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Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

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Silurian to early Devonian overmature hot shales in Eastern Taurus: Source

rock characteristics and links to North African petroleum systems
Turhan Ayyildiz a, *, Eren Aykan Acar b
Ankara University Faculty of Engineering, Department of Geological Engineering, TR-06830, Gölbaşı Campus, Ankara, Turkey
Cougar Drilling Solutions, Malıköy Başkent Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 1, Başkent Bulvarı, No: 74, Malıköy, Temelli, Ankara, Turkey


Keywords: The study area is located in the Eastern Taurus region and is characterized by the Paleozoic autochthonous Geyik
Eastern Taurus Dağı Unit (GDU) in the northern Paleo-Tethys back-arc basin. The Eastern Taurus encompasses Silurian-Early
Lydite Devonian units, which may have the characteristics to be called hot shales. In the study area, the Silurian
Pusçu Tepe Formation
black and organic lean shales and Orthoceras-bearing limestone and shale alternation have directly deposited on
Pridoli-Lochkovian hot shale
the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) peri-glacial clastics. However, while Hot shale-I unit was deposited over the ice
cover rebound-related paleo-depression areas in the southern Paleo-Tethys (North Africa) during the early
Silurian (Rhuddanian- Early Telychian), turbiditic black lydite successions were deposited due to the radiolarian
bloom in the northern Paleo-Tethys (Taurus Belt). Therefore, the studied black shales overlying the lydite suc­
cessions correspond to the late Telychian hot shale II (Sheinwoodian and Pridoli- Lochkovian), which has only
been defined in the Moroccan basins. On the other hand, both lydite occurrence and late Telychian-
Sheinwoodian, and Pridoli-Lochkovian black shales (equivalents of Akakus and/or Tadrart formations) indi­
cate that the Taurus basin under distinct paleoclimate conditions witnessed different bathymetry and nutrients
source (e.g., silica). In addition, pyrolysis results indicate that the studied black shales belonging to GDU have
lost 85–98% of their HC potential due to the overburden resulted from the allochthonous units. However, iso­
topic composition of the oils from the Adana basin and from the surface seepage samples show that these oils
were expelled from Devonian shales. According to the pyrolysis and isotope data, we suggest that there may be a
Pridoli-Lochkovian source rock unit in the Eastern Taurus, unlike the North Africa basins (except for Tadla
basin). These data indicate that the basins developed over the Silurian-Early Devonian succession, which are
believed not to have been affected by the nappe events, could have yielded an economic petroleum system over
the onshore and/or offshore of eastern Mediterranean basins.

1. Introduction northern Libya to the southeastern area of Turkey. This positioning was
crucial for the development of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean, which served as
The interplay between Late Ordovician glaciation events and the the primary depository for Silurian sequences following the Hirnantian
ensuing formation of early Silurian hot shales has been a subject of glaciation. The deposition of these sequences across the North
intrigue and extensive study due to its significant impact on global pe­ Africa-Arabian plate and the Anatolid-Taurid area underscores the
troleum reserves. Notably, organic-rich shales from the Silurian period extensive reach and influence of these geological processes.
are estimated to contribute to approximately 9% of the world’s petro­ The Silurian period witnessed the deposition of two primary hot
leum reserves. This estimation is supported by seminal works such as shale units, the Rhuddanian and Telychian, alongside two subordinate
those by Klemme and Ulmishek (1991) and Lüning et al. (2000a, b, units, the Sheinwoodian and the Piridoli-Lower Devonian (Lochkovian)
2003, 2005), highlighting the global economic and geological signifi­ black shales (Grabowski Jr, 2005). These units are noted for their lateral
cance of these deposits. Geographically, during the Late Ordovician discontinuity yet significant contribution to hydrocarbon source rocks
period, the Taurus Belt of Turkey was positioned proximal to Egypt, as across vast regions, including North Africa and the Arabian plate.
described by Keeley (1989), with a continuous ice front extending from Notable formations such as the Tanezzuft Formation in Algeria and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (T. Ayyildiz).
Received 16 November 2023; Received in revised form 17 March 2024; Accepted 25 March 2024
Available online 2 April 2024
0264-8172/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

Morocco (e.g., Klitzsch, 1968; Destombes et al., 1985; Boote et al., 1998; have received comparatively less attention. This study focuses on the
Lüning et al., 2000a;b; Lüning et al., 2003), Libya and Tunisia, as well as Silurian Pusçu Tepe Formation, which spans from Pınarbaşı (Kayseri) to
the Hoselba Member of Akkaş Formation in Iraq (e.g., Soua, 2014; Ortaköy (Adana), and is notable for its outcrops in certain locations
Al-Khafaji, 2015), among others, serve as key examples of these de­ (Fig. 1). This formation is central to our paleogeographic and
posits’ widespread distribution and importance. Despite the acknowl­ geochemical investigation, aimed at filling the gap in the understanding
edged petroleum potential and detailed depositional analyses of early of this region’s geologic history and potential.
Silurian shales, particularly in the southern part of Previous research has predominantly focused on detailed sedimen­
Gondwana-Paleo-Tethys, the lower Paleozoic deposits in the Taurus Belt tological and paleontological studies of the Late Ordovician Şort Tepe

Fig. 1. Geological sketch-map of the Sarız–Tufanbeyli area, showing the lower Palaeozoic succession and the location of sections 1 to 3 (modified from Metin
et al., 1986).

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

and Silurian Pusçu Tepe formations (Dean and Monod, 1990; Monod Table 1
et al., 2003; Göncüoğlu et al., 2004; Ghienne et al., 2010; Kozlu and % TOC limit values and source rock classification determined by Tissot and
Ghienne, 2012; Sachanski et al., 2015). However, organic geochemical Welte (1984) and Peters and Cassa (1994).
analyses, especially concerning Silurian and Lower Devonian (Lochko­ Tissot and Welte (1984) Peters and Cassa (1994)
vian) black shales in the Central and Eastern Taurids, have been limited Total Organic Source rock Total Organic Source rock
(Korkmaz et al., 2008; İlleez et al., 2012; Şen, 2012; Döner et al., 2019; Carbon (TOC %) potential Carbon (TOC %) potential
Acar and Ayyıldız, 2022). These studies, while invaluable, have often
1.1–0.5 Poor <0.5 Poor
been constrained to single locations, and there is a pressing need for 0.5 -1.0 Moderate 0.5–1.0 Moderate
broader geochemical and stratigraphic studies to enhance our under­ 1.0–2.0 Good 1.0–2.0 Good
standing of the petroleum systems and deposition models of these 2.0–10 Excellent 2.0–4.0 Very good
formations. >4.0 Excellent

The present study aims to bridge these gaps by offering a compre­

hensive examination of the Paleozoic (Silurian and Lower Devonian) The preparation of the samples involved drying, crushing, grinding, and
stratigraphy and depositional environments of the black shales between quartering, followed by analyses using WD-XRF in a semi-quantitative or
Kayseri-Pınarbaşı and Adana-Ortaköy. By obtaining original Total quantitative framework. This step was crucial for understanding the
Organic Carbon (TOC), Hydrogen Index (HI), and Production Index (PI) mineralogical context of the organic geochemical results and providing
data for the first time, this research endeavors to evaluate the source a comprehensive geochemical characterization of the formations stud­
rock potential of the Silurian and Lower Devonian shales. Additionally, ied. By employing these detailed field and laboratory methodologies,
it seeks to illuminate the organic geochemical characteristics of these our study aims to bridge the existing knowledge gap regarding the
Paleozoic shales, their shale gas, and oil potential within the studied organic geochemistry and petroleum system potential of the Silurian-
area and the broader context of the Adana and İskenderun basins. Devonian formations within the Taurus Belt. The integration of sedi­
Through this effort, we aspire to contribute significantly to the existing mentological data with advanced geochemical analyses enables a
body of knowledge, paving the way for future investigations and the multifaceted exploration of the source rock potential, contributing
development of more effective exploration strategies in the region. significantly to the broader understanding of the region’s paleogeog­
raphy and hydrocarbon prospects.
2. Materials and methods
3. Geologic setting and stratigraphy
Our investigation into the sedimentological and geochemical attri­
butes of Silurian-Devonian units encompassed extensive field studies The geological setting of Southern Turkey, home to our study area,
complemented by rigorous laboratory analyses, divided into two pri­ encompasses diverse tectonic and stratigraphic units including the
mary categories. Fieldwork was strategically planned to cover three Arabian plate, various components of the Taurus Belt (e.g., Beydağları,
regions along a NE-SW axis, chosen for their prominent exposure of Akseki, Sarız platforms), and remnants of the southern Neotethys Ocean
Silurian-Devonian sequences. The regions selected were Küçükka­ (e.g., Elmalı or Lycian, Antalya, Hadim, Aladağlar, and Bitlis nappes).
baktepe village (KMS), Halevikdere - Değirmentaş village (HMS), and These units were positioned along the northern Gondwana margin in the
Ayvat village (AMS), enabling a comprehensive spatial representation of Early Paleozoic, establishing a passive continental margin (Konert et al.
the geological formations in question. In each location, Measured 1999; Ghienne et al., 2010). Our focus, the GDU within the Eastern
Stratigraphic Sections (MSS) were conducted, focusing on the collection Taurus, east of the Ecemiş Fault, features Cambrian-Paleogene rock as­
of samples from the intercalated shale and limestone layers of the Pusçu semblages that have undergone significant structural modifications due
Tepe Formation. This approach allowed for the gathering of a diverse to multiple orogenic events, notably the Huronian, Caledonian, Hercy­
dataset, with fourteen samples meticulously chosen from each MSS for nian, and Alpine phases (Özgül, 1976) (Fig. 1). Turkey’s geological
further detailed analysis. The rationale behind this methodical selection evolution was notably influenced by the Alpine orogeny, which
was to ensure a representative cross-section of the geological variability restructured the remnants of earlier orogenic activities. The late Creta­
across the study area, facilitating a nuanced understanding of the sedi­ ceous period was critical when the collision of Neotethys oceanic crust
mentological and geochemical dynamics at play. with the Anatolian continental crust led to complex thrusts and overlaps,
Organic Geochemistry: The heart of our laboratory analyses lay in further sculpted by Late Cretaceous-Eocene thrust movements, which
the application of Rock-Eval pyrolysis, conducted at the AR-GE also formed the allochthonous Aladağ and Bozkır Units alongside the
geochemistry department of the Turkish Petroleum Corporation para-autochthonous GDU (Özgül, 1976). The study’s focal point, the
(TPAO). This technique, a cornerstone in petroleum geochemistry, Silurian-Early Devonian successions, lies along the northern Gondwana
served to quantify critical parameters such as Total Organic Carbon edge. During the Cambrian, this area featured a cratonic platform and
(TOC %), kerogen type, and thermal maturity of the samples. By evolved into a "sag" basin with glacial-fluvial/marine deposits in the
analyzing the gases released and the thermal breakdown products of Ordovician, hinting at similar paleo-latitudes with other Gondwana re­
100 mg of rock samples, we could ascertain the TOC, S1 (free hydro­ gions under the South Pole ice sheet’s influence (eg., Lüning et al.,
carbons), S2 (hydrocarbons from kerogen), S3 (CO2 from combustion at 2000a; Torsvik and Cocks, 2011; Sachanski et al., 2015). The Ordovician
600 ◦ C), and Tmax (temperature at maximum S2 peak) values. These icehouse phase’s end led to sea-level rises and anoxic conditions, fa­
data points, integral for evaluating the hydrocarbon generation poten­ voring the deposition of organic-rich shales in the Paleo-Tethys Ocean,
tial, were further analyzed to calculate the Hydrogen Index (HI), Oxygen impacting areas now known as North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula
Index (OI), and Production Index (PI), following established protocols (e.g., Lüning et al., 2000a, b; 2005; Monod et al., 2003; Ghienne et al.,
(Espitalié, 1986; Peters, 1986; Tissot and Welte, 1984). The TOC 2010).
threshold for deeming a rock a viable source rock was set at 0.5% for Stratigraphically, the GDU commences with the Precambrian Emir­
shales, in line with the literature (Table 1). The maturity of the source gazi Formation, succeeded by the Middle-Upper Cambrian Değirmentaş
rocks was assessed using Tmax and vitrinite reflectance equivalent (% and Late Middle Ordovician Seydişehir Formations, indicative of varied
Requ), with adjustments for overmature samples leveraging the Jarvie depositional environments from quartz sandstones to nodular lime­
et al. (2001) formula. stones (Demirtaşlı, 1967). The sequence continues with the Late Ordo­
Inorganic Geochemistry: Complementing our organic analyses, vician preglacial Şort Tepe and glaciogenic Halevikdere Formations,
major and minor oxide compositions were determined at the Mineral followed by the Llandovery-stage indicative Pusçu Tepe Formation
Research and Exploration General Directorate (MTA) MAT Department.

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

(Özgül et al., 1973; Ghienne et al., 2010; Monod et al., 2003; det. and paleontological data, provides a nuanced understanding of the
Sachanski in Kozlu et al., 2012; Sachanski et al., 2015, Figs. 2 and 3). depositional environments, stratigraphic correlations, and the geolog­
The sequence culminates with the Silurian-Early Devonian Yukarı Yayla ical history of the region. The identification of hot shale facies, partic­
Formation, transitioning into the Early Devonian Ayıtepesi Formation ularly those associated with significant anoxic events and potential
characterized by a diverse lithology of limestones, shale, and quartz source rock intervals holds substantial implications for petroleum
arenites, delineating a comprehensive stratigraphic and tectonic narra­ geochemistry. The insights gained from this study not only enrich our
tive crucial for understanding the region’s geological evolution (Demi­ understanding of the geological past but also inform potential explora­
rtaşlı, 1967; Özgül et al., 1973; Özgül, 1976; Metin, 1984; Metin et al., tion and exploitation strategies within the realm of petroleum geology.
1986; Özgül and Kozlu, 2002).
4.2. Source rock evaluation
4. Results
The study evaluates the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) percentage of
4.1. Depositional environment and correlation of hot shale the shale samples from Küçükkabaktepe (KMS), Halevikdere (HMS), and
stratigraphy Ayvat (AMS), which range between 0.09 and 0.71% wt., 0.29–0.88%
wt., and 0.05–0.23% wt., respectively (Table 2). These TOC values
The stratigraphy of the region encompasses Late Ordovician (Hir­ suggest that the studied samples are categorized within the poor source
nantian), Silurian, and Devonian aged formations, notably the Hale­ rock range, indicating limited potential for hydrocarbon generation.
vikdere, Pusçu Tepe, and Halit Yaylası, which are prominently exposed Through the use of Hydrogen Index (HI)-Oxygen Index (OI) and HI-
in the area (e.g., Metin et al., 1986; Monod et al., 2003; Göncüoğlu et al., Tmax graphs, insights were gained regarding the type and maturity of
2004; Kozlu et al., 2012). These formations have been extensively organic matter within these rock samples (Fig. 6a and b). HI and OI
studied for their detailed sedimentological and paleontological charac­ values span 7–140 mgHC/TOC and 52–660, respectively, with 15 sam­
teristics through works such as those by Metin et al. (1986), Monod et al. ples identified as kerogen type IV (HI below 50 mgHC/TOC) and 3
(2003), Göncüoğlu et al. (2004), and Kozlu et al. (2012). This study samples indicating Type III kerogen (HI between 50 and 200 mgHC/
utilizes three Measured Stratigraphic Sections (MSS) along the NE-SW TOC) (Fig. 6a). Tmax values, corrected for a 10% increase observed in
direction: Küçükkabaktepe (KMS), Halevikdere (HMS), and Ayvat most samples, suggest a range from early mature to overmature zones,
(AMS), to delve into the depositional environments and potential cor­ with a notable shift of overmature samples into the oil generation zone
relations within these geological units (Fig. 1). The Halevikdere suc­ after correction (Fig. 6b).
cession, being the focal point of this study, has yielded significant The TOC-S2 diagram reveals a predominance of type IV kerogen
insights into facies variations on a global scale through both facies-based among the analyzed samples, generally associated with no petroleum
and graptolite-based studies (Kozlu et al., 2012; Sachanski et al., 2015). potential or limited gas production capabilities (Fig. 7) (Glennie, 2009;
The identification of lydite-shale intercalations deposited during the Jones, 1987).
Rhuddanian-Aeronian-early Telychian period suggests a depositional However, original data plotting suggests that Silurian shales, con­
environment akin to the Taurus margin, comparable to similar MSSs in sisting of type II kerogen, might have generated hydrocarbons to a
tropical zones like the Alps, Spain, and southern France (Stampfli, limited extent throughout the basin’s geological history. Tmax values,
1996). This comparison underlines the broader paleogeographic impli­ ranging from 436 to 444 ◦ C for most samples to 493–546 ◦ C for those
cations of the findings, providing a link between the studied region and from KMS, AMS, and HMS, indicate varying degrees of thermal maturity
global depositional trends. Focusing on the Halevikdere MS, the pale­ across the basin, from early mature to extremely mature zones (Table 2).
ontological data, particularly from graptolite zones, facilitate the cor­ The PI values of the samples belonging to the Silurian shales were
relation of local stratigraphy with broader geological events. The study measured as 0.15–0.21, 0.17–0.21 and 0.18–0.20, respectively
reveals significant fluctuations in sea level during the early Silurian, (Table 2). These data are not available due to low S1 and S2 values. For
attributed to the waxing and waning of ice sheets in NW Gondwana, as this reason, it was determined on the PI vs. Tmax graph that the samples
supported by various researchers (e.g., Aldridge et al., 1993; Brenchley were in the dry gas zone (Fig. 8). Production Index (PI) values and ge­
et al., 1994; Loydell, 1998). These sea-level changes, coupled with netic potential (GP) data further support the conclusion that these shales
rifting events and glaciation periods, have profoundly influenced the are primarily within the dry gas zone, with GP values significantly lower
depositional patterns and facies distributions within the region. The than the threshold for fair source rock potential. The geochemical
presence of lydite-shale facies, particularly those containing specific analysis of shale samples from the KMS, HMS, and AMS locations reveals
graptolite zones, marks critical episodes in the region’s geological his­ a general trend of poor source rock potential with limited hydrocarbon
tory. For instance, the Spirodden Secundo episode, characterized by a generation capabilities. Despite the low TOC percentages and predom­
sea-level rise and relatively cool climate, contrasts with other periods inance of type IV kerogen, some potential for gas generation exists,
marked by significant sea-level drops and glacial advances (Fig. 4). particularly in Silurian and Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) shales.
These facies variations provide insights into the dynamic climatic However, the thermal maturity range and corrected Tmax data indicate
and sea-level changes during the Silurian period, highlighting the a nuanced understanding of the basin’s hydrocarbon generation history
complex interplay between glaciation events, sea-level fluctuations, and and potential.
sediment deposition. The transition from the Late Telychian to the Early The re-calculation of original Total Organic Carbon (TOCo) is a
Wenlock periods is marked by notable changes in depositional envi­ pivotal step in evaluating the generative potential of source rocks,
ronments, from predominantly lydite deposits to black graptolitic shales especially in mature or over-matures formations. Studies have shown
and finally to fossiliferous limestone and marl-limestone alternations. that the %TOC value decreases significantly, by approximately 36%,
This stratigraphic succession reflects significant climatic shifts, as indi­ from its original value during the processes of petroleum generation and
cated by the Ireviken Event and subsequent anoxic events, which have expulsion, highlighting a substantial transformation of organic matter
had profound implications for biodiversity and the geochemical land­ into hydrocarbons (Table 3). This decrease is coupled with a dramatic
scape of the region. These events, coupled with the deposition of reduction in the residual potential and hydrogen index, indicating a high
organic-rich black shales and the potential for petroleum source rocks, degree of conversion. The analyzed samples from the KMS, HMS, and
underscore the geological and geochemical significance of the study AMS formations exhibit varying TOCo contents, which, when evaluated
area (Figs. 4 and 5). against established benchmarks, suggest differing source rock potentials
The detailed examination of the Halevikdere, Pusçu Tepe, and Halit across the basin. This variability underscores the importance of
Yaylası formations, through the lens of measured stratigraphic sections considering geological and geochemical nuances in assessing

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

Fig. 2. Generalized columnar section of the Paleozoic unit in the Eastern Taurus (modified from Metin et al., 1986).

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

Fig. 3. General view of the Şort Tepe, Halevikdere and Pusçu Tepe formations through the Halevikdere entry.

Fig. 4. Chronostratigraphic chart of the Silurian, showing interpreted ages of sequence boundaries and hot shales in the N. Africa and studied area (modified from
Grabowski Jr, 2005, graptolite data adapted from Sachanski et al., 2015 for Halevikdere).

unconventional petroleum systems. According to the original TOCo (% started to derive hydrocarbons and is an indicator of the primary hy­
wt) values, in terms of unconventional petroleum systems, the northern drocarbon products that can be produced. As seen in the above formula,
part of the basin can be defined as moderate-good whereas the SW of the the original S2 value (S2o) must be known to calculate the HIo value.
basin is of poor source rock potential (e.g., Curtis, 2002; Hackley, 2012; This value is calculated by the formula: S2 (o) = [(TOCo –TOCpd)/
Jarvie et al., 2007; Kinley et al., 2008; Rodriguez and Philp, 2010). 0.083] + S2 (Jarvie et al., 2004). The HIo values of the samples from the
The original Hydrogen Index (HIo) offers a window into the primary KMS, HMS and AMS’s are 191–471 and 433–442, 432–466 mg HC/g
hydrocarbon products a source rock could potentially generate. By TOC, respectively (Table 4). The TRHI ratios of KMS, HMS and AMS’s
recalculating HIo values, we can infer the original kerogen type present shales vary between 85 and 98%, 94–98% and 68–93%, respectively.
in the environment where the source rock was deposited. This recali­ These values show that the shales cropping out between Küçükka­
bration is essential for mature or over-mature source rocks, whose un­ baktepe and Halevikdere are a good risk for gas and consistent with
corrected HI values might not accurately reflect the original organic over-mature kerogen values. The analysis reveals that the shale samples
matter’s nature. Therefore, the original HIo value should be calculated predominantly consisted of type II kerogen, suggesting a good risk for
with a formula such as calculating the original HIo = [(S2(o)/TOCo) × gas and compatibility with over-mature kerogen values (Jones, 1987;
100]. HIo gives the original value of the shale source rock before it Weitkunat, 2015).

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

Fig. 5. Detailed lithological view of the Değirmentaş-Halevikdere section. A) The slumped and bedded black lydites and siliceous shale levels. B) Dark gray to black
shale interbedded with gray limestone, the Orthoceras limestone is on the right of the photo. C) Creamy-brown colored, platy to massive, argillaceous limestone rich
in Orthoceras. D) General view of interbedded limestone and shale. E) General view of black shale and siltstone succession over the carbonate-shale units. F) Black
shale and siltstone succession in the upper part of the succession.

The potential yield (PYo) of hydrocarbon source rocks, expressed in hydrocarbons. GOC values are calculated using the formula suggested by
barrels of oil per acre, is another critical parameter in assessing a for­ Jarvie (2010): GOC% of TOCo = (HIo/1177) × 100. GOC potentials of
mation’s economic viability. Using the original S1 and S2 values, the the shales belonging to KMS, HMS and AMS’s vary between 16.2%–40.0,
potential yield provides an estimate of the volume of hydrocarbons that 36.7–37.5, and 36.7–39.5, respectively. These values are similar to
could be generated per unit area. In potential yield calculations, the Silurian shales around the central Taurus (Ovacık region) (Döner et al.,
original S1 (S1o) value is multiplied by the 20,082 constant suggested by 2019). It was concluded that Silurian aged shales outcropping around
Fujine (2014) to approximately obtain the barrels of oil per acre-foot; Değirmentaş in the Eastern Taurus are extremely mature and have
(mg HC/g) × (20,082 barrels•g/acre•ft mg HC) = in barrels/acre ft. completed 85–98% of TRHI. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate what
Similarly, to convert the original S2 (S2o) to approximately one barrel of volume of the shales has generated HCs. Since the original pyrolysis
oil per acre, it should be multiplied by 20,082; (mg HC/g) × (20,082 values were calculated in the above sections, the total produced HC can
barrels•g/acre•ft mg HC) = barrels/acre ft (Table 4). The calculations now be calculated (Jarvie et al., 2004): Amount of hydrocarbon gener­
indicate that before any transformation, the Silurian shales possessed ated: HCG (kg HC)– –R × M × 10-6 kg/mg, where R is the amount of
good to very good source rock potential, underscoring the significant generated hydrocarbon per gram of TOC (R= HIo - HIpd; mg HC/g TOC),
hydrocarbon generative potential of the formations. M is the mass of organic carbon (M = V × d × TOCo; g TOC), 10− 6 kg/mg
Distinguishing between generative organic carbon (GOC) and non- is a conversion from mg to kg (Table 5). The findings suggest that
generative organic carbon (NGOC) further refines our understanding Silurian shales in the study area, similar to those around the central
of a source rock’s potential. GOC values, calculated from the original HI Taurus region (Döner et al., 2019), exhibit substantial GOC potentials.
values, reveal the proportion of organic carbon capable of generating This distinction is crucial for evaluating the overall generative potential

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

Table 2
TOCpd, Rock-Evalpd data from outcrop samples of the Pusçu Tepe Formation, Pınarbaşı-Kayseri of central Taurus.
Location Sample TOC wt. % S1 mgHC/ S2 mg S3 mgCO2/ S1+S2 Tmax HI (mg OI PI RC PC MINC
number g rock HC/g g rock C HC/g % % %
rock TOC)

Ayvat AYV-01 0,13 0.12 0,02 0,06 0,58 0.08 500 46 446 0,20 0.11 0.02 0.07
AYV-03 0,23 0,02 0,07 0,36 0.09 499 30 157 0,19 0.21 0.02 0.09
AYV-05 0,16 0,01 0,06 0,32 0.07 436 38 200 0,19 0.14 0.02 0.06
AYV-08 0,06 0,01 0,06 0,21 0.81 444 100 350 0,18 0.05 0.01 0.08
AYV-09 0,05 0,02 0,07 0,33 1.03 499 140 660 0,19 0.03 0.02 0.06
Halevikdere Devonian 16 ME 15 0,74 0.43 0,02 0,08 1,14 0.10 493 11 154 0,21 0,69 0,05 0,11
HLV-14 0,29 0,02 0,07 0,51 0.58 515 24 176 0,19 0.26 0.03 0.09
16 ME 13 0,71 0,01 0,08 1,03 0.09 440 11 145 0,16 0,67 0,04 0,11
Silurian HLV-11 0,33 0,01 0,05 0,68 0.73 N/A 15 206 0,21 0.31 0.02 0.07
16 ME 10 0,19 0,01 0,01 2,04 0.02 N/A 5 1074 0,18 0,13 0,06 0,07
16 ME 06 0,19 0,01 0,03 0,37 0.04 499 10 123 0,27 0,28 0,02 0,07
HLV-5a 1,24 0,02 0,09 1,44 1.53 546 7 116 0,17 1.18 0.06 0.16
16 ME 02 0,17 0,01 0,03 0,69 0.04 499 18 406 0,24 0,14 0,03 0,10
16 ME 01 0,02 0,01 0,03 0,05 0.04 500 150 250 0,18 0,01 0,01 0,08
K. Kabaktepe KBK-19A 0,09 0.37 0,01 0,06 0,28 0.88 493 67 311 0,20 0.86 0.02 0.08
KBK-21 0,30 0,02 0,07 0,30 1.00 500 23 100 0,19 0.08 0.01 0.08
KBK-22 0,71 0,02 0,06 0,60 0.08 N/A 8 85 0,21 0.28 0.02 3.64
KBK-23¢ 0,28 0,01 0,06 0,67 0.73 440 21 239 0,20 0.69 0.02 0.09
KBK-21A 0,47 0,02 0,09 0,73 0.82 499 19 155 0,15 0.25 0.03 0.24

Fig. 6. A) HI vs. OI diagram, B) HI versus Tmax cross plot after Espitalié (1986) gives an overview of the thermal maturity and variation of organic matter quality for
studied shale samples from Eastern Taurus. The circled part is the organic matter type area obtained with the original calculated values. Kerogen types: Type I - oil
prone, Type II - oil and gas prone, Type III - gas prone.

of the formations and estimating the volume of hydrocarbons that have y.) Hirnantian glaciation (e.g., Brenchley et al., 1994; Monod et al.,
been generated. 2003; Ghienne et al., 2007, 2010; Kozlu and Ghienne, 2012; Melchin
et al., 2013). The aftermath of this glaciation, notably the rapid melting
5. Discussion of glaciers, led to significant eustatic sea-level rises, inundating the
North African and Arabian landscapes with organically rich shales
5.1. Depositional model of Silurian Pusçu Tepe Shales and correlation to directly atop glacial remnants (Husseini, 1991). The Early Silurian
Northern Africa and Arabian Plate transgression, while initially flooding only low-lying shelf areas, resul­
ted in the deposition of black shales during the Rhuddanian Stage
The Late Proterozoic to Late Paleozoic era was a pivotal period for (Fig. 9a and b) (Jaeger, 1976; Combaz, 1986), suggesting a decrease in
the regions that now encompass North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, water circulation within these newly formed basins (Central Arabia,
parts of Turkey, and Iran, as these were integral to Gondwana’s northern Murzuk- and Ghadames basins, etc., Semtner and Klitzsch, 1994). This
passive margin (Beydoun, 1991). This geological setting facilitated period contrasts with the deposition environments of the middle-eastern
unique depositional environments, particularly during the Late Ordo­ Taurus region, which, due to its back-arc basin characteristics, was not
vician and Early Silurian periods, marked by the short-lived (0.5–1.0 m. conducive to the deposition of clay-rich organic matter (e.g., Kozlu et al.,

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

2012; Varol et al., 2006; Acar and Ayyıldız, 2022). Instead, this area saw
the deposition of lydite-thin shale, indicative of a different sedimentary
regime driven by quartz-rich source transfer and nutrient circulation.
The Pusçu Tepe Formation’s lower hot shales, primarily deltaic
organic-rich marine shales deposited under disoxic-anoxic conditions,
starkly contrast the upper hot shales deposited under more oxic-dioxic
marine conditions (Lüning et al., 2000a). This distinction underlines
the variation in organic matter preservation and depositional environ­
ments over time. The comparison of these shales with those in the
Northern African and Arabian regions, such as the Ghadames and
Murzuk basins, reveals differences in depositional times and environ­
ments, suggesting a broader regional variability in Silurian sedimenta­
tion patterns. In contrast to the Lower hot shales, the Upper hot shales
(Ludlow-Pridoli) have a moderate organic richness (TOC ≥0.5%) and
contain an assemblage of organic matter mostly deposited under
oxic-dioxic marine conditions. Therefore, the Dadaş-I black shales are
represented by Llandovery (late Rhuddanian (?)-early
Fig. 7. S2 vs. TOC plot (after Langford and Blanc-Valleron, 1990): Circle and Aeronian-Telychian) hot shales in the SEA region, while black shales
triangle refer to present and original values, respectively. belonging to the Pusçu Tepe Formation in the Middle-Eastern Taurus are
the equivalent of the upper hot shale level (late Telychian) (Fig. 6).
Compared to the Rhuddanian and Rhuddanian-early Telychian hot

Fig. 8. PI vs. Tmax graph (after Bacon et al., 2000; Peters, 1986; Peters and Cassa, 1994): Circle and triangle refer to present and corrected values, respectively.

Table 3
Calculated results of TOCo, S1o, S2o, HIo, PIo, TRHI.
Sample TOC0 (wt. Slo (mg HC/g S2o (mg HC/ HIo (mg HC/g PIo TRm Slo (bbl/ S2o (bbl/ PYo (mg HC/ GOC GOC NGOC
no %) TOC) g TOC) TOC) (%) ac-ft) ac-ft) g TOC)

KBK 19A 0.14 0.61 0.66 471 0.48 85 12.25 13.45 1.27 40.0. 0.40 –
KBK 21 0.46 2.05 0.67 191 0.48 87 12.45 42.00 1.29 16.2 0.16 0.19
KBK 21a 0.73 3.20 3.22 441 0.49 96 65.77 64.66 6.37 37.4 0.37 0.57
KBK 22 1.10 4.83 4.75 426 0.50 98 97.83 97.83 9.44 36.1 0.36 0.74
KBK 23c 0.43 1.90. 1.86 432 0.49 95 38.30 39.31 3.67 36.7 0.36 0.07
16ME0.1 0.03 0.13 0.15 501.6 0.46 70. 2.60 3.00 2.6 42.6 0.43 –
16ME0.2 0.26 1.09 1.08 417.1 0.50 96 22.0 21.8 22.0. 35.4 0.35 –
HLV 5a 1.93 8.42 8.49 435 0.50 98 169.16 170.56 16.73 36.9 0.37 –
16ME0.6 0.29 1.21 1.23 425.8 0.50 98 24.4 24.80 24.4 36.2 0.36
16ME10. 0.29 1.21 1.21 418.9 0.50 99 24.4 24.40 24.4 35.6 0.36 –
HLV 11 0.51 2.24 2.28 433 0.49 96 45.11 45.91 4.38 36.7 0.37 0.14
16ME13 1.10 4.71 4.78 434.4 0.50 97 94.6 96.00 94.6 36.9 0.37 –
HLV 14 0.45 1.98 2.10 442 0.49 94 39.87 40.87 3.93 37.5 0.38 0.07
16ME15 1.10 4.35 4.42 401.6 0.50 97 87.3 88.70 87.3 34.1 0.34
AYV Ol 0.20 0.90 0.94 450 0.48 89 18.09 18.07 1.76 38.2 0.38 –
AYV 0.3 0.35 1.57 1.51 432 0.49 93 31.07 32.70 2.97 36.7 0.37 –
AYV 0.5 0.25 1.09 1.14 456 0.49 91 21.97 22.89 2.23 38.7 0.39 –
AYV 0.8 0.09 0.41 0.46 466 0.46 78 8.36 8.43 0.79 39.5 0.39 –
AYV 0.9 0.07 0.35 0.40 442 0.45 68 7.20 6.22 0.57 37.5 0.37 –

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

Table 4
Values of HCG calculated units by taking the area between Küçükkabaktepe and Mirzaağa (3.93 × 1010 cm2 width), density 2.6 g/cm3 and their original pyrolysis
Sample No TOC S1 mg HC/g rock S2 mg mg HC/g rock S3 mg CO2/g rock HI TOCO Hlo S2o
% %

AYV-01 0,13 0,02 0,06 0,58 46 0,203125 463,2734 0,941,024,096

AYV-03 0,23 0,02 0,07 0,36 30,00 0,359375 453,2132 1,628,734,94
AYV-05 0,16 0,01 0,06 0,32 38,00 0,25 457,7349 1,144,337,349
AYV-08 0,06 0,01 0,06 0,21 100,00 0,09375 497,7349 0,466,626,506
AYV-09 0,05 0,02 0,07 0,33 140,00 0,078125 523,3349 0,408,855,422
HLV-5a 1,24 0,02 0,09 1,44 7,00 1,9375 438,3801 8,493,614,458
HLV-11 0,33 0,01 0,05 0,68 15,00 0,51 443,4319 2,286,445,783
HLV-14 0,29 0,02 0,07 0,51 24,00 0,45 449,1832 2,035,361,446
KBK-19A 0,09 0,01 0,06 0,28 67,00 0,14 476,4016 0,669,939,759
KBK-21 0,30 0,02 0,07 0,30 23,00 0,46 448,6683 2,10,313,253
KBK-22 0,71 0,02 0,06 0,60 8,00 1,109375 439,1434 4,871,746,988
KBK-23¢ 0,28 0,01 0,06 0,67 21,00 0,4375 447,4492 1,957,590,361
KBK-21A 0,47 0,02 0,09 0,73 19,00 0,734375 445,9903 3,275,240,964

during Telychian as hot shale, when the sea inundated the paleohighs
Table 5
(Lüning et al., 2000a; Emiroğlu, 2020) (Fig. 9b). To explain the sporadic
HCG values calculated for Ayvat region.
distribution of Silurian shales, Lüning et al. (2000a) proposed a model of
Sample no M R TOCO glacial affected topography. It is a reliable model for the North Africa
AYV-01 417 2,90469E+12 0,203125 and Middle East region, where hot shales were deposited on a
AYV-03 423 5,13906E+12 0,359375 post-glacial topography of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean (Le Heron et al.,
AYV-05 420 3,575E+12 0,25
2009). However, the Taurus region, where the study area is located,
AYV-08 398 1,34063E+12 0,09375
AYV-09 383 1,11719E+12 0,078125
differs from the SEA (except Korudağ) and Arabian plate in terms of both
HLV-5a 431 2,77063E+13 1,9375 lithological association and depositional time. For example, in the
HLV-11 428 7,37344E+12 0,51 eastern Taurus (Değirmentaş-Kayseri), middle Taurus (Bozyazı-Tekmen,
HLV-14 425 6,47969E+12 0,45 Ovacık) sections, lydite-black shale intercalation was deposited during
KBK-19A 409 2,01094E+12 0,14
the Early Llanddovery (Rhuddanian)-upper Aeronian (det. Sachanski in
KBK-21 426 6,70313E+12 0,46
KBK-22 431 1,58641E+13 1,109375 Kozlu et al., 2012; Sachanski et al., 2015). Black lydite–shale successions
KBK-23¢ 426 6,25625E+12 0,4375 are also recorded in Portugal, Spain, south central Pyrenees, Italy,
KBK-21A 427 1,05016E+13 0,734375 Thuringia Forest, Germany, Poland, Chios-Greece and western Bulgaria
(referred to in article Sachanski et al., 2015) except North African
Paleozoic basins. Therefore, the lydite-black shale intercalation implies
shales in Tunisian (the Ghadames (=Berkine)-the Argiles Principales
that distinct geochemical conditions prevailed during the Rhuddanian in
Formation) and Libyan (Murzuk basin-Tanezzuft Formation) basins (e.
the paleo-valleys in Halevikdere-Ovacık and Tekmen, from those in the
g., Soua, 2014; Shalbak, 2015), the hot shales in SEA and eastern Taurids
North Africa. Following lydite facies, thick fossiliferous limestone (cal­
differ in the depositional time and the environment (Lüning et al.,
carenite, nodular limestone and mudstone, and massive gray limestone
2000a; Cohen et al., 2013; Emiroglu, 2020; Hoşgör and Yılmaz, 2022)
with Orthoceras in an ascending order) is observed to have deposited in
(Fig. 4).
the Late Telychian - Early Wenlock (Sheinwoodian) transition in the
Loydell et al. (2009) suggested that there were two “hot shale” in­
Küçükkabaktepe MSS and Halevikdere MSS (Fig. 9c and d) (Metin et al.,
tervals in Jordan: one in the lower Rhuddanian which consists of
1986; Monod et al., 2003; det. Sachanski, in Kozlu et al., 2012;
ascensus-acuminatus graptolites and the other one in the middle Rhud­
Sachanski et al., 2015). It is thought that the process of carbonate
danian, the Batra Formation (also known as the Mudawwara Shale
deposition develops as follows: atmospheric CO2 dissolves in sea
Formation, Loydell et al., 2009). In addition, they claimed that Middle
water/meteoric water and forms H2CO3, which, in turn, reacts with Ca2+
Rhuddanian “hot shale” probably results from rapid burial of organic
coming into solution following the weathering of plagioclase (CaAl2
carbon associated with a minor regression during which anoxic bottom
Si2O8) minerals in ultramafic rocks. Finally, Ca+2 and CO−3 2 combine to
conditions prevailed for most, but not all of the deposition time. Based
form limestones on a global scale during the Late Telychian - Early
on the graptolites and palynomorph assemblages of the samples taken
Wenlock (Sheinwoodian) (Aldridge et al., 1993; Jeppsson et al., 1995,
from the outcrops (Çat-Hazro MS) and well samples (Bismil I, II and
1997; Brunton et al., 1998; Cramer and Saltzman, 2007). With the
Diyarbakır-1 wells) in the SEA region, the hot shale units in the Dadaş
consumption of high CO2 in the atmosphere as a result of limestone
Formation show a diverse time of deposition, ranging from
formation (diminishing atmospheric CO2 concentration), the third mini
Aeronian-Telychian in Çat-Hazro, Late Rhuddanian-early Telychian in
ice age might have been triggered in the early Sheinwoodian (Ireviken
Bismil I, and Late Telychian-Early Sheinwoodian in Diyarbakir (Lüning
Event) (Lehnert et al., 2010).
et al., 2000a, 2005; Cohen et al., 2013; Emiroğlu, 2020). When evalu­
Upper Silurian (Late Pridoli)-Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) section
ated together with the minor regression in the middle Rhuddanian in
of the studied succession is composed of black shales similar to its lower
south of Jordan, it can be deciphered that the transgression resulting in
Silurian counterparts. Konyukhov (2015) stated that a significant cool­
the deposition of the Silurian sequences didn’t reach the SEA region as
ing period which began in the Late Silurian and continued throughout
this region formed a paleo-high during early Aeronian. Likewise, Lüning
the Early Devonian was consequently followed by a significant decrease
et al. (2000a) and Eschard et al. (2010) suggested that the palaeohigh
in the sea level and the establishment of anoxic conditions in many
was very significant, for it controlled not only the timing of the depo­
marine basins. The resulted anoxic conditions were favorable for the
sition but also the likelihood of its presence and its thickness in the North
accumulation of graptolite shales. For example, the Silurian–Devonian
African Paleozoic petroleum systems. Lüning et al. (2000a) put forward
boundary successions are represented by the upper part of
that due to palaeohighs, Qusaiba area was only flooded in
Xistos-com-Nodulos Formation (Portugal) and are present in Well
post-Rhuddanian times in Saudi Arabia. We suggest that hot shale level
BJ-101 of the Tadla Basin in Morocco (Jabour and Nakayama, 1988).
belonging to upper Dadaş-I member (Lüning et al., 2000a) was deposited

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

Fig. 9. A) The Late Ordovician glaciation culmination was covered over the North Africa during the early-mid Hirnantian. B) As a result of the opening of the Paleo-
Tethys at the end of the Ordovician and the melting of the glaciers as a result of this event, independent basins were formed in North Africa as a result of rebound,
while the Taurus micro-continent was almost completely covered by the rising sea level in the back-arc area of the Paleo-Tethys ocean, which opened by rifting. Due
to different geochemical conditions in these areas with antecedent topography, black shales containing graptolite and black lydite were deposited in the south (N.
Africa) and north (Taurus) of the back-arc basin, respectively. During the Telychian, the Taurus and N. African basins reached suitable geochemical conditions to
deposited black shale. C) Greenhouse gases (e.g., CO2) increased as a result of the Paleo-Tethys ocean opening and volcanic range is withdrawn from the atmosphere
by being used for limestone formation as a result of the chemical cycle. After that black shales were deposited in both areas, which gained a regressive character as a
result of carbonate deposition during the late Shenwoodian. D) While the North African basins, which turned into a regressive character as a result of shale
deposition, were filled with deltaic clastics, carbonate deposition started in the Taurus basin, which had a higher sea level. E) While the North African Basins turned
into a fluvial deposition environment after filling up, the Taurus basin continued its black shale-carbonate deposition cycle.

Abrams et al. (1999) concluded that one of the oil families in the suggested by Randon and Caridroit (2008). Bedded radiolarite deposits,
Timan–Pechora basin is generated by Silurian to Lower Devonian common during glacial periods, indicate cooler temperatures favor silica
mudstones. In the North Africa-Arabian region (except the Tadla basin), preservation over limestone (Hein and Parrish, 1987). This temperature
Lower Devonian is generally represented by clastics with reservoir po­ dynamic aligns with observations in our study area, where chert and
tential, whereas Upper Silurian-Lower Devonian is characterized with siliceous shale precede the first limestone layers at the
black shales of high source rock quality in the north of Gondwana, Telychian-Wenlock transition, hinting at CO2 level fluctuations during
indicating that the deposition mechanism was partially different (Fig. 9 mini-glacial and interglacial periods. The absence of carbonate deposi­
d, e). In addition, these levels, which contain dark colored black shale, tion from the Silurian (Llandovery) to Wenlock (Sheinwoodian) period
are proved to be the source rock of the petroleum in the Adana basin suggests a direct correlation with these climatic events. Moreover, gla­
(Baum and Schmitt, 1992). ciation’s role in siliceous sedimentation, while evident, presents esti­
mation challenges due to the continuous availability of silica and
nutrient-rich currents (Hein and Parrish, 1987). Post-glacial continen­
5.2. Lydite facies deposition
tal rebound likely intensified silicate mineral weathering, providing
nutrients for radiolarian populations in the Paleo-Tethys Ocean and its
Radiolarian-dominated ribbon chert successions signal deeper paleo-
margins, as evidenced by chert-rich layers from Iberian to Taurus re­
environments, extending from the deeper distal shelf to the ocean floor,
gions (Tetard et al., 2014). The retreat of glaciers and the post-glacial
yet are notably absent in mid to outer shelf zones (Einsele, 1992). Ideal
rebound of continental crust create massive pieces of land for
lydite deposition depths are considered to not exceed 300m, as

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

intensive chemical weathering of silicate minerals in glacial deposits mega-slump events and considered it to have formed during rapid
and in the exposed crystalline basement (Einsele, 1992). The quartzites deglaciation while powerful earthquakes took places. On the other hand,
of the Infra-Cambrian (?)-Early Cambrian Emirgazi Formation in the few researchers suggest that slump structures are probably formed by ice
Central and Eastern Taurus or Egypt-Sinia paleohigh might have pushing and shear events (e.g., Caputo et al., 2008). In the Lower Silu­
chemically decomposed; they must have been used as nutrients by the rian, three mini-glacier formations have been recorded in some regions
radiolarian living in the moderately deep areas. Hydrothermal activity’s of the world: Aronian, latest Aronian-early Telychian and Telychian -
impact on shale deposition is further elucidated through Al–Fe–Mn earliest Wenlock-Sheinwoodian (Grahn and Caputo, 1992; Grahn, 1996)
ternary diagrams, indicating specific environmental conditions condu­ (Fig. 5). Therefore, it seems that a thick ice cover during the climax of
cive to such accumulation (Adachi et al., 1986; Yamamoto, 1987). The the Hirnantian glaciation might not have totally melted and have caused
presence of A-type igneous rocks in the Tauride-Anatolide block and in the formation of Alpine-type glaciation in high areas of the basement
volcanic deposits in a late Ordovician-Silurian rift basin underscore the rocks with Albedo effect in both North Africa and the Taurus Belt (i.e.,
region’s significant hydrothermal contributions to siliceous nutrient study area). The ice masses, waning at the end of this mini-glaciation
availability, fostering radiolarian growth (Topuz et al., 2021; Bagheri period, may have pushed lydite layers with plastic character, causing
and Stampfli, 2008; Stampfli et al., 2013). According to Adachi et al. them to gain a slump structure. We also suggest that these short-term
(1986), the Al – Fe – Mn ternary diagram showed that the samples are in glacial and interglacial periods probably controlled the deposition of
the region affected by a particular hydrothermal activity (Fig. 10). shale and carbonate alternation. While the units deposited during
It can be said that redox conformations and the presence of hydro­ short-term glacial are poor in organic matter, those which were depos­
thermal effect are directly proportional to the accumulation on the sea ited during interglacial periods contain higher amount of organic mat­
floor. A collect of A-type igneous rocks representing the rifting event of ter. In addition, the limestone-black shale alternation in KMS and HMSs
the Paleo-Tethys Ocean in the easternmost part of the Tauride-Anatolide must have been deposited during Late Telychian - Early Sheinwoodian
block might have served as a hydrothermal source (Topuz et al., 2021). mini-period glaciation and melting. Furthermore, geological and envi­
Additionally, a late Ordovician-Silurian rift basin developed in southern ronmental factors, including sedimentation rates, burial depths, and
margin the Paleo-Tethys Ocean and filled with very thick volcanic de­ dissolved silica availability, intricately influence black chert formation.
posits. Its development was aborted in Early Devonian time in the Ira­ Lydite facies, noted at the base of certain Silurian sequences across
nian segment of southern margin of the Paleo-Tethys (Bagheri and various regions, often exhibit slump structures indicative of rapid
Stampfli, 2008; Stampfli et al., 2013). We suggest that anorogenic deglaciation and seismic activities, underscoring the complex interplay
magmatism (A-type syenite to granite) and volcanism of Late Ordovician of glacial dynamics, sedimentation processes, and structural geology in
to Silurian was widespread and resulted in rich siliceous nutrients, their formation (Gutiérrez-Marco et al., 1998; Varol et al., 2006; Kozlu
which must have triggered the increase in radiolarian population. et al., 2012; Sachanski et al., 2015).
Contrastingly, the “low-silicate, high-nitrate, low-chlorophyll” model In summary, the deposition of lydite facies is a multifaceted process
posits that upwelling-supported Si supply drives primary production in influenced by paleo-environmental conditions, hydrothermal activity,
shelf-edge zones, promoting phytoplankton and zooplankton prolifera­ nutrient availability, and glacial-interglacial cycles. These factors
tion (Dugdale and Wilkerson, 1998; Dunne et al., 1999). This dynamic collectively contribute to the unique sedimentary records observed in
explains the distinct depositional patterns observed in southern Gond­ the study area, offering insights into the complex geological history of
wana basins, where antecedent topography and upwelling conditions the Paleo-Tethys Ocean and its adjacent regions.
restricted lydite formation to specific areas.
Lydite facies is also observed at the base of some Silurian sequences 5.3. Stratigraphic configuration of Pusçu Tepe and Yukarı Yayla
(in the central and southern parts of the Central Iberian region, in the Formations according to SEA and North African hot shales
Central Taurus - Bozyazı-Tekmen, Ovacık, SEA-Korudağ section)
(Gutiérrez-Marco et al., 1998; Varol et al., 2006, Kozlu et al., 2012). In the Eastern Taurus, the Pusçu Tepe Formation, identified by
However, lydite facies form the lower part of the succession in the Demirtaşlı (1967) as Lower Silurian black shales, and the overlying
Halevikdere section, showing also slump structures in the middle part Orthoceras-rich Silurian (Wenlock) – Early Devonian (Lochkovian)
(Fig. 4a). Sachanski et al. (2015) interpreted this slump structure as limestone-shale Yukarı Yayla Formation, highlight the region’s complex
lithostratigraphic history (e.g., Demirtaşlı, 1967; Özgül and Kozlu,
2002). Unlike the consistent hot shale units of North Africa’s Llandovery
(Rhuddanian and Telychian) and Ludlow-Pridoli epochs, the Taurus
Belt’s unique tectonic evolution has led to varied lithostratigraphic
patterns and thermal evolutions.
Hot shale units have been investigated by studying the samples taken
from the intervals deposited during the two main epochs in North Africa:
Llandovery (Rhuddanian and Telychian) and Ludlow-Pridoli (e.g.,
Lüning et al., 2003; Soua, 2014). Comparing the hot shales deposited in
North Africa with those from the SEA and Taurus Mountains reveals that
Dadaş-I member of the Dadaş Formation (considered as hot shale) was
deposited in Silurian – Lower Devonian (Bozdoğan et al., 1987; Kozlu
et al., 2012). However, the unique tectonic position and evolution of the
Taurus Belt caused the black shales in this region to have different
lithostratigraphic pattern and thermal evolution from the basins in N.
Africa and SEA. For example, Silurian-Lower Devonian black shale
successions in the eastern Taurus have hitherto been studied under two
different names, the Pusçu Tepe, and Yukarı Yayla (Demirtaşlı, 1967;
Özgül et al., 1973; Özgül and Kozlu, 2002). Furthermore, samples from
HMS can be considered hot shale if their original pyrolysis values
instead of present-day pyrolysis values are taken into account. However,
Fig. 10. Al–Fe–Mn diagram showing compositional difference between hy­ the fact that the petroleum discovered in Cenozoic reservoir rocks in
drothermal and non-hydrothermal chert (Modified from Adachi et al., 1986). Adana Basin has been expelled from the Devonian shales (Baum and

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

Schmitt, 1992) along with the original pyrolysis values indicate that the Lower Devonian era (Özgül and Kozlu, 2002; Kozlu and Ghienne, 2012;
black shales that are the subject of the study can be considered as hot Sachanski et al., 2015). These members are: I: Lydite-shale facies
shale. Therefore, the deposition time of the SEA Silurian shales as well as (Llandovery-Rhuddanian-Early Telychian), II: Lower black shale facies
the stratigraphy of the Eastern Taurus black shales should be revised in (Late Telychian - Early Ludlow), III: Fossiliferous limestone-shale facies
order to be consistent with that of the N. Africa basins. While Rhudda­ (Late Ludlow-Early Pridoli), and IV: Upper black shale facies (Late Pri­
nian hot shale levels are common in North Africa terrain, it was not doli – Lochkovian), each correlating to the stratigraphic insights gained
penetrated in the wells drilled in the SEA region (Diyarbakır basin) from comparative studies with North African hot shales.
(Lüning et al., 2000a, b; Emiroğlu, 2020; Hoşgör and Yılmaz, 2022).
Kozlu et al. (2012) stated that Gökiçi-I well around Korudağ cut 32 m of
the black shale-lydite succession, including graptolites (from Rhudda­ 5.4. Source rock properties of the Pusçu Tepe Formation (late Telychian
nian up to the Upper Wenlock); however, Emiroğlu (2020) re-evaluated and late Pridoli – Lochkovian hot shales equivalent)
the samples taken from this well using the graptolite fossils and stated
that the Dadaş Formation was deposited in the Llandovery (Aero­ Lüning et al. (2000a) underscore the pivotal role of early Silurian
nian-Telychian), which is supported by palynological techniques (Boz­ organic-rich shales in the petroleum systems of North Africa, noting an
doğan et al., 1987; Oktay and Wellman, 2019) in Diyarbakır basin expulsion of 80–90% of total generated petroleum from these forma­
(Molla-Bismil area wells). The age (Aeronian-Telychian) of the samples tions. Extensive studies across the North African margin and Arabian
from the drilled wells (Hoşgör and Yılmaz, 2022) indicate that the plate (MacGregor, 1998; Lüning et al., 2005; Grabowski Jr, 2005; Craig
Llandovery (Rhuddanian) hot shale level in the SEA region is not et al., 2008) have documented the widespread distribution of these
deposited due possibly to a paleoridge in some northern Africa areas graptolitic black shale facies, with TOC values in Iraq’s Akkas Formation
(Lüning et al., 2000a). We suggest that Dadaş-I member is the equivalent ranging from 0.16% to 7.3% (Al-Khafaji, 2015). In Jordan, the lower
of the second hot shale level (Telychian), reported by Lüning et al. part of the Silurian shales is called Mudawwara, which is 9–18 m thick,
(2000a) (Figs. 4 and 11). contains 7% TOC and is considered mature (VRo = 1.2%) (Lüning et al.,
This comparative analysis between SEA, North Africa, and the 2005). In contrast, Turkey’s Silurian shales, particularly those in the
Eastern Taurus regions underpins a proposed Silurian (Aeronian-Tely­ Diyarbakır basin, demonstrate a mean TOC value of 3.86%, with a
chian)-Lower Devonian deposition timeline. The Pusçu Tepe and Yukarı maximum of 7.88% in the Dadaş-I member, suggesting a notable organic
Yayla formations, reflecting this period, merit reclassification into a richness (Kara, 2021). However, the potential of the studied shales as
single formation with four distinct members to better encapsulate the source rocks is contested due to signs of overmaturity, such as high Tmax
geological narratives of black shales, limestone-shale associations, and and low HI values, indicating a poor source rock potential for generating
fossiliferous units shaped by the interglacial periods of the Silurian - hydrocarbons.
The Silurian (late Telychian) shales will be generally interpreted

Fig. 11. Correlation of the Pusçu Tepe Formation with conjugate formations in the Southeastern Anatolia Region with the Late Ordovician - Silurian sea level
changes and their glaciation periods (modified from Johnson and McKerrow (1991), Grahn and Caputo 1992; modified and updated from Craig et al., 2008 in Soua
2014; Lüning et al., 1999; Emiroğlu 2020).

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

according to the samples of the measured sections, since the Early rocks, %VRo values calculated from Tmax data were used in this study
Llandovery (Rhuddanian) aged units in the HMS are composed of the (Table 2). Most of the calculated %VRo values are higher than 1.2%
dominant lydite facies, represented by a single sample (16 ME-02). The (Table 2). In addition, the graptolite - chitinozoa reflection and illite
late Telychian samples were evaluated from organically rich and crystallinity index values of the Silurian units in the Central and Eastern
organically lean sections. The present TOC (TOCpd) content for the Taurids showed that shales are in the over mature zone (Varol et al.,
shales of the AMS, HMS and KMS ranging from 0.05% to 0.23% (average 2006; Döner et al., 2019; Bozkaya et al., 2002). The Eastern Taurus
0.12%), 0.02 to 0.74 (average 0.43%) and 0.09 to 0.71 (average 0.37%) Silurian shales also show that they have lost 85% and 98% of their
in the Eastern Taurus, respectively (Table 3). Average TOC % values original hydrocarbon potentials according to TRHI ratios, except for one
indicate that the all studied samples have poor source rock potential. sample. Although the Taurus Belt has a rather complex tectonic history,
Tmax values and HI values show that the studied shale samples are Neogene aged Adana and İskenderun basins, which developed over the
predominantly in the overmature zone (Table 2). Korkmaz et al. (2008) Paleozoic basement, do not have the same tectonic history (Fig. 12).
studied Cambrian-Silurian shales through Eastern Taurus belt using The complex tectonic history of the eastern Taurus region and these
three samples from Halevikdere MSS. The studied samples’ TOC, HI and Neogene basins was simply outlined by Yılmaz (2020): the northward
S2 values range from 0.09 to 2.25 %, 1 to 22, and 0.02–0.03, respec­ advance of the Arabian Plate resulted in a compression regime, which, in
tively. Besides, Şen (2012) interpreted the Silurian samples from the turn, gave rise to an orthogonal shortening and the Southeast Anatolian
Western Black Sea, Eastern Taurus (Halevikdere) and SEA regions ac­ Orogenic Belt (SAOB). Consequently, a wide foreland fold and thrust
cording to their pyrolysis values. He stated TOC content of this section belt was developed in the northern part (eastern Taurus) of the Arabian
ranged between 0.18 and 1.95 % in the Halevikdere, and indicated that plate. After the compressional deformation reached an excessive stage
most samples were poor except four samples. In addition, he suggested that could no longer be accommodated, N–S compressional deformation
that the Tmax values (between 298 and 440 ◦ C) were not reliable due to was replaced by the escape tectonic regime. Away from the closure of
extremely low S2 and HI values. When both studies are examined in the folds, strike-slip faults become dominant, that have sheared the
detail, there is a discrepancy between TOC, HI and Tmax data. However, entire width of the Taurus, down to the Mediterranean (Yılmaz and
he unanimously concluded that there is no potential/limited gas po­ Çemen, 2017). In addition, the E–W compressional deformation has
tential. He reached this conclusion by using the burial history graph of deformed the whole sequence, including the Neogene sediments in the
the regions (e.g., Demirel and Kozlu, 1997; Göncüoğlu et al., 2004). For intermountain basins (Koçyiğit et al., 2000; Koç et al., 2017). The
example, Göncüoğlu et al. (2004) showed that the Pusçu Tepe Forma­ transtensional regime has also conduced significantly to the enlarge­
tion was buried at 2.0 km and 4.0 km in the Devonian-Early Carbonif­ ment of the Adana basin (Yılmaz and Çemen, 2017). In the Adana basin,
erous boundary and at the end of the Permian in the burial history petroleum with 37API from Bulgurdağı field was discovered in the
graph, respectively. In this case, it can be said that the shales reached the Middle Miocene reefal limestone by the Mobil Company in 1960. After
over mature zone at the end of the Paleozoic. The Paleozoic successions this discovery, 60 onshore (3 oil producing, 4 oil show, 2 oil + gas show,
in the Central and Eastern Taurus are in the over maturation zone, 10 gas show) and 2 offshore wells were drilled by several companies;
because the GDU is tectonically overburden by allochthonous units however, there has no discovered economic HCs. Few studies indicate
(Özgül, 1984). In the Late Cretaceous (Senonian), the Bozkır Unit was that the oil is derived from a Paleozoic - Miocene mixed source rock
pushed over the Aladağ Unit, in the Paleogene (Early-Middle Eocene) (Baum and Schmitt, 1992).
the Aladağ Unit, carrying the Bozkır Unit on its back, was napped over The δ13Corg of Bulgurdağı oil (− 28.5 ‰ and − 29.0 ‰), Emelcik-1
the GDU (Özgül and Kozlu, 2002). With the burial, the Early Paleozoic well’s oil sample (− 29.2 ‰), and the δ13Corg of the oil extracted from
aged successions reached the over-mature zone and transformed into Feke outcrop (− 30.1 ‰) can be correlated (Baum and Schmitt, 1992),
residual organic matter by the overlapping of three different allochth­ indicating that immature/less mature Paleozoic shales may be present in
onous units. This may also explain the high NGOC values (Table 3). The the basin. In addition, Loydell et al. (2009) and Loydell and Fryda
original TOCo, HIo etc., values of the samples were calculated using the (2007) determined δ13Corg values of the late Rhuddanian levels (base of
formulas by Jarvie et al. (2004). It is observed that the original TOC% hot shale) and late Telychian shales to, respectively range between
values of the shale samples have decreased by approximately 64–70%. − 29.01‰ and − 28.82‰, and − 30.24 ‰ and − 29.58 ‰, with the lowest
Similarly, the calculated primary HIo and GOCo values were determined value appearing in the lower lapworthi Biozone. In addition, Degens
to be of type II marine kerogen rather than type IV, which is inferred (1969) suggested that Devonian oil δ13Corg values range from − 25 to
based on the present-day pyrolysis values (Jones, 1987). Hart and Steen − 30. These δ13Corg evidence suggest that well and outcrop oils from the
(2015) emphasizes that neither the Van Krevelen diagram nor the basin might have been generated from late Telychian and/or early
kerogen type and maturity plot is useful for over-mature samples. When Devonian shales. We suggest that there could be the Paleozoic (probably
using the original TOCo and S2o values, it was observed that the samples mixed Silurian-Lower Devonian)-Middle Miocene Karaisalı (!) petro­
fell onto the Type II kerogen zone. Döner et al. (2019) also obtained leum system in the Adana basin in the Eastern Taurus (Fig. 12), based on
similar data in Ovacık (Mersin) black shale in the Central Taurus region, the limited subsurface knowledge.
indicating that the Paleozoic succession in both regions may have a
similar tectonic history. 6. Conclusions
The African shelf and Arabian Plate (including SEA) deposition
model of hot shales and therefore Paleozoic petroleum systems can be - Owing to different paleogeographic positions (southern and northern
explained by almost a single model (Lüning et al., 2000a). The differ­ paleo-Tethys, respectively) and consequently diverging paleocli­
ences in hydrocarbon potential of the North African with that of Arabian matic patterns, hot shale deposition dynamics and the time intervals
plate seems to be due to the geological evolution of the basins after the during which these units were deposited are obviously different from
Silurian (Kara, 2021). Although the Hercynian orogeny ceased the each other in North Africa and Taurus. The depositional model of
depositional phase during the Middle Carboniferous and Early Permian Silurian Pusçu Tepe Shales reveals a complex interplay of glacial,
in the SEA, the Carboniferous unit is represented by 400 m thick in the eustatic, and geochemical factors. This complexity not only shaped
Eastern Taurus. While the Early Permian was eroded, the Late Permian the sedimentation patterns observed in these regions but also high­
unit is over 410 m thick (Göncüoğlu et al., 2004) owing to the additional lights the diverse environmental and climatic conditions that pre­
overburden rocks as well as the allochthonous nappe over the GDU, vailed during the Silurian period. The comparison of these
resulting in almost a depleted HC potential in Silurian shales. The low HI depositional models provides valuable insights into the regional
and high Tmax values of the Pusçu Tepe shales indicate that they are paleogeography and the dynamic processes that have influenced the
overmatured. Since there are no vitrinite macerals in Silurian aged geological evolution of Gondwana’s northern margin.

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

Fig. 12. NW-SE directional geological cross-section between the Central Taurus Belt-Adana-Iskenderun basins (Modified from Kozlu, 1997).

- Through detailed original source rock analyses and recalculations, - The early-middle Rhuddanian, late Telychian and late Sheinwoodian
this study sheds light on the varying potential of these formations as hot shales are characterized as effective petroleum source rocks in
unconventional petroleum systems, highlighting the intricate inter­ the North Africa depressions, while these source units in Taurus were
play between geological processes and petroleum generation dy­ late Telychian, late Sheinwoodian and late Pridoli-Lochkovian in
namics. Such insights are invaluable for advancing our terms of age. While original pyrolysis values of black shales have
understanding of petroleum geochemistry and improving explora­ merely dry gas potential, the original values of the black shales (late
tion strategies in similar geological settings. Telychian, late Sheinwoodian and late Pridoli, Lochkovian) are
- Due to the Taurus being located further north and possessing a cooler supposed to have possessed good to very good source rock potential
climate, nitrate-rich upwelling currents and Si-rich materials were with Type II kerogen being the dominant kerogen.
transferred from different sources into the depressions, triggering a - Since it has been determined that the Early Devonian (Lockhovian)
bloom in the population of radiolaria across the Paleo-Tethys Ocean, aged black shales in the study area have potential in areas where they
which, in turn, resulted in the formation of mainly lydite (black are not affected by overburial, promising results may be obtained
chert) or lydite-siliceous rich shale deposition throughout southern provided that the exploration effort in the Eastern Mediterranean
Europe from Iberian to eastern Taurus during 8.3 Ma. Once the onshore or offshore area (Adana Basin and/or Iskenderun Bay)
deposition of hot shale I was through, the upper organic-rich hot continues.
shale II was deposited as the highest sea level in both North Africa-
SEA and Taurus depression had been achieved in the Late Llandov­ CRediT authorship contribution statement
ery (Telychian).
- We suggest a different scenario for the limestones rich in Orthoceras Turhan Ayyildiz: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original
formation: slightly more acidic seawater (higher H2CO3) was formed draft, Visualization, Supervision, Methodology. Eren Aykan Acar:
as a result of the increase in partial pressure of CO2 (due to the Methodology, Investigation, Funding acquisition, Formal analysis, Data
opening of Paleo-Tethys Ocean and the accompanied volcanism curation.
along its southern margin; Bagheri and Stampfli, 2008) in the at­
mosphere, which resulted in the breakdown of Ca-rich plagioclase Declaration of competing interest
minerals. The released Ca2+ ions were taken up by CO2− 3 ions in the
seawater, triggering the formation of limestone units. The subse­ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
quent decrease in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
resulted in the cooling of the continent, which facilitated the depo­ the work reported in this paper.
sition of clastics (i.e., shale). This regressive character may have
helped the deposition of the Wenlock (late Sheinwoodian) and late Data availability
Pridoli-Lochkovian black shale sequences observed, for example, in
the Tadla Basin and Taurus depressions. Data will be made available on request.

T. Ayyildiz and E.A. Acar Marine and Petroleum Geology 164 (2024) 106830

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