Class 2. Understanding and Reflective Levels of Teching

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Today’s Learning Content

Levels of Teaching – Understanding &

Reflective Level.
Memory level Understanding Level Reflective level
Herbart Morison Hunt
Thoughtless level of teaching. Thoughtful teaching. Upper thoughtful teaching.
lowest level Middle level/ comprehend Highest / introspective
cognitive Affective Psychomotor
Cramming facts, formulas, Comprehend the meaning, Thinking deeply about something.
information focuses on mastery of the giving careful thought to
subject. something over a period of time.

Facts and cramming Relationship facts and Problem solving method

Teacher Oriented both participate Student oriented
Pedagogy Andragogy Heutagogy
Syntax- Syntax- Syntax –
>Preparation >Exploration >Creating a problematic situation.
>Statement of aims >Presentation >Formulation of the hypothesis.
>Verify hypothesis
>Presentation >Assimilation
>Collection of data.
> Association >Organization >Testing of hypothesis.
>Generalization >Recitation
Unit-I: Teaching Aptitude
-Teaching: Concept, Objectives, Levels of teaching (Memory,
Understanding and Reflective), Characteristics and basic requirements.

-Learner’s characteristics: Characteristics of adolescent and adult learners

(Academic, Social, Emotional and Cognitive), Individual differences.
-Factors affecting teaching related to Teacher, Learner, Support material,
Instructional facilities, Learning environment and Institution.
-Methods of teaching in Institutions of higher learning: Teacher centred vs.
Learner-centred methods; offline vs. Online methods (Swayam,
Swayamprabha, MOOCs etc.).
-Teaching Support System: Traditional, Modern and ICT based.
-Evaluation Systems: Elements and Types of evaluation, Evaluation in Choice
Based Credit System in Higher education, Computer-based testing, Innovations
in evaluation systems.
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Levels of Teaching
Teaching Aptitude

Levels of Teaching
Teaching Aptitude

Understanding Level of Teaching

 Given by - Morrison’s
 Understanding something is to perceive the meaning, grasp the idea
and comprehend the meaning .
The meaning of ‘understanding ’can be classified as
 seeing the total use of facts
 seeing relationship
 a generalized insight
 This enables students to have complete command over subject
 In the understanding level role of the teacher is more active.
 The students at this level are second any.
 Students interact with concepts and comprehend the content.
 Higher quality than the one at the memory level.
Teaching Aptitude

 Comprehension: Enabling students to grasp the concepts, principles,
and facts related to the topic.
 Interpretation: Identifying relationships, drawing conclusions, and
making connections between different ideas or pieces of information.
 Explanation: Encourages them to articulate their understanding and
demonstrate their ability to convey knowledge effectively.

 Application: This involves transferring knowledge and skills to new

contexts or scenarios.
 Organization: Ability to structure and categorize knowledge in a
logical and coherent manner.
 Comparison: This facilitates critical thinking and the ability to make
informed judgments or evaluations.
Teaching Aptitude
 Summarization: Encourages them to extract the most important
elements from a larger body of content and express them concisely.

 Synthesis: This objective promotes higher-order thinking skills by

requiring students to combine and reorganize knowledge.

 Evaluation: Ability to evaluate the quality, reliability, or validity of

information or arguments and encourages critical thinking and the
capacity to make reasoned judgments based on evidence.

 Reflection: Considering their understanding, identifying areas of

improvement, and developing strategies for further learning
Teaching Aptitude
Methods Used Environment situation
 Lecture method.  Clear communication.
 Demonstration method with  Active learning.
lecture.  Visual aids and resources are
 Discussion method. used.
 Inductive and Deductive method  Encouraging critical thinking
 Exemplification and explanation. during the class.
 Formative assessment used
 Positive and supportive
 Checking Continuous
improvement of learner.
Teacher’s Role
 Teacher is a prominent figure.
 Not so dominating and authoritarian .
Learner’s Role
 The role of learner in this level of teaching active .
 Learners may put question to clarify his doubts .
Teaching Aptitude
 Focus: - Mastery of the content.
 Syntax: -5 steps
1. Exploration: -Testing previous knowledge, analyzing the content
2. Presentation: -Content is presented, diagnosis, and recapitulation till
the students understands.
3. Assimilation: - Individual activities, working in laboratory and library,
test of content.
4. Organization: -Pupils are provided with the occasions for
5. Recitation: -Pupil presents the content orally.
 Social system: -Teacher control the behaviour of the pupil, pupil full
participation teacher remain active in assimilation.
 -Support system -Essay and objective type questions is asked.
Teaching Aptitude
 Importance of ULT-
 Effective leaning and communication
 Building a strong foundation for reflective level of teaching
 Development of different cognitive abilities
 Enhancing students confidence
 Effective classroom interaction

 Advantages of Understanding Level:

 Effective learning
 More effective than memory levels of teaching.
 Development of different cognition leanings.
 Sets stages for entering into the reflective level of teaching
 The interaction level is good between students and Teacher.
Teaching Aptitude
Disadvantages of Understanding Level:
 Ignore higher cognitive abilities
 Less emphasis on intrinsic motivation
 No individual learning
 Teacher centered

Suggestion of Understand Level of teaching

 Clarity of Communication: A good teacher should be able to break down
information into understandable chunks.
 Engaging Teaching Methods: This can include interactive activities,
multimedia presentations, group discussions, and hands-on experiments.
 Adaptability to Different Learning Styles: They should be able to cater to
visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and other learning preferences.
 Assessment and Feedback: Effective teachers use assessments to gauge
student understanding and adjust their teaching methods accordingly.
Teaching Aptitude
 Encouraging Critical Thinking: A strong teacher encourages critical
thinking skills by posing thought-provoking questions, challenging
assumptions, and fostering open discussions.
 Real-World Applications- This helps students understand how the
knowledge they are gaining is relevant and applicable outside the
 Building a Positive Learning Environment: Pay attention to how the
teacher creates a positive and inclusive learning environment. They should
foster mutual respect, encourage collaboration among students, and
support individual growth and development.
 Support for Different Learning Paces: They should offer additional
resources, extra help, or extension activities as needed.
 Use of Technology:. This can include using educational apps, online
resources, multimedia presentations, and virtual learning platforms to
enhance understanding.
 Continuous Professional Development: They should actively seek out new
teaching strategies, attend workshops, and stay updated with the latest
educational research
Teaching Aptitude

Reflective Level- HUNT and Bigge

-At this level, the student is made to face a real problematic situation.
The student by understanding the situation and using his critical abilities
succeeds in solving the problem.
-Highest level of teaching-learning activity.
-The teaching at this level is learner centered.
- It is also called introspective teaching.

-Purpose is to develop the reflective power of the pupils.

-Here nature of motivation is intrinsic.
-Higher Mental process includes such as reasoning, critical thinking,
analyzing concepts, imagination.
- In this level Learner develop new insight to solve problems, explore the
field of knowledge, discoveries , and generalization of facts.
Teaching Aptitude
-Reflective teaching does not depend upon memorization; it rather
depends on reasoning, analysis and thoughts.
- Piaget Formal operational stage where the optimum development of
cognitive abilities occurs.
- Student is made to face a real problematic situation.
- Teacher places in this level secondary role and student are primary.
 Teaching at the thinking level includes learning at the memory and
cognition levels.
 The student is more active in this type of teaching.
 The teacher creates problems in front of the students that are vague
and challenging.
 According to Hunt, the problems should be such that the student can
solve them by using his thinking power.
Teaching Aptitude
Main objectives of RLT.
 To develop creative and critical thinking in students.
 To develop the ability of decision making and independent thinking in
 To develop the ability of problem solving in students as well as
imagination ability.
 Encourage critical thinking: It prompts them to analyze and
evaluate information, ideas, and experiences, allowing them to
develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
 Promote self-awareness: It helps them become more self-aware and
develop metacognitive skills, enabling them to monitor their own
progress and make necessary adjustments.
 Enhance problem-solving abilities: Encourages them to identify and
analyze problems, consider alternative solutions, and reflect on the
outcomes of their decisions, leading to enhanced critical thinking and
decision-making skills.
Teaching Aptitude
 Foster personal growth: It encourages students to explore their own
values, beliefs, and attitudes, helping them develop a sense of
identity and a greater understanding of themselves and their place in
the world.
 Encourage lifelong learning: It helps them develop the skills and
mindset necessary for continuous learning and growth beyond the
 Develop empathy and understanding: It promotes a deeper
understanding of diverse viewpoints, cultures, and experiences,
fostering open-mindedness, tolerance, and empathy.
 Facilitate transfer of learning: They develop the ability to apply
knowledge, skills, and insights gained from one area to solve
problems or understand phenomena in different domains.
Overall, the reflective level of teaching aims to empower students as
active learners, critical thinkers, and self-directed individuals who can
engage with the world around them thoughtfully and meaningfully.
Teaching Aptitude
 Method Used
 Problem solving method
 Investigation method
 Experimental method
 Inquiry oriented method
 Analytic method

 Focus: – To develop problem solving, critical and constructive,

independent, original thinking.
 Syntax
 Creating a problematic situation.
 Formulation of the hypothesis.
 Collection of data for verifying hypothesis.
 Testing of hypothesis.
Teaching Aptitude
 Social system: Pupil occupies the primary place and teacher secondary place.
 Support system –Objective type test is not used but essay type test is used.
Attitude, beliefs and involvement is evaluated.
 Advantages
 Thoughtful mode of operation
 Learner-centered method is used.
 Development of problem-solving skill
 Maximum flexibility
 Development of creativity of students.
 Development of Self-motivation
 Disadvantages
 Not suitable for lower classes student.
 Time-consuming process
 Not suitable for Indian classroom
 Not applicable for dull students
 The burden on the teachers
Teaching Aptitude
Suggestion for the RLT
 Before this level of teaching, there must be knowledge of memory
and understanding level.
 All the relevant steps should be followed.
 Proper atmosphere should be provided.
 The aspiration level of the students should be high.
 They should have sympathy, love and sensitivity.
 Encourage to independent learning.
 The importance of thinking level teaching should be told.
 Attention should be paid to cognitive development.
 Students should be given opportunities for more and more original
and creative thinking.
 The learning environment should be kept democratic.
 Students should be motivated for more and more correct thinking.
Teaching Aptitude
Memory level Understanding Level Reflective level
Herbart Morison Hunt And Bigge
Thoughtless level of teaching. Thoughtful teaching. Upper thoughtful teaching.
lowest level Middle level/ comprehend Highest / introspective
Cognitive Affective Psychomotor
Cramming facts, formulas, Comprehend the meaning, Thinking deeply about something.
information focuses on mastery of the giving careful thought to
subject. something over a period of time.

Facts and cramming Relationship facts and Problem solving method

Teacher Oriented both participate Student oriented
Pedagogy Andragogy Heutagogy
Syntax- Syntax- Syntax –
>Preparation >Exploration >Creating a problematic situation.
>Statement of aims >Presentation >Formulation of the hypothesis.
>Verify hypothesis
>Presentation >Assimilation
>Collection of data.
> Association >Organization >Testing of hypothesis.
>Generalization >Recitation
Autonomous Development Level
 Morris L. Biggie (1976) has added one more level under the rubric
'autonomous development'.
 It is the first level and is student-oriented and dependent on the
learner's feelings and judgment.
 Here, there is no need for any kind of formal teaching.
Question Answer Session

Self judgment through

Question And Answer

Question Answer Session

1. Match the following

Set I (Level of Teaching) Set II (Focus of concern)
a) Autonomous development level 1) Problem raising and problem-solving
b) Memory Level 2) Affects and feelings
c) Understanding level 3) Recall of facts and information
d) Reflective level 4) Seeing of relationship among facts
and their examples
5) Peer Learning
1. (a)-(1) , (b)-(2) , (c)-(4) , (d)-(5)
2. (a)-(1) , (b)-(4) , (c)-(3) , (d)-(2)
3. (a)-(2) , (b)-(3) , (c)-(4) , (d)-(1)
4. (a)-(5) , (b)-(4) , (c)-(3) , (d)-(2)
Question Answer Session

1. Match the following

Set I (Level of Teaching) Set II (Focus of concern)
a) Autonomous development level 1) Problem raising and problem-solving
b) Memory Level 2) Affects and feelings
c) Understanding level 3) Recall of facts and information
d) Reflective level 4) Seeing of relationship among facts
and their examples
5) Peer Learning
1. (a)-(1) , (b)-(2) , (c)-(4) , (d)-(5)
2. (a)-(1) , (b)-(4) , (c)-(3) , (d)-(2)
3. (a)-(2) , (b)-(3) , (c)-(4) , (d)-(1)
4. (a)-(5) , (b)-(4) , (c)-(3) , (d)-(2)
Question Answer Session
2. Which of the following is/are the feature/s of Reflective level of teaching?
(A) Students learn by understanding the facts and information.
(B) Teaching is nothing but learning the subject by rote.
(C) Development of problem-solving ability.
(D) The student's original thinking and creative abilities.
(E) The pupils are kept in strict disciplines and cramming is insisted.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. (B) and (C) only
2. (D) and (E) only
3. (A) and (B) only
4. (C) and (D) only
Question Answer Session
2. Which of the following is/are the feature/s of Reflective level of teaching?
(A) Students learn by understanding the facts and information.
(B) Teaching is nothing but learning the subject by rote.
(C) Development of problem-solving ability.
(D) The student's original thinking and creative abilities.
(E) The pupils are kept in strict disciplines and cramming is insisted.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

1. (B) and (C) only
2. (D) and (E) only
3. (A) and (B) only
4. (C) and (D) only
Question Answer Session
3. Given Bellow are two statements
Statement I: Understanding the level of teaching and learning is based on the
acquisition of factual information. to see relationships, to comprehend, to seek
generalization, and their application in life.
Statement II: Reflective level of teaching and learning is based on the
development of critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creative thinking.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below:
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
2. Both Statement I and Statement Il are incorrect
3. Statement I is correct but Statement Il is incorrect
4. Statement l is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Question Answer Session
3. Given Bellow are two statements
Statement I: Understanding the level of teaching and learning is based on the
acquisition of factual information. to see relationships, to comprehend, to seek
generalization, and their application in life.
Statement II: Reflective level of teaching and learning is based on the
development of critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creative thinking.
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the
options given below:
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
2. Both Statement I and Statement Il are incorrect
3. Statement I is correct but Statement Il is incorrect
4. Statement l is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Question Answer Session
4. The communication process is active and interactive at a very high level
in which of the following level of teaching ?

1. Reflective level
2. Understanding level
3. Memory level
4. Autonomous development level
Question Answer Session
4. The communication process is active and interactive at a very high level
in which of the following level of teaching ?

1. Reflective level
2. Understanding level
3. Memory level
4. Autonomous development level
Question Answer Session
5. The two sets given below, Set-I provides the different levels of teaching and
learning while Set-II gives their exemplars and concerns. Match the two sets
and select from the code to indicate your answer.
Set-I (Levels of teaching) Set-II (Exemplars and concerns)
a) Memory level i) Encourages critical thinking based cognitive
b) Understanding level ii) Protects personal interest and attitudinal
c) Reflective level iii) Facilitates recalling and recognizing of facts
iv) Enhances scope for seeing of relationships
and meanings
1. a-i, b-ii, c-iii
2. a-iii, b-ii, c-iv
3. a-iii, b-iv, c-i
4. a-iv, b-iii, c-ii
Question Answer Session
5. The two sets given below, Set-I provides the different levels of teaching and
learning while Set-II gives their exemplars and concerns. Match the two sets
and select from the code to indicate your answer.
Set-I (Levels of teaching) Set-II (Exemplars and concerns)
a) Memory level i) Encourages critical thinking based cognitive
b) Understanding level ii) Protects personal interest and attitudinal
c) Reflective level iii) Facilitates recalling and recognizing of facts
iv) Enhances scope for seeing of relationships
and meanings
1. a-i, b-ii, c-iii
2. a-iii, b-ii, c-iv
3. a-iii, b-iv, c-i
4. a-iv, b-iii, c-ii
Question Answer Session

6. Arrange it in situational order-

a. Exploration
b. Presentation
c. Assimilation
d. Organization
e. Recitation

1. c, a, d, b, e,
2. d, b, c, a, e
3. a, b, c, d, e
4. e, d, c, b, a
Question Answer Session

6. Arrange it in situational order-

a. Exploration
b. Presentation
c. Assimilation
d. Organization
e. Recitation

1. c, a, d, b, e,
2. d, b, c, a, e
3. a, b, c, d, e
4. e, d, c, b, a
Question Answer Session
7. In which level of teaching Pupil occupies primary role ?

A. Memory level
B. Understanding level
C. Reflective Level
D. None of them
Question Answer Session
7. In which level of teaching Pupil occupies primary role ?

A. Memory level
B. Understanding level
C. Reflective Level
D. None of them
Question Answer Session
8. In which level of teaching promotion of critical thinking is the hall
(1) Memory level
(2) Understanding level
(3) Reflective level
(4) Autonomous development level
Question Answer Session
8. In which level of teaching promotion of critical thinking is the hall
(1) Memory level
(2) Understanding level
(3) Reflective level
(4) Autonomous development level
Question Answer Session
9. Match List I with List II.
List 1. Levels of teaching and learning List 2. Main Features
A. Autonomous development 1. It is problem-centred and requires on the part of
learners more active participation. more imagination and creativeness
B. Memory level 2. Lays stress on the importance of students'
feelings and minimizes the value of hard thinking
C. Understanding level 3. It is comparatively thoughtless.
D. Reflective level 4. It emphasizes on seeing of relationships
between principles and solitary facts.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
1. A-1 B-2 C- 3 D- 4
2. A-3 B-4 C- 1 D- 2
3. A-2 B-3 C-4 D- 1
4. A-4 B-1 C-2 D-3
Question Answer Session

9. Match List I with List II.

List 1. Levels of teaching and learning List 2. Main Features
A. Autonomous development 1. It is problem-centred and requires on the part of
learners more active participation. more imagination and creativeness
B. Memory level 2. Lays stress on the importance of students'
feelings and minimizes the value of hard thinking
C. Understanding level 3. It is comparatively thoughtless.
D. Reflective level 4. It emphasizes on seeing of relationships
between principles and solitary facts.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
1. A-1 B-2 C- 3 D- 4
2. A-3 B-4 C- 1 D- 2
3. A-2 B-3 C-4 D- 1
4. A-4 B-1 C-2 D-3
Question Answer Session

10. In which level of teaching 'Seeing of relationship' is promoted as

an objective?
(1)Memory level
(2)Understanding level
(3)Reflective level
(4) Autonomous development level
Question Answer Session

10. In which level of teaching 'Seeing of relationship' is promoted as

an objective?
(1)Memory level
(2)Understanding level
(3)Reflective level
(4) Autonomous development level
Question Answer Session
11. Given below are two statements
Statement 1: The core of the teaching process is the arrangement of
environments within which students can interact and study how to learn.
Statement II: A model of teaching is not a description of a learning

In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from,
the options given below:
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.
4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Question Answer Session
11. Given below are two statements
Statement 1: The core of the teaching process is the arrangement of
environments within which students can interact and study how to learn.
Statement II: A model of teaching is not a description of a learning

In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from,
the options given below:
1. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct.
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect.
3. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect.
4. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Question Answer Session

12. In student centred approach, a teacher :

(1) maximizes use of extrinsic rewards

(2) encourages students to take increased responsibility
(3) uses appropriate teaching-learning materials for effective teaching
(4) teacher tries to relate present with the past
Question Answer Session

12. In student centred approach, a teacher :

(1) maximizes use of extrinsic rewards

(2) encourages students to take increased responsibility
(3) uses appropriate teaching-learning materials for effective teaching
(4) teacher tries to relate present with the past
Question Answer Session

13. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: A teacher should ensure that learning is shifted away from rote
Statement II: A teacher should connect knowledge to life outside the school.
In the light of the above statements.

choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
(2) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
(3) Statement I is true but Statement II is false
(4) Statement I is false but Statement II is true
Question Answer Session

13. Given below are two statements:

Statement I: A teacher should ensure that learning is shifted away from rote
Statement II: A teacher should connect knowledge to life outside the school.
In the light of the above statements.

choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
(2) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
(3) Statement I is true but Statement II is false
(4) Statement I is false but Statement II is true
Question Answer Session

14. The objective of reflective level teaching is :

(1) To impart knowledge to the learners.

(2) To develop insight into the learners to solve problems.
(3) To make students relate facts with the principles.
(4) To encourage students to apply knowledge in similar and different
Question Answer Session

14. The objective of reflective level teaching is :

(1) To impart knowledge to the learners.

(2) To develop insight into the learners to solve problems.
(3) To make students relate facts with the principles.
(4) To encourage students to apply knowledge in similar and different
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