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u-so761 Register No,[ CI Tech Degree Examination Octaber 2019 Seventh Semester Chemical Enginooring ‘MCH'TT2 - PROCESS MODELING AND SIMULATION (Regulations 2014) Use of Process modeling data book is permitted ‘Time: Three hous Maximum: 100 marks Answer all Questions Part—A (10x2=20 marks) 1. A binary liguid mixture with 50 mole% of each component is in equilibrium with its (COLI ‘vapour at 400 K_ At this cemperature, the vapour pressure ofthe component] and 2 are 180 and 120 kPa respectively, Determine the vapour phase mole fraction of component 1 2 Montion any two applications of modeling and simulation in chemical process industries, (0012) 3. Consider a perfectly mixed tank in which water enters at 5m°/s and leaves at 2m/s, (O#*# ‘The area of the tank is Gm. The level of water at time, is found to be 25 m. Determine the evel of water a fine, t= 2 4. Consider a gas absorption proces, in which a 4 won ucous Ould fowe upward throvgh «small {" {lreulor tube and then downard in alaminar fw onthe oid ax shown brow. Cetelate tel y the mass rate of ow inthe film. fe Alig/ce sndy=4917.2 mPes. Take aR =1.6em andR=0.75 em. 5. A hollow cylindor with an outer diameter of 10 em and an inner diameter of 5 om has an 0283) finner surface temperature of 200°C and an outer surface temperature of 100°C Determine the temperature of the point halfway botween the inner and outer surfaces 6. closed vessel of total surface area of 50m? is heated through this surface by condensing ©! Sstcam at a temperature of 120°C. The vessel is charged with 2500 leg of liquid having a hhoat capacity of 4184 Jig K at a tomperature of 28°C. If the heat transfer cveticient is 150 W/m?K, find the temperature ofthe liquid after 1.5 h 7. Provide the physical significance of Kremser-Brown equation. (coax) 8. List the advantages of batch distillation process (cosas) 9. Consider a perfectly mixed batch reactor in which the following fist order, isothermal, (008K9] simultaneous reactions take plac; a—t4B; A—'4c. Write the component continuity equations for the above case, 10, Mention any four commercial simtlation software available {cosxa Pact ~B (6x 16= 80 marks) 11, a A leading industrialist wants to start a distillery unit that will consume the (16) (60148 molasses produced in his sugar industry. Tdontfy the objectives, key varisbles, provess parameters and build a model describing its various stages with Suitable Nowehart, 2. 1s. (on) 4) A.soap manufacturer wante to optimize the performance of CSTR, Identify (10) (Conk the appropriate type of model that suite the CSTR by deserting. the various types of mathematical models available 48) Explain about the principles and applications of 1) Blask box, 2) Gyberneties and 3) Grey box. ‘A cylindrical vod of diameter KR moves axially with velocity vp along the axis of 1 cylindrical cavity of radius R. The pressure at both ends ofthe caviy is the fame, so that the Mid moves through the annular region saloly because of the rod motion, 4}. ind the velocity distribution in the narrow annular region, 18) Find the mass rate of low through the annular region is) Obtain the viseous force acting on the rod over the length L. (OR) A fluid whose viscosity is to be measured ie placed in tho gap of thideness B between two diss of radiue B, One measures the torque T, required toturn the upper dise at an angular velocity ©, Develop the formule for dedusing the ‘istosity from these measurements. Assume creeping How ') Poatulate that for small values of ©, the velocity profiles have the form, Ve=V_=0 and vy =7(@); why does this farm for tho tangential velocity soem reasonable? Postulate further that P=P(r.2) and waite down the resulting simplified equations of continuity and motion, 13) From the @-component of the equation of motion, obtain a diffoential joquation for f2). Solve the equation for f{a) and evaluate the constants of Integration, Hence prove that Vq = Qr(¢/B). 8) Develop the model equations of @ double pipe heat exchanger wherein the resistance to heat tranafer from a condensing Suid to inner Muié can be represented by convective heat tranafer cooficients on both sides of the hheat transfer wall. Assume that resistance from wall is noglgable but the ‘wall has finite heat capacity 18) Develop a model fora backward feed triple effet evaporator that includes heat balance across each effect individually and a material balance over the ‘whole aystem, State the assumptions clearly and support your answer with 1 suitable process low diagram. (on) ‘A graphite electrode 0.1524 m in diameter passes through a furnace wall into a ‘water cooler. The length ofthe electrode between the outside ofthe furrace wall and its entry into the cooing jacket is 0.3048 m and aa safety precaution the lectrode is insulated thermally and electrically in this section, so that the outside surface temperature of tho insulation doos not exceed 48.89°C. If the lagging is of uniform thickness and the mean overall coefBicient of heat transfar from tho electrode to the currounding atmosphere is taken to be 1.701W (m?K of the surface ofthe elestrode and the tomperature ofthe electrode just outside the furnace is 1482.2°C, estimate the duty of the water cooler ifthe tomperature of the electrode at the enteance of the coolar f the temperature ofthe electrode may be assumed uniform at any erose-scction, the surrounding temperature is 2LIC, thermal conductivity of graphite is Kp=Ky-a, where Ko =152.86W/mK and a =0.561 © eons) (46) eoeKs) a6) ® ® a8) (cons) reanks) (oo0xs) {coax 2 u-s0761 1. Consider a feed that enters as a saturated liquid into a compartmontal ictilation column, Develop model equations for each compartment by clearly Stating the assumptions, Schematically represent the process (oR) Develop a model and obtain an expression forthe extraction of acetic acid in a Steady” state operation with vo stages. The input data are the streams Containing (enaene ‘acetic acid) and solvent (water). Each stage stil consists of treo tanks, a mixer and a setter, with counter-current flow through the stages, ‘Also deduce an expression for N stages. Soppose a mixture of gases i fed into the reactor, sketched in the figur below. ‘The reactor ia filled with reacting gases which are perfectly mixed. A reversible 2ASB Ps “The forward reaction is 1.5% order in A. The roverse reaction is 1° order in B. The mole fraction of reactant A in the reactor is y. The pressure inside the vessel is P (absolute), Both P and y can vary with timo. The volume oft rector Vis constant. The outflow will vary with pressure and the composition of the reactor, The flow hrough the control value can be expressed throagh the [P= formula: P= Cy P— Where Cy is the valve-sizing cocficiont. The density varies with pressure and composition: oo ME =fyMy «-yDta be Whore M: average molecular weight Mj: moleulae weight ofA M, :moleculae weight of B. Derive the model equation for the system and prove that the degree of freedom (or) (ag) oens, (ag) (064s) (4g) osx u-s0761 , Consider a CSTR as shown in figure below. Stream 1 ia a mixture of A and B with composition C4, and Cy) and has a volumetric fow rato F and a ‘temperature. Stream 2 is pure R. The reactions taking place are Reaction 1: A+ R24, Reaction 2: B+ 2R—B 5p, Both roactions are endothermic and have second order (reaction 1) and third order (reaction 2) kinetice. Heat is supplied co the reaction mixture by steam ‘which flows through s coil, immersed in the reactors content, with a heat fansfer area A. Develop a model forthe system, Identify the state variables and state equations, Show that degrees of freedom are zero. Ra fT a Cpe) fe, 8,Kgh 4 me (ag) rosa % o8 Biosaie | Remembering [Understanding | Spplving Grating exonoms Level |UD a) ‘a Ko) Percsatage S33 189 30.00 = u-sor61

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