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4 Main

Religions in
the world
01. Hinduism
South Asia - Sindhu River, 3
millennium BC
Temples: Varanasi, Ganges river
Cow, Elephant, Tulsi plant
Learn about duty, karma,
reincarnation, liberation
Spread in SEA through trading,
immigrants and missionaries,
influence mainly in Indo and Malay
Sanskrit language, believe in caste
02. Confucianism
China, 6th - 5th BC
Temples dedicated to Confucius
Shui character, Yinyang, Ren, Li,
Scholar symbol
Emphasize on social harmony, filial
piety, respect for authority
Spread in SEA gradually through
culture influenced (in VN and SG)
Pagodas, Han characters, emphasis
on nature and symbolism, honoring
03. Buddhism
India, 6th century BC - present
Temples: Bodh Gaya, Sarnath
The Bohdi tree, Lotus flower, Eightfold
Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, Five
percepts of life
Spread in SEA through trading and
Pagodas and temples, Buddhist
statues, mandalas
Non-violence, compassion, mediation
04. Islam
Macca - Arabian Peninsula, 7th cent AD
Macca, Medina, Jerusalem
Quran, submission to Allah, five pillars
of Islam
Spread in SEA through trading and
ruling class of ancient empire
Mosques, minarets, Arabic script
Monotheism, community, charity

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