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Ghana High-Speed Railway Feasibility Study


12.1 Departure and Arrival Schedules

In developing the time-table for the train operations, factors such as egress, regular service
and travel time have played very important roles in run frequencies determination. Not all
corridors are heavy with ridership. For instance, the Western Corridor route of Sekondi to Wa
is not as heavy as the Central Corridor section of Accra to Sunyani, and therefore cannot
benefit from the same number of runs as that in the Central Corridor.

On the average, there will be 112 train runs per day and 40,880 runs per year. An annual
average run per corridor is 4,542.

12.1.1 Eastern Corridor

There will be a total of 18 runs both ways in the Eastern Corridor. This is made up of 2 runs
between Accra and Ho to take care of early morning travellers intending to arrive in Accra
before 8 am and the late night travellers to Ho from Accra. These have become necessary,
because the time of arrival from Bolgatanga of the first train in Ho bound for Accra and the
Bolgatanga bound train from Accra.

In the Eastern Corridor, there will be three types of travel service, viz. Local, Premium and
Express. The Local service train will normally stop at all train stations whilst the Premium
service train will stop at fewer train stations. The Express Train will only stop at Primary
Train stations.

12.1.2 Central Corridor

The Central Corridor is planned for a total of 18 runs with first departures at 5.30 am and last
departures at 9.00 pm. Six (6) Express Service runs are included with a run time of one hour
ten minutes each between Accra and Sunyani whilst between Accra and Kumasi is 45
minutes and Accra to Koforidua is 10 minutes. Between Sunyani and Kumasi on the Express
Train is 25 minutes and Koforidua and Kumasi 35 minutes.

Local Trains will stop at all stations in the corridor.

12.1.3 Western Corridor

All train services in this Corridor are Local. There will be a total of 4 runs both ways
terminating at Wa and Sekondi respectively. Since services in the Central Corridor terminate
at Sunyani, passengers bound for destinations beyond Sunyani would have to connect at
Sunyani on the Western Service.

Train services bound for Wa depart Sunyani at 7.45 am and 1.45 pm with an egress time 15
and 49 minutes. On train services bound for Sekondi, trains from Wa arrive at Sunyani at
12.21 pm and 6.21 pm respectively whilst connecting trains to Accra depart Sunyani at 1.00
pm (Express Train) and 3.00 pm (Local Train) and 7.00 pm (Local Train).

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Ghana High-Speed Railway Feasibility Study

12.1.4 Coastal Corridor

There are 3 Express Train Services in this Corridor out of 18 runs. On both sides of Accra in
the Corridor, 2 half runs have been planned. These are Accra to Elubo and Accra to Aflao
departing at 5.45 am and 6.15 am respectively and Elubo to Accra and Aflao to Accra both
departing at 9.30 pm.

Six Express Train Services slotted into the 18 runs with 3 Express Train originating from
either side of the Corridor. On the Express Train, a run will take 1 hour 55 minutes and the
Local Train will take 2 hours 46 minutes.

12.1.5 Green Corridor

In the Green Corridor, travel time between Accra and Sekondi is approximately 1 hour 33
minutes with 4 runs each way. No Express Train Service has been planned for this Corridor.

12.1.6 Ashanti Circular

The Ashanti Circular is more or less a commuter train system with 16 runs both ways. Each
run is 1 hour 52 minutes. There are no Express Train Services and all trains stop at all train

12.1.7 Eastern Corridor Extension

This is an important route with an international necessity. With its 18 runs, services begin at
6.15 am with last departures are at 8.30 pm from both ends of the Eastern Corridor Extension.
The planning has been based on the international travellers connecting at Ho to the northern
part of Ghana from Togo and Benin who may be travelling to northern Togo, Burkina Faso
and Northern Ivory Coast and vice versa.

Travel time is 52 minutes.

12.1.8 Obuasi Line

With a run time of 1 hour 17 minutes, the Obuasi Line has 4 runs without any Express

12.1.9 Savannah Corridor

All trains start at Tamale at 6.00 am and complete a total of 12 runs with 6 runs in each
direction. Each run takes approximately 4 hour 30 minutes to complete. The service is Local
due to the low ridership as compared to other Corridors.

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Ghana High-Speed Railway Feasibility Study

12.2 Metro Train Services

Trains on all Metro lines will run as follows:

Between 5.00 am and 6.30 am: Trains will run at 20 minutes intervals
Between 6.30 am and 7.00 pm: Trains will run at 10 minutes intervals
Between 7.00 pm and 8.30 pm: Trains will run at 15 minutes intervals
Between 8.30 pm and 10.00 pm: Trains will run at 30 minutes intervals

12.3 Demand

For all the corridors in perspective, daily ridership is projected at 55,680 with the annual
ridership at 20,323,200 (Table 12.1). At these levels, trains are operating at 80 per cent
capacity to account for off-peak periods.

Since there has been no High-Speed Railway train service in Ghana or in the West African
sub-region, the trend in the road transport sector has been re-examined based on which the
projections have been made. The introduction of fast means of travel by road transport was
the norm when the “One-pound-one-pound” (404 and later 504 Peugeot Caravans) was in
operation. This was followed by the introduction of minibuses which were, in fact, banned at
one time due to what public concerns raised as over-speed resulting in several road accidents.
Currently, air-conditioned minibuses have stolen the stage despite the increased cost
(between 20% and 45% above those of the big buses) of travel on these buses.

Since not all travellers will change mode of travel as a result of financial constraints but as a
result of individual choices, the estimate of 80% ridership is a fair estimate.

Table 12.1: Average ridership projections

Average Ridership in
Per Day Per Year
Eastern Corridor 16 7,680 2,803,200
Central Corridor 18 8,640 3,153,600
Western Corridor 4 1,920 700,800
Coastal Corridor 18 8,640 3,153,600
Green Corridor 4 1,920 700,800
Savannah Corridor 16 7,680 2,803,200
Ashanti Circular Corridor 16 7,680 2,803,200
Accra - Ho Sub-Corridor 2 960 350,400
Eastern Extension Corridor 18 8,640 3,153,600
Obuasi Link 4 1,920 700,800
TOTAL 116 55,680 20,323,200

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Ghana High-Speed Railway Feasibility Study

12.4 Revenue

As per the demand schedule shown above, estimated average revenue has been determined
for selected main routes within the network. Revenue is taken at Local Train service fares.
This is shown in Schedule 3 for selected main routes.

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Schedule 1: Departure and Arrival Time-Table for High-Speed Railway Passenger Service

Local Premium Local Express Local Express Local Express
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CORRIDOR
8.00 PM 6.00 PM 2.00 PM 1.00 PM 11.00 AM 9.30 AM 7.00 AM 6.00 AM Accra DEP
8.38 PM 6.38 PM 2.38 PM 1.38 PM 11.38 PM 10.08 AM 7.38 AM 6.38 AM Ho DEP
8.54 PM 2.54 PM 11.54 AM 7.54 AM Kpando DEP
9.08 PM 7.00 PM 3.08 PM 12.08 PM 8.08 AM Hohoe DEP
9.22 PM 3.22 PM 12.22 PM 8.22 AM Jasikan DEP
9.32 PM 3.32 PM 12.32 PM 8.32 AM Kadjebi DEP
9.55 PM 7.39 PM 3.55 PM 12.55 PM 8.55 AM Nkwanta DEP
10.16 PM 4.16 PM 1.16 PM 9.16 AM Bimbila DEP
10.34 PM 8.10 PM 4.34 PM 1.34 PM 9.34 AM Yendi DEP
10.57 PM 8.33 PM 4.57 PM 2.59 PM 1.57 PM 11.29 AM 9.57 AM 7.59 AM Tamale DEP
11.10 PM 5.10 PM 2.10 PM 10.10 AM Savelugu DEP
11.31 PM 5.31 PM 2.31 PM 10.31 AM Walewale DEP
11.46 PM 9.06 PM 5.46 PM 3.32 PM 2.46 PM 12.02 PM 10.46 AM 8.32 AM Bolgatanga ARR

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Ghana High-Speed Railway Feasibility Study

Local Express Local Express Local Express Premium Local
CORRIDOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ARR Accra 9.17 AM 9.29 AM 12.44 PM 1.29 PM 4.17 PM 5.29 PM 9.13 PM 11.49 PM
DEP Ho 8.39 AM 8.51 AM 12.06 AM 12.51 PM 3.39 PM 4.51 PM 8.28 PM 11.04 PM
DEP Kpando 8.23 AM 11.50 AM 3.23 PM 10.19 PM
DEP Hohoe 8.09 AM 11.36 AM 3.09 PM 7.06 PM 9.34 PM
DEP Jasikan 7.55 AM 11.22 AM 2.55 PM 8.40 PM
DEP Kadjebi 7.45 AM 11.12 AM 2.45 PM 8.30 PM
DEP Nkwanta 7.22 AM 10.49 AM 2.22 PM 5.55 PM 8.07 PM
DEP Bimbila 7.01 AM 10.28 AM 2.01 PM 7.46 PM
DEP Yendi 6.43 AM 10.10 AM 1.43 PM 5.24 PM 7.28 PM
DEP Tamale 6.19 AM 7.32 AM 9.49 AM 11.32 AM 1.19 PM 3.32 PM 5.02 PM 7.06 PM
DEP Savelugu 6.06 AM 9.36 AM 1.06 PM 6.51 PM
DEP Walewale 5.45 AM 9.15 AM 12.45 PM 6.30 PM
DEP Bolgatanga 5.30 AM 7.00 AM 9.00 AM 11.00 AM 12.30 PM 3.00 PM 4.30 PM 6.15 PM

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Ghana High-Speed Railway Feasibility Study

Local Local Express Local Express Local Local Express Local
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CORRIDOR
9.00 PM 7.00 PM 5.00 PM 3.00 PM 1.00 PM 11.00 AM 9.00 AM 7.00 AM 5.30 AM Accra DEP
9.19 PM 7.19 PM 5.10 PM 3.19 PM 1.10 PM 11.19 AM 9.19 AM 7.10 AM 5.49 AM Koforidua DEP
9.33 PM 7.33 PM 3.33 PM 11.33 AM 9.33 AM 6.04 AM Anyinam DEP
9.47 PM 7.47 PM 3.47 PM 11.47 AM 9.47 AM 6.17 AM Nkawkaw DEP
10.02 PM 8.02 PM 4.02 PM 12.02 PM 10.02 AM 6.32 AM Juaso DEP
10.19 PM 8.19 PM 5.45 PM 4.19 PM 1.45 PM 12.19 PM 10.19 AM 7.45 AM 6.49 AM Kumasi DEP
10.37 PM 8.37 PM 4.37 PM 12.37 PM 10.37 AM 7.07 AM Bekyem DEP
10.42 PM 8.42 PM 6.10 PM 4.42 PM 2.10 PM 12.42 PM 10.42 AM 8.10 AM 7.22 AM Sunyani ARR

CENTRAL Local Express Local Local Express Local Express Local Local
CORRIDOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ARR Accra 7.22 AM 8.10 AM 10.52 AM 1.22 PM 2.10 PM 5.22 PM 6.10 PM 8.42 PM 10.42 PM
DEP Koforidua 7.03 AM 8.00 AM 10.33 AM 1.03 PM 2.00 PM 5.03 PM 6.00 PM 8.33 PM 10.33 PM
DEP Anyinam 6.49 AM 10.19 AM 12.49 PM 4.49 PM 8.19 PM 10.19 PM
DEP Nkawkaw 6.35 AM 10.05 AM 12.35 PM 4.35 PM 8.05 PM 10.05 PM
DEP Juaso 6.20 AM 9.50 AM 12.20 PM 4.20 PM 7.50 PM 9.50 PM
DEP Kumasi 6.03 AM 7.25 AM 9.33 AM 12.03 PM 1.25 PM 4.03 PM 5.25 PM 7.33 PM 9.33 PM
DEP Bekyem 5.45 AM 9.15 AM 11.45 AM 3.45 AM 7.15 PM 9.15 PM
DEP Sunyani 5.30 AM 7.00 AM 9.00 AM 11.00 AM 1.00 PM 3.00 PM 5.00 PM 7.00 PM 9.00 PM

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Local Local Local Express Local Express Local Express Local Express
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CORRIDOR
9.30 PM 8.00 PM 6.15 PM 4.00 PM 2.00 PM 12.00 AM 10.00 AM 7.45 AM 6.00 AM Aflao DEP
9.43 PM 8.13 PM 6.28 PM 2.13 PM 10.13 AM 6.13 AM Dzodze DEP
9.54 PM 8.24 PM 6.39 PM 2.24 PM 10.24 AM 6.24 AM Akatsi DEP
10.07 PM 8.37 PM 6.52 PM 2.37 PM 10.37 AM 6.37 AM Adidome DEP
10.19 PM 8.49 PM 7.04 PM 2.49 PM 10.49 AM 6.49 AM Kesseh-Ada DEP
10.41 PM 9.01 PM 7.16 PM 4.39 PM 3.01 PM 12.39 PM 11.01 AM 8.29 AM 7.01 AM 5.45 AM Accra DEP
9.18 PM 7.33 PM 3.18 PM 11.18 AM 7.18 AM  Wnneba DEP
9.38 PM 7.53 PM 5.08 PM 3.38 PM 1.08 PM 11.38 AM 8.58 AM 7.38 AM 6.14 AM Cape Coast DEP
9.55 PM 8.10 PM 5.25 PM 3.55 PM 1.25 PM 11.55 AM 9.15 AM 7.55 AM 6.31 AM Sekondi DEP
10.13 PM 8.28 PM 4.13 PM 12.13 AM 8.13 AM Axim DEP
10.33 PM 8.48 PM 5.55 PM 4.33 PM 1.55 PM 12.33 AM 9.40 AM 8.33 AM 7.01 AM Elubo ARR

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COASTAL Express Local Express Local Express Local Express Local Local Local
CORRIDOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
ARR Aflao 7.19 AM 8.34 AM 9.40 AM 12.34 PM 1.55 PM 4.46 PM 5.55 PM 8.46 PM 10.46 PM
DEP Dzodze  8.20 AM 12.20 PM 4.32 PM 8.32 PM 10.32 PM
DEP Akatsi 8.07 AM 12.07 PM 4.19 PM 8.19 PM 10.19 PM
DEP Adidome 7.54 AM 11.54 AM 4.06 PM 8.06 PM 10.06 PM
DEP Kesseh-Ada 7.42 AM 11.42 AM 3.54 PM 7.54 PM 9.54 PM
DEP Accra 6.15 AM 7.20 AM 9.01 AM 11.20 AM 1.16 PM 3.32 PM 5.16 PM 7.32 PM 9.32 PM 11.02 PM
DEP Wnneba 7.03 AM 11.03 AM 3.15 PM 7.15 PM 9.15 PM 10.45 PM
DEP Cape Coast 6.43 AM 8.32 AM 10.43 AM 12.47 PM 2.55 PM 4.47 PM 6.55 PM 8.55 PM 10.25 PM
DEP Sekondi 6.26 AM 8.15 AM 10.26 AM 12.30 PM 2.38 PM 4.30 PM 6.38 PM 8.38 PM 10.08 PM
DEP Axim 6.08 AM 10.08 AM 2.20 PM 6.20 PM 8.20 PM 9.50 PM
DEP Elubo 5.48 AM 7.45 AM 9.48 AM 12.00 AM 2.00 PM 4.00 PM 6.00 PM 8.00 PM 9.30 PM

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9.30 PM DEP Accra ARR 6.38 AM

10.08 PM ARR Ho DEP 6.00 AM

Local Local WESTERN CORRIDOR Local Local
2 1 1 2
12.05 PM 6.05 AM DEP Sekondi ARR 2.14 PM 8.14 PM
12.21 PM 6.21 AM DEP Tarkwa DEP 1.58 PM 7.58 PM
12.41 PM 6.41 AM DEP Dunkwa DEP 1.38 PM 7.38 PM
12.50 PM 6.50 AM DEP Awaso DEP 1.19 PM 7.19 PM
1.02 PM 7.02 AM DEP Bibiani DEP 1.07 PM 7.07 PM
1.17 PM 7.17 AM DEP Goaso DEP 12.52 PM 6.52 PM
1.31 PM 7.31 AM DEP Kenyasi DEP 12.38 PM 6.38 PM
1.45 PM 7.45 AM DEP Sunyani DEP 12.24 PM 6.24 PM
2.01 PM 8.01 AM DEP Techiman DEP 12.08 PM 6.08 PM
2.19 PM 8.19 AM DEP Kintampo DEP 11.55 AM 5.55 AM
2.46 PM 8.46 AM DEP Damongo DEP 11.28 AM 5.28 AM
3.08 PM 9.08 AM DEP Bole DEP 11.06 AM 5.06 AM
3.22 PM 9.22 AM DEP Sawla DEP 10.52 AM 4.52 AM
3.44 PM 9.44 AM ARR Wa DEP 10.30 AM 4.30 PM

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Ghana High-Speed Railway Feasibility Study

Local Local GREEN CORRIDOR Local Local
2 1 1 2
3.00 PM 6.00 AM DEP Sekondi ARR 10.03 AM 7.03 PM
3.16 PM 6.16 AM DEP Tarkwa DEP 9.47 AM 6.47 PM
3.34 PM 6.34 AM DEP Twifo Praso DEP 9.29 AM 6.29 PM
3.53 PM 6.53 AM DEP Achiasi DEP 9.10 AM 6.10 PM
4.06 PM 7.06 AM DEP Akoroso DEP 8.57 AM 5.57 PM
4.20 PM 7.20 AM DEP Kotoku DEP 8.43 AM 5.43 PM
4.33 PM 7.33 AM ARR Accra DEP 8.30 AM 5.30 PM

Local Local
2 1 1 2
4.00 PM 6.00 AM DEP Sekondi ARR 9.02 AM 7.02 PM
4.16 PM 6.16 AM DEP Tarkwa DEP 8.46 AM 6.46 PM
4.36 PM 6.36 AM DEP Dunkwa DEP 8.26 AM 6.26 PM
4.49 PM 6.49 AM DEP Obuasi DEP 8.13 AM 6.13 PM
5.03 PM 7.03 AM DEP Bekwai DEP 7.59 AM 5.59 PM
5.17 PM 7.17 AM ARR Kumasi DEP 7.45 AM 5.45 PM

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Ghana High-Speed Railway Feasibility Study

Local Local Local Local Local Local
6 5 4 3 2 1 CORRIDOR
6.00 PM 4.00 PM 1.00 PM 11.00 AM 8.00 AM 6.00 AM Tamale DEP
6.15 PM 4.15 PM 1.15 PM 11.15 AM 8.15 AM 6.15 AM Savelugu DEP
6.36 PM 4.36 PM 1.36 PM 11.36 AM 8.36 AM 6.36 AM Walewale DEP
6.51 PM 4.51 PM 1.51 PM 11.51 AM 8.51 AM 6.51 AM Bolgatanga DEP
7.05 PM 5.05 PM 2.05 PM 12.05 AM 9.05 AM 7.05 AM Navrongo DEP
7.19 PM 5.19 PM 2.19 PM 12.19 AM 9.19 AM 7.19 AM Sandema DEP
7.40 PM 5.40 PM 2.40 PM 12.40 AM 9.40 AM 7.40 AM Tumu DEP
8.03 PM 6.03 PM 3.03 PM 1.03 PM 10.03 AM 8.03 AM Hamale DEP
8.17 PM 6.17 PM 3.17 PM 1.17 PM 10.17 AM 8.17 AM Lawra DEP
8.29 PM 6.29 PM 3.29 PM 1.29 PM 10.29 AM 8.29 AM Jirapa DEP
8.41 PM 6.41 PM 3.41 PM 1.41 PM 10.41 AM 8.41 AM Nadawli DEP
8.55 PM 6.55 PM 3.55 PM 1.55 PM 10.55 AM 8.55 AM Wa DEP
9.17 PM 7.17 PM 4.17 PM 2.17 PM 11.17 AM 9.17 AM Sawla DEP
9.32 PM 7.32 PM 4.32 PM 2.32 PM 11.32 AM 9.32 AM Bole DEP
9.54 PM 7.54 PM 4.54 PM 2.54 PM 11.54 AM 9.54 AM Damongo DEP
10.12 PM 8.12 PM 5.12 PM 3.12 PM 12.12 AM 10.12 AM Fufulsu DEP
10.30 PM 8.30 PM 5.30 PM 3.30 PM 12.30 AM 10.30 AM Tamale ARR

SAVANNAH Local Local Local Local Local Local
CORRIDOR 1 2 3 4 5 6
ARR Tamale 10.30 AM 12.30 PM 3.30 PM 5.30 PM 8.30 PM 10.30 PM
DEP Savelugu 10.15 AM 12.15 PM 3.15 PM 5.15 PM 8.15 PM 10.15 PM
DEP Walewale 9.54 AM 11.54 AM 2.54 PM 4.54 PM 7.54 PM 9.54 PM
DEP Bolgatanga 9.39 AM 11.39 AM 2.39 PM 4.39 PM 7.39 PM 9.39 PM
DEP Navrongo 9.25 AM 11.25 AM 2.25 PM 4.25 PM 7.25 PM 9.25 PM
DEP Sandema 9.11 AM 11.11 AM 2.11 PM 4.11 PM 7.11 PM 9.11 PM
DEP Tumu 8.50 AM 10.50 AM 1.50 PM 3.50 PM 6.50 PM 8.50 PM
DEP Hamale 8.27 AM 10.27 AM 1.27 PM 3.27 PM 6.27 PM 8.27 PM
DEP Lawra 8.13 AM 10.13 AM 1.13 PM 3.13 PM 6.13 PM 8.13 PM
DEP Jirapa 8.01 AM 10.01 AM 1.01 PM 3.01 PM 6.01 PM 8.01 PM
DEP Nadawli 7.49 AM 9.49 AM 12.49 PM 2.49 PM 5.49 PM 7.49 PM
DEP Wa 7.35 AM 9.35 AM 12.35 PM 2.35 PM 5.35 PM 7.35 PM
DEP Sawla 7.13 AM 9.13 AM 12.13 PM 2.13 PM 5.13 PM 7.13 PM
DEP Bole 6.58 AM 8.58 AM 11.58 AM 1.58 PM 4.58 PM 6.58 PM
DEP Damongo 6.36 AM 8.36 AM 11.36 AM 1.36 PM 4.36 PM 6.36 PM
DEP Fufulsu 6.18 AM 8.18 AM 11.18 AM 1.18 PM 4.18 PM 6.18 PM
DEP Tamale 6.00 AM 8.00 AM 11.00 AM 1.00 PM 4.00 PM 6.00 PM

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Ghana High-Speed Railway Feasibility Study

Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local ASHANTI LINE
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
8.00 PM 6.00 PM 4.00 PM 2.00 PM 12.00 AM 10.00 AM 8.00 AM 6.00 AM Kumasi ARR
8.12 PM 6.12 PM 4.12 PM 2.12 PM 12.12 PM 10.12 AM 8.12 AM 6.12 AM Nkawie DEP
8.26 PM 6.26 PM 4.26 PM 2.26 PM 12.26 PM 10.26 AM 8.26 AM 6.26 AM Nyinahin DEP
8.40 PM 6.40 PM 4.40 PM 2.40 PM 12.40 PM 10.40 AM 8.40 AM 6.40 AM Bibiani DEP
8.52 PM 6.52 PM 4.52 PM 2.52 PM 12.52 PM 10.52 AM 8.52 AM 6.52 AM Awaso DEP
9.11 PM 7.11 PM 5.11 PM 3.11 PM 1.11 PM 11.11 AM 9.11 AM 7.11 AM Dunkwa DEP
9.24 PM 7.24 PM 5.24 PM 3.24 PM 1.24 PM 11.24 AM 9.24 AM 7.24 AM Obuasi DEP
9.38 PM 7.38 PM 5.38 PM 3.38 PM 1.38 PM 11.38 AM 9.38 AM 7.38 AM Bekwai DEP
9.52 PM 7.52 PM 5.52 PM 3.52 PM 1.52 PM 11.52 AM 9.52 AM 7.52 AM Kumasi DEP

ASHANTI LINE Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DEP Kumasi 7.52 AM 9.52 AM 11.52 AM 1.52 PM 3.52 PM 5.52 PM 7.52 PM 9.52 PM
DEP Nkawie 7.4O AM 9.4O AM 11.4O AM 1.4O PM 3.4O PM 5.4O PM 7.4O PM 9.4O PM
DEP Nyinahin 7.26 AM 9.26 AM 11.26 AM 1.26 PM 3.26 PM 5.26 PM 7.26 PM 9.26 PM
DEP Bibiani 7.12 AM 9.12 AM 11.12 AM 1.12 PM 3.12 PM 5.12 PM 7.12 PM 9.12 PM
DEP Awaso 7.00 AM 9.00 AM 11.00 AM 1.00 PM 3.00 PM 5.00 PM 7.00 PM 9.00 PM
DEP Dunkwa 6.41 AM 8.41 AM 10.41 AM 12.41 PM 2.41 PM 4.41 PM 6.41 PM 8.41 PM
DEP Obuasi 6.28 AM 8.28 AM 10.28 AM 12.28 PM 2.28 PM 46.28 PM 6.28 PM 8.28 PM
DEP Bekwai 6.14 AM 8.14 AM 10.14 AM 12.14 PM 2.14 PM 4.14 PM 6.14 PM 8.14 PM
ARR Kumasi 6.00 AM 8.00 AM 10.00 AM 12.00 AM 2.00 PM 4.00 PM 6.00 PM 8.00 PM

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Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 EXTENSION
7.07 AM 8.22 AM 11.07 AM 1.53 PM 8.22 AM 4.53 PM 6.53 PM 7.53 PM 9.22 AM Ho ARR
6.55 AM 8.09 AM 10.55 AM 1.40 PM 8.09 AM 4.40 PM 6.40 PM 7.40 PM 9.09 AM Kpetoe DEP
6.48 AM 7.57 AM 10.48 AM 1.28 PM 7.57 AM 4.28 PM 6.28 PM 7.28 PM 8.57 AM Ziope DEP
6.29 AM 7.43 AM 10.29 AM 1.14 PM 7.43 AM 4.14 PM 6.14 PM 7.14 PM 8.43 AM Dzodze DEP
6.15 AM 7.30 AM 10.15 AM 1.00 PM 2.30 PM 4.00 PM 6.00 PM 7.00 PM 8.30 PM Aflao DEP

EASTERN CORRIDOR Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local Local
EXTENSION 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
DEP Ho 8.30 PM 7.00 PM 6.00 PM 4.00 PM 2.30 PM 1.00 PM 10.15 AM 7.30 AM 6.15 AM
DEP Kpetoe 8.43 PM 7.13 PM 6.13 PM 4.13 PM 2.43 PM 1.13 PM 10.28 AM 7.43 AM 6.28 AM
DEP Ziope 8.55 PM 7.25 PM 6.25 PM 4.25 PM 2.55 PM 1.25 PM 10.40 AM 7.55 AM 6.40 AM
DEP Dzodze 9.09 PM 7.39 PM 6.39 PM 4.39 PM 3.09 PM 1.39 PM 10.54 AM 8.09 AM 6.54 AM
ARR Aflao 9.23 PM 7.53 PM 6.53 PM 4.53 PM 3.23 PM 1.53 PM 11.07 AM 8.23 AM 7.07 AM

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Schedule 2: Station-Station Distances and Run Times for High-Speed Railway

Passenger Service

Savannah Corridor Green Corridor

(Minutes) (Minutes)
Damongo – Bole 89 22 Tarkwa – Twifo Praso 62 18
Bole – Sawla 33 15 Twifo Praso – Achiasi 67 19
Sawla – Wa 89 22 Achiasi – Akoroso 31 13
Wa – Nadawli 41 14 Akoroso – Kotoku 43 14
Nadawli – Jirapa 24 12 Kumasi – Bekwai 33 14
Jirapa – Lawra 21 12 Bekwai – Obuasi 29 14
Lawra – Hamale 41 14 Obuasi – Dunkwa 31 13
Hamale – Tumu 93 23 Bibiani – Nyinahin 29 14
Tumu - Sandema 81 21 Nyinahin – Nkwaie 35 14
Sandema – Navrongo 29 14 Nkwaie - Kumasi 23 12
Navrongo – Bolgatanga 34 14 Accra - Kotoku 28 13
Bolgatanga - Walewale 48 15
Walewale - Savelugu 82 21
Savelugu - Tamale 28 13
Tamale – Fufulsu 64 18
Fufulsu – Damongo 62 18

Eastern Corridor Coastal Corridor

(Minutes) (Minutes)
Accra – Ho 179 38 Aflao - Dzodze 33 14
Ho - Kpando 53 16 Dzodze – Akatsi 25 13
Kpando – Hohoe 29 14 Akatsi – Adidome 34 14
Hohoe – Jasikan 30 14 Adidome – Accra 123 28
Jasikan – Kadjebi 17 10 Accra – Winneba 56 17
Kadjebi – Nkwanta 91 23 Winneba – Capecoast 77 20
Nkwanta – Bimbila 83 21 Capecoast – Sekondi 59 17
Bimbila – Yendi 63 18 Sekondi – Axim 63 18
Yendi – Tamale 93 23 Axim – Elubo 74 20
Tamale – Savelugu 28 13
Savelugu – Walewale 82 21
Walewale – Bolgatanga 48 15

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Central Corridor Western Corridor

(Minutes) (Minutes)
Accra – Kotoku 28 13 Sekondi – Tarkwa 53 16
Kotoku – Koforidua 43 14 Tarkwa – Dunkwa 77 20
Koforidua – Anyinam 43 14 Dunkwa – Awaso 69 19
Anyinam – Nkawkaw 36 14 Awaso – Bibiani 24 12
Nkawkaw – Juaso 46 15 Bibiani – Goaso 47 15
Juaso – Kumasi 57 17 Goaso – Kenyasi 29 14
Kumasi – Bekyem 64 18 Kenyasi – Sunyani 43 14
Bekyem – Sunyani 44 15 Sunyani – Techiman 54 16
Techiman – Kintampo 61 18
Kintampo – Damongo 114 27
Damongo – Bole 89 22
Bole – Sawla 33 14
Sawla – Wa 89 22
Wa – Nadawli 41 14
Nadawli – Jirapa 24 12
Jirapa – Lawra 21 12
Lawra – Hamale 41 14

Eastern Corridor Extension Ashanti Corridor

(Minutes) (Minutes)
Ho – Kpetoe 26 13 Kumasi – Bekwai 33 14
Kpetoe – Ziope 18 12 Bekwai – Obuasi 29 14
Ziope – Dzodze 34 14 Obuasi – Dunkwa 31 13
Bibiani – Nyinahin 29 14
Nyinahin – Nkwaie 35 14
Nkwaie - Kumasi 23 12

Obuasi Corridor
Kumasi – Bekwai 33 14
Bekwai – Obuasi 29 14
Obuasi – Dunkwa 31 13
Dunkwa - Tarkwa 77 20
Tarkwa - Sekondi 53 16

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Ghana High-Speed Railway Feasibility Study

Schedule 3: Estimated average revenue on main routes of the High-Speed Railway corridors

Accra - Accra - Accra - Accra - Accra - Accra - Aflao - Accra - Accra - Accra - Accra - Sekondi -
Accra - Wa
Sunyani Kumasi Koforidua Ho Tamale Bolgatanga Elubo Aflao Elubo Cape Coast Sekondi Kumasi

Route length (km) 361 253 71 179 638 796 801 481 215 266 133 192 223
Travel Cost per Seat € 7.22 € 5.06 € 1.42 € 3.58 € 12.76 € 15.92 € 16.02 € 9.62 € 4.30 € 5.32 € 2.66 € 3.84 € 4.46
SAFE-TEF Component € 0.07 € 0.05 € 0.01 € 0.04 € 0.13 € 0.16 € 0.16 € 0.10 € 0.04 € 0.05 € 0.03 € 0.04 € 0.04
Ticket Price € 7.29 € 5.11 € 1.43 € 3.62 € 12.89 € 16.08 € 16.18 € 9.72 € 4.34 € 5.37 € 2.69 € 3.88 € 4.50
Revenue per Train per run € 2,421.01 € 1,696.72 € 476.15 € 1,200.45 € 4,278.68 € 5,338.29 € 5,371.83 € 3,225.78 € 1,441.88 € 1,783.90 € 891.95 € 1,287.63 € 1,495.53
Runs per Train per Day 4.50 4.50 4.50 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Revenue per Train per Day € 10,895 € 7,635 € 2,143 € 2,401 € 17,115 € 21,353 € 21,487 € 12,903 € 5,768 € 7,136 € 3,568 € 5,151 € 5,982
Revenue per Train per annum € 3,976,510 € 2,786,861 € 782,084 € 876,325 € 6,246,877 € 7,793,910 € 7,842,867 € 4,709,636 € 2,105,139 € 2,604,498 € 1,302,249 € 1,879,938 € 2,183,470
Total Route Runs 18.00 18.00 18.00 2.00 16.00 16.00 4.00 18.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 4.00
Ave. Ridership on Route per Day 5,976 5,976 5,976 664 5,312 5,312 1,328 5,976 2,988 2,988 2,988 2,988 1,328
Ave. Ridership on Route per year 2,181,240 2,181,240 2,181,240 242,360 1,938,880 1,938,880 484,720 2,181,240 1,090,620 1,090,620 1,090,620 1,090,620 484,720
Total Revenue on the Route € 71,577,172 € 50,163,503 € 14,077,505 € 1,752,651 € 99,950,040 € 124,702,557 € 31,371,466 € 84,773,456 € 18,946,251 € 23,440,478 € 11,720,239 € 16,919,442 € 8,733,879
Percentage of Total Revenue 8.55% 5.99% 1.68% 0.21% 11.94% 14.90% 3.75% 10.13% 2.26% 2.80% 1.40% 2.02% 1.04%

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