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 Crisostomo Ibarra in disguise, presumed dead in Noli Me Tangere

 Ibarra returned as a wealthy jeweler Simoun
 His appearance described as being tanned, having a sparse beard, long white hair, and
large blue-tinted glass.
 He secretly plans to sow resentment among Filipino populace and instigate revolt against
spanish government

 He was the son eldest son of Sisa in Noli Me Tangere

 While in El Filibusterismo, he is an aspiring and so far successful physician on his last
year at university and was waiting for his license to be released upon his graduation.
 After his mother's death in the Noli, he applied as a servant in Capitán Tiago's household
in exchange for food, lodging, and being allowed to study.
 He is a quiet, contemplative man who is more aware of his immediate duties as a servant,
doctor, and member of the student association than he is of politics or patriotic endeavors.

 Basilio's friend. He is described as a poet, taller and more robust than Basilio although
 He is the nephew of Padre Florentino, but is also rumored to be his son with his old
sweetheart before priesthood.
 When Isagani allows himself to be arrested after their association is outlawed, Paulita
leaves him for Juanito Peláez.
 He sabotage the plan of simoun during the wedding of Juanito Pelaez and Paulita Gomez.

Father Florentino

 Isagani's uncle and a retired priest.

 He is described as white-haired, with a quiet, serene personality and a strong build.
 He did not smoke or drink. He was well respected by his peers, even by Spanish friars
and officials.

Father Fernandez

 A Dominican who was a friend of Isagani.

 He is a Dominican friar and professor in University of Santo Tomas. His favorite student
is Isagani and Isagani defends him whenever others begin to judge friars.
 He promised to Isagani that he and the other priests will give in to the students' demands.

Captain Tiago ( Don Santiago de los Santos)

 Maria Clara's step father

 He is the one that took Basilio making him his servant giving him food, shelter, and
opportunity to study.
 His health disintegrates gradually because of his frequent smoking of opium, which
Father Irene unscrupulously encourages despite Basilio's attempts to wean his guardian
off the addiction . Eventually, he died because Father Irene scared him about the revolt of
the Filipinos.

 The highest-ranking official in the Philippines during the Spanish colonial period.
 He is Simoun's friend and confidant, and is having an insatiable lust for gold.
 This unnamed character pretendsthat what he is doing is for the good of the Indios,the
local citizens of the country, but in reality, heprioritizes the needs of his fellow Spaniards
livingin the country.
Father Bernardo Salvi

 A Franciscan friar, the former parish priest of San Diego and now the director and
chaplain of the Santa Clara convent.
 The epilogue of Noli Me Tángere implies that Salví regularly rapes María Clara when he
is present at the convent. In El filibusterismo, he is described as her confessor. In spite of
reports of Ibarra's death, Salví believed that Ibarra is still alive and lived in constant fear
of his revenge.
Father Hernando de la Sibyla

 A Dominican friar introduced inNoli Me Tangere, now the vice- rector of the University
of Santo Tomas.
 He is described as a liberal friar who prefers reason.

Father Milon

 A Dominican friar who serves as the Physics professor of the University of Santo Tomas.
 He always becomes vindictive with Placido and always taunts him during class.


 A Chinese businessman who dreamedof being a consul for his country in thePhilippines.
 Simoun coerced Quiroga into hiding weapons inside the latter's warehouses in
preparation for the revolution.
Don Costudio (Custodio de Salazar y Sánchez de Monteredondo)

 famous "contractor" who was tasked by the Captain-General to develop the students
association's proposal for an academy for the teaching of Spanish, but was then also
under pressure from the priests to protect their prerogatives as monopolizers of
 He is quite an ordinary fellow who married a rich woman in order to be a member of
Manila's high society

 A columnist for the Manila Spanish newspaper El Grito de la Integridad.

 is said to have the looks of a friar, and believes that in Manila they think because he
 He is deeply patriotic, sometimes to the point of jingoism. As a journalist, he had no
qualms twisting details to make a story sound better than it actually was. Father Camorra
derisively calls him an ink-slinger.
Father Camorra

 The lustful parish priest of Tiani, San Diego's adjacent town who has longtime desires for
young women.
 He nearly raped Juli causing the latter to commit suicide.
 For his misbehavior he was "detained" in his order's luxurious riverside villa just outside
Father Irene

 Captain Tiago's spiritual adviser.

 He helped the students to establish the Academia de Castellano after being convinced by
giving him a chestnut.
 He secretly but regularly supplies Capitán Tiago with opium while exhorting Basilio to
do his duty.
 He embellished stories of panic following the outlawing of the student association Basilio
was part of, hastening Capitán Tiago's death. With Basilio in prison, he then removed
Basilio out of Tiago's last will and testament, ensuring he inherited nothing.
Placido Penitente

 A student of the University of Santo Tomas who had a distaste for study and would have
left school if it were not for his mother's pleas for him to stay.
 He also controls his temper against Padre Millon, his physics teacher. During his High
School days, he was an honor student hailing from Batangas.
Paulita Gomez

 The girlfriend of Isagani and niece of Doña Victorina, the old Indio who passes herself
off as a Peninsular, who is the wife of the quack doctor Tiburcio de Espadaña.
 In the end, she and Isagani part ways, Paulita believing she will have no future if she
marries him. She eventually marries Juanito Peláez.

Kabesang Tales (Telesforo Juan de Dios)

 A former cabeza de barangay of Barrio Sagpang in Tiani.

 He was a sugarcane planter who cleared lands he thought belonged to no one.
 He later joined the bandits and became one of their fiercest commanders.

Tandang Selo

 father of Kabesang Tales and grandfather of Tano and Juli.

 He was later seen with the bandits and was killed in an encounter with the Guardia Civil
– ironically by the gun of the troops' sharpshooter Tano, his grandson.
Juli (Juliano de Dios)

 The girlfriend of Basilio and the youngest daughter of Kabesang Tales.

 She petitioned Hermana Penchang to pay for his ransom. In exchange, she had to work as
Penchang's maid.
 When Camorra tried to rape her, Juli jumped to her death from the church's tower.


 Kabesang Tales son

 He was nicknamed "Carolino" after returning from Guardia Civil training in the
Hermana Penchang

 the one among the "rich folks" of Tiani who lent Juli money to ransom Kabesang Tales
from the bandits. In return, Juli will serve as her maid until the money was paid off.
Hermana Báli

 Juli's mother-figure and counselor. She accompanied Juli in her efforts to secure
Kabesang Tales' ransom and later on Basilio's release. Báli was a panguinguera – a
gambler – who once performed religious services in a Manila convent.

 the leader. He is described as wealthy, with his own coach, driver, and set of horses.


 a Peninsular who had come to Manila as a government employee and was finishing his

 described as chubby, pessimistic, and having an annoying grin. He is Sandoval's regular

foil when Sandoval launches into any kind of patriotic, optimistic speech.

 a truant and charlatan who regularly dreamed of an eternal "holiday" from school, but
was all the same beloved by professors and passed courses.
Juanito Peláez

 Isagani's rival for Paulita Gómez's affection. He was the son of a Timoteo Peláez, a
metalworks trader. They belong to the noble Spanish ancestry.
 He was a favorite of his professors.
 After failing in his grades, he became Paulita's new boyfriend and they eventually wed.

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