Introduction To The SU-25 2

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The design and performance of the Sukhoi Su-25, often dubbed the "Grach" or "Frogfoot" by

NATO, epitomize the pinnacle of ground-attack aircraft engineering. Crafted with meticulous
attention to detail and honed through years of operational experience, the Su-25 stands as a
testament to Sukhoi's expertise in producing robust and effective combat aircraft.

At the heart of the Su-25's design philosophy lies a balance between survivability, agility, and
lethality. The aircraft's rugged airframe is constructed from high-strength aluminum alloys
and reinforced with titanium armor plating, providing protection for critical systems and crew
members against enemy fire. The cockpit is positioned forward on the fuselage to afford the
pilot excellent visibility of the battlefield, essential for acquiring and engaging ground targets
with precision.
Aerodynamically, the Su-25 features a conventional layout with straight wings and twin
engines mounted on the rear fuselage. The wings incorporate leading-edge root extensions
(LERX) and prominent wing fences, which enhance low-speed handling characteristics and
improve the aircraft's stability during high-alpha maneuvers. These design elements
contribute to the Su-25's exceptional maneuverability, allowing it to operate effectively at
low altitudes and in close proximity to ground targets.

The Su-25 is powered by two Tumansky R-195 turbojet engines, each capable of producing
over 40 kilonewtons of thrust. This powerplant provides the Su-25 with impressive
performance capabilities, including a maximum speed of approximately 975 kilometers per
hour and a combat radius exceeding 750 kilometers. The aircraft's high thrust-to-weight ratio
enables rapid acceleration and responsive handling, essential for evading enemy defenses and
conducting effective attack runs.

In terms of armament, the Su-25 is equipped with a formidable array of weapons tailored for
ground-attack missions. Its primary armament is the Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-2 30mm
autocannon, capable of delivering devastating firepower against armored vehicles,
fortifications, and soft targets. Additionally, the Su-25 can carry a variety of air-to-ground
missiles, including the Kh-25 and Kh-29 guided missiles, as well as unguided rockets and
bombs. This diverse armament allows the Su-25 to engage a wide range of ground targets
with precision and lethality.

The Su-25's performance capabilities have been tested and proven in numerous conflicts
around the world. From the rugged mountains of Afghanistan to the urban sprawl of Syria,
Su-25 pilots have demonstrated their ability to operate effectively in diverse environments
and under challenging conditions. The aircraft's rugged design, coupled with its powerful
engines and versatile weapon systems, make it a formidable asset for ground forces in need of
close air support and battlefield interdiction.

In conclusion, the Sukhoi Su-25's design and performance characteristics make it a

formidable force on the modern battlefield. With its rugged construction, agile
maneuverability, and potent armament, the Su-25 excels in the role of close air support,
providing essential fire support to ground troops and conducting precision strikes against
enemy targets. As conflicts continue to evolve, the Su-25 remains a vital asset for militaries
seeking reliable and effective ground-attack capabilities.

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