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-made by scrap fabric

-all-time favorite toy
-The doll's face was hand-stitched with a radiant smile, and its eyes were two
shiny black buttons
-I remember having many toys in my childhood and in different stages of my
childhood I preferred different toys. But among them, there was a very special
one to me and I played with this special toy for more than 3-4 years as I recall
- had longed for many years : khao khát
-Be reminiscent of /ˌrem.ɪˈnɪs.ənt/ : gợi nhớ về điều gì đó
+This toy is really reminiscent of my happy childhood.
-Pester(v) /ˈpes.tər/: làm nũng, mè nheo
-I was totally on cloud nine
-Every single time I came across the toy store, my eyes were always on that
doll because she was extremely lovely with long hair and a cute face. However,
I thought that the doll cost an arm and a leg so I did not ask my parents to buy
-stood by me: bên cạnh
-raise me up:
-cheer me up
-felt down

- To reminisce(v) about something

-I was elated(a) vui sướng to receive that gift and carried it whenever I went,
and even to my bed. I have been regarding him as my close friend.
-precious(a) : quí giá
-golden phase
-my family had bestowed(v): tặng me with a plethora of toys
-There, I saw a Barbie doll, which looked attractive and enigmatic(a): bí ẩn. I
was fascinated with her clothes, shoes, hair, and everything else.
-Identical to: [adjective] exactly the same as someone or something else.
Eg: Although it is not identical to the one I used to want at the toy store, I
know it is a testament to my grandmother’s love and care.
Eg: His sports bag is identical to mine, and as a result one day I took his bag by
-Everything about my toys makes me nostalgic.
- heavy traffic: a lot of vehicles on the road
-queue – a line of people or vehicles waiting for something
Eg: There were so many people heading into town for the sales that I had
to queue for the car park.
- roadworks – building or repair work on a road
Eg: The roadworks were causing long delays for people travelling to work.
- speed camera – camera set up by a road to photograph cars exceeding the
speed limit
- bus---> is very affordable and it saves money on gas and from the
hassle(n)=difficulty, trouble of driving in traffic
- I often commute from my house to the office, which is approximately 5kms
away, using the bus. I believe that travelling in a roadworthy vehicle driven by
a licensed and well-trained driver seems like a good idea all around instead of
worrying about driving distractions.
-Reasons: + complete my pending(a)= about to happen or waiting to happen
+ get to meet new people from around the city. These meetings will mature into
long-lasting friendships at a later point in time.
+ Besides the low cost and convenience, buses contribute to less pollution.Most
importantly, buses are a safer mode of transport as most accidents occur due
to the negligence (c2) =failure to take proper care over something. of an
individual’s careless driving.

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