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Bridge Beam Design [Post Tensioned] - Structural Guide

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Bridge Beam Design [Post Tensioned]



The Bridge beam is constructed mostly as posted tensioned or pre-tensioned beams. In

addition to precast beams, concrete slabs on abutments, box culverts, box girders, suspension
bridges are also constructed to accommodate passengers or vehicular movements.

The design of the post-tensioned bridge beam discussed in this article is in accordance with
BS 8110 part 1.

In this article, we are discussing the ULS design (ULS bending moment capacity estimation) of
a post-tensioned bridge beam using the strain compatibility method.

Let’s discuss a little bit about the strain compatibility method.[21/5/2024 8:20:02 PM]

Bridge Beam Design [Post Tensioned] - Structural Guide

Ultimate limit state strain (εpb )in the selection at tension face is made from the following


1. Strain due to effective post-tension force( Pe) (after losses) – εpe

2. Strain-induced by the applied loading – εpa

Strain due to the prestressing Pe can be calculated as follows

εpe = Pe / [ Aps.Eps ]

where Aps is the area of the tendons and Eps is the steel elastic modulus.

During the prestressing, compression is below the neutral axis and the section is subjected to

compression strains εce and εpe.

Here, εceis the compressive strain in the section at the level of steel by the “Pe“.

Applied loads will first make this strain (εce) zero, and then the steel tensile strain will be
developed. The total tensile strain developed by ultimate limit state loading will be

εpa = εce + εu

Further,[21/5/2024 8:20:02 PM]

Bridge Beam Design [Post Tensioned] - Structural Guide

Reduction in concrete compressive strain = increase in steel tensile strain

This is because of the steel and the concrete in the same section. Concrete strain reduces and
simultaneously steel strain increases. Both happen at once.


εce = fco / Ec = [Pe/Ec] [ 1/A + e /I]

εu = εcu [ d – x ] / x = 0.0035 [ d – x ] / x

The tensile strain of the steel can be expressed as

εpb = εu + εce + εpe

We have to use an iterative process to calculate the neutral axis depth until compression force
equals tension force (C = T)

Once we calculate the tensile strain (εpb ), calculate the bending capacity of the section from

the following equation.

Mu = fpb Aps (d-d’)

The following steps are followed when the bending capacity of the bridge beam is calculated.

1. Assume a natural axis depth and calculate compression force (C = 0.45.fcu.A’c)

2. Then calculate the tensile stress in the tendon.
3. For this, calculate the tensile strains in the tendons (εpb = εu + εce + εpe)
4. And then find the steel strass from the stress-strain curve
5. Check whether the tensile force (T = fpb Aps) and the compression force is equal.
6. If not, repeat the calculate by changing the neutral axis depth until they are equal
7. After finding the neutral axis depth calculate the bending capacity of the section(Mu = fpb
Aps (d-d’)).

Let’s study this with a worked example[21/5/2024 8:20:02 PM]

Bridge Beam Design [Post Tensioned] - Structural Guide

Data for Bridge Beam Design

Span = 16m
weight of the deck = 1 kN/m
Imposed load = 4 kN/m
Density of concrete 24 kN/m
Yield strength of tendons, fpu = 1670 N/mm

Area of the tendons, Aps = 882 mm

Concrete cube strength, fcu = 40 N/mm

Area of the section, A = 121000 mm
Steel Elastic Modulus, Eps = 205 kN/mm

Concrete Elastic Modulus, Ecu = 28 N/mm

9 4
Second Moment of the area of the section, I = 5.236×10 mm
Prestressing Force, Pe = 744 kN

Calculate Design Moment

Desing load factors were taken from the BS 8110.

Area of the section =121000mm

-6[21/5/2024 8:20:02 PM]

Bridge Beam Design [Post Tensioned] - Structural Guide

Selft weight of the beam = 121000 x 10 x 24 = 2.9 kN/m

Design Load = 1.4 ( 2.9 + 1) + 1.6 x 4 = 11.86 kN/m

2 2
Design moment = wl /8 = 11.86 x 16 / 8 = 379.52 kNm

Moment Capacity Check

Calculate the neutral axis depth

Assume neutral axis, x = 400mm from top extreme fibre

Heith of the compression stress block = 0.9 x = 0.9 x 400 = 360mm

Area of the compression stress block, A’c = A1 + A2 + A3

3 2
A’c = 150×200 + 0.5x(200+100)x75 + 135×100 = 54.75×10 mm

Compressive force

C = 0.45.fcu.A’c

3 3
C = 0.45 x 40 x 54.75×10 = 985.5×10 N = 985.5 kN

Calculate Tension Force[21/5/2024 8:20:02 PM]

Bridge Beam Design [Post Tensioned] - Structural Guide

T = fpb Aps

Firstly, we need to calculate the tensile stress (fpb). Let’s use strain in the section.

εpb = εpe + εce + εu = Pe/[Aps.Eps] + [Pe/Ec][ 1/A + e /I] + 0.0035[d-x]/x

3 3 -3
εpe = Pe/[Aps.Eps] = 744×10 / (882 x 205×10 ) = 4.11x 10

2 3 3 2 9 -3
εce = [Pe/Ec][ 1/A + e /I = [744×10 /28×10 ][1/121000 + 199 /5.236×10 ] = 0.42x 10

εu = 0.0035[d-x]/x = 0.0035 x [(199+364) -400] / 400 = 1.43x 10

-3 -3 -3 -3
εpb = 4.11x 10 + 0.42x 10 + 1.43x 10 = 5.96x 10

Strain in the tendon is 5.96x 10 ≈ 0.006

From stress and strain diagram for prestressing tendons in BS 8110 Part 01, following
infromation can be considered for the design

Follwoing information are available

ϒm = 1.5

fpu = 1670 N/mm[21/5/2024 8:20:02 PM]

Bridge Beam Design [Post Tensioned] - Structural Guide

Eps = 205 kN/mm

fpu/γm = 1670 / 1.15 = 1452.2 N/mm

0.8fpu/γm = 1452.2 x 0.8 = 1161.7 N/mm

fpu/γmEps = 1670 / (1.15 x 205×10 ) = 0.0071

0.8fpu/γmEps = 0.0071 x 0.8 = 0.0057

Now values can be marked in the above figure as follows.

Using linear interpolation, we can find the stress in the tendons.

fpb = 1175.3 N/mm

Area of tendons, Aps = 882 mm

Now we can calculate the Tension force,

T = fpb Aps = 1175.3 x 882 = 1036.6×10 N = 1036.6 kN

C = 985.5 kN[21/5/2024 8:20:02 PM]

Bridge Beam Design [Post Tensioned] - Structural Guide

T ≠ C, the assumed neutral axis depth is not correct. We have to follow the same procedure
until T = C.

We may have to do several iterations to get close to the correct neutral axis depth.

Firstly, we check the range for the neutral axis depth.

We can assume C = 1036.6 kN (tensile force) then check the depth

C = 0.45.fcu.A’c

1036.6×10 = 0.45 x 40 x A’c

A’c = 57588.9 mm

57588.9 = 150×200 + 0.5x(200+100)x75 + (0.9x – 150 – 75 )x100

x = 431.54 mm

Thus, we can say that “x” should be less than this value.

Assume x = 425mm

-3 -3
εpb = 4.11x 10 + 0.42x 10 + 0.0035 x [(199+364) -425] / 425 = 0.0057

Following the similar procedure, from above chart,

fpb = 1161.7 N/mm

T = fpb Aps = 1161.7 x 882 = 1024.6×10 N = 1024.6 kN

C = 0.45.fcu.A’c = 0.45 x 40 x [150×200 + 0.5x(200+100)x75 + 157.5×100} = 1026×10 N = 1026


Therefore, we can conclude that T ≈ C

Then consider, x = 425mm for calculating the bending capacity.[21/5/2024 8:20:02 PM]

Bridge Beam Design [Post Tensioned] - Structural Guide

Mu = fpb Aps (d-d’)

Where d’ is the centroid of the compression stress block.

d’ can be calculated by taking the moment around an edge. Then the calculation is not
included as it is a simple calculation.

d’ = 159.6mm

Let’s calculate the bending capacity.

Mu = fpb Aps (d-d’)

This equation can be written as

Mu = T (d-d’)

Mu= 1024.6 (563 -159.6) / 1000 = 413.3 kNm

The bending capacity is 413.3 kNm and the applied bending moment is 379.52 kNm. The
section is ok for bending.[21/5/2024 8:20:02 PM]

Bridge Beam Design [Post Tensioned] - Structural Guide

However, the section should be checked for the shear. You may refer to a separate article for
the shear design of post-tension beams.

The article Bridge Design to BS 5400 could be referred to get more information on the bridge
beam design theory.

Further reading on precast concrete the Wikipedia article prestressed concrete could be
referred to.

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