Research 1

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Methodology to be followed:

Developing a RISC-V Vector extended modular heterogeneous Multicore System-on-Chip (SoC)

for high-throughput avionic systems in spacecraft missions involves several key steps and
considerations. This is a complex task that requires expertise in hardware design, software
development, and an understanding of the specific requirements of avionic systems. Here is a high-
level overview of the development process:

1. **Define Requirements:**
- Clearly define the requirements of the avionic system, considering the specific needs of
spacecraft missions. This includes performance, power consumption, reliability, and environmental

2. **Select RISC-V Vector Extension:**

- Choose the appropriate RISC-V vector extension that aligns with the computational needs of the
avionic applications. The vector extension is particularly useful for parallel processing tasks,
enhancing throughput.

3. **Heterogeneous Multicore Architecture:**

- Design a heterogeneous multicore architecture that combines different types of cores optimized
for various tasks. This could include a mix of application processors, vector processors, and
specialized accelerators.

4. **Modular Design:**
- Implement a modular design to allow flexibility and scalability. Modules can include processing
cores, memory subsystems, I/O interfaces, and accelerators. This modular approach facilitates easier
customization and future upgrades.

5. **High-Throughput Interconnect:**
- Design a high-throughput and low-latency interconnect to facilitate communication between
different cores and modules. This is crucial for achieving efficient data transfer and coordination
among heterogeneous components.

6. **Memory Hierarchy:**
- Design a memory hierarchy that accommodates the requirements of avionic applications.
Consider the trade-offs between different types of memory (e.g., on-chip cache, local memory, and
external memory) to optimize performance.

7. **Avionic-specific Peripherals:**
- Integrate avionic-specific peripherals and interfaces required for communication, sensing, and
control. This may include space-grade communication protocols, sensors, and actuators.

8. **Fault Tolerance and Reliability:**

- Implement fault-tolerant mechanisms to ensure the reliability of the system in the harsh space
environment. This includes error detection, correction, and mitigation strategies.

9. **Software Development:**
- Develop software tools, compilers, and libraries that support the RISC-V vector extension and
take advantage of the heterogeneous multicore architecture. This includes optimizing algorithms for
parallel execution.

10. **Testing and Verification:**

- Rigorously test and verify the hardware and software components of the SoC. This involves
simulation, emulation, and hardware-in-the-loop testing to ensure that the system meets the
specified requirements.

11. **Power Management:**

- Implement power management techniques to optimize energy consumption, especially in space
applications where power resources may be limited.

12. **Compliance with Space Standards:**

- Ensure that the design complies with relevant space standards and specifications to meet the
stringent requirements of space missions.

13. **Documentation and Compliance:**

- Document the design, architecture, and implementation details thoroughly. Ensure compliance
with relevant industry standards and guidelines.

14. **Prototyping and Iterative Development:**

- Build prototypes for testing and validation. Iterate on the design based on the results of testing
and feedback.

15. **Integration with Avionic System:**

- Integrate the developed SoC into the overall avionic system, ensuring seamless communication
and compatibility.

16. **Certification and Qualification:**

- Go through the necessary certification and qualification processes required for space missions
to ensure the reliability and safety of the system.

17. **Manufacturing and Deployment:**

- Once the design is finalized and certified, move to manufacturing and deploy the SoC in
spacecraft missions.

This process involves collaboration among hardware engineers, software developers, system
architects, and domain experts in avionics and space systems. Additionally, it's important to stay
updated on the latest advancements in RISC-V architecture and vector extensions, as well as any
relevant space technology developments.

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