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Toeic 500+

1. When she held her last meeting, Ms. Toba ------- her sales staff to perform even better next quarter.

A. encourage

B. is encouraging

C. encouraged

D. was encouraged

2. The renovated company gym ------ with free weights and exercise machines.

A. will equip

B. to equip

C. has been equipped

D. is equipping

3. Last week, three staff members ------- at the local library’s book sale.

A. volunteer

B. voluntary

C. volunteered

D. volunteering

4. The seminar ______ with discusions on research topics that need to be addressed.

A. concluded

B. concluding

C. conclude

D. conclusion

5. The department of public safety ____ to a newly renovated facility at 50 Elm street, at the end of next month.

A. relocate

B. wil relocate

C. to relocate

D. relocated

6. A marrket study by ABC company predicts that the real estate industry _____ by 50% over the next 5 year.

A. growing

B. be grow

C. will grow

D. has grown
Toeic 500+
7. The Ming hotel now ____ customers an electronic self-checkout system that is extremely convenient and easy to

A. offer

B. offering

C. offers

D. offered

8. The suppervisor of marketing department , Ms.Smith, _____ all the statistics that were needed fort the report.

A. to provide

B. provided

C. providing

D. provide

9. The branch offices in Washinton and Atlanta _____ new interns last week.

A. welcome

B. will welcome

C. has welcomed

D. welcomed

10. The charity committee ____ him for all of the support he has given the JKS medical center throughout the years.
A. will honor

B. honor

C. to honor

D. honoring

11. Efforts to sell government-owned corporation have ____ so far and the privatization effort is moving ahead.

A. sucessfull

B. succeeding

C. succeeded

D. to succeeding

12. Sky news has introduced many innovations in the broadcasting sector for which it ____ multiple awards over the
past fifteen years.

A. recieves B. has recieved

C. is receiving D. would recieve

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