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Sexologies.book Page 102 Mercredi, 2.

avril 2008 4:36 16

S102 Topic 7: Pharmacology

Material and Methods: 86 patients with BPH and co-mor- T07-O-05

bidity chronic prostatitis were enrolled in study. Control
group (39 patients) received Tamsulosin during 3 months and Finasteride 5 mg and sexual side effects.
doxiciclinum for 10 days. Experience group (47 patients) How many of these are related to a nocebo
received also laser therapy. Efficiency was assessed using I- phenomenon?
PSS, uroflowmetry, prostate secretion analysis and bacteri-
ological tests. The first examination was before the treat- N. Mondaini1, P. Gontero2, E. Sarti1, G. Giubilei1, T. Cai1, A.
ment, and the final estimation was in 3 months. Gavazzi1, E. Meliani1, M. Pallanti3, V. Boncinelli3, R.
Results: In control group symptom scores reduced by 38% Bartoletti1. 1UO Urology, S Maria Annunziata Hospital,
and flow rates improved by 24%. In experience group University of Florence, Florence, Italy; 2Department of
improvement in symptom score and flow rates was 54% and Urology, University of Torino, Torino, Italy; 3Clinical
32% accordingly. In control group 58% patients had signs of Psicology, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
prostate inflammation, growth of microbial flora and there
were only 16% such patients in experience group. No adverse Introduction: Sexual adverse experiences such as erectile dys-
effects were marked. function, loss of libido, and ejaculation disorders have been
consistent side effects of Finasteride in a maximum percent-
Conclusions: Simultaneous application of laser therapy,
age of 15% after one year of therapy as reported in the PLESS-
doxiciclinum and Tamsulosin in patients with co-morbidity
Study.Such data could be seen as far from reality, if compared
BPH and prostatitis resulted in cumulation of antibacterial
to a higher percentage that may be found in any common clin-
in a prostate tissue, removal of spasm, facilitation of outflow
ical practice.This study wishes to explain the dichotomy
of a prostate secret and an inflammatory exudate, cupping between literature's data and clinical practice data.
of dysuria. All the I-PSS scores decreased significantly during Materials and methods: 120 patients with diagnosis of
the treatment. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (prostate volume >40 ml), age
ranging between 45 and 65, sexually active (IIEF question-
nairie > 25) in a stable relationship for at least 6 months; tes-
T07-O-04 tosterone level in the normal range; never on previous BPH
medication were randomized to receive finasteride 5 mg per
Sildenafil for erectile dysfunction in Spinal day for one year with (group 2) or without (group 1) counsel-
ling on the drug sexual side effect.The phrase used to inform
Cord Injury (SCI) patients group 2 patients was "….it may cause erectile dysfunction,
decreased libido, problems of ejaculation but these are
M. Marzotto Caotorta, D. Molho, C. Martina, A. Tagliabue, uncommon ".The estimation of side effect was conducted at
S. Sandri. Spinal cord Unit and Urology division - Magenta 6 months and 12 months with MSF 4 Questionarie and the
Hospital Magenta, MI, Italy information reported by patients diary.
Results: Data are referred to 107 patients who completed
Objectives: To provide a comprehensive insight into sexu- the study.Group 2 patients (N= 55) reported a significant
ality after spinal cord injury, the patients received a ques- higher proportion of sexual side effects as compared to
tionnaire to assess their sexual activities, abilities, desires, group 1 (N °=52) (43.6 vs 15.3%).The incidence of erectile
satisfaction and sexual adjustment before and after injury. dysfunction; decrease libido.; ejaculation disorders were
Relationship to partner, social life, bladder management 9.6%, 7.7%,5.7% for group 1 and 30,9%; 23,6%; 16,3% for
and physical well-being had a significant impact on quality group 2 respectively.
of life. Conclusions: In the current study Finasteride showed a
Methods: We studied 34 pts. with the following spinal significantly higher proportion of sexual dysfunction in
cord lesions: 6 cervical lesions; 6 upper thoracic lesions; 17 patients informed on side effects (group 2) as compared to
thoraco-lumbar (D11-L2), 4 lower thoracic, sacral or cauda those in which information on side effects was blinded
equina lesions; 1 transverse myelitis; 1 multiple sclerosis; (group 1) (p=0,03). A scenario similar to group 2 of the cur-
23(67%) pts. with complete lesions and 11 (33%) with incom- rent study is likely to occur in clinical practice, where the
plete lesions. The average is 41 ys. (range: 25-54 ys.) patient has access to the drug information sheet. The burden
Results: The median f-up was 5 months (range 1-11) in 27 of this nocebo effect has to be taken into account when man-
pts. with this results: 13 are very satisfied; 5 with partial aging finasteride sexual side effects.
response; 9 were unsatisfied unable to have a sexual inter-
course. 19 pts. choose the 100 mg dose to have the best
response; side effects were reported only in 3 cases: 3 pts. T07-O-06
respectively with cephalalgia, severe hypotension and dys-
reflessia, interrupted the therapy. The benefit of testosterone administration to
Conclusions: In the upper motoneuron lesions (LMNS) we men not responding to PDE-5 inhibitors: state
had positive and negative response respectively in 77% and of the art
23%. of the cases, but in the lower motoneuron lesions (LMNI)
the results were positive and negative respectively in 44% A. Yassin1, F. Saad2. 1GUlF Medical College, Ajman/Uae &
and 56% of the pts. Segeberger Kliniken, Norderstedt, Germany; 2Gulf Medical

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