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The Indonesian Capital Market Review

Volume 12 Article 3
Number 1 January


Capital Market and Financial Development on Growth: A Panel

ARDL Analysis
Michael Appiah
Jiangsu University (Ghana),

Derrick Yaw Idan Frowne

Jiangsu University (Ghana)

Derrick Tetteh
Jiangsu University (Ghana)

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Appiah, Michael; Frowne, Derrick Yaw Idan; and Tetteh, Derrick (2020) "Capital Market and Financial
Development on Growth: A Panel ARDL Analysis," The Indonesian Capital Market Review: Vol. 12 : No. 1 ,
Article 3.
DOI: 10.21002/icmr.v12i1.12050
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Appiah et al.: Capital Market and Financial Development on Growth: A Panel ARDL
Indonesian Capital Market Review 12 (2020) 28-41

Capital Market and Financial Development on Growth:

A Panel ARDL Analysis
Michael Appiah*, 2Derrick Yaw Idan Frowne, 3Derrick Tetteh
School of Finance & Economics, Jiangsu University, China
Department of Accounting, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
Dorstell Consult Ltd., Koforidua, Ghana.

(Received: January 2020/ Revised: February 2020/ Accepted: May 2020 / Available Online: June 2020)

This study evaluates the influence of capital market development and financial development on
growth in the three West African countries. Data used for the research is from the World Bank and Pen
World Table (PWT). This research uses the Panel ARDL test to examine the long-term relationship,
as well as the error correction model to analyze the existence of a short-term relationship. The
results show that in both the long term and short term, there is a negative influence of capital market
development on economic growth. On the same line, in the long term, financial development is also
negatively associated with growth and has no significant impact on economic growth. The ECM
results indicate that there is a long-run causality effect between capital market development, financial
development, and economic growth.

Keywords: Economic Growth, Capital Market Development, Financial Development, Panel ARDL,
Error Correction Model

JEL Classification: O11, O16, R53

Introduction deposit mobilization and funds allocation to the

private sector for investment and growth of the
In the mid-1990s, most Sub-Saharan Africa economy. In the same way, capital market de-
(SSA) countries introduced major economic velopment exists to offer mechanism, whereby
recovery and development programs to meet those supplying capital will quickly and easily
the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA). restore their liquidity (Kyereboah‐Coleman &
The principal objective of these programs is to Agyire‐Tettey, 2008).
make funds accessible to investors entering into The introduction of financial sector devel-
long term businesses (Ouandlous, 2010). Capi- opment and capital market development as an
tal market development and financial sector economic recovery program has led to more
development were among the programs rolled literature investigation in recent years. Most
out. The objective of the financial sector devel- researchers are into looking at the finance-
opment reform was to improve upon the work growth nexus in Africa. Adusei (2013) with the
of the banking institutions for improvement in application of the dynamic GMM Model ob-

* Corresponding author’s email:

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The Indonesian Capital Market Review, Vol. 12, No. 1 [2020], Art. 3
M. Appiah, D. Y. I. Frowne, D. Tetteh / Indonesian Capital Market Review 12 (2020) 28-41

serve the finance-growth nexus with panel data example, the stock market is an ongoing devel-
(1981-2010) from 24 African countries. His opment. In any case, a look at the role of capital
proof proposes that there is a positive affiliation market development and financial development
between finance and economic growth as on growth in Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Nige-
well as a bi-directional causal relationship ria will yield helpful exercises for other Sub-
between finance and economic growth. Ahmed Saharan Africa (SSA) nations with comparative
(2016) in the same way applied the dynamic economic circumstances.
GMM Model in 30 SSA countries. The result The rest of the paper is as follows: The
proves that financial development influences next section highlights some literature on
growth in a positive direction. (Assefa & Mol- capital market development, financial devel-
lick, 2017; El Menyari, 2019) supports the posi- opment, and its impacts on growth. Section 3
tive connection between financial development discusses the research methods with the data,
and growth. empirical model specification and empirical
Studies on the link between capital market strategy inclusive. Section 4 presents in-depth
development and economic growth proceed to results and discussion. Section 5 discusses
stimulate interest among economists, on both the conclusion including policy implications.
the theoretical and empirical basis. Without a
doubt, capital market development is an im- Literature Review
perative factor within the development of the
economies of developing countries. Most of Sustainable economic growth requires capi-
these authors such as (Cooray, 2010; Tachiwou, tal collection for investment and proficient ac-
2010) support that capital market development tivation of economic resources in the economy.
exerts a positive influence on economic growth. Financial foundations and financial markets as-
Bill, Hasan, and Ofori (2015) examines the in- sume a major job with the assistance of a finan-
fluence of the development of capital markets cial exchange (Seven & Yetkiner, 2016). Over
on growth in Africa and records a significant the period, specialists investigated the effects of
increase in growth (GDP per capita) after stock financial development and capital market devel-
exchanges are recognized. In the same way, opment on economic growth considering either
Khetsi and Mongale (2015) studies on the capi- bank-based or market-oriented financial devel-
tal market-growth nexus and stated categorical- opment. A gathering of specialists contends and
ly that there is a positive link between growth underline that market-based financial develop-
and capital markets in South Africa. In addition ment requires a productive stock market, this
to the above, (Njemcevic, 2017; Obiakor, 2016) takes into consideration the enhancement of
also researched on the subject matter in the Af- risk in investments with a proficient activation
rican context. of capital among economic operator see, for in-
The authors of this study are motivated to stance, (Antonios, 2010; Nazir, Nawaz, & Gi-
look at the effects of both capital market devel- lani, 2010; Owusu & Odhiambo, 2014). Finan-
opment and financial development on growth. cial development and capital market develop-
Most studies in the African context are on ei- ment are a significant determinant of economic
ther on capital market-growth nexus or the growth (Aghion, Howitt, & Mayer-Foulkes,
finance-growth connection individually. This 2005; Bill et al., 2015). Notwithstanding, due
study typically intends to ascertain the impact to its expansive definition and association with
of capital market development and financial de- different circles of economic development, its
velopment together on growth by applying the consequences on economic growth are misty.
panel ARDL estimation method in Sub-Sahara Exact investigations intermittently reconsider
Africa. Again, the study extends the literature the connection between financial development
on the capital market-finance-growth nexus in and capital market development separately on
the African context. economic growth as new theories, datasets, and
For nations like Tanzania and Uganda, for empirical devices become accessible. 29
DOI: 10.21002/icmr.v12i1.12050 2
Appiah et al.: Capital Market and Financial Development on Growth: A Panel ARDL
M. Appiah, D. Y. I. Frowne, D. Tetteh / Indonesian Capital Market Review 12 (2020) 28-41

Studies in Finance & Growth relationship short-run multivariate investigation gives mixed
outcomes just as a two-way causal connection
The costs of information, contract implemen- between finance and growth in most regions and
tation, and transactions make further stimuli for single directional causality between growth &
the rise of financial agreements and markets. finance for two least fortunate regions. Besides,
Various sorts and mixes of information, autho- they expressed that different variables from the
rization, and exchange costs related to various real sector, for example, trade and government
legal, regulatory, and tax frameworks have in- consumption, assume a significant job in clari-
spired unmistakable financial agreements, mar- fying economic growth. In conclusion, they
kets, and delegates crosswise over nations and reasoned that it appears that a well-functioning
since forever. financial system is important, however, not an
In arising to improve upon the market fric- adequate condition to achieve consistent eco-
tions, financial developments and its systems, nomic growth in emerging countries.
of course, influence the distribution of resourc- Again, a study by Nazir et al. (2010) uses the
es crosswise over existence (Anwar & Nguyen, Geweke decomposition assessment on pooled
2011; Zhang, Wang, & Wang, 2012). For ex- information of 109 emerging and developed
ample, to improve the distribution of funds and countries from 1960 to 1994 to take a look at
credits, the establishment of banks has been a the course of causality between financial devel-
major contributory agent in the distribution. opment and growth. The results on finance and
Besides, investors are certain about the pay- growth, they gave was the following:
ment of their dividends by organizations and (1) Financial development, for the most part,
companies. As a precedent, the increase in liq- prompts economic growth
uid stocks and bonds implies that now individu- (2) Financial development Granger causes eco-
als will be in the liberty to invest in stocks and nomic growth and the vice versa
bonds rather than normal savings.
A considerable assemblage of empirical (3) Financial development contributes more to
studies on finance and growth evaluates the ef- the causal connections in the emerging na-
fect of the activity of the financial development tions than in the industrial nations
and system on economic growth. Regardless (4) The more drawn out the sampling interim,
of whether the effect is economically huge, and the bigger the impact of financial develop-
whether certain segments of the financial de- ment on economic growth
velopment and system, e.g., Banks and stock Kim, Lin, and Suen (2010) push economic
markets, assume an especially significant role growth through both an increasingly fast capi-
in encouraging growth at specific phases of tal gathering and product development, with the
economic development. This segment sorted last channel being the strongest.
around econometric ways to deal with analyz- Furthermore, Carbó Valverde, López del
ing the connection between finance and growth. Paso, and Rodríguez (2007) in their study talked
The media through which financial develop- about a cross-country examination and recom-
ment adds to economic growth have broadly mended that finance and growth are significant-
talked about in the literature. Related theories ly linked. The examination expressed that the
can portray by hopeful and incredulous meth- characteristics and geographical scope of this
odologies. As indicated by the previous studies relationship have turned out to be fundamental
most authors are of the view that financial de- to clarify contrasts in economic improvement
velopment has a positive and long relationship and financial exclusion. These studies record
with growth (Hassan, 2016; Nazir et al., 2010; that the concepts are profoundly applicable in
Zhang et al., 2012). this specific situation.
Hassan (2016) found a positive connection Results from Zhang et al. (2012) distin-
between financial development and growth in guished that both traditional cross-sectional
emerging countries. Also, they recorded that relapses and first-difference system GMM esti-

Published by UI Scholars Hub, 2020 3
The Indonesian Capital Market Review, Vol. 12, No. 1 [2020], Art. 3
M. Appiah, D. Y. I. Frowne, D. Tetteh / Indonesian Capital Market Review 12 (2020) 28-41

mators for dynamic panel data recommend that sector development in growth is probably going
most customary variables of financial develop- to move far from preparing savings, hence aug-
ment are decidedly correlated with growth. menting the amount of investment toward im-
Other authors argue that financial develop- proving the efficiency of investment, and along
ment (FD) and economic growth (EG) are neg- these lines adding to higher economy-wide pro-
atively correlated. An empirical study by Sassi ductivity.
and Goaied (2013) in light of the estimation
of a dynamic panel model with system GMM Studies on Capital Market Development &
estimators and turned out with discoveries that Growth nexus
there is a negative direct impact of finance on
growth. They further clarify the ambiguous Capital market development has throughout
relationship might be connected to numerous the years demonstrated to be of high respect in
phenomenon’s yet there are not yet clear clarifi- Sub-Sahara Africa (Khetsi & Mongale, 2015;
cations of this riddle. Obiakor, 2016). Sub-Sahara Africa’s novel di-
In the same vein, Andersen and Tarp (2003) mension of growth, structures, some portion
going to the empirical proof, demonstrated that of the quickest creating nations in Africa in
the supposed first-order impact whereby finan- the whole mainland. The gross domestic prod-
cial development causes growth is not satisfac- uct (GDP) of the study countries is to a great
torily upheld by econometric work. The em- extent represented by its stock market, which
pirical proof of the finance-growth relationship far surpasses that of the other, creating econo-
does not yield any obvious picture. mies which likewise have economies that are
Speaking on the same issue, empirical re- becoming great (Phiri, 2015). Some researchers
sults from Abu-Bader and Abu-Qarn (2006) such as (Cooray, 2010; Tachiwou, 2010) have
show weak support for a long-run connection indicated their support of capital market devel-
between financial development and growth, opment has a significant influence on growth.
and for the hypothesis that finance leads to Most of these studies proxied capital market
growth. They further found that in situations development as Stock Market Capitalization to
where cointegration is distinguished, Granger GDP and came out with some outstanding out-
causality was either bidirectional or it kept run- comes in support of the current hypothesis.
ning from yield to financial development. Tachiwou (2010) characterize size as
Ductor and Grechyna (2015) in their discov- the offer of market capitalization over GDP
eries additionally, propose that the impact of fi- and liquidity as the volume of offer traded over
nancial development on growth moves toward GDP and discovered that stock market devel-
becoming negative if there is a fast growth in opment emphatically influences growth in the
private credit not joined by growth in genuine West African monetary union in both the short
yield. Their results give empirical proof with term and long-term.
hypothesizing the presence of the optimal di- Again, a study by Nazir et al. (2010) inves-
mension of financial development given by the tigates the connection between the stock market
qualities. development and economic growth in Pakistan
The results from Estrada, Park, and Rama- for the time of 1986 to 2008. They researched
yandi (2010) additionally shown that the impact the stock market development and economic
of financial development on the growth is not growth relationship by utilizing the two note-
discernibly quite the same as somewhere else, worthy proportions of stock market develop-
and the impact has weakened since the Asian ment, to be specific: size of the market and li-
financial emergency. By and large, their proof quidity predominant in the market as far as mar-
backings the thought that further development ket capitalization. The outcome uncovered was
of the financial sector matters for continuing that economic growth is achieved by expanding
building up Asia’s growth in the post-crisis pe- the size of the stock markets of a nation.
riod. Nevertheless, the primary job of financial Augmenting the Fischer (2011) model by a 31
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Appiah et al.: Capital Market and Financial Development on Growth: A Panel ARDL
M. Appiah, D. Y. I. Frowne, D. Tetteh / Indonesian Capital Market Review 12 (2020) 28-41

Table 1. Variables and Data Sources

Variable Unit/ Proxy Source
Economic Growth (GDP) Current USD, Gross Domestic Product World Development Indicators
Inflation (INF) Percentage, Consumer Price Index World Development Indicators
Capital Market Development (CMD) Percentage, Stock Market Capitalization to Penn World Table
Trade Openness (TRADE) Percentage, Trade World Development Indicators
Financial Development (FIN) Percentage, Domestic Credit Provided By World Development Indicators
Financial Sector (% Of GDP)
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Percentage, Foreign Direct Investment, Net World Development Indicators
Labor (LAB) Labor Force World Development Indicators
Source: Computed by authors, 2019

factor for the stock market, a study by Cooray the MINT countries as a group. This outcome
(2010) discovers the help for the stock market apparently was negative and significantly iden-
augmented method for a cross-section of 35 tified with GDP, however positive and signifi-
emerging economies. In the end, it is noticed cantly identified with other variables.
that policy estimates taken to build the size,
liquidity, and action of the stock market will Research Methods
further upgrade growth. The results indicated
by Khetsi and Mongale (2015) states that there Data
is a positive bond between growth and capital
markets. Ake (2010) explores the consequences The main phase of data gathering included
of the investigation and proposes a positive in- the download of quantitative data from the
terface between the stock market and econom- databases of the World Bank Development
ic growth nations for which the stock market indicators and PWT (2015) online. The study
is liquid and very dynamic. Nevertheless, the mainly examines the effects of capital market
causal relationship is rejected for the states with development, financial development on eco-
less liquid stock market. nomic growth. It again deals with exploring
Some writers like (Lenee & Oki, 2017 ; the connections between them over the period
Okoye, Modebe, Taiwo, & Okorie, 2016) have from 1992 to 2012 in three West African states
argued other works on the issue of the capital (Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Nigeria). The study
market, having a significant impact on growth. employed capital market development (CMD)
Okoye et al. (2016) employing the econometric proxies as Stock Market Capitalization to GDP
methodology of the VECM model, showed that and sourced from Penn World Table (PWT,
in the short-term, market capitalization ratio 2019) and financial development proxied as Do-
and income ratio have a statistical negative im- mestic credit provided by financial sector (% of
pact on aggregate national output (GDP). The GDP) sourced from the World Development In-
result shows by Nwaolisa, Kasie, and Egbunike dicators (WDI, 2019) as explanatory variables.
(2013) recorded that while total market capi- The selection of the data period and country is
talization and all offer indexes apply a positive based on the availability of data. Gross Domes-
impact on the GDP growth rate, the complete tic Product (GDP) as a measure of Economic
estimation of stock hurts the GDP growth rate, growth, which is the dependent variable with
and none is significant. The investigation later the capital market and financial development
in this way prescribes the government ought to as independent variables. The variables left are
portray deliberate exertion and truthfulness of considered as control variables. To evaluate
direction in the capital market development. the quality of the connection between capital
Lenee and Oki (2017 ) in their study hypothe- market development, financial development,
sized and uncovered that the number of record- and economic growth, the examination control
ed securities is the most factor affecting capital three macroeconomic covariates in the regres-
market development measures on the growth of sions that are likewise generally utilized in the

Published by UI Scholars Hub, 2020 5
The Indonesian Capital Market Review, Vol. 12, No. 1 [2020], Art. 3
M. Appiah, D. Y. I. Frowne, D. Tetteh / Indonesian Capital Market Review 12 (2020) 28-41

related writing. Where ln is the natural log, a is the intercept,

To begin with, the investigation incorporates subscript i and t is the country and time respec-
the inflation rate (INF), which is the growth tively with ε treated as the error term. β1… β6
rate of the consumer price index (CPI). Sec- are the coefficients to be assessed. It is expected
ondly, labor is incorporated given that employ- that the explanatory variables, thus the capital
ment growth is broadly utilized in the growth market development and financial development
regressions. The study again considers the use would have a significant effect.
of trade openness and foreign investment in the
estimation. Table 1 gives a summary of the data Panel Unit root tests
and data sources used in the examination.
For researching the connection between
Methodology capital market development, financial devel-
opment, and economic growth, the study ini-
The main objective of the study is to devel- tially breaks down the stationary properties
op an empirical strategy that would enable the of the series by utilizing the first-generation
estimation of the effects of capital market de- test of the panel unit root of (Pesaran, Shin,
velopment, financial development on economic & Smith, 1999). The second-generation test
growth and sustainability. The main regression of the panel unit root of Pesaran et al. (1999)
model developed for the estimation is as fol- which gives robust results and avoid spurious
lows: results over the other customary unit root tests
for little samples. These tests are not so much
GDP = F (Inflation (INF), Capital Market prohibitive, but rather more dominant than the
Development (CMD), Trade Openness tests created by (Breitung, 2001; Levin, Lin,
(TRADE), Financial Development & Chu, 2002). The strength of some unit root
tests for panel data as indicated by Baltagi and
(FIN), Foreign Direct Investment Moscone (2010) don’t take into consideration
(FDI), Labor (LAB)… EQ (1) heterogeneity in the autoregressive coefficient.
The tests proposed by the IPS grant illumi-
An econometric model is developed from equa- nating Levin and Lin’s serial correlation issue
tion 1 and expressed as by accepting heterogeneity between units in a
dynamic panel system. The fundamental equa-
GDP = a+β1INFit+β2CMDit+β3TRADEit tion for the panel unit root tests for IPS is as
+β4FINit+ β5INVit+ β6LABit +εit (2) pursues:

Where (INF) is Inflation ∆yi,t = αi + ρi yi,t−1 + ij

∆yi,t−j + εi,t;
(CMD) is Capital Market Development i = 1, 2, . . . , N; t = 1, 2, . . . , T, (4)
(TRADE) is Trade Openness
(FIN) is Financial Development Where ∆yi,t represents each variable under dis-
(FDI) is Foreign Direct Investment cussion in the model. αi is the single fixed effect
(LAB) is Labor and ρ is designated for making the residuals un-
correlated above time with the null hypothesis
A natural log is estimated on all variables in stating that ρi = 0 for all i between the alterna-
equation 2 and developed into a model ex- tive hypothesis, also stating that ρi < 0 for some
pressed in equation 3 below i = 1, . . . , N1 and ρi = 0 for i = N1 + 1, . . . , N.

lnGDP = a+lnβ1INFit+lnβ2CMDit Panel ARDL Test

+lnβ5INVit+lnβ6LABit+εit (3) The panel ARDL method is chosen to re-
search the long-term and short-term cointe- 33
DOI: 10.21002/icmr.v12i1.12050 6
Appiah et al.: Capital Market and Financial Development on Growth: A Panel ARDL
M. Appiah, D. Y. I. Frowne, D. Tetteh / Indonesian Capital Market Review 12 (2020) 28-41

gration connections between the variables and laiman, Bala, Tijani, Waziri, & Maji, 2015). In
concentrate on the ECM (error correction mod- Equation (6), panel ARDL with different vari-
el) of the panel qualities to recognize the short- ables can incorporate different lags, which are
term dynamic. inapplicably utilizing the standard cointegration
Likewise, substitute cointegration methods test. Additionally, utilizing panel ARDL, both
were utilized to achieve comparative findings, long-term and short-term coefficients are given
just like the conventional Johansen and Juselius on the double (Sheng & Guo, 2016). In the end,
(1990) techniques. Notwithstanding, the panel the ARDL approach could be connected with
autoregressive distributed lag technique was confined simple data where the gathering of es-
favoured over cointegration in light of the ex- sential estimations was improved (Narayan &
tra advantages it gives. This type of model can Narayan, 2005).
accept very general lag structures and can eas- In the second step, the study based on the
ily be stretched to integrate panel data. Even assumption that all variables are heterogeneous
though the customary cointegration approach and such the ECT estimations are suitable for
evaluates the long-term connection inside the the establishment of a long-run cointegration
arrangement of equations in the unique circum- between capital market development and finan-
stance, the panel ARDL approach utilizes an in- cial development with the dependent variable
dividual informed the type of equation (Pesaran thus economic growth (GDP). If the cointegra-
et al., 1999). tion connections are set up, the long-term equa-
tion can be evaluated.
ΔYl;it= αli +γ1iYl;it-1+ γli Xl;it-1 ΔYl; it- j

δlijΔXl;it- j+εl;it (5) Error Correction Term Test

Where Yl represents the dependent variable
In the third step, we acquire a short-term dy-
with Xl is the exogenous variable, as well as l =
namic relationship by evaluating an error cor-
1,2,3,4,5,6,7. εit is the error term, and Δ is the
rection model (ECM). The ECM is character-
first difference operator. In the study GDP is the
ized as pursues:
dependent variable, the ARDL model is devel-
oped as follows: ΔYl;it= αli+ β1ijΔY l;it-j+ βlijΔXl;it- j
ΔlnGDPl;it = αli+γ1ilnGDPl;it-1+γ2ilnINFl;it-1 li
+ μ ECTl;it-1+εlit (7)

+γ3ilnCMDl;it-1+γ4ilnTRADEl;it-1 With which the residuals εlit (l = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
+γ5ilnFINl;it-1γ6i lnFDIl;it-1 6, 7) are independent and normally spread with

+γ7ilnLABl;it-1 γlilnINFl;it-1 the zero mean and constant variance and ECM,

= (1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6,7) is the error correction term
+ δ1ijΔlnGDPl;it- j t‐1
( ECT) well-defined by the long-term associa-

+ δ2ijΔlnINFl;it- j tion. The parameter μli designates the speed of
+ δ3ijΔlnCMDl;it- j adjustment to the equilibrium level. On top of
+ δ4ijΔlnTRADEl;it- j it all, GDP is the dependent variable; the ECM

+ δ5ijlnFINl;it- j model is defined as follows:

+ δ6ijΔlnFDIl;it- j ΔlnGDPl;it = αli+ β1ijΔlnGDP l;it-j

+ δ7ijΔlnLABl;it- j εl;it (6) + β2jΔlnINFl;it- j
The selection of lag variables is based on the + β3ijΔlnCMDl;it- j
(SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criterion). + β4ijΔlnTRADEl;it- j
According to Equation (5), the panel ARDL + β5ijΔlnFINl;it- j
approach could be utilized with the concen-
+ β6ijΔlnFDIl;it- j
trated factors paying little mind to whether they
were I (0), I (1), or both I (0) and I (1) (Su- + β7ijΔlnLABl;it- j
+μliECTl;it-1+εlit (8)

Published by UI Scholars Hub, 2020 7
The Indonesian Capital Market Review, Vol. 12, No. 1 [2020], Art. 3
M. Appiah, D. Y. I. Frowne, D. Tetteh / Indonesian Capital Market Review 12 (2020) 28-41

Table 2. Descriptive statistics

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
lngddp 63 23.863990 1.1210170 22.3293000 26.856560
lninf 63 3.734296 0.9743470 1.0322290 4.823359
lncmd 63 2.305794 0.9603786 -0.9423344 3.578950
lntrade 63 4.272970 0.2352226 3.7449970 4.754008
lnfin 63 3.108266 0.3937936 1.5911530 3.838155
lnfdi 62 20.205460 1.4574280 16.9290300 22.902680
lnlab 63 16.380710 0.8307866 15.3981600 17.771160
Source: Computed by authors on the data from PWT & WDI, 2019

Table 3. Correlation Matrix

Variables lngddp lninf lncmd lntrade lnfin lnfdi lnlab
lngddp 1.0000 0.4494 0.3202 -0.4659 -0.3431 0.8994 0.8095
lninf 0.4494 1.0000 0.1224 0.2958 -0.1049 0.3694 -0.0227
lncmd 0.3202 0.1224 1.0000 0.0630 -0.2875 0.3532 0.3403
lntrade -0.4659 0.2958 0.0630 1.0000 0.2051 -0.4216 -0.5393
lnfin -0.3431 -0.1049 -0.2875 0.2051 1.0000 -0.2327 -0.2958
lnfdi 0.8994 0.3694 0.3532 -0.4216 -0.2327 1.0000 0.7997
Lnlab 0.8095 -0.0227 0.3403 -0.5393 -0.2958 0.7997 1.0000
Source: Computed by authors on the data from PWT & WDI, 2019

Panel ARDL-PMG & MG Tests that coefficients are the same for each country
for long-term relationships.
As recently referenced, the estimators of the
ARDL model and all parameters are from uti- Hausman Specification Test
lizing the PMG technique, as treated by (Pesa-
ran et al., 1999). This estimation system de- Hausman (1978) test the hypothesis of ho-
pendent on the maximum likelihood technique mogeneity of the long-term policy parameters
is considered the most predictable because it cannot be accepted a prior. The impact of het-
represents the individual characteristics (coun- erogeneity on the means of the coefficients can
try, region, and so forth.) and gives a superior be dictated by the Hausman-type test. If the
assessment of the long-term relationship. In parameters are in certainty homogenous, the
this manner, the PMG estimators acquired are PMG regressors are more efficient than MG.
asymptotically and normally conveyed, as ex- In other words, the efficient regressors under
pressed by (Pesaran et al., 1999). the null hypothesis, which is PMG is favoured.
Even though the MG (mean group) approach Nevertheless, on the off chance that the null hy-
proposed by expect heterogeneity of the coef- pothesis is rejected, at that point, the efficient
ficients, the adjustment parameter errors and estimator MG is accepted.
variances in both the short-and long-term, the
PMG approach accept heterogeneity of the Results and Discussions
short-term coefficients, though the long-term
coefficients are thought to be indistinguishable Table 2 gives a descriptive statistic on the
and homogeneous for all variables in the panel. variables by estimating the mean, median in-
The decision of such a system is particularly cluding measurements like standard devia-
supported when there is motivation to trust that tion, with the highest and lowest mean being
over the long-term, homogeneity can be cred- 23.86399 and 2.305794 respectively will ob-
ited with the impact of various elements, for servation of 63 for all variables except foreign
example, macroeconomic factors, financial de- direct investment. A standard deviation of the
velopment, and the capital market development high value of 1.457428 and a lower value of
that was available in all African countries in the 0.2352226.
study. Therefore, the study incorporates the hy- Table 3 gives empirical results on the cor-
pothesis imposed by the PMG approach, stating relations between all variables. The data set 35
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Appiah et al.: Capital Market and Financial Development on Growth: A Panel ARDL
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Table 4. Unit Root Results

Im-Pesaran-Shin unit-root test Level 1st Difference
Variables T. Statistics Prob T. Statistics Prob
lngdp 3.0157 0.9987 -5.1058 0.0000***
Lninf -2.5378 0.0056*** -3.9351 0.0000***
lncmd -2.4043 0.0081*** -5.3555 0.0000***
lntrade -1.7280 0.0420** -4.5835 0.0000***
Lnfin -1.6174 0.0529* -2.6339 0.0042***
Lnfdi -0.5701 0.2843 -3.5970 0.0002***
Lnlab 4.6075 1.0000 -0.3830 0.0509*
NB *, **, *** is significant at 10%, 5% and 1% significant level. Source: Computed by authors on the data from PWT & WDI, 2019

Table 5. Panel ARDL-PMG & MG results

Method PMG Estimations MG Estimations
Variables Long Run Results Short Run Results Long Run Results Short Run Results
lninf 0.5280153 0.4975314 11.94488 -0.3484325
(0.2231811) (0.2785395) (11.71836) (0.1454328)
[2.37]** [1.79]** [1.02] [-2.40]**
lncmd -0.1050174 0.0193077 0.0370024 0.0012223
(0.0602307) (0.0287282) (0.1386276) (0.0574206)
[-1.74]** [0.67] [0.27] [0.02]
lntrade -0.6443649 -0.4400416 0.8996968 -0.2926255
(0.4468133) (0.3002264) (1.359276) (0.2236125)
[-1.44] [-1.47] [0.66] [ -1.31]
lnfin -0.0823344 0.0991803 0.2999995 0.1445719
(0.1255319) (0.0895528) (1.135809) (0.2460434)
[-0.66] [1.11] [0.26] [ 0.59]
lnfdi 0.2074551 0.0415545 -0.5253948 0.0389723
(0.1303922) (0.0954816) (0.7026967) (0.1117199)
[1.59] [0.44] [-0.75] [0.35]
Lnlab 3.060834 2.692304 -12.88979 2.165059
(0.7503304) (5.434844) (16.55325) (8.942304)
[4.08]*** [0.50] [-0.78] [0.24]
ECT -0.4034119 -0.5526145
(0.1865654) (0.209123)
[-2.16]** [-2.64]***
NB ( ) is Std. Error, [ ] is T. Statistics and *,**,*** is significant at 10%, 5% and 1% significant level. Source: Computed by authors on the
data from PWT & WDI, 2019

demonstrates that the variables of interest thus simple cointegration tests.

capital market development (CMD) and fi- The condition for the ARDL model is the
nancial development (FIN) are positively and presence of a long-term association. The basis
negatively related to growth individually. Most for this is the coefficient of the error correction
macroeconomic variables have a normal rela- term must be negative and not lower than – 2
tionship sign with growth: growth is negatively with the results at -.4034119 and significant at
corresponded with trade and positively con- a 5% significance level. This is the fundamental
nected with inflation, foreign investment, and necessity for the validity, consistency, and effi-
labor. ciency of a long-term relationship between the
Table 4 talks of the Im, Pesaran & Shin unit variables of discussion. Table 3 delineates the
root test hold that most variables under consid- pooled error coefficient and the relating stan-
erations are stationary i.e. (no unit root) at level dard error. It is noted that the pooled error cor-
except economic growth (GDP), Foreign Di- rection term falls inside the dynamically stable
rect Investment (FDI) and Labor Force (LAB). extent because of the PMG and MG estimates.
However, all of them are stationary after the Table 5 presents the outcomes of both the
first difference. This existence of a mixed or- Pooled Mean Group (PMG) and Mean Group
der of integration endorses to use panel ARDL (MG). The results delineate the long run and
model, which furnishes accurate results, unlike short-run effects of both methods. According

Published by UI Scholars Hub, 2020 9
The Indonesian Capital Market Review, Vol. 12, No. 1 [2020], Art. 3
M. Appiah, D. Y. I. Frowne, D. Tetteh / Indonesian Capital Market Review 12 (2020) 28-41

Table 6. Hausman Test Results

Test Summary Chi-Sq. Statistic Chi-Sq. d.f. Prob.
Cross-section random 1.01 6 0.9852
Source: Computed by authors on the data from PWT & WDI, 2019

to the Hausman test, the Pooled Mean Group Amoasi, & Frowne, 2019; Jones & Manuelli,
(PMG) method is the appropriate method for 1995; Osuala, Osuala, & Onyeike, 2013) con-
the investigation. firms this result stating that inflation increases
From the results, it posits that capital market growth. Again, (Gokal & Hanif, 2004; Pollin &
development coupled with financial develop- Zhu, 2006) gives a contrasting outcome on the
ment has a negative relationship with growth. effects of inflation on growth indicating that in-
Statistically, the effect of capital market devel- flation reduces growth.
opment is significant whiles the effect of finan- According to PMG regression above, trade
cial development is insignificant. has a negative relationship with growth. It is re-
In explaining the result, it proves that a per- corded based on the values of the coefficients
centage increase in the level of the capital mar- that a unit increases in trade to the three coun-
ket development will lead to a decrease in the tries under discussion will cause a significant
economic growth of more than 10%. The nega- reduction in growth. This has mostly resulted
tive and reducing effects of capital market on from the over the importation of goods and ser-
growth are consistent with the studies of (Lenee vices by these countries. Most African countries
& Oki, 2017 ; Okoye et al., 2016). This cur- import more than export due to lack of funds,
rent results, in the same way, contrast that of equipment, and expertise in the processing of
(Cooray, 2010; Tachiwou, 2010). These authors raw materials for exportation. (Lindert & Wil-
in their studies opined that capital market prox- liamson, 2003; Zahonogo, 2018) indicated this
ied as stock market capitalization influences result in their studies.
growth positively. Besides, foreign investment including the
The outcomes of the influence of financial labor force recorded positive connections with
development on economic growth presented growth. The outcomes show that a percent-
above indicate that financial development – a age increase in foreign investments and labor
measure of domestic credit to private sector by force in these countries will equally result in
banks – negatively and insignificantly affects an increase of about 20% and 100% on the av-
economic growth. This shows that an increase erage respectively. (Appiah, Li, & Korankye,
in the domestic credit does not exerts a con- 2019; Zahonogo, 2018) asserts the results of
tributory role in economic growth. For a clear the positive association between investment
understanding, there is a reduction in economic and growth. These studies figured out that for-
growth of around 8% when financial develop- eign investment positively affects growth when
ment increases. (Andersen & Tarp, 2003; Duc- employing panel ARDL analysis and dynamic
tor & Grechyna, 2015; Sassi & Goaied, 2013) GMM method respectively. Investigations by
supported the outcomes on the financial de- (Kapsos, 2005; Khan, 2005) confirmed the
velopment. (Hassan, 2016; Nazir et al., 2010; outcomes of the labor force and growth. These
Zhang et al., 2012) at the same time disputes authors hypothesized that increases in labor di-
the outcome hypothesizing that financial devel- rectly increases growth accordingly.
opment increases growth. Finally, the outcome shows a long-run cau-
The results above also proved that an in- sality effect between capital market develop-
crease in inflation raises growth. It’s recorded ment, financial development, and economic
that, with the values coefficients there is a di- growth. Statistically, it is recorded that any de-
rect relationship and the impact of inflation on viation is corrected by a 40.3% speed of adjust-
growth. The magnitude of the coefficient pos- ment among them.
its the influence of inflation and appears to be Table 6 outlines the concerns of the Haus-
significant at a 5% significance level. (Appiah, man tests. The Hausman test estimate with the 37
DOI: 10.21002/icmr.v12i1.12050 10
Appiah et al.: Capital Market and Financial Development on Growth: A Panel ARDL
M. Appiah, D. Y. I. Frowne, D. Tetteh / Indonesian Capital Market Review 12 (2020) 28-41

null hypothesis of no systematic differences be- Implication

tween the coefficient of the PMG and MG. It
deals with a more efficient model against a less The development of capital markets is ex-
efficient yet steady model to guarantee that the ceedingly significant in sustaining superior
efficient model gives predictable outcomes. economic development. Notwithstanding, capi-
The Hausman test statistic and the relating tal market development as estimated by stock
p-values of the coefficients in Table 6 where the market capitalization, affects economic growth.
null hypothesis states the long-run homogene- Also, the improvement of the labor force like-
ity restriction is tested against the alternative wise has a solid positive association with the
hypothesis. This examination found out that the economic growth of the three West African na-
Hausman test rejected the long-term homoge- tions. Accordingly, there are a few recommen-
neity restriction, at the conventional levels of dations proposed to the financial administrators
significance, supporting the suitability of the and economic experts of the three West Afri-
PMG estimates for this situation. The Prob > can nations by the present investigation. Even
chi2 is equivalent to 0.9852, which is bigger though the stock markets of 3 west African na-
than 0.05. The P-value happens to be insignifi- tions are growing and developing during the
cant and along these lines, the PMG is a suit- last few decades, this growth in the stock mar-
able model for estimation. Since the Hausman kets should be that as it may, go to the industrial
tests affirm the PMG estimates, that is, the panel and the assembling growth of the nation. There
is heterogeneous in the short term and homog- exists a solid requirement for executing the pro-
enous in the long term, explanations are made ductive monitory regulations that could add to
on the PMG estimators. the transparency and viability of stock markets.
The role of capital market development in
Conclusion advancing economic growth over the long run
is not affirmed by this study. Also, the negative
This study analyses the impact relationship outcomes of financial development on growth,
among capital market development, financial in the long run, have been documented. It is
development and GDP growth for the three ris- consequently critical to creating strategies and
ing west African nations covering the period in programs to guarantee access to long run credit
the range of 1992 and 2012. The ARDL-PMG by small and medium measured endeavours
approach is utilized to test the short-and long- that experience drawbacks in bringing capital
run interrelations among the variables (GDP, in the post-change period.
INF, CMD, TRADE, FIN, FDI, and LAB). To To guarantee fairness and equity as far as ac-
begin with, the aftereffects of the whole error cess to credit by the public, there is the need
correction model, uncover the presence of a to set up different Consumer Bills of Rights as
long-run relationship among these variables. started in the US. This will shield the public
Secondly, the long-term estimation records from uncalled for practices of the banking sec-
that inflation; foreign investment and labor are tor in stretching out credit to the private sec-
positively associated with growth and statisti- tor. The sanctioning of the Equal Credit Oppor-
cally significant at 5%. Trade openness statisti- tunity Act, for instance, will apply weight on
cally displays an insignificant position. financial institutions to receive a uniform and
Thirdly, there are long-term causalities straightforward standard for screening loan ap-
among capital market development, financial plications for credit expansion to business en-
development, and economic growth, which terprises
support the initial expectation of the study. Es- The presentation of the different capital mar-
timating the variables of interest individually, ket and financial development items, for exam-
there is a long-run unidirectional causality be- ple, mutual funds, unit trusts, government, and
tween capital market, financial development, corporate bonds will expand prospects for port-
and growth. folio diversification and in this way improve the

Published by UI Scholars Hub, 2020 11
The Indonesian Capital Market Review, Vol. 12, No. 1 [2020], Art. 3
M. Appiah, D. Y. I. Frowne, D. Tetteh / Indonesian Capital Market Review 12 (2020) 28-41

engaging quality of the stock and bond markets tion.

in these nations. These aggregate investment The foundation of small business develop-
instruments would likewise draw in little inves- ment focuses and ensure business and project
tors who will be unable to put resources into advances will improve the possibilities of small
individual stocks that require more salary and businesses to acquire loans for productive exer-
more refinement that is prominent and risk fixa- cises in the economy.

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