript:

• onError - Callback function that has to be is invoked on error

• onLoad - Callback function that has to be is invoked on load completed

Pass properties from JavaScript

In PDFView/RNPDFView.js extend the componentInterface.propTypes with the
properties described above:

const componentInterface = {
name: 'PDFView',
propTypes: {
onError: PropTypes.func,
onLoad: PropTypes.func,
resource: PropTypes.string,
resourceType: PropTypes.string,

Do the same in PDFView/index.js but using flow types:

type Props = {
onError: (Error) => void,
onLoad: () => void,
resource: string,
resourceType: 'url' | 'base64' | 'file',

And define method onError to pass only nativeEvent from the component:

onError: (error: Error) => void; // Flow type definition

onError(event: any) {
this.props.onError(event && event.nativeEvent || new Error());

Do not forget to bind this in constructor:

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How to build react-native bridge and get PDF Viewer |...

constructor(props: Props) {
this.onError = this.onError.bind(this);

And fix the render method:

render() {
const { onError, ...remainingProps } = this.props;
return <RNPDFView {...remainingProps} onError={this.onError} />;

Also default properties can be defined to simplify the usage of the component:

static defaultProps = {
onError: () => {},
onLoad: () => {},
resourceType: 'url',

The JavaScript implementation is finished now.

Get and use properties in Java

Switch to Android Studio and open PDFViewManager class. This is the place where
all properties, defined in JavaScript , can be accessed. Define resource :

@ReactProp(name = "resource")
public void setResource(PDFView pdfView, String resource) {

And the same for resourceType (Callbacks will be implement later):

@ReactProp(name = "resourceType")
public void setResourceType(PDFView pdfView, String resourceType)

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How to build react-native bridge and get PDF Viewer |...


Implementation in PDFView class will be:

private String resourceType;

private String resource;

public void setResource(String resource) {

this.resource = resource;

public void setResourceType(String resourceType) {

this.resourceType = resourceType;

In PDFViewManager find the following methods:

• onAfterUpdateTransaction this is the place where the component should be

rendered after all properties are set:

public void onAfterUpdateTransaction(PDFView pdfView) {

• onDropViewInstance this is another method that is called when the React

Native component is unmounted. The implementation can be the following:

public void onDropViewInstance(PDFView pdfView) {

Use JavaScript callbacks in Java

To use load complete, error callbacks it is necessary to pass this events. Open

10 sur 19 04/10/2023 13:11

How to build react-native bridge and get PDF Viewer |... and define loadComplete and onError methods:

public void loadComplete(int numberOfPages) {
reactNativeEvent("onLoad", null);

public void onError(Exception ex) {
reactNativeEvent("onError", "error: " + t.getMessage());

and implement reactNativeEvent method. According to official documentation it

should be:

private void reactNativeEvent(String eventName, String message) {

WritableMap event = Arguments.createMap();
event.putString("message", message);
ReactContext reactContext = (ReactContext) this.getContext();
.receiveEvent(this.getId(), eventName, event);

And in PDFViewManager

public Map getExportedCustomBubblingEventTypeConstants() {

return MapBuilder
MapBuilder.of("bubbled", "onLoad"))
MapBuilder.of("bubbled", "onError"))

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How to build react-native bridge and get PDF Viewer |...

The implementation of the bridge is ready! The only thing left to do is to

implement . I used AndroidPdfViewer implementation and final
solution you can find in gitlab (

The implementation of the bridge and PDF Viewer is ready. Define the document
you would like to render:

<View style={styles.container}>
React Native Pdf JavaScript Native App Components
onError={error => console.log('onError', error) }
onLoad={() => console.log('onLoad') }
resource="" />

..reload the application and instead of green rectangle you will get PDF


Written by Maksym Rusynyk

106 Followers · Writer for DailyJS

Software Engineer at ING. and

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