2024 STD 8 M0ck-Ses

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Name of Candidate: ____________________________________EXAM #: ________




(100 MARKS) Subject number: P163
Thursday, 13th March, 2024. Time Allowed 1 Hour 30 Minutes

8: 00 – 9: 30 AM

Name of school: ___________________________

1. This paper contains 8 printed
pages. Please check.
Question Tick
2. Answer all questions in all
number questions Do not write in
sections. 1 to 13 if these columns
3. In section A, encircle the letter answered
representing the right answer to 1 - 30

each question. In section B and C, 31

write your answers in the spaces 32
provided. 33
4. Write your name at the top of
each answer sheet.
5. On the table provided on this
page, tick against the question
number you have answered. 37

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Name of Candidate: ____________________________________EXAM #: ________

Section A: (30 marks)

1. The following are the characteristics 5. The weather instrument shown

of Tundra climate except_________. above is used for?
A. has no summers
B. low evaporation
A. measuring wind direction
C. precipitation is usually between
250mm B. measuring temperature
D. high percentage of sunshine C. measuring wind speed
D. measuring rainfall
2. Give the name of the Governor who
declared the state of emergency on 6. Which of the following was the first
March 1957. black African nation to become
A. Sir Harry Johnstone
B. Sir Robert Armitage
C. Dr. David Livingstone A. Malawi
D. Robert Laws B. Kenya
C. Zambia
3. Which local government institution is D. Ghana
headed by a mayor
A. District assemblies 7. These factors influenced the growth
B. Town assemblies
of Roman civilization except______.
C. City assemblies
D. Government assemblies A. trade
B. good political leadership
Figure 1 is a weather measuring instruments.
C. strong government
Use it to answer question 4 and 5.
D. geographical position

8. The term that defines the trade

between two countries is called____.
B. multilateral
C. bilateral
D. external
9. Name the Ngoni leader who
succeeded Zwangendaba after his
4. Name the instrument shown above death.
A. wind sock A. Ngwane Maseko
B. anemometer B. Gomani Chikuse
C. wind vane C. Mbelwa
D. wind direction D. Chiwere

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Name of Candidate: ____________________________________EXAM #: ________

10. When does Malawi experience A. 1944

autumn Equinox? B. 1953
A. on 21 March C. 1959
B. on 23 September D. 1993
C. on 21 June
D. on 22 December 16. How does museum promote or
preserve culture.
11. These are the indicators of being A. providing informal education
patriotic except __________. to family members
A. sympathy B. giving guidance and
B. unity counselling
C. loyalty C. use of traditional dances during
D. cooperation political rallies.
D. keeping artifacts which are used
12. These are not the rights of children or explained to young
except __________. generation
A. right to protection
B. right to be employed 17. Which of the following is a factor
C. right to equality that influence culture?
D. right to be visited by his/her A. museum
parents B. inter-marriages
C. family
13. Which planet is the biggest amongst D. political
the following:
A. Jupiter 18. Which of the following was a Greek
B. Mercury god of sun, music, healing and
C. Earth prophecy?
D. Pluto A. Athena
B. Zeus
14. Who was the first chairman of C. Apollo
Nyasaland African Congress in 1944? D. Aphrodite
A. Levi Mumba
B. James Sangala 19. The extraction of minerals from the
C. Elton Mposa ground is called ___________.
D. Lewis Bandawe A. civilization
B. corrosion
15. In which year was the federation of C. mining
Nyasaland and Rhodesia imposed? D. colonization

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Name of Candidate: ____________________________________EXAM #: ________

20. Which of the following are the 24. The Nilotes of Uganda are
challenges faced by Malawi Revenue called__________
Authority (MRA)? A. Luo
1. corruption B. Acholi
2. compliance C. Dinka
3. smuggling D. Negroes
4. income tax
A. 1 and 3 25. Which of the following is the cause
B. 3 and 2 of accident in the home?
C. 1 and 4 A. being cut by sharp objects
D. 2 and 4 B. drowning in water
C. tiredness
21. When did Malawi become D. faulty equipments
A. 6th July, 1964 26. The biologically determined roles
B. 6th July, 1963 based on sex are called__________?
C. 6th July, 1993 A. gender roles
D. 6th July, 1966 B. sex roles
C. gender equity
Study the figure below and use it to D. gender equality
answer questions 22 and 23
27. Which of the following is the factor
that promote gender balance?

A. unequal encouragement to
both boys and girls
B. giving leadership positions to
22. Identify the type of transport above. boys only
A. railway transport C. creating the environment that
B. air transport is not gender friendly
C. road transport D. sensitizing people on gender
D. water transport
28. When did the Roman civilization
23. Which of the following is the founded.
disadvantage of the type of
transport mentioned above? A. 53BC
A. it is slow B. 953BC
B. it is expensive C. 753BC
C. it is cheap D. 935BC
D. it is fast
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Name of Candidate: ____________________________________EXAM #: ________

29. What term is used to refer to the 30. Which of the following is the
group of countries or states that is importance of tolerance?
ruled by one ruler? A. it promotes moral decay
A. empire B. it creates tensions among people
B. emperor C. it creates disagreements among
C. kingdom people
D. civilisation D. it promotes a sense of

Section B: (35 Marks)

Social and Environmental Science
31(a) Name the first mission station of Livingstonia mission.
______________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
b. Why was Bandawe chosen as a mission station for Livingstonia mission? Give two
i. _______________________________________________________________
ii. _______________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
c. Explain two contributions of early missionaries to Malawi.
i. ______________________________________________________________
ii. ______________________________________________________________ (4 marks)
32(a) Define the term ‘liberation’
___________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(b)Mention the two many liberation strategies used in Africa.
i. ___________________________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(c) Give any two achievements of Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda.
i. __________________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
33(a) Define the term ‘tourism’
___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(b) Mention any two factors that hinder the development of tourism in Zimbabwe.
i. _________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________ (2 marks)
(c) State the two early explores of Africa who discovered the source of river Nile in 1858.
i. ________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________ (2 marks)

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Name of Candidate: ____________________________________EXAM #: ________

Study the map below and use it to answer 34

River A

34(a) Name the physical feature marked A

________________________________________ (1 mark)
(b)Which district can you find the feature marked A?
_________________________________________ (1 mark
(c) Explain any two economic values of the physical feature marked A
i. _________________________________
ii. _________________________________ (4 marks)
35(a) Mention one type of family which is common in African community.
__________________________________________ (1 mark
(b) Give two rights of family members.
i. _____________________________________
ii. _____________________________________ (2 marks)
(c) Explain two importance of observing human rights.
i. ____________________________________________________________
ii. ____________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
Study the map below showing OPEC member countries.

36(a) Name the OPEC member countries marked X and Y
X: ______________________________ (1 mark)

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Name of Candidate: ____________________________________EXAM #: ________

Y: ______________________________ (1 mark)
(b)State two aims of OPEC.
i. ______________________________________________________________
ii. ______________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(c) What do the following abbreviations stand for?
_______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
ii. OAU
_______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

Section C (35 Marks)

Bible Knowledge
37(a) Who was the father of Gideon?
__________________________________ (1 mark)
(b) From which clan did Gideon belong?
__________________________________ (1 mark)
(c) Why was Jephthah not liked by his brothers?
_____________________________________________________________________ (2 marks
38(a) Which lesson do you learn from the following miracles?
i.feeding of the five thousand people.
__________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
ii. Healing of Bartmaeus.
_________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(b) Why was Amnon murdered by Abisalom?
___________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(c) State two effects of conflicts in the community
i. _____________________________________________________________
ii. _____________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
39(a) Define the term ‘exodus’
_______________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(b) Explain the importance of the ten commandments of God.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(c) What type of wood was used to make the Ark of the Covenant?
_____________________________________________ (1 mark)

(d) What did the box ark of the covenant represent?

___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

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Name of Candidate: ____________________________________EXAM #: ________

40(a) Define the term ‘conflict resolution’

____________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(b) Which way of conflict resolution did Lot and Abraham use to settle their land dispute?
_________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(c) What was the evidence from the Bible to show that men and women are equal before
___________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
41(a) Mention two people who were forgiven in the Bible
i. ______________________________ ii. _____________________________ (2 marks)
(b) Why is it important for people to forgive each other?
___________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(c) Who helped Jesus in carrying the cross to Golgotha?
___________________________________ (1 mark)
42(a) What is the difference between work and leisure?
__________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(b) Explain one importance of leisure time.
___________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(c) State two things Herod did to Jesus after he found that, He did nothing wrong.
i. ________________________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(d) Give two groups of people who accompanied Judas Iscariot to arrest Jesus Christ.
i. ______________________________________________________
ii. _____________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(e) Define the term ‘trial’
___________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)


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Name of Candidate: ____________________________________EXAM #: ________

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