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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................. ii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................................... iv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study ........................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ......................................................... 3

1.3 Objective of the Study................................................................ 3

1.4 Scope of the Study ...................................................................... 4

1.5 Significance of the Study ........................................................... 6

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................. 7

2.1 Movie Script................................................................................ 7

2.2 Character .................................................................................... 6

2.2.1 Protagonist .......................................................................... 8

2.2.2 Antagonist .......................................................................... 9

2.3 Conflict ......................................................................................... 10

2.3.1 Internal Conflict ................................................................. 11

2.3.2 External Conflict ................................................................ 13 Social Conflict ...................................................... 14 Element Conflict .................................................. 19

CHAPTER III: METHOD OF STUDY ................................................................... 20

3.1 Study Design ............................................................................... 21

3.2 Data Collection ........................................................................... 22

3.3 Data Analysis .............................................................................. 22

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ....................................................... 24

4.1 Social Conflict ............................................................................... 24

4.1.1 Conflict of Man Against Man ........................................... 24 Protagonist Against Harlan Thrombey .................... 24 Protagonist Against Ransom Drysdale ................... 26 Protagonist Against Benoit Blanc........................... 28 Protagonist Against Walt Thrombey ....................... 30 Protagonist Against Meg ......................................... 31

4.1.2 Conflict of Man Against Society ......................................... 33

4.2 Findings ......................................................................................... 35

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................ 36

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 38



1.1 Background of the Study

The Knives Out movie is an American comedy, crime and drama movie

written and directed by Rian Johnson (2019). It was distributed by Lionsgate Films

while Rian Johnson, Ram Bergman, Jonathan Golfman, Brye Adler was the

producers. Rian was born in Maryland, America. He becomes a writer, director and

also musician. He directs and writes seven movies and also five Tv’s series. Knives

Out movie was first premiered as a box office movie in International Festival Film

Toronto 2019 on November 27, 2019 with the duration 2 hour and 10 minutes which

has earned $165.4M. He becomes succeed from his first feature entitled Brick (2005)

and this one made him popular as he graduated from University of Southern

California School of Cinematic Arts. With his awesome talents while wrote all his

movies and Tv’s series was recognized with his plot-twist characteristics.(Rotten


This Knives Out movie script narrates about an old billionaire man as a

famous author named Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer). He becomes richer

and richer everyday because the assets he had. It was a tragic tragedy while his

families celebrated Harlan’s birthday party at his house. After the party was over,

they found Harlan dead with slit on his neck. Then, everything in the house became

even more chaotic with this incident. With the arrival of the famous detective, Benoit

Blanc (Daniel Craig), who has the best reputation in the country, the atmosphere

heats up and there is a possibility motive for premeditated murder. The nanny, Marta


Cabrera (Anna de Armas), is the protagonist who has close relationship to Harlan

who has an unusual personality like she will vomit if lies. In carrying out many

investigations, Benoit Blanc was assisted very well by Marta Cabrera.

Having unusual personality of the protagonist creates conflicts to others. This

conflicts become the subject matters to be analysed in this study. Conflict will be an

interesting matters to analyze because conflict is the common problem which always

occurs in society.

Conflict is something that is caused by the existence of two or more things

that intersect with each other. This can happen when a person defends their ego,

opinions, principles, thoughts, emotions, desires, and arguments against others.

The conflict began with the death of the famous writer, Harlan Thrombey.

The whole family wanted Harlan's inheritance and personal assets. However, a

testament had been prepared long before this incident occurred. Harlan crossed out

several names from the beneficiary list, one of which was his own grandson, Hugh

Drysdale (Chris Evans). This caused his grandson hates him as a famous writer.

Unfortunately, the entire family did not receive any inheritance except for Marta

Cabrera (Ana de Armas), Harlan's personal caregiver.

Based on the statement above, there is a conflict that appears as an important

element in the movie. Conflicts in a literary work, whether in drama, novels or other

types of prose, become an important part of a plot where the story begins and the

problems that will be faced by the protagonist until the end of the story. Then, in the

plot there is a conflict that is eagerly awaited by the audience to get ideas or

problems in the movie as a part of literary works.

In this case, the researcher is using the theory to be analyzed from Soekanto

(2012: 312) who states that social conflict "is a discrepancy between elements of

culture or society, which endangers the life of a social group or hinders the

fulfillment of the basic desires of the members of that social group, thereby causing

social inequality".

The researcher chooses Knives Out movie script directed by Rian Johnson

because the researcher is interested in the plot of the social conflict contained in it

which is very mysterious and tense among their family.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes there are two main

problems are explained in this research, as for the problems are :

1. What kinds of the social conflict “man against man” are found in Rian

Johnson’s movie script Knives Out?

2. What kinds of the social conflict “man against society” are found in Rian

Johnson’s movie script Knives Out?

1.3 Objective of the Study

According to the statement above, so the objectives of the study are:

1. To find out kinds of social conflict of man against man in Rian Johnson’s

movie script Knives Out.

2. To find out kinds of social conflict of man against society in Rian

Johnson’s movie script Knives Out.

1.4 Scope of the Study

In Knives Out movie script by Rian Johnson, there are many things that can

be discussed, therefore, the researcher limits what are discussed in this research. The

analysis of this research only focuses on social conflicts such as conflict of man

against man and conflict of man against society, especially the protagonist faces the

member of family from Mr. Harlan, his children, niece, daughter-in-law, son-in-law,

other maid, and also the antagonist.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Research significance is shown in two ways as follows;

1. Theoritical Significance

This research is useful for the readers to understand the plot of social conflict

in the story through the movie script by Rian Johnson’s work. And also can be used

as a reference for other researchs for those who are interested in discussing the same

or similar issues with the same subject in order to examine literary works and

provide the information needed regarding the protagonist's external conflict found in

Rian Johnson's movie script Knives Out.

2. Practical Significance

As practical terms, this research is expected to add and provide more

information to students of English Literature and the other readers from movie

scripts through descriptive research with qualitative approach. Through this movie,

Rian Johnson wants to show the conflict appeared surrounds us in real fact. People

can be everyone that they want to fulfill their desires even in a bad way.

2.1 Script

Movie script, screenwriting and screenplay have the same meaning in film

industry. Movie script can be said as a format to guide the performance before

coming as a movie, it can be as, how the characters should be performed in a movie,

where the scene has to be taken is, then, the producer moving up the movie from the

script. Script includes what has to be done in a movie. A screenplay, or script, is a

written work by screenwriters for a film, television show, or video game (as opposed

to a stage play). A screenplay written for television is also known as a teleplay.

Screenplays can be original works or adaptations from existing pieces of writing. A

screenplay is a form of narration in which the movements, actions, expressions and

dialogue of the characters are described in a certain format. Visual

or cinematographic cues may be given, as well as scene descriptions and scene

changes. (

Along with the times and eras, the term script continues to have a shift. This

is supported by the existence of a book from (Gay, A.K: 2021) which he says “before

the turn of the 20th century, "scripts" for films in the United States were usually a

synopsis of a film of around one paragraph and sometimes as short as one

sentence. Shortly thereafter, as films grew in length and complexity,

film scenarios (also called "treatments" or "synopses” (Maras, S. 2009:92 ) were

written to provide narrative coherence that had previously been improvised. Films

such as A Trip to the Moon (1902) and The Great Train Robbery (1903) had

scenarios consisting respectively of a list of scene headings or scene headings with a


detailed explication of the action in each scene. At this time, scripts had yet to

include individual shots or dialogue.” (Gay, A.K.:2021)

Screenwriting is an odd form: half stageplay and half technical document,

somewhere between art and craft. And nowhere is its strangeness more apparent than

the formatting. So it is entirely reasonable that I have received many, many questions

about margins and sluglines and whether a half-covered stadium is “INT.” or “EXT.”

(August, J.: 2007)

2.2 Character

According to Mulyawan in Artawan et al (2020), says that a character is

considered as an imagery person created by the writer and completed with his or her

personality or characterization. Moreover, according to Aminuddin in Simanjuntak

(2019) states that “characters are actors who carry out events in fictitious story so

that the events weave a story, while characterization is a way writers present


Meanwhile, Carl E. Bain in Arifin (2019) arguer in the aggregate the

characters that appear in a work are called the dramatis personae, but most discussion

of characters naturally concentrates on the “leading” characters. The most common

term for the leading male character is hero, but the term has connotations of high

virtue or someone who is “larger than life”, of almost godlike stature; he is the “good

guy” which is an opposite from the criminal “bad guy”.

Furthermore, other opinion also say that a character is a person or actor

whose characterization is prioritized in the story, both in terms of those who get into

trouble and the actors who carry out conflicts. Then, Richard in Septian (2020: 127)

says that “character has some sort of identity (it need not be a dominating on) which

found in literary work. An identity that is madeup by conversation, name, action,

appearance and (likely) mind going inside the head”.

Based on the explanations of the experts, it can be concluded that character is

an important role in a literary work. Because without a character element in a story,

the story does not have a good atmosphere to read so it does not have any more

appeal in the story. Each character always has a tendency of different levels of

importance or in other words the role of each character is not the same. There are

characters who can be classified as central character or called the main character

whose roles mostly appeared, besides that there are also characters that are classified

as additional or supporting characters.

Bork, E (2018: 80) says that characters are in a foreign world or situation

during the long middle section of a story, one in which they are an overmatched

underdog trying to figure out how to get through it. Stories are not about normal life,

when characters do their normal things in a normal way. Stories are about

extraordinary journeys that characters go on because they feel they have no choice.

Something so pressing and impactful is happening or has happened that they have

only this one option.

In most successful scripts, the main character grows out of whatever was

most limiting about themselves and their approach to life at the beginning of the

story but only because the story’s external challenges force them to. Characters, just

like us, it does not willingly question or change their internal dynamics. They only

do so when they have no other choice. Even characters who have the most room for

growth don’t make “growing internally” their primary goal in a story.

He also says that the main character’s flaw is as the way they “get in their

own way”. They usually through limited thinking about what’s possible for them.

The flaw may have the side effect of constricting the good they can contribute to

those around him or her, but they’re usually not directly and actively hurting others

in a way that we see on-screen and harshly blame them for. Instead, they are living a

compromised version of what their life could be, because they somehow have not

risen up to face the internal blocks that keep them stuck. The big external challenge

of the movie will force them to face this, often, and to make some changes. But they

are not jerks! (Bork, E. 2018: 37)

In addition Wellek and Warren (2014: 288) says that we can distinguish the

characters in a work of fiction based on several things. They are as follows;

a. A story can be divided based on its role in a story, therefore it can be divided

into two roles, namely, the main character and the additional character. The

main character is the character who is told the most in a story, while the

additional character is the one who only acts as a complementary character in

a story whose characters rarely appear.

b. From another perspective, it can be based on the function of the character's

appearance, namely protagonist and antagonist. The protagonist is generally a

character who is admired, who is commonly referred to as a hero. This

character is the one who has conformity with the expectations of the reader.

Meanwhile, it is the antagonist who causes conflict.

2.2.1 Protagonist

Protagonist is one of the character elements in a literary work which can be

called as the main character in a story. It mostly performs in a good manner as the

author created the literary works. Furthermore, according to Harcourt as cited in

Mundiarti (2019: 5) states “the protagonist character in ancient drama is the first

character being engaged in the dialogue over the chorus, in other words latter drama

playing the main character and so some minor characters as well”. In addition,

Diyanni in Septian, D. (2020: 6) discusses “the principle person (or protagonist) is

not only the middle of the action, however, the leader object of the playwrights

problem. Defining of the man or woman of the protagonist (on occasion by using

evaluation with a competitor, or antagonist regularly turns into the eating interest of

the play, and the movement appears designed to illustrate, or make clear, or develop

that man or woman, or every now and then to make her or him complex,

unfathomable, mysterious being”. While Kamalakar Baburao Gaikwad as cited in

Kamisin and Achin (2020: 5) says “protagonist is a character who will bring an

audience in the exploration themes and also key questions. In general, the

protagonist will go through two adventure, that is, external and internal. Outdoor

adventures are in shape physical missions, goals or tasks, while internal adventures

are deficiencies in the personality or character that will initiate a story”.

2.2.2 Antagonist

In literature or other kinds of literary work would know the classification of

the character, especially the antagonist. “Antagonist character is related when the

story has conflict for the protagonist character to achieve the goals that protagonist

character is represented for the audience” (Diyanni. 2002: 56). Meanwhile others

researcher says that “the antagonist characters are usually known as a bad character

in the story. The bad conduct is the behavior of the antagonist that causes suffering

for many people. It is caused by many things such as, greediness, hatred, jealousy,

ambition, economy, and the bad real life. Many people in the world use all of ways to

fulfill their desire. It includes using the wrong ways. Meanwhile, they do not care,

although the way, which they use, is wrong to get their desire and it takes the

negative impact without being realized by them.” (Widayati 2019). And

according to Porteous and Lindsay (2019), the role of antagonist in the narrative is to

act as the force of opposition to interfere and obstruct the protagonist in achieving

their goals. From the antagonist agent perspective this task can be split into two

parts: observing the protagonist’s behaviour in order to identify their intentions and

recognise the goal that they are working towards; and considering the possible ways

in which the antagonist can attempt to interfere with these intentions to stop them

from achieving their goal.”

To sump up, the antagonist character is a character who acts opposite,

inverse, and contrary to the protagonist in order to prevent or thwart the plans of the

protagonist. The image obtained by the antagonist is generally very bad as opposed

to the protagonist.

2.3 Conflict

Conflict is a natural part of human life that can not always being avoided.

Soerjono Soekanto as cited in Hidayah (2018: 17) argues that “conflict starts from a

social process in which individuals or groups of people try to fulfill their desires by

opposing the opposing party accompanied by violence or threats”. And then, the

conflict in a literary work of any kind, such as printed or staged. Meanwhile,

according to Wellek and Warren as found in Putri (2020) proposed that in essence

conflict is something that is dramatic, based on a dispute of opinion that is balanced

and has the form of reciprocating one and another. Therefore, the dispute begins

when there is no match between the individuals. This is supported by the opinion

according to Hardjana as cited in Simanjuntak (2019: 18) which is “conflict occurs


because of the relationship of two people or two more groups, whose actions

interfere with each other or both are mutually disturbed. Conflict is a disagreement,

squabble, or dispute.”

As the additional information, Beni Ahmad Saebani as cited in Darmawan (2018) discusses conflict according to “the interactionist view” that conflict

can encourage social dynamics/change. Therefore, according to this statement,

conflict needs to be maintained at a minimum level on an ongoing basis so that it will

continue to encourage individuals and communities to develop, be critical and


Meanwhile, conflict can be classified into three kinds. Those are, firstly,

conflict can be found in ourself (character) or can be said as psychological conflict.

Secondly, conflict appears within someone or people and society. Finally, the third

kind of conflict within human and nature (Sayuti as cited in Putri 2020: 34).

From the statement above, Sayuti grouped into two groups, namely internal

and external conflicts. The grouping can be defined as follows:

2.3.1 Internal Conflict

In this part of conflict happens because of someone’s struggle against

themselves, their minds that appear while doing something of course will trigger

argument within in mind itself to solve and decide what they do. In a literary work,

there is a plot or storyline, so that the story can run well for the reader or the

audience. In the plot, there are elements of conflict, namely, internal conflict and

external conflict. The conflict between humans and what is inside of them, both their

souls and their minds is called internal conflict. This is directly proportional to

Sayuti's opinion in Putri (2020: 34) which states that “internal conflict is a conflict

that occurs in the heart or soul of a character in the story. Conflicts like this are

usually experienced by humans with themselves. Whatever the things that become an

obstacle from within a character in the world of literature to fight himself, in the end

the human will be able to overcome and find a solution with what the human has


Meanwhile, another opinion according to Bernhardt as cited in Artawan,

(2020: 33) say, that “every human action / motive or behavior can be observed

through human psychological aspects. Humans motives can be classified into five

classes”, they are:

1.) Appetite

2.) Wants

3.) Emotion

4.) Feeling and attitude

5.) Social motives

In addition, Abbott as cited in Hidayah (2018: 17) states that “the central

contest of tragedy was a conflict which had described as the Agon in the ancient

Greek period. In other words, Agon can be said as act of the conflict, protagonist and

antagonist included or it can be said as hero and villain”. In the literary works,

conflict occurs in a character’s emotion which is including needs, belief, desire. As

the one of the main feature in story line, conflict must be resolved by the character

itself. Dollard and Miller in Hidayah (2018: 18) says that the definition of conflict as

in the psychological perspective is “a situation where the frustration arises from a

situation in which incompatible responses are occuring at the same time”.

To sum up, internal conflict can be defined as a conflict that arises because of

the individual himself that comes from their desires, beliefs, feelings to instincts and

ideologies. Internal conflict has a big impact on a person's character in the story that

can affect his actions and behavior towards himself and the environment around him.

2.3.2. External Conflict

External conflict can be said as a conflict that arises from outside the human

environment itself. Factors that can influence this conflict can be from other humans,

destiny, environment and nature (Sayuti as cited in Panjaitan, 2019: 8). Moreover,

Jones as cited in (Nurgiyantoro, 2015:124) says that “external conflict is a conflict

that happens between a character with something outside himself, for example, the

natural environment or the environment of human beings. Another opinion from

Kenney as found in Hapizoh (2021: 7) says “external conflict will always appear in

human environment that can be formed of fight which is means while human have a

physical contact with other human had different perception about something. The

disagreement of argument also triggered someone’s conflict. Then the other

perspective within character traits such as good and evil characters, description,

dialogue or tend to be force an external conflict”. According Kenney (1966), it can

be grouped into three types, as follows:

a. Man vs the man, One of the external conflicts that can occur is humans with

humans in a story, for example, the main character or what is often called the hero

(protagonist) against the evil character (antagonist).

b. Man vs nature, another external conflict that can occur in a story is humans against

nature. It is a tough thing to fight but just enough to survive and how to find a

solution. We can take examples such as, someone who is on his way is hampered

because of a natural disaster or other natural factors. Therefore, humans are not easy

to achieve their goals and influence in the story.


c. Man vs society, this conflict means when a character or more faces the realistic

reality that exists in the community, such as the people's struggle against applicable

laws, society against government and culture.

Based on the findings of Ni Made Prana Diansari Artawan in "The External

Conflict Faced by The Main Character in Five Feet Apart Movie" it can be

concluded that Kenney's theory is true to be found in his work, with the findings of

the main character, Stella Grant faced several external conflicts, such as: man versus

man and man versus conflict. And the most external conflicts that arise or obtained

are man versus man conflicts. With evidence that Stella is up against another

character, Will Traynor.

Meanwhile, according to Jones as cited in (Hidayah, 2018) he says that

external conflict is distinguished into two categories, namely physical and social

conflict. This statement is reciprocal in Sayuti’s opinion, external conflicts can be

divided into two, namely social and element conflicts which can be found as follows: Social Conflict

This kind of conflict will appear while someone having problem with the

circumstances around them. It can be triggered from individual’s attitude against

social circumstances discussing various of problems which had occured in society.

One of the external conflicts that can occur is humans with humans in a story, for

example, the main character or what is often called the hero (protagonist) against the

evil character (antagonist). Then, Jones as found in (Hidayah, 2018), says that the

conflict caused by social contact between humans for example conflict homicide,

oppression, war and another conflict social.


According to Ahmadi (2007: 291) says that social conflict is a squabble,

dispute, tension or conflict within the people and society due to the impact of certain

differences in society. Meanwhile, in Soekanto (2012: 312) states that social conflict

"is a discrepancy between elements of culture or society, which endangers the life of

a social group or hinders the fulfillment of the basic desires of the members of that

social group, thereby causing social inequality". Based on Atho’s opinion (as cited

in Komalasari, 2017: 14) social conflict “is essentially a situation in which a group of

people with a clear identity are consciously involved in conflict with other or more

groups, because they pursue conflicting goals, both in terms of values and claims to

status, power, or limited resources. and in the process is marked by the efforts of the

parties involved to neutralize, injure, or even eliminate the position or existence of

the opponent”. It is a dissociative social process that is triggered by social disorder

(Setiadi and Kolip (2015: 87). The root of social conflict is the existence of social,

economic, and political relations that stem from the struggle for ownership resources,

social status, and power.”

To sum up, any kinds of conflict that appeared from the circumstances

against ourself can be called as the social conflict. Whereas, the issues can trigger

someone’s conflict seriously within the society. (Soekanto, 2012)

a. Characteristics of Social Conflict

Social conflict is an inseparable part of human life. Conflict arises because

the social structure of society is not a perfect integration, but there are values that are

different and even contradictory. These differences in values trigger social conflicts

that end in defeating, eliminating, annihilating between components of society

(Setiadi dan Kolip, 2015 : 349).


According to Wijono (1993: 37), social conflict has some certain

characteristics. Those are:

a. There are two parties individually or in groups who are involved in a

conflicting interaction.

b. Conflicts arise between two parties individually or in groups in achieving

goals, playing roles and being ambiguous or the existence of conflicting

values or norms.

c. The emergence of interactions that are often characterized by behavioral

symptoms that are planned to cancel each other out, reduce and suppress

other parties in order to obtain benefits such as: status, position,

responsibility, and fulfillment of various needs.

d. The emergence of face-to-face actions as a result of a protracted conflict.

e. The emergence of an imbalance as a result of the efforts of each party related

to position, social status, rank, class, authority, power, self-esteem, and so on.

As a social phenomenon, Setiadi and Kolip (2015: 349) describe several

forms of social conflict, namely:

a. Interpersonal Conflict, occurs because of differences or contradictions or also

incompatibility between one individual with another individual. Each

individual insists on defending his goals and interests.

b. Racial Conflict, mostly dominated by conflict between white people who

assume that their race is superior and the black people are always placed as

lower race.

c. Gender Conflict, stems from the issue of status between men and women

where rights are more dominated by men while women are always positioned


d. Inter-religious conflicts, differences in the beliefs of religious adherents who

believe in the truth of their religious teachings and consider other religious

beliefs to be heretical are triggers for inter-religious conflicts.

e. Intergroup conflicts are often characterized by symptoms between parties

who have a strategic role and position in the socio-political structure and

those who do not.

f. Conflict of Interest, a conflict of interest is triggered by symptoms of one

party wanting to seize power and authority in society while on the other hand

there are groups who are trying to maintain and develop the power and

authority that is already in their hands.

g. Conflicts between social classes, conflicts that occur are usually in the form

of vertical conflicts, namely conflicts between the upper and lower social


h. Conflict between nations, triggered by the desire for power among nations in

international politics, which ends in competition and the struggle for profit in

international transactions. Some experts describe the root causes of social

conflict in a broader and more detailed way.

Soekanto (2012: 91) explains about several things that cause social conflict,


a. Differences between individuals, are differences in attitudes and feelings that

are usually the main trigger in social conflict. Because in establishing good

social relations, a person is not always in line with his group. These

differences can lead to social conflict.

b. Cultural differences Personality differences between individuals depend on

the cultural patterns that form the background for the formation and

development of these personalities. Someone consciously or unconsciously,

more or less will be affected by the patterns of thought and patterns of

establishment of the group.

c. Differences in interests are caused by the existence of power and authority

which causes differences in interests which can be in the form of economic,

political, social interests, and so on. This difference in interests can be caused

by the existence of power and authority that causes differences in the interests

of both parties.

d. Social change Rapid social change will temporarily change the values that

exist in society. Changes in society can be about social values, social norms,

behavior patterns, layers in society, authority, social interaction and so on.

Then, through research conducted by Dominggus, G. (2018: 31-45) says that

if only conflicts could occur due to more natural objective situations that would arise,


1.) Man’s interpersonal

2.) Needs

3.) Source Limitation

4.) Different Purposes

5.) Unsavory Communication

6.) Emotions and Feelings

7.) Social System Characteristics Variety


In this part, the researcher takes from Soekanto’s opinion about the

characteristic of social conflict that are used as the reference to analyze and describe

the movie script of Knives Out by Rian Johnson. Element Conflict

In this case, we could say as a physical or element conflict or refers to nature.

In general, human lives with its own nature and it is totally natural. This conflict

means when a character or more faces the realistic reality that exists in the

community, such as the people's struggle against applicable laws, society against

government and culture. All that can be found in the environment is of great benefit

to anyone who can use it wisely. In fact, the actions of humans if they can not take

the opportunity properly will also have a bad impact on nature and the human

environment. Natural conflicts can arise when humans cannot control or utilize and

cultivate the surrounding nature as natural conditions should be. Disharmony

between nature and humans will have a bad impact and lead to conflict Another

external conflict that can occur in a story is humans against nature. It is a tough thing

to fight but just enough to survive and how to find a solution. We can take examples

such as, someone who is on his way is hampered because of a natural disaster or

other natural factors. So that humans are not easy to achieve their goals and influence

in the story.

From the theories, Sayuti states as supported in earlier research as concluded

in Darmalia, V (2017) entitled “Analisis Psikologi Terhadap Konflik Batin

Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel Ayah Karya Andrea Hirata” says that the conflict

according to Sayuti is found in this research that the main character, Sabari’s internal

conflict as follows: ashame, nervous, anxiety, frustation, misery, hesitation, longing,


etc. Then, external inner conflict’s main character, Sabari as follows: fear because of

warnings or news or actions from people arond him, feel fury because it is scammed

or actions from his friend, surprising feeling and uncontrolled because of falling in

love to someone and etc.

Another research that supported this theory is found in Hapizoh, entitled

“External Conflict As Seen in The Film Aquaman by James Wan”, the external

conflict found in this research is a power struggle for the leader of the atlantis

kingdom, then an external conflict in which there is disagreement between Arthur

and the king of Orm, then a dispute between the characters, where Aquaman does not

want to be the leader, for goodness sake, there is a conflict between Arthur with king

of Orm.

Writing the scientific study or doing research, the researcher needs to find the

method to collect data in the subject that have being research. The method of

research includes the systematic way how to do a study conduct and shows to the

readers what are the design, the analysis of research data and so the data collection.

3.1 Study Design

As Cohen, L., et.all (2018: 173) says that a research design is a plan or

strategy that is drawn up for organizing the research and making it practicable, so

that research questions can be answered based on evidence and warrants. Some

researchers argue that a research design should go into considerable detail on data-

collection instruments and data types; others argue that, this is a logistical rather than

a logical matter, and that a design comprises only, or mainly, a logical argument in

which all the elements of the argument cohere (e.g. issues of research questions,

methodologies/kinds of research suitable to answer the research questions)

This research is purposed at analyzing and describing Knives Out in movie

script by Rian Johnson, as for the topic has stated about social conflict by the

protagonist. The method of descriptive is concerned with structures, conditions,

practices, the differences and opinions be held, processes that will carry on are



3.2 Data Collection

The data collection is the important elements that are needed while doing

research or study. The kinds of collecting the data in this study are in the form of

documentary study.

The movie script Knives Out written by Rian Johnson is used as the main

source of the data to be analyzed by the researcher. Furthermore, to collect the data

needs some of procedures or steps taking by the researcher to gather the data

perfectly. Thus, in this study, the data collection is conducted as follows:

a. Printing out all the final movie script for understanding social conflict in the


b. Taking the data from, prologue, monologue, dialogue, sentences, phrases, and

clauses in Knives Out movie script.

c. Choosing the data based on the categories that sustainable according the

statement of problem.

d. Displaying all the data in purpose with formulation from the problem.

e. Then, verifying and organizing the collecting data.

3.3 Data Analysis

The analysis of the data is the importance point for researcher’s analyzing in

way to find out data. This data is found in fourth chapter in this thesis from the

movie script. The data analysis techniques used for this research are as follows;

a. The researcher analyzes the topic after collecting the data. According to the

statement of the problem, it is proposed on getting information. In this part,

the researcher will answer the questions based on statement of the problem

above with any finding of the elements in conflict from the movie script.

b. The researcher pay attention and explore the framework of the problem itself.

c. Paying attention to the conflicts that arise in the movie script.


4.1 Social Conflict

In this chapter, the writer presents the analysis of social conflict found in the

movie script Knives Out by Rian Johnson. There are conflicts of man against man,

man against society by the protagonist character named Marta Cabrera. The social

conflict begins when Marta accepts the wills from the old man which she keeps, and

it takes the following, social conflict orders i.e. conflict of man against man and

conflict man against society. Both of them are conflict unified in some sub-sections.

4.1.1 Conflict of Man Against Man

a. Protagonist Against Harlan Thrombey

The first kind of social conflict of human against human that is found in Knives

Out movie script is the protagonist against Harlan Thrombey. The conflict among

them hardly crucial because Harlan asks the protagonist (Marta Cabrera) to do

anything she did not want to. The conflict can be seen as follows.

The night of the party. A clock on a nightstand: 11:32. Off screen

we hear Marta leading Harlan up the creaky stairs.
MARTA: “Up up up up - you got it?”
HARLAN: “I got it. Up up up I got it.”
Marta enters the room, and behind her we see Harlan keep climbing
up the narrow stairs to his office.
MARTA: “Up up nooooo no not tonight, no straight to bed
tonight it is soooo late c'mon. Harlan. Harlan!”
She grabs a med kit from the bedroom and follows him, exasperated
Harlan sits, setting up a GO board. Marta enters.
MARTA: “It's late, I had champagne no no no”
HARLAN: “It's my birthday, we are - You had one glass –
we're not breaking tradition on my birthday”
Marta puts two vials and a pill box on the GO board. She pulls out
two plastic wrapped hypodermics.


MARTA: “Take your goddamn medicine and go to bed.”

HARLAN: “If you're going to put that vile shit in me you
will have to earn it. On my birthday.” (Johnson, 2019: 34-35)

The conversation above shows Marta rejects to play the GO board with Harlan.

The factor which is trigger the conflict because of different feelings and attitudes.

Marta did not want to play the game because she knew Harlan has got tired after

along day of his birthday. Anyhow, instead of getting rest in his bed, he asks her to

accompany him playing the GO board game. This is actually shows that attitudes

from Marta to keep Harlan in a good way of her careness.

She picks up a landline phone on the table, dials 911 with shaking
hands –
Before it can even ring, the line goes dead.
She looks, unbelieving: Harlan's finger is on the cradle. His eyes are
locked with hers, serious and certain.
MARTA (cont'd): “Harlan what are you doing?
HARLAN: “Marta, listen to me.”
MARTA: “Harlan we need to - are you crazy, we need to
call, they need to get here I need to –“
HARLAN: “Stop. Stop stop, Marta listen there isn't time stop
now stop.”
She goes for her cell phone across the room and Harlan stops her -
they trip and fall to the ground with a KA-THUNK.
MARTA: “What are you doing are you nuts?”
HARLAN: “Marta it's too late it is over, it's too late I am
dead listen. LISTEN.”
He actually puts his hand over her mouth.
HARLAN (cont'd): “Listen. If what you said is true I am
gone, there's no saving me, we have six minutes. There is one
last thing I need to do in this world, and only you can help
me do it. But you need to trust me and do everything I say.”
(Johnson, 2019: 39)
According to the conversation above, the conflict is triggered by Harlan who

forbade Marta to call 911. Because according to Marta this is an emergency that must

be handled immediately by those who can help them. However, Harlan forbids

Marta's actions because they do not have enough time, such as doing things in vain.

They think Harlan would die on Marta's words if it is true. This social conflict occurs

because of the conflicting feelings they have, Marta feels anxious, afraid, and panic

when facing this. On the other hand, it is Harlan who is calmer, and who thinks more

complex to carry out his last wish through Marta.


HARLAN: “I know I missed something... there's going to be
something I missed. But I know you can beat it. Without
losing your soul you have to do what you have to do to beat
this, and win.”
MARTA: “I can't.”
HARLAN: “You can and you have to. For me. Right now.”
(Johnson, 2019: 54).
The conversation shows that Harlan’s feeling about what he says to Marta is

going to be true. On the other hands, Harlan trusts her in her kind heart. For sure,

there is ego among them while Marta does not want to do what Harlan said. Conflict

can be triggered from feeling and ego inside people. Her attitude to do something

makes nothing doubt to trust her. This is actually why Harlan really trusts in her

attitude and feeling.

b. Protagonist Against Ransom Drysdale

Ransom Drysdale is the antagonist from the characters in Knives Out movie

Script. The protagonist also has social conflict against him through Knives Out movie


Marta is unexpectedly effected by this. The waitress breezes by, sets

an empty bowl on the table.
MARTA: “Did he tell you anything?”
RANSOM: “Just I wasn't getting a cent.”
MARTA: “He wanted you to build something from the
ground up, like your parents.”
RANSOM: “something from the ground up, like my
RANSOM (cont'd): “yeah. My mom built her business from
the ground up with a million dollar loan from granddad. My
dad owns none of it, and mom made him sign a prenup. He
lives in fear. I know that's what granddad wanted to protect

me from by doing this, and I know I shouldn't say this out

loud but when he told me, Jesus Christ I coulda killed him.
After I left the party, though. I was driving fast, nowhere, just
in the night. And I got this weird... clarity. That from here on
I was going to have to do for myself. And that felt... good.
The old bastard. (beat)
Marta I know three things. One: I know he didn't commit
MARTA: “What makes you think that”
RANSOM: “I don't think it. I know it. Cause I knew my
granddad. So you're not going to bullshit me. Because two: I
know lying makes you puke. Cause of that mafia game last
fourth of July. Marta sinks back, suddenly nervous.
RANSOM (cont'd): “And three. I know that you just ate a
full plate of sausage and baked beans.” (Johnsom, 2019: 76)

It describes about the conflict among Marta and Ransom. He feels jealous

because Harlan (his grandad) has repealed his name from the inheritance. Then, the

problem is coming up whle Marta tells him to build up his own business or

something. Through their conversation, Ransom tells everything that what his mother

gets is from grandad. So, this is indicated that her mother succeeds just because she

gets offering help from her father. Furthermore, he believes that his grandad does not

commit suicide. This idea can strengthen that he knows the background about

Harlan’s homicide. Moreover, he knows she will get puke after lying, so this can

trigger her if she tells a lie or not to him and for pressuring her, he gives the meal

which she does not like to eat. Therefore, it can be seen he has a bad attitude

indicated in the conversation to dig up the information from her.

MARTA (cont'd): “You going to say something?”

RANSOM: “I always thought I was the only one who could
beat Granddad at GO. I always thought that meant
MARTA: “I know you did.”
RANSOM: “At the party, that night, my last conversation
with him, our last fight, that's what he told me, about you.
That you beat him nearly every time. More than me. And I

thought what a strange thing to tell me. But I think I get it

now. I think it did mean something. (beat)
I'm not telling the family shit. You're not going to jail. That
detective is not going to catch you. And you're not giving up
the family fortune.” (MORE)
Think about what Granddad did to see -
RANSOM (cont'd): “this through, this was what he wanted
not just for you but for his family, and for him. And yes for
you. You've come this far. Let me help you go all the way.”
Marta looks at him hard.
MARTA: “This isn't you. You could turn me in right now
and get your cut of the inheritance. Why?”
RANSOM: “Because fuck my family. They don't deserve
any of this. I can help you and we can fool them all and get
away with it... and then you will give me my cut of the
inheritance. The perfect ending, we all win. You, me and
Harlan. Deal? (Johnson, 2019: 80-81)
As the conversation stated above, it indicates their conflict comes from

Ransom’s bad attitude to make a deal with Marta through his offering help. His

statement indicates what he has done must mean something among grandad and him.

Unfortunately, his grandad does not do as he minds and makes him disappointed of

his decision. Inside Marta’s heart and feeling, it is really being at cross purposes.

Instead of getting help, she feels utilized from him. He offers a help with benefit

which he says as his cut of the inheritance from grandad for make a deal. This shows

how Ransom value for taking his inheritance fullfiling of greedy and jealousy are.

c. Protagonist Against Benoit Blanc

Benoit blanc is the detective who handles this homicide case. Marta as the

protagonist also had the social conflict as found in the conversations below.

BLANC: “Neither have I. Nobody has. But I like the title. It

describes the path of a projectile, determined by natural law.
Voila, my method. I observe the facts without biases of the
head or heart, I determine the arc's path, stroll leisurely to its
terminus, and the truth falls at my feet. (beat)
The medical examiner was ready to rule this a suicide, but
Elliott agreed to keep it pending for forty eight hours.

Tomorrow morning I search the grounds and the house,

begin my investigation. I want you to be by my side for it.
My confidant, my eyes and ears.”
MARTA: “What but - why me?”
BLANC: “I trust your kind heart. Also you are the only one
who had nothing to gain from Harlan's death. So. Watson.”
Blank puts out his cigar, stands.
MARTA: “You want my insight into this family? None of
them are murderers. That's my insight.”
BLANC: “And yet. Be it cruel or comforting, this machine
unerringly arrives at the truth. That's what it does.
MARTA: “Always?
He does a little bow.
BLANC: “Tomorrow at eight.” (Johnson, 2019: 53-54)
Through this conversation above, the conflict within them starts after Blanc

choose her as his partner during the investigation. Marta is slightly shocked in

hearing it. She feels really uncomfortable with this situation because she has to take

part in this case especially the investigation. Blanc trusts her because she has a kind

heart to solve the findings during their investigation. In her mind, none of the family

is murderer. However, he warns her that the problem will lead them to the truth.

MARTA: “This is over. People are getting hurt. I'm going to

tell you the truth.”
BLANC: “Young Ransom just told Lieutenant Elliott
everything. Who just told me everything.”
MARTA: “Good. Wait god I hope he didn't cover for me, did
he tell the real truth, about me switching the-
And the disguise and all the- And the blackmail with the-“
BLANC: “Yeah, Yes, Mm. “
MARTA: “But why did Fran take my morphine? Obviously
she had swiped my bag from the house, but she didn't seem
like a user to me, unless that's why she needed money...
I dunno, doesn't matter. I should tell the Thrombeys myself, I
feel like I owe that to them.
BLANC: “I don't think that's a good idea”
MARTA: “No, I need to do it. I won't do any of this if I can't
do that. I really need to. I gave the doctors my number, they'll
call if anything changes with Fran.
BLANC: “We'll round up the Thrombeys at the house, along
with a police escort.”
MARTA: “For the arrest after.”

BLANC: “You can tell me your whole story on the drive

over. I want no more surprises.”
This conversation shows that Marta feels really guilty because she thinks she

does the murder; moreover, she wants to tell the truth to Thrombey’s family what has

happened just by herself. Nevertheless, out of her willingness, Blanc does not agree

with her opinion. It can be dangerous, and will heat up the situation within them.

d. Protagonist Against Walt Thrombey

In this movie script, Walt Thrombeys is a son of Harlan Thrombeys. The conflict

among the protagonist begin while Marta has been announced as the only one of

Harlan Thrombey’s inheritance.

WALT (cont'd): “Marta. Is it your intention to renounce the

MARTA: “This is what Harlan wanted.”
WALT: “Well. Harlan has put you in a very hard position
here. It was unfair of him.”
Walt's hand on his cane. Gripping tight.
WALT (cont'd): “You see what this kicks up with the press
and the scrutiny, and we know... with your mother...
MARTA: “...with my mother.”
Marta's spine straightens.
MARTA (cont'd): “What did Meg tell you.”
WALT: “This isn't about who - you're missing the point,
we're not attacking you with this.” (Johnson, 2019: 88).
The conversation above indicates Walt wants her to renounce all the inheritance

which belongs to Thrombey’s family. On the other hand, the will says Harlan’s

inheritance and assets are given to Marta. Walt really does not accept the decision of

the will. Consequently, he insists and pressures her with her weakness among

Marta’s family that is her mother. Socially, this conflict makes her really

underpressure because it is contrasted to Marta’s feeling and attitude to be the owner

of inheritance. Another conflict among them can be seen as following.


WALT (cont'd): “Marta if your mom came here illegally,

criminally, if you come into this inheritance with the scrutiny
that entails I'd be afraid that could come to light. That's what
we're all trying to avoid here. We can protect you from that
happening, or if it happens.”
MARTA: “You're saying even if it came to light, with the
family's resources you could help me fix it.”
WALT: “Yes. The right lawyers, none of those local guys
but New York lawyers, DC lawyers, enough resources put
towards it, yes. But there's no need it should ever even come
up. But yes.”
MARTA: “Ok. Good.”
WALT: “Ok?”
MARTA: “Cause Harlan gave me all your resources. So that
means with my resources I'll be able to fix it. So I guess I'm
going to go find the right lawyers.
WALT: “Marta.”
He shuffles towards her. For the first time she feels a hint of physical
threat, and backs up quick into her apartment. (Johnson, 2019: 89).

Walt’s explanation strenghthens the idea to Marta her mother. Actually she is

unsafe living in the country. He gives the other idea to conflict her using the

psychological matters through her mother’s undocumented residence. This one

shows that he does not have a good attitude by pressing her to take back the

inheritance from her.

e. Protagonist Against Meg

Meg is one of the siblings from Harlan Thrombey; she is Harlan’s grandchildren

from Joni. They also have conflict because of the inheritance, too. Their conflict can

be seen through the conversation below.

MARTA: “Meg”
MEG (ON PHONE): “Marta. Oh that was nuts.”
MARTA: “I know”
MEG (ON PHONE): “Are you ok?”
MARTA: “Yeah are you?”
MEG (ON PHONE): “I'm fine, I mean everyone's nuts,
they're all going, I don't know, they've lost it. No one knows

I'm calling you, I wanted to - I don't know what I wanted, I

wanted to say sorry for how everyone was.”
MARTA: “No...”
MEG (ON PHONE): “And... I guess I wanted to ask... (beat)
What are you going to do?”
MARTA:” What do you mean?”
MEG (ON PHONE): “Well the... with the, will. What are
you going to do?”
Marta looks at Ransom. What indeed.
MARTA: “What do you think I should do?”
MEG (ON PHONE): “You should do what you think is...
right. I think you should give it back to us. Granddad always
took care of us, we're his family, I know he was like family
to you but we're his actual family. Marta you know this isn't
fair, we've always been good to you and we're going to take
care of you, everyone loves you and you're like family and
we'll take care of you but you have to make things right, you
know what's right.”
Marta, keeping eye contact with Ransom. Then, her voice quavering,
Meg drops what is for her the big bomb:
MEG (ON PHONE) (cont'd): “Marta, mom's broke, she says
I'll have to drop out of school.”
MARTA: “No, no. I won't let that happen. (beat) Whatever
money you need Meg, I'll help you. I don't want you to
Meg on the phone. Her face horrified, mortified, barely
comprehending what she's just heard.
MARTA (ON PHONE): “I'll take care of you. I promise.”
MEG: “Thanks.”
MARTA (ON PHONE): “And once I get the – ...”
Meg hangs up, lets the phone drop from her ear. Tears in her eyes.
She turns to her whole family gathered behind her, silent and

Through the conversation above, it indicates that Meg shows her attitudes

impolitely to Marta, after she asks about the condition inquiring to give back the will

to their family. Instead of offering her a help, Meg presses her with something that

she wants. Marta says nothing when she says to give it back, suddenly she says

something about what she thinks, and then Marta will help her with the idea. Marta

probably rejects and feels pity with the situation which she has. Meg knows this just

because she knows well about her kind of heart.


4.1.2 Conflict of Man Against Society

The society conflict according to Soekanto, he says “is a discrepancy between

elements of culture or society, which endangers the life of a social group or hinders

the fulfillment of the basic desires of the members of that social group, thereby

causing social inequality”. The society conflict in Knives Out movie script can be

seen as the following conversation below:

ALAN (cont'd): “Um, he did write up a statement when he

made the recent changes, he wanted it read first, so:
"Some of you may be surprised by the choice I've made here.
No pleasure was taken in the exclusion, and its purpose was
not to sow greater discord in the family, quite the opposite.
Please accept it with grace and without bitterness. But do
accept it. It's for the best." Gently condescending eyes shift to
Ransom. Linda sees this, puts her hand on her son's hand,
and he immediately gets up and moves to a chair in the
corner. Alan's assistant hands him an envelope and he
removes a single sheet of paper with one short typed
ALAN (cont'd): “Ok. So - oh wow, yeah, not complex at all.
This'll be quick. "I Harlan Thrombey, being of sound mind
and body, yada yada, my assets both liquid and otherwise, I
leave in their entirety to Marta Cabrera. My entire ownership
of Blood Like Wine publishing I leave in its entirety to Marta
Cabrera. The copyright of its catalog likewise I leave in its
entirety to Marta Cabrera.” (Johnson, 2019: 71)
It shows to us that Marta receives all the inheritance instead going to Harlan’s

family. This situation makes all the family get jealous of her. Therefore, this conflict

can be defined as the society conflict because Marta faces a group of family surround

her which could make his position in Harlan's family insecure because he would be

in conflict with all the heirs of Harlan's legal family which were not willed. For sure,

the entire Harlan family is not happy to hear the outcome of the will that has been

read. This can be seen through the excerpt of the conversation below.

The air around Marta's head goes away. The room spins She's not
sure what's happening. Blanc is looking at her. The whole family is
looking at her.
Walt bursts out of his chair and grabs the will.
WALT: “No.”
LINDA: “No.”
WALT: “No. What? (beat) That can't be - that can't be right.”
RICHARD: “What the genuine shit.”
WALT: “That can't be right it's right.”
ALAN: “It's right.”
Donna begins to hyperventilate. She puts her head between
her knees, breathes deep.
LINDA: “No no no no Alan this can't be legal, there are,
we're his family”
WALT: “We're his family, Alan he obviously wasn't,
something - I don't know what but something wasn't right
RICHARD: “Are there safeguards against this?” (Johnson,
2019: 71-72)
The conversation excerpt above shows very clearly that the family is not happy

and is so surprised by the result. Their reactions and responses really make Marta

confused and shocked. Given this, the atmosphere is tense with each other plus they

are suspicious of Marta behind Harlan's death.


and leans against it, breathing hard. But angry and focused. She
dumps the legal envelopes in the trash but keeps the mysterious
envelope, opens it and pulls out: 88. Half a sheet of paper, roughly
torn. A photocopy of the header of some sort of medical document,
photocopy of a tag with her name on it. And hand written in block
letters at the top: "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID."
Marta's phone BUZZES, and she jumps. Caller ID: "maybe B
BLANC". She hesitates, then sends it voicemail. Looks at the
mysterious letter in her hands. (Johnson, 2019: 88-89)

As the quotation states above, it proves that Marta gets any kind of society

conflict through the mysterious envelope comes inside with a bunch of paper from

her kitchen. The paper inside the envelope accuses her that she does something the

unnamed knows well. This things, adding to the personal pressure and panic on

Marta, she is confused about what she is dealing with when the threat comes.

4.2 Findings

After analyzing the protagonist’s social conflict in the movie script Knives Out,

there are some findings that can be presented. They are as follows:

1. Firstly, it is found that social conflict can commence from human against

human and man against society in Knives Out movie script.

2. Secondly, it is found that there are factors can affect the social conflict that

is about feelings and attitudes in Knives Out movie script through the

protagonist character.

3. Thirdly, in this Knives Out movie script, protagonist against five (5)

different social conflict against human.

4. Then, also the protagonist faces a group of family and the mysterious

envelope social conflict against society.

5. The protagonist is always follows her heart to face the conflict against

human around her.

6. The protagonist gets benefit from her personality through the kindness she

has. Harlan's family iss really warm to welcome her, then they care, love,

kind for, protect and believe in Marta like brothers or sisters and family.

7. Social conflict that appears within human and society can change the value

of other perspective human and other that human has.


5.1. Conclusion

Having conducted an analysis of protagonist’s social conflict in Knives Out

movie script written by Rian Johnson, there are several points that can be concluded.

1. Conflict is one of the social elements that can be avoided while human are

living with social circumstances, especially the social conflict within human

against human there will always be exist; it has been proved through the

analysis above. Human surely can get their own problem each other.

2. Social conflict can happen because of many kind of factors within

human.Feelings, attitudes, cultural differences, rapid social change, and

different interest.

3. Each human has his/her own way to solve the conflict between human; it can

be our heart and mind.

4. Human will have high value of themselves if they are kindhearted and have

good attitudes to other human.

5.2. Recommendation

Some recommendations are stated regarding to this analysis.

1. This movie is worth watching. It contains lessons that as much as conflict

we faces will make us think the way how we get through our problem to

other human.

2. The readers should realize that the conflict can happen to us in any situation

also from our family, the human who we trust so much.


3. It is expected that this thesis can be useful for the readers as the additional

or main information


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A. Biography of the Author

Rian Craig Johnson was born on December 17, 1973 in Maryland, United States

of America. He has a siblings, Aaron Johnson as a music producer and the nephew

Nathan Johnson as film composer. While, he married Karina Longworth on 2018.

But, they have no children until now.

He is an American director, musician, producer and writer which had written

some special characterisstics and his genre such as, film noir, science-fiction, romatic

comedy, well-crafted, tightly plotted thrillers that subverted expectaations. He

inspired to become a film director after seeing Woody Allen’s (1997), Annie Hall.

He graduated from University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts on

1998. He started for making short movie since in high-school joining the project with

his friend. After he earned a degree in 1996. He began to create the short comedy

horror movie entitled Evil Demon Golf Ball from Hell in 1997. This movie based on

Alan Edgar Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart. In a few years he making an instructional

video for children’s TV shows, and he edited well received horror movie entitled

May (2002). Then, he gathered the financial to make his first feature film Brick

(2005). That movie he wrote, directed, and edited by himself while the setting was in

Southern California high school which it grossed $500,000.

After his debut movie on Brick (2005), in 2006 he directed video clip for

Mountain Goats’ song “Woke Up New” He is a professed fan of the band and was

asked to direct the video when bandleader John Darnielle noticed a reference to them

in the credits for Brick. A song is credited to "The Hospital Bombers Experience",

which is a reference to the Mountain Goats song titled "The Best Ever Death Metal

Band in Denton". Johnson also directed a live performance film of the Mountain

Goats' 2009 album The Life of the World to Come. The film consists of a single shot,

depicting Darnielle performing the entire album on guitar and piano with minimal


Then, for his second feature entitled The Brothers Bloom (2008) which is con-

man story released in theaters in May 2009 to moderately positive critical

reviews. On Metacritic, the film was assigned a weighted average score of 55 out of

100 based on 26 reviews from mainstream critics. In 2010, he directed the TV series

Breaking Bad for its third season. The first episode aired on 2010 entitle Fly, then the

second episode Fifty-One aired on 2012. While, the last episode entitled Ozymandias

aired on 2013. After he finished the TV series project, he continued for filming his

third feature entitled Looper had released on 2012. It can be described as dark

science fiction, and involves hitmen whose victims are sent from the future. And this

movie succeed in the box office. Then, one of the most iconic from his works was

directed and filmed in the Star Wars series, entitled Star Warrs : The Last Jedi which

released on December, 2017. After making this movie, he directed and wrote the

murder mystery film Knives Out where it was released on 2019 and was a major

success with critics, as well as audiences and grossing over $300 million at the box

office worldwide. It earned Johnson his first Academy Award nomination, for Best

Original Screenplay.

B. His Works

• Brick (2005)
• The Brothers Bloom (2008)

• Looper (2012)
• Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
• Knives Out (2019)
• Knives Out 2 (2022)

Short Films:

• Ninja Ko, the Origami Master (1990)

• Evil Demon Golfball from Hell!!! (1997)
• Ben Boyer and the Phenomenology of Automobile Marketing (2001)
• The Psychology of Dream Analysis (2002)

TV Series:

• Terriers: Manifest Destiny (2010)

• Breaking Bad: Fly (2010)
• Breaking Bad: Fifty-One (2012)
• Breaking Bad: Ozymandias (2013)
• HitRecord on TV, RE: Trash (2014)
• Poker Face, All episodes; season 1 (TBA)

Documentary Films:

• The Mountain Goats: The Life of the World to Come (2010)

Music Videos:

• Woke Up New: The Mountain Goats (2008)

• Oh Baby: LCD Soundsystem (2018)


• Lo
• Closer: Pokemon GoFest (2020)

Acting Roles:

• BoJack Horseman (2015)

• Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
• Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

Technical Credits:

• Omaha, Production Assistant (1995)

• Greater Than A Tiger, Editor (1997)
• Phyfutima, Camera Operator (1998)
• May, Editor (2002)

C. Awards

• Sundance Film Festival Special Jury Prize for Originality of Vision

Award (2005)
• Central Ohio Film Critics Association Award for Best Original
Screenplay (2006)
• Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Most Promising Director
• Citizen Kane Award for Best Directorial Revelation (2006)
• Deauville Film Festival Grand Special Prize (2006)
• Utah Film Critics Association Award for Best Original Screenplay
• Austin Film Critics Association Award for Best First Film (2007)
• Austin Film Critics Association Award for Best Original Screenplay
Award (2012)
• Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Original Screenplay
Award (2012)
• Las Vegas Film Critics Society Award for Best Screenplay Award
• National Board of Review Award for Best Original Screenplay Award
• Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association Award for Best
Original Screenplay Award (2012)
• North Carolina Film Critics Association Award for Best Original
Screenplay Award (2012)
• Directors Guild of America Award for Outstanding Directing –
Drama Series (Episode: Fifty-One) Award (2013)
• Empire Award for Best Director Award (2018)
• Saturn Award for Best Writing (2018)
• Circuit Community Awards for Honorable Mentions (2018)
• Philadelphia Film Critics Circle Award for Best Film (2019)
• Philadelphia Film Critics Circle Award for Best Screenplay (2019)
• Phoenix Critics Circle Award for Best Screenplay (2019)
• Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award for Best Original Screenplay

• Oklahoma Film Critics Circle Award for Best Original Screenplay

• Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Original Screenplay
• Chicago Independent Film Critics Circle Award for Best Studio Film
• Chicago Independent Film Critics Circle Award for Best Original
Screenplay (2020)

D. Summary of the Movie

Wealthy crime novelist Harlan Thrombey invites his extended family to his

remote mansion on his 85th birthday in order to deliver important, though

disappointing, news to a number of family members. The next morning, however,

Harlan's housekeeper Fran finds him dead in his study.

The police, along with experienced private eye Benoit Blanc, are called in to

investigate. Throughout a series of interviews with members of the family, secrets

are revealed as well as possible motives for murder. Richard, Harlan's son-in-law,

was discovered to have cheated on his wife Linda, Harlan's daughter, with Harlan

threatening to expose him. Joni, Harlan's daughter-in-law and wife of his deceased

son Neil, was exposed by Harlan after she stole $400,000 from him by sourcing

duplicate checks meant for her daughter, Megan, to a private bank account. Walter,

Harlan's youngest son, was fired from his father's publishing company during the

birthday party. Ransom, Linda and Richard's son, had discovered he'd been cut out of

the will entirely.

It is then revealed that after the party, Harlan's caretaker, Marta Cabrera, took

Harlan upstairs to give him his nightly medication. After beginning to play a game of

Go, Harlan jokingly knocked the board off of the table before Marta could give him

his medication. Marta picked up the bottles and injected him, but realized that she

accidentally gave him 100 milligrams of morphine. To protect his friend, Harlan

gave her strict instructions on how to escape and avoid suspicion before slitting his

own throat, leaving Marta shocked. Marta then drove away, parked her car, and

returned to the house through the gate entrance, before climbing up the trellis on the

side of the house and wearing Harlan's coat and hat to confuse Walter in his

peripheral vision, who had seen Marta leave, ruling her out as a suspect. The police

question Marta, as she is a trustworthy source due to her inability to lie without

vomiting, but she makes it through her interrogation without fail. Suspecting foul

play, Blanc is determined to find the true cause of death.

The next day, Blanc, along with Marta and the police, search the house and its

surroundings for clues, many of which Marta is able to cover up before the detectives

can find them. Since it is the day of Harlan's will reading, the family anxiously

awaits the reveal, and are shocked to hear that Harlan left everything to Marta,

including his inheritance, the house, and his company. Despite the family's kindness

to Marta the night prior, they quickly turn on her but Ransom helps her escape.

Ransom and Marta then go to a local restaurant where Ransom coaxes Marta into

telling him everything.

Meanwhile, the family members realize that if Marta can be proven as the

murderer, they will regain their inheritance. They insist that the murder investigation

continue, and Blanc confirms his suspicion of foul play, adding that everyone is still

a potential suspect. This leads to Marta receiving a ransom note reading "I know

what you did" along with a partial photocopy of Harlan's toxicology report.

Marta drives with Ransom to the medical examiner's office, only to find it up in

flames and swarming with police. At Ransom's insistence, Marta checks her email,

and finds an address and time. Blanc spots the pair before they engage in a car chase,

but Marta and Ransom are ultimately unable to evade their pursuers before Ransom

is arrested after Wanetta, Harlan's mother and elderly matriarch of the family, falsely

identified Marta as him at the house. Marta drives to the address only to find Fran

there, drugged. Marta performs CPR on her, and calls the police phone line, ensuring

that Fran gets to the hospital safely. On the drive back to the mansion, Marta reveals

everything to Blanc, who discourages her from confessing to the family. However,

Blanc tells her to stop at the last minute when he spots something in a copy of the

full toxicology report that Fran had hidden away.

The police bring Ransom to the house and place him in a private room where

Blanc and Marta are waiting. Blanc reveals that he deduced the murder and goes on

to reveal what he knows. The night of the party, Ransom stormed out after

discovering Marta's inheritance from Harlan and decided to frame her for his murder.

Ransom swapped the contents of the medication vials and removed the emergency

morphine counter agent, ensuring the morphine overdose. Ransom then swapped the

vials back while the rest of the family was at Harlan's funeral. Fran saw Ransom in

Harlan's study that day and deduced his involvement in Harlan's death, prompting

her to send him the ransom letter, which Ransom then sent to Marta after cutting out

the address. Ransom then burnt down the medical examiner's office to ensure that

Harlan's blood work was destroyed. Ransom confronted Fran and drugged her with

morphine, nearly killing her before destroying the original copy of the toxicology

report and emailing Marta Fran's location in the hopes of fooling the police into

believing Marta had murdered Fran. Blanc then reveals that the toxicology report

shows that Harlan wasn't poisoned at all, and that Marta had instinctively given

Harlan the correct medication, but, noticing the mislabeling, didn't know.

Marta receives a call from the hospital and says that Fran is alive, forcing

Ransom to admit his crimes before angrily vowing revenge and legal recourse on

Marta. At the last moment, Marta vomits on Ransom, revealing that she had lied and

that Fran actually died at the hospital. Enraged that he had been tricked into

admitting murder and arson, Ransom attempts to stab Marta but the knife turns out to

be one of Harlan's many props. He is then taken into police custody while the rest of

the family watches in disgust. As Ransom is taken away, the remaining Thrombey

family look up to the mansion's balcony to see Marta sipping from Harlan's signature

coffee cup with the label "My House, My Rules, My Coffee" written on it.

E. Characters of the Movie Script

1. Ana De Armas as Marta Cabrera

In the movie script found in Knives Out, Johnson describes that character of

Marta is a honest, kind, care, dilligent, panic, good attitude, patience person. She

depicted as caregiver of Harlan Thrombeys. The unique character of her will

vomit/puke if she tells lying. Marta has brown hair and brown eyes. Her age is not

stated but her email address is, likely implying that she

was born in 1989, making her 29 or 30 years old during the events of the film. Her

education is unknown, except that she has received her nursing license and is a

registered nurse (RN). She at first seems like a timid character, but it is revealed that

she is nervous about the investigation. Ana de Armas, the actress who plays Marta,

characterizes Marta as having strength, self-control, and clear priorities. Her family

is important to her. Marta has a mother (unnamed) and a sister named Alice Cabrera.

Marta's mother is undocumented. The dialogue throughout the film emphasizes

tension about her family's ethnicity and immigration status.

2. Cristopher Plummer as Harlan Thrombey

Harlan is described as an old millionaire man because of his literary works

through his famous novel. And, in this script movie, he had good personality as an

author also father with his stance to all family member. He cares somuch over Marta

than his family. Harlan is so kind, care, responsibility, smart, relaxed man. Harlan's

character flaw is his flair for the dramatic. He writes his own family out of his will in

the hope that they will build something for themselves rather than freeloading off of,

and riding, his successes. Though Harlan comes across as well-intentioned and

charismatic, he did not think clearly about the consequences for Marta and her family

stemming from the staging of his own murder. When it comes to his work, he

despises the idea of his novels being adapted to film, despite all the money he could

get. He believes film will be unable to capture the essence of his novels accurately.

3. Daniel Craig as Benoit Blanc

Daniel Craig figures as Benoit Blanc which acts as a pruvate detective who has

good popularity in the town. And also the character is described wittily, and full of

high curiosity when investigating the little things that he considers important clues.

The character who always traps the interlocutor who is in the Thrombeys family

environment. Have an accurate analysis with the instructions obtained.

Blanc is considered "The Last of the Gentlemen Sleuths" and in many ways is a

typical portrayal of that kind of character. He's flamboyant, practical, gentlemanly,

somewhat eccentric, a cigar chomper, but incredibly clever, intelligent, and an


overall good detective. Despite these archetypes usually being British (as well as

being played by a British actor), Blanc talks like a member of the Southern

aristocracy with an accent that can only be described as a "Kentucky Fried Foghorn

Leghorn Drawl".

Even though Blanc is as sneaky, abrasive, relentless, and snarky as most

gentlemen sleuths, Blanc is actually much nicer than most examples of this

archetype. He's less of a womanizer (which is ironic and a little tongue-in-cheek

cause he is played by James Bond actor, Daniel Craig) and is more of an overall

pleasant, friendly, and well-meaning man. Even his manipulative sides are for good

reasons. He takes his job seriously and overall wants justice to be served. He can

appear bumbling on occasions but is no doubt has a brilliant mind as he was able to

tell right away that Marta had something to do with Harlan's death as he saw a strain

of dried blood on the shoe she wore the night Harlan committed suicide.

4. Chris Evans as Ransom Drysdale

Chris Evans gets an antagonistic role with a character who is indifferent, witty,

not much pleasantries, cold, a little arrogant in the Thrombeys family. Described as a

character with the appearance of a 90s youth. The characters in the story are difficult

to predict, because they almost don't appear in stories. And he hardly wants to deal

with the things involved in the Thrombeys family.

He is the son of Richard Drysdale and Linda Thrombey, and the grandson of the

late Harlan Thrombey, whom Ransom had conspired to murder out of anger for

cutting him out of his inheritance. He is described as a spoiled trust fund playboy.

Ransom is the son of Richard Drysdale and Linda Thrombey. He is the grandson

of Harlan Thrombey, a renowned murder mystery novelist and writer. He is an

eccentric but spoiled brat, whose livelihood as a playboy is predicated on his family's

wealth. This makes him arrogant and unpleasant in nature, but unlike the rest of the

family, he does not hide this part and has no patience for that. However, while his

family is indeed unpleasant and full of hypocritical jerks, Ransom is the only one

who is truly evil because he is willing to do anything to have his part of the

inheritance, including murder. He is overall a selfish, heartless, psychopathic and

somewhat immature person, in addition to all his family's flaws. He behaves like a

spoiled teenager, even though he is in his thirties. He claims to be seeking his

"birthright," but does not care about the rest of his family as long as he gets his own

share. He is fully aware of his disgusting nature and he takes pride in the hate his

family has on him. That said, he can be charming, charismatic and po

lite when he wants to be, in order to have what he wants

5. Michael Shannon as Walt Thrombey

Walt is described as Harlan Thrombey's youngest son and the CEO of Harlan's

publishing company. Harlan fires his son after he keep insisting his father to allow

Netflix to adapt his novels into movies to make more money. Characterized by a man

with not too long brown hair with one leg that hurts so he uses a stick as a tool.

He, being the youngest, is the least mature and most spoiled out of all the family

members. He also seems to be the family's failson. He is the most whiney which may

have rubbed off on his "alt right troll nazi" son, Jacob Thrombey (although his

wife Donna Thrombey likely had something to do with it too). While Walt appears to

be politically conservative, he does not share his son's far-right views: if anything, he

is unaware of what Jacob is involved with.

6. Katherine Langford as Meg

The daughter of Joni and the late Neil Thrombey, Meg is the only granddaughter

of famed author Harlan Thrombey. Meg is the second youngest member of the

Thrombey family. She is the only member of the family that treated Marta with any

sort of friendship or compassion and so its debatable at the end about whether or not

Marta actually supported Meg's college tuition at the end.

Meg is the most morally grey out of all the Thrombeys. Being a modern day

college student, Meg fights for a good cause but it's often debatable whether or not

she actually cares for the people she stands up for or is just focused on the cause


On the one hand, she is possibly the most considerate and kind member of the

Thrombey family (next to her grandfather Harlan) but she is still prone to showing

her greedy, bratty, and stubborn sides. Her flaws are more understandable however.

She does initially think Marta deserves her grandfather's inheritance since he did put

her name in his will and cares less about who gets the money than the rest of the

family. However, she quickly buckles under pressure from the rest of her family

(especially her mother, who tells her she won't be able to afford college), and gives

them information on Marta's family (albeit reluctantly).

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