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1) The word is _____ unit

The word is not always a single unit.

It is hard to distinguish the real meaning without a _________.

It is hard to distinguish the real meaning without a proper context.

The word is ______ unit of speech that can occur in _______.

The word is the smallest unit of speech that can occur in isolation.

The word is a linguistic unit _____ than a morpheme but _____ than a phrase.

The word is a linguistic unit larger than a morpheme but smaller than a phrase.

2) What are the approaches to the problems of word definition?

1. the word is a semantic unit, a unit of meaning;

2. the word is a marked phonological unit;

3. the word is an indivisible unit.

3) Is there a mistake here?

The contraction DOESN’T is:

- a single orthographic word,

- a single phonological word,

- a single lexical item,

- two GWFs (does and not).


- a single orthographic word,

- a single phonological word,

- two lexical items (do and not)

- two GWFs (does and not).

4) What shows the term “word-form”?

The term “word-form” shows that the word is a carrier of grammatical information.
5) Notional words combine two meanings in their semantic structure. Which
ones? What is their difference?

Lexical meaning is the individual meaning of the word.

Grammatical (morphological) meaning is not individual. It is the meaning of the

whole class or a subclass.

6) Name all types of grammatical meanings.

- implicit

- explicit

- general

- dependent

7) A grammatical category is a _______ category which has the effect of _____

the forms of some ___________ in a language.

A grammatical category is a linguistic category which has the effect of modifying

the forms of some class of words in a language.

8) Name all classifications of grammatical categories.

According to the referent relation:

- immanent

- reflective

According to the changeability of the exposed feature:

- unchangeable / derivational

- changeable / demutative

9) Define the types of the oppositions

- /p, t, k/ - /b, d, g/
- Strong – stronger – the strongest
- She – her
- Work – worked

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