Funny Story Conversation Lnavarro

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Funny Story

The story start in the city of New york where a group of 5 heros are entrening
in the gym that is in their hotel, all of them are very tired of training for many
hours so Steve Rogers decide to give them wáters, when suddenly they
Heard a very loud noise of glass breaking. They quickly became defensive
against anyone who made that noise. A large monster appeared, But it
wasn't scary as they thought, her skin was a combination of various colors
with glitter. the heroes laughed at it but didn't expect the monster to throw
fruits and vegetables out of its mouth and that these hurt a lot, When they
were hit they realized that this was serious, so they started the fight, the
glowing monster was so strong that they did not notice when they fell from
the building to the back of it, where there was a large forest. The 5 of them
were badly injured and had little strength left until suddenly a man who was
very close and frightened let out a scream and dropped a pile of cookies.
When the monster saw this, he stopped fighting with the heroesAnd he
grabbed all the cookies and put them away and just left, the heroes were
surprised and looked at each other confused, the monster was quite calm so
they decided to follow him, they followed him until they arrived at a mansion
and inside there were many scientific things the monster came to a door with
many stickers, he opened it, they followed him behind and they found 3
children of more or less 7 years old, When the children saw them, they
became alert and the monster turned around to attack but the heroes raised
their hands in signs of peace, the horoes very confused decided to ask the
children what was going on, the children only replied that the glowing
monster was their creation, because they hated fruits and vegetables and
wanted to eat a lot of cookies. The Heores called the children's parents and
they scolded them telling them that they couldn't do that and that they
needed to eat cookies for their sake and they were punished, the children
with a little pink powder threw it at the monster and it disappeared, and that
was the end of the story.

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