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KOFI SENALOR. 2211220062








This project is presented as part of the requirements for a BSc in Information

Technology awarded by Ghana Technology University College. We hereby declare that this
project is entirely the result of hard work, research, and inquires. I am confident that this
project work is not copied from any other person. All sources of information have however
been acknowledged with due respect.

STUDENT NAME: KOFI SENALOR SIGNATURE: ............................

STUDENT ID: 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 0 6 2 DATE: ........................................


STUDENT ID: 2 2 1 1 2 2 0 0 3 9 DATE: ........................................

STUDENT NAME: SEMEY ATSU KEKELI. SIGNATURE: .............................

STUDENT ID: 0 4 0 9 1 9 4 6 1 DATE: ...........................................

SUPERVISOR: DR ELI FIANU SIGNATURE: .............................


DATE: ………………………..

First and foremost, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to our
supervisor, Dr. Eli Fianu, for their invaluable support throughout this project. Their guidance,
knowledge, and encouragement have played a crucial role in our success. We are truly
grateful for their mentorship.
Furthermore, we would like to express our gratitude to God for His blessings and
guidance, which have been a constant source of inspiration and strength.
We would also like to acknowledge the significant contribution of our esteemed
colleague during the implementation stage. Their support and encouragement have been
greatly appreciated.
Lastly, we would like to convey our profound gratitude to our parents for their
unwavering support throughout our academic journey and this project. Their love and
dedication have been instrumental in our accomplishments.


Title Page
Declaration i
Acknowledgment ii
Table of contents iii
List of tables vi
List of figures vi
Abstract vii
Chapter One: Introduction 1
1.1 Background to Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Aim & Objectives 3
1.4 Significance of the Study 4
1.5 Organization of the Study 4

Chapter Two: Literature Review 5

2.1 1Introduction and Overview of Patient Data Management Systems 5
2.2 The Role of Data Sources inPatient Data Management Systems 5
2.3 Emerging Technologies in Patient Data Management Systems 6
2.3.1 Internet of Things 7
2.3.2 Blockchain 7
2.3.3 Mobile Phone 8
2.4 Types of Patient Data Management System 8
2.4.1 Electronic Health Records 9
2.4.2 Personal Health Records 9
2.5 Key Concepts of Security in Patient Data Management System 10
2.5.1 Confidentiality 10
2.5.2 Integrity 11
2.5.3 Availability 11
2.6 Related work 12
2.7 Challenges in Implementing Patient Data Management System 12
2.8 Summary of Literature Review 13

Chapter Three: Methodology, System Specification and Design 15
3.1 Overview 15
3.2 Choice of System Development Method 15
3.2.1 Feature Driven Development 15
3.3 System Analysis 17
3.3.1 Requirement Capturing Techniques 17 Functional Requirements 18 Non-Functional Requirements 18
3.4 Target Computer System Requirements 19
3.5 System Design 19
3.5.1 Use case diagram 20
3.5.2 Data flow diagram 22
3.5.3 Sequence diagram 23
3.5.4 Database diagram 24
3.6 System Architecture 25
3.7 Conclusion 25

Chapter Four: System Implementation 26

4.1 Introduction 26
4.2 Implementation challenges 26
4.3 Web application technologies 26
4.3.1 HTML 27
4.3.2 CSS 27
4.3.3 MYSQL 27
4.3.4 PHP 27
4.4 Interface Snapshots 28
4.5 Testing 28
4.5.1 Testing 30
4.5.2 Testing plan 30
4.5.3 Test cases 30

Appendix A: Installation guide and System Requirements 41
Appendix B: Sample Codes 46


Table 3.1: Target computer system requirement 19

Table 3.2: Users of the system and their roles 20
Table 4.1: Testing plan 31
Table 4.2: Test case – Login01 32
Table 4.3: Test case – User01 32
Table 4.4: Test case – RemoveUser02 33
Table 4.5: Test case – Edit01 34


Figure 3.1:FDD diagram 16

Figure 3.2: Admin use case diagram 20
Figure 3.3: Doctor’s use case diagram 21
Figure 3.4: Pharmacy use case diagram 21
Figure 3.5: OPD use case diagram 21
Figure 3.6: Receptionist use case diagram 22
Figure 3.7: Data flow diagram 22
Figure 3.8: Sequence diagram 23
Figure 3.9: Database diagram 24
Figure 3.10: System architecture diagram 25
Figure 4.1: Homepage 28
Figure 4.2: Login page 29
Figure 4.3: Admin dashboard 29
Figure 4.4: Manage Doctor’s Account 30
Figure 4.5: List of Doctor’s Account 30
Figure A.1: XAMPP download interface 41
Figure A.2: Start Apache and MySQL services 42
Figure A.3: Accessing localhost in web 42
Figure A.4: Creating a new database 43
Figure A.5:Importing SQL file 43
Figure A.6: Moving file to htdocs folder 44

This project aims to develop a computerized patient data management system that
efficiently stores and manages patient information, including medical history, test results, and
treatment plans. The system will feature an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing
healthcare professionals to easily access and update patient data. Additionally, a patient portal
is implemented, enabling patients to conveniently view their records and track their health
progress over time. The primary aim is to develop an efficient patient data management
system for healthcare professionals. The system is developed using Feature Driven
Development methodology and utilizes various development tools including HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, and PHP. This project aims to create an efficient and user-friendly patient data
management system for healthcare professionals. The system allows for seamless storage,
retrieval, and management of patient information, enhancing the overall healthcare
administration process.



1.1 Background to Study

Health records are essential to health service delivery because they document important
information about a patient's health, including their medical history, diagnoses, medications,
and treatment plans. Health records help healthcare providers to make informed decisions
about patient care, by providing a comprehensive picture of the patient's health and medical
needs (Charles and Ricky, 2016). Weeks and Duncombe (2005) argue that developing
countries have limited access to modern information and communication technology (ICT),
which creates a digital divide between developed and developing countries. This divide is
caused by a lack of infrastructure, high costs, and low levels of digital literacy.
Matthew (2023) emphasizes that record-keeping is a critical aspect of any industry, and
healthcare is no exception. Keeping the personal health information of clients is a crucial part
of healthcare that requires the best attention and security.
Chris (2023) explains that a patient data management system is a software application
that is designed to help healthcare organizations manage and store patient electronic medical
records securely and efficiently. The system is designed to ensure that patient data is
accurate, up-to-date, and easily accessible to healthcare providers. According to the World
Health Organization (2012), patient information systems can track individual health problems
and treatment over time, giving insight into optimal diagnosis and treatment of the individual
as well as improving the delivery of services.
Medical records, as defined for this narrative, document a patient's health history,
clinical symptoms and signs, diagnostic and treatment procedures, medications and
justification for their use, and follow-up continuity. The exact time when medical records
first appeared in the ancient world remains unknown, despite research conducted by
historians, archeologists, and physicians (Lorkowski and Pokorski, 2022). According to
Lorkowski and Porkorski (2022), during ancient times, civilizations functioned independently
from one another, so medical records differed accordingly. The primary purpose of records
was determined by administrative organs, almost always connected to the Church. Lists of
patients admitted and released from hospitals were kept in religious institutions and are
considered the first examples of medical data archiving in Europe.

The advancement in innovative medical technology and global warming has led to an
increase in the amount of medical data generated. This increase in medical data has made
traditional patient data management systems like paper-based records and cabinets obsolete
(Ibrahim et al, 2018).
Patient data management systems have become increasingly important in healthcare
systems around the world. They can store and analyze large amounts of medical data securely
and efficiently, improving the delivery of services and patient outcomes ( World Health
Organization, 2012).
The use of paper is still prevalent for managing individual patient information at the
national level, some countries have started to collect individual patient information to build
longitudinal medical records. The United Kingdom has adopted a national system, while
several European countries, such as Denmark, France, and Germany, make extensive use of
electronic health records (World Health Organization, 2012).
Charles and Ricky (2019) stated that a research team in Pakistan has shown that 50%
of patients were unlikely to receive timely care in selected hospitals due to the inability to
retrieve their records within an hour.
According to Eric et al (2019), in many developing countries, appropriate and well-
functioning Health Information Systems (HISs) are either not available or fail to scale or be
sustained. This can lead to challenges in healthcare delivery, such as inefficient use of
resources, lack of access to medical care, and poor health outcomes. Dillys (2018) points out
that West African countries do not have access to readily available and current healthcare
information systems, which hinders their ability to provide proper and efficient healthcare. In
Nigerian hospitals, physicians are unable to trace the medical history of their patients due to
the absence of electronic patient records (Dillys, 2018).
In Sierra Leone, as in many other countries, healthcare is faced with a growing demand
for medical treatment and services. It is essential that medical records appropriately capture
all of the patient’s medical history to ensure proper treatment and care (Ibrahim et al, 2018).
Dillys (2018) confirms that in Ghana, most district government hospitals still use paper-
based systems in the delivery of healthcare to their clients due to the absence of electronic
health systems. This means that physicians and healthcare providers in these hospitals do not
have access to electronic patient records, which can lead to difficulties in tracing the medical
history of their patients.
Research conducted by Matthew (2023) shows that a scientific study was done in four
premier Ghanaian hospitals, namely Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH), Korle-Bu
Teaching Hospital (KBTH), Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH) and Effia Nkwanta Regional
Hospital (ENRH). The study revealed that KATH and Asamankese Government Hospital
were partly ready and had an EHR system in place, whereas the other hospitals either had no
EHR system, were not ready for it, or were in the process of applying it.
This project will involve the design and implementation of a computerized patient data
management system that will be able to store, locate, retrieve, and manage patient
information, including medical history, diagnoses, test results, and treatment plans. The
system will ensure that patient information is accurate, up-to-date, and easily accessible to
healthcare providers. The system will also provide patients with secure access to their
medical records, allowing them to view their health information. The patient data
management system will improve the quality of care and patient outcomes by enabling
healthcare providers to make informed decisions about patient care and treatment.

1.2 Problem of Statement

Some hospitals in Ghana are taking steps to implement electronic patient records or
health information systems. However, the problem remains that many hospitals in Ghana still
do not have a patient data management system in place. Keeping patient records on paper can
be a time-consuming and inefficient process, and it can also increase the risk of errors and
loss of patient information.
One example of a patient data management system in Ghana is the Ghana Health
Services District Health Information Management System. This system is an electronic health
management information system that collects, manages, and analyzes health data from all
public health facilities in Ghana. It is also used to capture patient data, track disease
outbreaks, and monitor public health indicators. The lack of patient access to their health
records in DHIMS is an important gap that needs to be addressed.

1.3 Aims and Objectives

This project aims to design and implement a computerized patient data management
system. It will be able to achieve the following objectives:
 To design a system that can store and manage patient information, including medical
history, test results, and treatment plans.
 To design an intuitive and user-friendly interface for healthcare professionals to access
and update patient data.

 To test the module to ensure that it accurately displays patient information and updates in
 To implement a portal that patients can use to view their records and track their health
progress over time.

1.4 Significance of Study

This study is significant because it addresses a critical gap in patient care by
providing patients with direct access to their health records. By allowing patients to view
their medical history, test results, and treatment plans through a secure and easy-to-use
patient portal or personal health record system, patients can become more engaged in their
health care. This can lead to improved health outcomes, as patients who are more engaged in
their care tend to be more proactive about managing their health and adhering to treatment
Additionally, providing patients with access to their health information can improve
communication between patients and their healthcare providers, leading to more informed
decision-making and better overall care.

1.5 Organization of the Study

This study is organized into five chapters. Chapter one consists of the general
introduction which includes; the background of the study, a statement of the problem, aims
and objectives, the significance of the study, and the organization of the study. Chapter two is
the literature review which demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the academic
literature on a specific topic placed in context. Chapter three is the system specification
which includes the system requirements, system architecture, user interface design, and use
cases. Chapter four is the system implementation defines how the information system should
be built and also ensures that the system is operational and meets the quality standard.
Chapter five will contain a summary of findings, a discussion of findings based on the themes
from the conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions for further research.



2.1 Introduction and Overview of Patient Data Management Systems

The integration of Information Technology in healthcare has enabled healthcare
facilities to connect and share patient data, leading to more effective healthcare management.
Patient data management systems, such as EHRs, have made it easier for healthcare providers
to access and share patient information, which can enhance the accuracy and completeness of
patient records (IFHIMA, 2019). Abdul and Fuseini (2020) state that Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) presents several opportunities for improving the
performance of health systems in developing countries. ICT has become a major
transformational part of enhanced healthcare, especially in the aspect of patient safety, quality
of care, and reduction of medical errors.
Electronic Health Records (EHR) are being increasingly adopted in developing
countries to share patient information, improve processes, and optimize patient outcomes
(Abdul and Fuseini 2020). According to Abdul and Fuseini (2020), before 2010, the only
form of electronic health management platform in Ghana was the District Health Information
Management System (DHIMS). Emmanuel (2012) notes that DHIMS was mainly used in
tracking key performance indicators by middle-level health managers, and it was not
available within hospital units for clinical care.
In this section of the literature review, we will cover various types of patient data
management systems, the advantages, and disadvantages of patient data management
systems, challenges related to implementing the system, issues surrounding security and
privacy in patient data management systems, and emerging technologies in patient data
management systems.

2.2 The Role of Data Sources in Enhancing Patient Data Management Systems
Data sources refer to the various types of data that are collected and stored in a
particular system or database (Anna, 2023). In the context of patient data management
systems, data sources typically include electronic health records (EHRs), medical imaging
data, laboratory test results, patient-generated health data (PGHD), and other types of clinical
and administrative data
Electronic medical records (EMRs), which are sometimes referred to as electronic
health records (EHRs), are a major source of clinical data in patient data management

systems. Although there are subtle differences between EMRs and EHRs, both types of
records contain important information about a patient's health history, including diagnoses,
medications, allergies, and other clinical data (Pieter et al, 2019). According to Ajami (2013),
electronic medical records (EMRs) have been described as an important tool to reduce
medical errors and improve information sharing among physicians. According to Pieter et al
(2019), electronic medical records (EMRs) contain various sources of data that are relevant to
data science. These data sources include laboratory values (tabular data), medical imaging
(audiovisual data), and physicians' written notes (semi-structured or free text). By integrating
information from multiple sources, EMRs provide a more complete picture of a patient's
health status and can help healthcare providers make informed decisions about patient care.
A laboratory information system (LIS) is a software system that is another source of
Patient data management system that is designed to manage laboratory workflows and data,
including patient samples, test orders, and test results. One of the primary functions of LIS is
to manage the process of sending laboratory test orders to lab instruments, tracking those
orders, and recording the results in a searchable database (Association of Public Health
Laboratories 2018 and Kyle et al, 2020). Laboratory information systems (LIS) are
particularly useful in public health institutions, such as hospitals and clinics, where there is a
high volume of laboratory data that needs to be managed and analyzed (Park et al, 2012).
Radiology information systems (RIS) were introduced earlier than electronic medical
records (EMRs) and were designed to support the efficient ordering and scheduling of
radiology procedures. RIS was later integrated with picture archiving and communication
systems (PACS) to improve workflow efficiency in radiology departments (Nance et al,
2013). Radiology generates a large volume of medical images, such as X-rays, CT scans, and
MRIs, which can be used to diagnose and treat patients.

2.3 Emerging Technologies in Patient Data Management Systems

The important role, influence, and impact of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) in all sectors of our society have long been recognized. In healthcare, ICT
has transformed the way that patient data is collected, managed, and analyzed, enabling
healthcare providers to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs (Emmanuel, 2012 and
Frimpong, 2023). Our group's perspective is that the emergence of new technologies, such as
artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT),
and mobile apps, promises to further transform the healthcare sector and enable more
personalized and effective patient care.

2.3.1 The Internet of Things
IoT is a network of interconnected objects that are often intelligent, and these objects
can communicate with each other and share data via the Internet (Jordi, 2017; Rachida et al,
2022; Musa et al, 2020). Irina et al. (2020) note that in the medical sector, IoT is typically
referred to as IoMT, which has revolutionized the healthcare industry with the development
of remote healthcare systems that offer social benefits, improved perception, and effective
disease diagnosis. Combining IoT with Machine Learning (ML) enhances the effectiveness of
health monitoring systems, with pre-programmed medical solutions being used before human
intervention (Irina, 2020 )
Wearable internet of things (WIoT) is increasingly being used in the healthcare system
to monitor and analyze patients' health. WIoT devices, such as fitness trackers, smartwatches,
and other wearables, can collect a wide range of data on a patient's vital signs, physical
activity, and other health metrics ( Paul Singh and Pethuru, 2017 ). Iman et al. (2018) suggest
that IoT-based applications are expanding the boundaries of healthcare beyond traditional
The infrastructure of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) involves various types of
communication technologies and online networks, as described by Rachida et al. (2022).
These technologies include sensors, wireless communication protocols, and cloud computing
systems, which enable the collection, transmission, and analysis of medical data from various
sources. Rayat and Pathan (2018) explain that invasive and non-invasive devices can collect
patient information, reducing the time for doctors to engage with the patient's diagnosis and
frequency of hospital visits. When these devices collect sufficient patient information, they
can help doctors make more accurate diagnoses and develop personalized treatment plans.

2.3.2 Blockchain
Blockchain is a technology designed to ensure transparency and accountability in the
management of electronic data. Blockchain technology can be used in the health sector to
ensure transparent and immutable record keeping for various transactions, such as purchasing
and shipping of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, and tracking personnel permissions
and access to facilities, medical records, or other health data (OECD, 2020).
According to Abid et al (2021), blockchain technology can ensure the confidentiality of
patient records and provide a secure and tamper-proof way to store medical history that
cannot be modified retroactively. This makes blockchain a promising technology for
managing sensitive health data and ensuring patient privacy.
Shangping et al (2019) found that sharing personal health records on the cloud server
can result in tampered or partially qualified encrypted records being returned to users,
potentially misleading doctors, research institutions, or other patients into making false
judgments that may endanger lives. As noted by Shangping et al (2019), the emergence of
blockchain technology provides a new way to address the challenges of key management and
distribution. By using blockchain for these purposes, key management and distribution can be
made easier and more secure, which can help ensure the privacy and security of sensitive
health data.
Azaria et al (2016) developed a novel medical data management system that utilizes
blockchain technology to enable patients to easily access their medical information across
multiple providers and medical sites. According to Saeed (2021), the global market for
blockchain technology has been expanding steadily since 2016.

2.3.3 Mobile Phone

Pieter (2019) notes that mobile apps are a crucial tool for many telemonitoring
applications, enabling the measurement of health-related data independently of time and
location. By leveraging the capabilities of modern smartphones, these apps can capture
various types of data and transmit them directly to a remote server using built-in wireless
communication channels (Pieter, 2019). Sinead (2017) highlights the potential of mobile
phones to collect real-time data more efficiently and interactively than other data collection
According to Frederic et al (2017), a survey found that up to 96% of physicians use
smartphones as their primary device for clinical communications. This highlights the
widespread adoption of mobile technology in the healthcare industry and its potential to
transform the way healthcare professionals work. Sajeetha (2016) proposed a Smart Phone
Based Patient Healthcare Management System that enables patients to store and display daily
test results, track their diet and medication intake, and receive feedback from their doctor.
The system also includes notifications for drug intake times and next appointment details.
Patients can monitor their wellness using graphs generated by the system.

2.4 Types of Patient Data Management System

According to Leila et al (2020), Patient data management systems have transformed the
healthcare industry. By providing healthcare professionals with access to comprehensive and
up-to-date patient data, these systems have the potential to improve healthcare outcomes and

enhance patient care. In this section essay, we will explore four key types of patient data
management systems: Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Personal Health Records (PHRs),
Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), and Clinical Data Warehouses (CDWs).

2.41 Electronic Health Records

An Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, also known as a shared health record or
summary care record, is a type of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) that enables multiple
healthcare providers to access a patient's medical history. EHRs are designed to provide
shared access to many healthcare providers in a jurisdiction, which can improve the
coordination of care and lead to better healthcare outcomes. (Williams and Jahnke, 2010).
According to Williams and Jahnke (2010), EHR systems are typically complete,
integrating information from all healthcare providers that treat the individual; life-long,
storing information throughout an individual's life; accessible, available to a variety of
professionals in various geographical areas; and secure, protected against unauthorized
The e-health system, according to the Ministry of Health of Ghana (n.d.), includes an
enhanced physical infrastructure and facilities that enable the Centre for Health Information
Management and the Disease Surveillance Unit of the Health Service to perform
comprehensive surveillance functions for the country.

2.4.2 Personal Health Records

A Personal Health Record (PHR) is a type of health record that is controlled by a
healthcare consumer, rather than by a healthcare provider (Williams and Jahnke, 2010).
Shenkin and Warner (1973) indicate that the idea of patient health records (PHRs) emerged in
the early 1970s. Unlike EMRs and EHRs, patients have control over the data that is included
in their Personal Health Record (PHR) and who is authorized to access it. According to Alex
et al. (2017), with a PHR, patients have the option to share their health data with healthcare
providers or keep it private.
Alex et al. (2017) note that PHRs have also emerged as a mechanism for patients to
schedule appointments with their healthcare providers. Horan et al. (2010) note that while
PHR can refer to records in any format, they are typically implemented electronically and
accessible through mobile devices. This allows patients to self-monitor and manage their
health conditions. Lina et al. (2017) note that PHRs are an extension of traditional electronic
health records (EHRs) that create a patient-centric platform supporting the new vision of

health services. This platform enables patient-provider information sharing and collaboration,
intending to improve healthcare outcomes and reduce costs
Archer et al. (2011) explain that the functionalities available through PHRs are
intended for patients to use, rather than providers. These functionalities include appointment
scheduling, prescription refills, and secure messaging.

2.5 Key Concepts of Security in Patient Data Management System

William and Lawrie (2015) defined information security as the measures taken to
protect automated information systems and ensure the preservation of the integrity,
availability, and confidentiality of information system resources, which include software,
hardware, firmware, data, and telecommunications. In the context of patient data
management systems, security refers to the measures taken to protect patient data from
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction.
The objective of this analysis is to investigate security concepts, including
confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The analysis will examine how these concepts
relate to patient data management systems, and how they can be used to protect patient data
from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction.

2.5.1 Confidentially
Confidentiality refers to preserving authorized restrictions on information access and
disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information
(William and Lawrie, 2015). Individuals have the right to access their health records and, in
limited circumstances, to access information about other people. This is typically governed
by laws and regulations that dictate who can access health information, under what
circumstances, and for what purposes ( Aaron, 2022 ). These laws and regulations are
designed to protect the privacy and confidentiality of health information while also
ensuring that individuals have access to their health information for purposes such as
treatment, research, and legal proceedings.
According to Aaron (2022), patients have the right to privacy and confidentiality, and
they expect the NHS to keep their confidential information safe and secure. Patients also
have the right to request that their confidential information is not used beyond their
treatment. The Health and Care Act 2022 includes measures concerning the collection and
sharing of health and care data. Health or social care professionals may be required to share

confidential patient information in line with the public interest or when they are legally
required to do so, irrespective of a patient's consent (Aaron, 2022).
Iwani et al. (2014) state that the mismanagement of patient records is closely linked to
the abuse of patient information. Improper security measures can lead to the misuse of
patient records, which can result in violations of privacy and confidentiality. Federal
agencies in the UAE recognize the significance of maintaining private and secure online
health data and prohibiting unauthorized access or improper sharing of such data. (Wegdan
et al., 2020).

2.5.2 Integrity
Integrity in patient data management refers to the accuracy and completeness of data
associated with an individual patient. Patient identity integrity involves correctly pairing or
linking all records of that individual across information systems, enabling patient record
matching. (HIMSS, 2016).
Patient allergy information is an example of an asset with a high requirement for
integrity. As noted by William and Lawrie (2015), inaccurate or incomplete information
about a patient's allergies could result in serious harm or even death, not to mention
significant legal and financial liability for the hospital or healthcare provider. Ensuring the
accuracy and integrity of this information is therefore critical to providing safe and effective
patient care.
According to the World Health Organization (2021), health information management
professionals should be aware that the privileges of public health do not extend to the
protection of the integrity and availability of data. Ensuring the accuracy, confidentiality, and
availability of health information is critical to providing safe and effective patient care, and
must be a top priority for those working in this field. According to Pramila (2021),
implementing the International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) and comparing it with
AES256 (Advanced Encryption Standard 256-bit) can help safeguard the integrity and
privacy of patient data.
According to Pramila (2021), several measures can be taken to protect data integrity,
including access controls, backups, and other security measures. Additionally, data validation
and error checking can help ensure that data is accurate and reliable, while data redundancy
can help prevent data loss in the event of a system failure or other unexpected events.

2.5.3 Availability

Availability is an important aspect of security in patient data management systems.
Ensuring that patient data is available when it is needed is critical to providing safe and
effective patient care (Pramila, 2021). This can be achieved through measures such as
backups, disaster recovery planning, and redundant systems, which can help ensure that
patient data remains available even in the event of a system failure or other unexpected event.
Load balancing and caching can also be used to distribute the workload across multiple
servers, reducing the risk of downtime due to system overload. Monitoring and alerting
systems can help identify and address issues before they impact the availability of patient
data, and regular maintenance and updates can help ensure that systems are functioning
properly (Lina et al, 2017).

2.6 Related work

Stanley and Mupala (2019) proposed an online patient record management system and
used a variety of methods to achieve their objectives. They conducted a literature review,
carried out oral interviews, performed system analysis and design, utilized data modeling,
and conducted black box testing. To implement the system, they employed MySQL, HTML5,
JavaScript, and PHP. They adopted the iterative waterfall model as their system development
life cycle (SDLC) and also incorporated elements from other models like prototyping, which
aided in system definition and analysis. They utilized data flow diagrams (DFD) and entity
relationship diagrams (ERD) as well.
Gomes (2020) built a patient record management system using the agile methodology.
Angular was chosen to implement the frontend, which has gained significant popularity
recently. For the backend, Spring Boot was utilized, a powerful framework. To ensure secure
authentication, a token-based authentication system using JSON Web Token (JWT) was
Elham and Zaid (2013) developed a system called EPRMS. They utilized MySQL for
the system database design and PhpMyAdmin to create the database. To manage the
database, they used WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP) and MySQL.
The patient management system was developed by SourceCodester in 2021. It is a
comprehensive system that effectively manages and stores patients' records in a hospital. The
system utilizes a combination of HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, and MySQL Database to store
important information such as Out-Patient Findings and Admission Details. It is built using
the Codeigniter Framework and incorporates Bootstrap for a modern and responsive user

2.7 Challenges in Implementing Patient Data Management System
According to Thokozani (2020), several factors can impede the successful
implementation and scale-up of electronic health information systems (EHIS). These factors
include the complexity of the intervention and a lack of technical consensus, limited human
resources, poor leadership, insufficient finances, staff resistance, and lack of management
Thokozani (2020) highlights that the complexity of electronic health information
systems (EHIS) and a lack of consultation are key barriers to implementation in low- and
middle-income countries (LMICs). Without proper consultation, it can be difficult to ensure
that EHIS is tailored to the specific needs and contexts of LMICs, and this can result in
systems that are overly complex and difficult to use. According to Gavin (2012), in Rwanda,
the interfaces between existing and new electronic health information systems (EHIS) have
been identified as inhibitors to implementation. This is due to the challenges of capturing
patient information into the computer, which can be hindered by bandwidth requirements in
health facilities.
Daniel et al (2014) found that in Asia, incapacitated human resources and a shortage of
IT skills were identified as inhibiting factors to electronic health information system (EHIS)
implementation. In Iran, the lack of users' knowledge about the system and how to work with
it were identified as the barriers to EHIS implementation. Daniel et al (2014) found that EHIS
implementation can be costly due to hardware, software, maintenance, training, and human
resource investment. Cost is a main constraint to the adoption and implementation of EHIS.
Running costs and political will are prerequisites for sustaining EHIS.
According to Wegdan et al (2020), the poor public healthcare system with ever-
changing policies is a hindrance to the successful implementation of electronic health
information systems (EHIS) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Alex et al (2017) found that Leon et al used a framework to assess the health system
challenges to scaling up mobile health (m-Health) in South Africa and identified a weak
information and communication technology (ICT) environment and limited implementation
capacity within the health system. In Asia, incapacitated human resources and a shortage of
IT skills are inhibiting factors to electronic health information systems (EHIS)
implementation. In Iran, a lack of users’ knowledge about the system and how to work with it
are barriers (Daniel et al, 2014).

2.8 Summary of Literature Review

Chapter Two of the literature review provides an overview of patient data management
systems, including the role of data sources, emerging technologies, and types of systems. The
chapter also discusses key concepts of security, such as confidentiality, integrity, and
availability, and the challenges in implementing patient data management systems. The
chapter highlights the importance of investing in IT infrastructure, providing training and
support to healthcare providers and users, and ensuring the security of patient data to improve
the implementation and sustainability of patient data management systems.



3.1 Overview
This chapter gives a big-picture view of how the patient management system is
designed. To make sure it meets the needs of users and stakeholders, a systematic approach is
followed during its development. The chapter goes into detail about the different steps
involved, like gathering requirements, analyzing the system, and designing it. It also
emphasizes both the functional and non-functional requirements of the system, taking into
account the needs of both users and the system itself.

3.2 Choice of System Development Method

The Agile Method is a chosen approach for developing our information system. It
involves delivering system versions in short iterations and updating the software based on
customer feedback. By following the Agile Method, problems that often arise in traditional
methodologies can be proactively addressed. It is a customer-centric and adaptable approach
to system development. The Agile Methodology helps us avoid the problems that often come
up with traditional approaches for several reasons. Feedback from customers is actively
sought during the planning phase to improve the system's quality. Flexibility and
responsiveness to changes in the environment, user requirements, and project deadlines are
key aspects of Agile. In the Agile software development lifecycle, the work is broken into
sprints, aiming to deliver a working product at the end of each sprint. Several methodologies
align with Agile, such as eXtreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Kanban, Lean Software
Development, Feature-Driven Development (FDD), and Crystal. Out of these options, the
FDD methodology will be used to develop the system.

3.2.1 Feature Driven Development

Feature-Driven Development is an agile software development methodology that takes
a feature-centric approach. When it comes to a patient data management system, this

approach allows us to focus on the specific features that are crucial for the system's success.
For instance, the user can prioritize features such as patient registration, medical history
tracking, appointment scheduling, and billing. By breaking down the system into these
individual features, we can ensure that each aspect is developed effectively and meets the
unique needs of the healthcare environment.
Another advantage of FDD is its emphasis on team collaboration. With FDD, we can
assign specific features to different teams or individuals, promoting efficient development
and accountability. For example, one team can be responsible for patient registration, while
another team focuses on medical history tracking. This collaborative approach ensures that
each feature receives dedicated attention and expertise, leading to a more robust and well-
rounded patient data management system.
FDD also places great importance on progress tracking and regular inspections. This
allows us to closely monitor the development of each feature, ensuring that they are
completed on time and meet the desired quality standards. For instance, we can track the
progress of the appointment scheduling feature and make any necessary adjustments along
the way. This level of oversight helps us maintain a high level of quality and ensures that the
system is meeting the needs of healthcare providers and patients alike.
One of the key strengths of FDD is its adaptability. In the healthcare industry,
regulatory requirements and technological advancements are constantly evolving. FDD
allows us to easily accommodate these changes and adjust our development approach
accordingly. Whether it is incorporating new regulations or integrating innovative features,
FDD provides the flexibility needed to keep the patient data management system up to date
and in compliance with industry standards. Figure 3.1 displays the diagram of FDD

Figure 3.1 FDD diagram

The phases of the FDD methodology include:

 Develop an overall model: In this phase, a high-level model is created that represents the
entire system. It helps in understanding the scope and structure of the project. For
example, in a patient data management system, an overall model might be created that
includes entities like patients, doctors, appointments, and medical records.
 Build a feature list: In this phase, all the features that the system should have are
identified and listed.These features are derived from the overall model and represent
specific functionalities. For instance, in our patient data management system, features
such as patient registration, appointment scheduling, and medical history tracking could
be included.
 Plan by feature: In this phase, the features are prioritized and a plan for their
development is created. Teams or individuals are assigned to work on specific features,
and the time and resources required are estimated. For example, patient registration might
be prioritized as a critical feature, and it would be allocated to a team for development as
the first task.
 Design by feature: Here, the focus is on designing each feature in detail. The feature is
broken down into smaller components, and we determine how they will interact with each
other. For instance, in the appointment scheduling feature, the user interface for selecting
appointment slots and the backend logic for checking availability would be designed.
 Build by feature: In this phase, each feature is implemented based on the detailed
designs. The necessary code is developed, tested, and ensured to meet the requirements.
For example, the patient registration feature would be started by creating the user
interface for capturing patient information and implementing the backend logic to
securely store it.

3.3 System Analysis

In this section of the project, the proposed application's functionality and components
are described. Diagrams are used to visually represent different aspects of the application.
Additionally, important requirements from stakeholders, project members, and end-users are
considered, including both functional and non-functional requirements. Any design and
constraints that may arise are also taken into account.

3.3.1 Requirements Capturing Techniques
To gather these requirements, a variety of techniques were used. Questionnaires and
surveys were created to collect information from different people involved, helping us
understand their preferences, priorities, and any specific features they wanted in the
application. Additionally, short interviews were conducted with some of the staff at Accra
Police Hospital, allowing for more in-depth conversations and the gathering of specific
requirements directly from the people who will be using the application. By using a
combination of questionnaires, surveys, and interviews, a comprehensive set of requirements
was able to be gathered, which will guide the development of the web application. Functional Requirement

Functional requirements are the specific features and functionalities that the end user
expects the application to have as a basic requirement. These requirements are essential for
the normal operations of the application and to meet user expectations. Here are some
examples of functional requirements that the system should offer:
 Administrators must be able to Delete, Update, and Add Doctors; OPD Nurses; and other
 OPD Nurses must be able to record the patient’s vitals to the right patient’s data.
 Receptions should be able to add new patients and view & add appointments.
 Doctors should be able to access and update patient medical records.
 Pharmacists should be able to manage and dispense medications to patients. Non-Functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements are the qualities or characteristics that describe how the
application should perform, rather than specific features or functionalities. They focus on
aspects such as performance, security, usability, and reliability. Some of the non-functional
requirements for the application include:
 Security - The system should protect itself from external attacks that may be accidental
or deliberate such as viruses, unauthorized use of the system’s services, and unauthorized
modification of the system or its data. Each user is required to log in with a username and
a password before accessing any function of the system. Data encryption should be
employed to keep the user password secret.
 Robust - The system should have the ability to continue to function accurately even if the
user inputs wrong commands.

 Ease of use - The views and operations should be easy to use and natural. The system
should also allow the admin to easily create and maintain staff details.
 Performance - The system must operate at a reasonable speed both when using and
accessing some data and information from the database.
 Portability - The system should be able to run in different environments such as
Windows, MacOS, and Unix OS-based systems.
 System and browser compatibility - The system should be compatible with various
browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Windows Internet Explorer,
Windows Edge, Opera Mini, etc
3.4 Target Computer System Requirements
This section considers the requirements that must be met by the target system to
enable the developed software application to function as required. Table 3.1 gives the
minimum requirements needed by any computer to deploy the system.
Component Requirement

Operating system Mac OS, Linux or Window 7 and above

Memory 1GB and above

Database MySQL 5 or later

Web server WAMP server or XAMPP server

Hard disk 160GB of hard disk space or higher

Processor 1.5GHz or higher

Table 3.1: Target Computer System Requirement

3.5 System Design

This section explains the design methodology, data, and modules for the proposed
system. The system design incorporates a sequence diagram, data flow diagram, use case
diagram, and database design.
The table below (Table 3.2) lists all the users of the system and their various roles.

User Roles

Receptionist Register a patient to the system, schedules


OPD Nurse Checks and records patients’ vitals any time

the visit

Doctor To attend a patient and prescribe the

laboratory test and medicine.

Pharmacist Administers the patient medicine prescribed

by the doctor

Administrator Adds, deletes, activates, user accounts and

also generates system backups.

Table 3.2: Users of the system and their roles

3.5.1 Use case diagram
Use case diagrams are visual representations of the interactions between users (or
actors) and a system. They show the different functionalities or actions that users can perform
within the system. Each figure mentioned (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6) represents a specific use
case diagram for different user roles: admin, doctor, pharmacy, OPD Nurse, and,
Receptionist. These diagrams help to illustrate the various actions and interactions that each
user can have with the system.

Figure 3.2: Administrator’s Use Case Diagram

Figure 3.3: Doctor’s Use Case Diagram

Figure 3.4: Pharmacy’s Use Case Diagram

Figure 3.5: OPD Nurse Use Case Diagram

Figure 3.6: Receptionist Use

Case Diagram

3.5.2 Data Flow diagram

A data flow diagram is a visual representation of how data moves within a
system. It shows how information is input, processed, and outputted. Figure 3.7
specifically displays a data flow diagram that illustrates the flow of data within the


Figure 3.7: Data Flow Diagram

3.5.3 Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram is a type of diagram used system. It shows the flow of messages
or actions between these objects over a specific period. Figure 3.8 displays a sequence
diagram that illustrates the order of actions within the system

Figure 3.8: Sequence Diagram

3.5.4 Database Diagram

The database as shown below in Figure 3.9 is a MySQL database. The database
diagram above comprises 10 tables that are related to each other through foreign keys. The
patient’s table consists of information about the patient and has a foreign key in the medical
history table and vitals table. The doctor’s table has information about the doctors and has a

foreign key in the specialization table which in turn consists of all the specializations in the
hospital. The reception table, OPD table, and pharmacy table hold the login information for
user reception, OPD, and pharmacy respectfully. The hospital table takes care of information
about other hospitals if there should be a need to contact other hospitals or to transfer a
patient. Finally, the admin table has information about the administrator of the system.

Figure 3.9: Database diagram

3.6 System Architecture

System architecture refers to the overall design and structure of a system. It defines
how different components, modules, and subsystems of a system are organized and interact
with each other to achieve the desired functionality. It includes the hardware, software,
network, and other infrastructure components that make up the system. Figure 3.10 displays
the system architecture of this particular system, showing how all the different parts fit

Figure 3.10: System Architecture

3.7 Conclusion

In this chapter, the approach taken to build our system and the reasons for choosing it
were discussed. The technique used to gather requirements for the system, including both
functional and non-functional requirements, was also explored. To visually represent the
functionality of the system, a use case study diagram and a data flow diagram were presented.
Additionally, in the system design section, diagrams for the system's architecture, database
structure, and sequence diagram were provided.


4.1 Introduction
This chapter explores the implementation phase of the Patient Data Management
System. During implementation, the detailed design outlined in the previous chapter is
transformed into a functional program, along with its supporting activities. The main
objective is to create a working program that meets the project's requirements. Developers
face various challenges during implementation. Successful execution relies on collaboration,
coordination, and thorough testing. Once implemented and tested, the system can be
deployed to effectively manage patient data and support healthcare operations.

4.2 Implementation Challenges

 Performance optimization: Implementing performance optimization in a patient data
management system can be quite challenging. The system needs to be made faster and
more efficient, even when dealing with a large volume of data or multiple users accessing
it simultaneously. This may involve fine-tuning algorithms, optimizing database queries,
or even redesigning the system architecture.
 Code-reuse: The patient data management system being built faces the challenge of code
reuse. The goal is to ensure that existing code components can be utilized in multiple
parts of the system, promoting efficiency and reducing redundancy. This involves

identifying reusable code segments, creating modular and flexible code structures, and
documenting code libraries for easy access and integration.
 Integration: Integration presents a complex challenge in the realm of patient data
management systems. Ensuring seamless communication and functionality between
different components or systems is of utmost importance. This involves designing and
implementing well-defined interfaces, handling data exchange formats, and addressing
compatibility issues.

4.3 Web Application Technologies

Web application technologies refer to the various tools, frameworks, and programming
languages used to develop and deploy web applications. These technologies enable the
creation of dynamic and interactive websites that can be accessed through web browsers.
Some common web application technologies used in building patient data management
systems include HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets),
JavaScrip, PHP, and MySQL.These technologies work together to build robust and user-
friendly web applications.

4.3.1 HTML
HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a fundamental web technology that helps
structure and organize the content of web pages. It uses tags and elements to define different
components like headings, paragraphs, images, links, and more. HTML provides the
foundation for creating the structure and layout of a website, allowing developers to easily
organize and present information. It is the backbone of the web and is essential for creating
web pages that are accessible, user-friendly, and visually appealing.

4.3.2 CSS
CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a powerful tool that complements HTML in web
development. It allows for the customization and styling of HTML elements, enhancing the
visual presentation of a website. With CSS, developers can define colors, fonts, layouts, and
other visual aspects, making web pages more visually appealing and engaging for users. By
separating the content and design, CSS enables easier maintenance and consistent styling
across multiple web pages. Overall, CSS is a valuable addition to HTML in creating
attractive and well-designed websites.

4.3.3 MySQL

MySQL is widely used as a relational database management system (RDBMS). It is
known for its reliability, scalability, and performance. Structured data can be efficiently
stored and managed with MySQL, making it ideal for applications that require a robust and
organized data storage solution. With MySQL, databases can be created, updated, and
queried using SQL (Structured Query Language), which is a standard language for managing
relational databases. It is a powerful tool for building dynamic websites and applications that
require efficient data management capabilities.

4.3.4 PHP
PHP, which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a popular server-side scripting
language used for web development. It is widely recognized for its versatility and ease of use.
PHP allows developers to embed dynamic content within HTML pages, making it possible to
create interactive and dynamic web applications. With PHP, you can perform tasks such as
processing form data, interacting with databases, and generating dynamic web pages. It is a
powerful tool for building dynamic and interactive websites that can deliver personalized and
engaging user experiences.

4.4 Interface Snapshots

 Homepage: The homepage is the first page that all users see when they access the
system. From there, they can navigate to the different user login pages. On this
homepage, each user selects their specific account and logs in. The homepage of the
system is displayed in Figure 4.1

Figure 4.1 Homepage

 Login Page: In Figure 4.2, the login page of the system is displayed. The login page
serves as the initial entry point for users to access the system. It typically includes
input fields for users to enter their credentials, such as a username and password. By
using the login page, authorized access to the system is ensured, providing an added
layer of security.

Figure 4.2: Login Page

 Admin Dashboard: In Figure 3.4, the admin dashboard is displayed, showcasing features
such as the management of doctors' accounts, the handling of the OPD, pharmacy
management, and the management of reception accounts. This allows for efficient
administration and control of these important aspects of the system.

Figure 4.3: Admin Dashboard

 View Doctors Page - In Figure 4.4, a list of doctors' accounts added by the admin is
shown. Furthermore, there is a button available for the admin to click, enabling the
editing and deletion of these accounts. This allows for efficient management and
maintenance of the doctor accounts.

Figure 4.4: List of Doctor Accounts

4.5 Testing
Testing is a process used to evaluate and verify the functionality, performance, and
quality of a software or system. It involves running various tests to identify any issues,
defects, or errors in the system. The goal of testing is to ensure that the software or system
meets the desired requirements and functions correctly.

4.5.1 Testing stages

The testing stage is where the program or system in the Patient data management
system is evaluated to ensure that it functions correctly and meets the specified requirements.
Various testing stages are utilized to ensure its effectiveness and reliability. These stages may

 Unit testing - Unit testing is a super important part of software development. It is all
about testing those small, isolated pieces of code to make sure they behave as expected.
By identifying any issues early on, it helps improve the overall quality of the application.
 Integration testing - In integration testing, the already tested units are combined into a
component, and the interface between them is tested. Components, in this case, refer to
integrated aggregates of more than one unit. In a realistic scenario, many units are
combined into components, which are then aggregated into larger parts of the program.
The goal is to test the combination of pieces and eventually expand the process to test
modules with those from other groups. Integration testing can be performed using various
approaches, including the top-down, bottom-up, and umbrella approaches. In the
software's integration testing, satisfactory results were achieved using the bottom-up
 System testing - In system testing, the final software product is used and tested in the
host environment it was designed for. To achieve this, our system was deployed onto a
WAMP server, and certain functionalities were tested. The testing was carried out by
users who played no role in the coding and had no prior knowledge of how the system
worked. It allowed us to assess the system's performance and functionality in a real-world

4.5.2 Testing plan

The testing plan is a crucial document that outlines the strategies, objectives, and scope
of the testing process for a system or software. The testing plan for this system is presented in
Table 4.1
Test Area Test Cases Status
1. Login Login01 True

2. Add / Remove User User01 True

3. Edit user account Edit01 True

Table: 4.1: Testing plan

4.5.3 Test cases
 Login
Test case ID: Login01

Test Title: Account Login
Test Priority: High
Purpose: To verify that users can successfully access the system
Step Description Test Data Expected Actual
Results Results
1 Go to the login page Load the login True
2 Enter your email Email:
address Samueloppong123@gmail
3 Enter your password Password: ********

5 Click on login button The user should True

be able to login
Table 4.2: Test case – Login01

 Add a user
Test case ID: User01
Test Title: Add user to the system
Test Priority: High
Test purpose : To verify that user can be successfully added to the system, allowing
them to access and use system functionalities.
Step Description Test Data Expected Actual
Results Results
1 Login to the system Username and password Admin page True
as an admin
2 Navigate through
different sections
such as Doctors,
Receptionist, OPD,
and Patients.
3 Click on the "add

user" button in the
chosen section to add
a user.
4 Enter the user Email, Full name, Phone
credentials number, and password
5 Click on the save Successful True
button addition of new
user to the
Table 4.3: Test case – User01

When the doctor’s section is clicked on by the admin to add a new doctor, the interface
in Figure 4.5 will be displayed. The interface will show fields where the doctor's information
can be entered, such as name, email, phone number, and password.

Figure 4.5: Add New Doctor

 Remove user
Test case ID: User01
Test Title: Remove user from the system
Test Priority: High
Test purpose : to verify that the system successfully removes the user's account and
associated data, ensuring that the user no longer has access to the system functionalities.
Step Description Test Data Expected Actual

Results Results
1 Login to the system Username and password Admin page True
as an admin
2 Navigate to the
section where the
user is located (e.g.,
Doctors, Pharmacy,
Receptionist, OPD,

3 Find the user you

want to remove.

4 Click on the user's User Account is True

profile or select the deleted
option to
remove/delete the

Table 4.4: Test case –Remove User01

 Edit user account

Test case ID: edit01
Test Title: Edit user account
Test Priority: High
Test purpose : To verify that admin can successfully edit users account information, such
as name, email, and phone number.
Step Description Test Data Expected Actual
Results Results
1 Login to the system Username and password Admin page True
as an admin
2 Navigate to the
section where the
user is located (e.g.,

Doctors, Pharmacy,
and Receptionist
3 Access the list of The admin can True
users and click on the view and edit
specific user you account
want to modify information
Table 4:5: Test case – edit01

4.6 Conclusion
During the system implementation phase discussed in chapter four, we encountered
various challenges that required careful consideration and problem-solving. These challenges
included code-reuse, integration, and optimizing performance. Web application technologies
such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript were utilized for front-end development, while PHP and
MySQL were used for back-end database management. The interface was designed to be
dynamic and user-friendly, and snapshots were included to showcase its intuitive design and
functionality. Testing played a crucial role in ensuring reliability, with a comprehensive plan
encompassing manual and automated techniques.



5.1 Summary
The goal of creating a system that easily manages patient information in the health
industry was successfully achieved. The system was deployed and hosted on a personal
computer running the WAMP Server, and all the different pages and modules of the system
were thoroughly tested.
To build the system, the Iterative Model of the Software Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) was followed. This model focuses on starting with a simplified implementation and
gradually adding complexity and features until the final system is completed. Five steps were
followed: Planning Phase, Analysis and Design Phase, Implementation Phase, Testing Phase,
and Evaluation Phase.
During the Planning Phase, a lot of planning was done to map out the specifications and
get ready for the upcoming stages. Then, in the Analysis and Design Phase, the logic of the
system was carefully analyzed, and the technical requirements were determined.
The most exciting part was the Implementation Phase, where the actual coding took place.
After that, the Testing Phase was carried out to thoroughly test each module of the system
and identify any bugs or issues. Finally, in the Evaluation Phase, the entire system was tested
to ensure that it met all the requirements.

5.2 Recommendations

After considering the results and difficulties encountered during the patient data
management system project, the few suggestions that can be made for future projects include:
 Support for Laboratory: It would be beneficial to include a feature that supports laboratory
operations within the system. This could involve integrating lab test results and related
information into the patient records.
 Admitted Patients ward: Consider incorporating a module specifically for managing the
details and status of patients admitted to the hospital. This would allow for better tracking and
organization of patient care.
 Name of Doctor who checked patient: Including the name of the doctor who checked a
patient can help improve accountability and provide a comprehensive record of the medical
professionals involved in the patient's care.
 Security improvement: Enhancing the security measures within the system is crucial to
protect sensitive patient information. This could involve implementing stronger
authentication methods, encryption techniques, and regular security audits.
 Improvement on user dashboard: Enhancing the user dashboard can greatly improve the
overall user experience. This may include streamlining the interface, adding personalized
features, and providing easy access to important information.
 Backup and restore of the database: Implementing a reliable backup and restore
mechanism for the database is essential to prevent data loss in case of system failures or
accidents. This ensures that patient information remains safe and accessible.
 Transfer of patient information: Consider adding a feature that allows for the seamless
transfer of patient information between different healthcare providers. This can improve
continuity of care and facilitate smooth transitions for patients.


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Appendix A: Installation guide and System Requirements
The guide contains all the hardware and software requirements necessary to ensure the
accurate functioning of the system. It also provides a detailed, step-by-step walkthrough for
installing the required software to properly run the system. The installation process is
outlined in a series of clear and concise steps.

Step 1: Install XAMPP

To install XAMPP, you can visit the official website at On the website, you will find the download
options for XAMPP. Figure A.1 displays the download interface of XAMPP.

Figure A.1: XAMPP download interface

Step 2: Launch XAMPP and start Apache & MySQL services

To launch XAMPP and start the Apache and MySQL services, you can follow these steps.
First, open the XAMPP control panel. Within the control panel, you will find options for both
Apache and MySQL services. Click on the "Start" button next to the Apache option to initiate
the Apache service. Similarly, click on the "Start" button next to the MySQL option to start
the MySQL service. Figure A.2 showcases the interface where you can easily start the
Apache and MySQL services in XAMPP.

Figure A.2: Start Apache and MySQL services

Step 3: Accessing Localhost in Your Web Browser

To access localhost in your web browser, open your preferred web browser and type either
"localhost" or "" in the address bar. This will allow you to access the local server on
your computer. Figure A.3 showcases the interface where you can see how a user accesses
localhost in their web browser.

Figure A.3: Accessing Localhost in web browser

Step 4: Setting Up a New Database

To set up a new database, go to the "Databases" tab and enter a name for your database.
Figure A.4 shows the interface for setting up a database.

Figure A.4: Creating a new database

Step 5: Importing SQL File to New Database

Importing the SQL file to the new database is an important step in setting up your system. It
allows you to transfer data and structure from the SQL file into the database. You can do this
by using the import option in your database management tool and selecting the SQL file.
Make sure to choose the newly created database as the destination. Figure 3.2 shows the
interface for importing in most tools.

Figure A.5: Importing SQL File to new Database

Step 6: Moving System Files to XAMPP's Folder

Moving system files to the appropriate folder within the XAMPP directory is an essential step
in setting up your system. By placing the files in the "htdocs" folder, you ensure that they are
accessible through XAMPP. To do this, open the XAMPP installation directory on your
computer and locate the "htdocs" folder. Figure A.6 provides a visual representation of this
folder. Once you click on it, you can see the files that have been moved into the folder.

Figure A.6: Moving files to htdocs folder

Step 7: Accessing System Files via Localhost

To access your system files via localhost, open your web browser and type "localhost/system-
folder" in the address bar. Replace "system-folder" with the actual name of the folder where
you placed your system files. This will allow you to view and interact with your files directly
through your browser.

Appendix B: Sample Source Codes

Defining Variables for User Registration

$username = "";

$email = "";

$errors = array();

$role = "";

Authenticating User Login and Redirecting Based on User Type

if (isset($_POST['login_user'])) {
$username = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $_POST['username']);
$password = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $_POST['password']);
if (count($errors) == 0) {
$password = md5($password);
// echo $password;
// die();
$query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND
$results = mysqli_query($db, $query);
if (mysqli_num_rows($results) > 0)
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results))
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $row["id"];
if($row["user_type"] == "admin")
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
header('location: ../users/admin/dashboard.php');
elseif($row["user_type"] == "doctor")
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
$_SESSION['role'] = "doctor";

header('location: ../users/doctor/dashboard.php');
elseif($row["user_type"] == "reception")
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
$_SESSION['role'] = "reception";
header('location: ../users/reception/patient.php');
elseif($row["user_type"] == "opd")
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
$_SESSION['role'] = "opd";
header('location: ../users/opd/patient.php');
elseif($row["user_type"] == "pharmacy")
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
$_SESSION['role'] = "pharmacy";
header('location: ../users/pharmacy/dashboard.php');
}else {
array_push($errors, "Wrong username/password combination");
Adding Patient

<?php include('inc/header.php'); ?>

<?php include('inc/sidebar.php'); ?>

<div class="content-wrapper">
<div class="content-header">
<div class="container-fluid">

<div class="row mb-2 justify-content-center">
<div class="col-sm-6 ">
<h1 class="m-0 text-center"><u>Add New reception
</div><!-- /.row -->
</div><!-- /.container-fluid -->
<!-- Main content -->
<section class="content">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<form action="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="POST"
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="fname" class="form-control form-
control-lg" placeholder="Name" required>
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="username" class="form-control form-
control-lg" placeholder="Username">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="email" name="email" class="form-control form-
control-lg" placeholder="Email Address">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="number" class="form-control form-
control-lg" placeholder="Phone Number">

<div class="form-group">
<input type="password" name="password" class="form-control
form-control-lg" placeholder="Enter Password">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="password" name="confirm_password" class="form-
control form-control-lg" placeholder="Confirm Password">
<div class="form-group p-2 d-grid gap-2">
<button class="btn btn-danger btn-lg" type="submit"
<div class="container"
<?= include('inc/footer.php'); ?>
Update user account
if (isset($_POST['update'])) {
// receive all input values from the form
// $id = $_POST['id'];
$name = $_POST['fname'];
$username = $_POST['username'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$number = $_POST['number'];

$password_1 = $_POST['password'];
$password_2 = $_POST['confirm_password'];

Adding new OPD account

<?php include('inc/header.php'); ?>

<?php include('inc/sidebar.php'); ?>
<div class="content-wrapper">
<div class="content-header">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row mb-2 justify-content-center">
<div class="col-sm-6 ">
<h1 class="m-0 text-center"><u>Add New OPD Account</u></h1>
</div><!-- /.row -->
</div><!-- /.container-fluid -->
<!-- Main content -->
<section class="content">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<form action="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="POST"
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="fname" class="form-control form-
control-lg" placeholder="Name" required>
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="username" class="form-control form-
control-lg" placeholder="Username">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="email" name="email" class="form-control form-
control-lg" placeholder="Email Address">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="number" class="form-control form-
control-lg" placeholder="Phone Number">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="password" name="password" class="form-control
form-control-lg" placeholder="Enter Password">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="password" name="confirm_password" class="form-
control form-control-lg" placeholder="Confirm Password">
<div class="form-group p-2 d-grid gap-2">
<button class="btn btn-danger btn-lg" type="submit"
<div class="container">
<?= include('inc/footer.php'); ?>


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