ENG - C1 - 18 Talk About Civil Rights and Responsibilities

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Civil rights and responsibilities


Talk about civil rights

and responsibilities
Discuss civil rights and responsibilities
using different modals of obligation.

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Civil rights and responsibilities

Let’s talk about civil rights

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Civil rights and responsibilities

Think and discuss

What are civil rights and responsibilities?
Think about language associated with civil rights and
responsibilities and what these things mean.

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Civil rights and responsibilities

Modals of obligation

We can use modal forms to talk about obligation/necessity and lack of obligation. Modal forms are used as
a type of auxiliary verb. Modal verbs are never followed by to. Modal forms often incorporate to.


You must treat everyone fairly. You have to treat everyone fairly. You’ve got to treat everyone fairly.
You should treat everyone fairly. You ought to treat everyone fairly. You need to treat everyone fairly.

Lack of obligation/necessity

You don’t have to be involved in civil rights. You haven’t got to be involved in civil rights.
You needn’t be involved in civil rights. You don’t need to be involved in civil rights.


You mustn’t protest here. You can’t protest here.

You shouldn’t protest here. You ought not to protest here.

Write three sentences about civil rights and responsibilities using these modal forms.

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Civil rights and responsibilities

Match the modals with their function

1. Everyone ought to know how certain groups have

struggled for their rights.
Strong obligation imposed by
A 2. I think it’s really important to be informed so I
another person must learn more about the Black Power
B Moderate obligation
3. People often have to be reminded that they have
C Moderate prohibition civil responsibilities because they’re likely to forget
if they’re not fighting for their rights.
D Necessity 4. We shouldn’t only think of ourselves, but think
about what we can do to make the world better
Strong obligation self-imposed for everyone.
by the speaker
5. We need to have the same rights as everybody
else so we can survive.

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Civil rights and responsibilities

Pronunciation of modals

1. have to A. /ɔːdə/

2. ’ve got to B. /hævdə/

3. ought to C. /niːdə/

4. need to D. /əvgɒdə/

1 2 3 4

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Civil rights and responsibilities

Ask and answer

● Are civil rights necessary in societies?

● Does everyone have civil responsibilities?

● Do you take your civil rights and responsibilities


● Has there ever been a civil rights movement in your

country? Who/what was it for? What happened?

Why/why not? Give examples.

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Civil rights and responsibilities

Research and discuss

Which movement do you think has been most successful in its aims? Why?

Northern Ireland Civil Women’s Liberation LGBTQ Civil Rights

Rights Movement Movement Movement

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Civil rights and responsibilities

Your turn!

“Without intersectionality,
civil rights movements are meaningless.”

○ Team A: you agree with the statement.

○ Team B: you disagree with the statement.

● In your team, think of arguments for/against

this idea.

● Take turns debating between teams.

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Talk about civil rights & responsibilities

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