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Outline [HI.2.b]
This lecture’s notes are taken verbatim from the following sources:
Ninian Smart . The World’s Religions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
S.A. Nigosian. World Faiths. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994.

What a Religion is
o Etymological Definitions
• The Latin word Religio [to tie back, to tie again]
• The Greek word Θρησκεία, thrēskeia [the outward expression of belief]
• The Far Eastern concept: The Way [the process]
• The Western and Near Eastern concept: A Personal Contact with God [relationship between
‘God’ and Man]
o Subjective Definitions
• ‘Religion’ is both and individual and social activity.
• ‘Religion’ is both an intellectual and emotional activity.
o Objective Definitions
• Philological perspective [Frederick Max Müller (German, 1823-1900)-considered the first
historian of Religion]: Religion arose out of myths and cults based upon an original
personification of natural phenomena.
• Sociological perspective [Karl Marx (1818-1883)]: Religion is designed to promote the social
solidarity or well-being (welfare) of a group or tribe.
• Psychological perspective [Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)]: Religion arose from humanity’s
infantile wish to defend itself from the forces and terrors of life.

The 7 Dimensions of Religion (N. SMART)

o The Practical and Ritual Dimensions o The Ethical and Legal Dimensions
o The Experiential and Emotional Dimensions o The Social and Institutional Dimensions
o The Narrative or Mythic Dimensions o The Material Dimension
o The Doctrinal and Philosophical Dimensions
They help characterize religions as they exist in the world.

Grouping World Religions

Model 1 Model 2
Monotheism is the belief in One God. Ancient: Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Canaanite-Phoenician,
Polytheism is the belief in many gods. Greater Syrian, Greek, and Roman.
Animism is the belief that a spirit or National/Ethnic: African (Africa), Hinduism (India), Jainism
divinity (animae) resides within every (India), Sikhism (India), Shinto (Japan), Confucianism and
object and natural force Taoism (China), and Judaism (Israel).
Atheism refers to the theoretical or International/Universal: Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.
practical denial of the existence of a Traditional: Dinka (Sudan), Ga (Ghana), Maori (the
deity. Polynesians, Hawaii), and Shamanism (Korea)
Agnosticism is the philosophical position Modern: Scientific Humanism, Marxism, Nationalism,
that it is impossible to know about the Patriotism, Secularism, Pluralism, Freemasonry, New Age,
existence of God. kopimism, etc.

Rules of the Comparative Study of Religions

No Comparisons of religions as a whole / Comparisons only within the same dimensions /
Consideration of intra-religious pluralism / Distinction between “popular religion” and “normative
religion” / Differentiation between cultural and religious factors / Position of a phenomenon in the
overall context of religion

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Outline [HI.2.b]


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