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Needle Breakage • Intentional bending of • Do not use short needles • Immediate referral to a
• IANB most common nerve the needle by the doctor for IANB. specialist for evaluation
injection where needle before injection. • Do not use a 30-gauge and possible attempted
breakages occur, next is • Sudden unexpected needle for IANB. retrieval.
PSAN. movement by the • Do not bend the needle o Oral and
• 30-Gauge short needle patient while the needle whilst inserting it into maxillofacial
has the highest incidence is still embedded in the the soft tissue. surgeon.
of breakage, next is 27- tissue. • Do not insert a needle o Panoramic and
Gauge • Forceful contact with into the soft tissue to its computed
bone. hub. tomographic
• Observe extra caution scanning.
when inserting needles • Record incident in
in younger children and patient chart.
in extremely phobic
adults and children.

Paresthesia • Trauma to the nerve or • Strict adherence to the • Reassure the patient.
• Prolonged anesthesia. nerve sheath. injection protocol and o Psychological
• Sensation of numbness, • Injection of a LA solution proper care and handling medications.
swelling, tingling, and contaminated by alcohol of dental cartridges. o Personally
itching. or sterilizing solution speak to the
• May cause tongue biting, near a nerve. patient.
drooling, loss of taste and • Hemorrhage o Explain
speech impediment. • Edema paresthesia is
• 1 day to 736 days. • Articaine (Most not uncommon.
• Most common nerves commonly causes • Examine the patient to
involved: paresthesia as it is more determine the degree
o IAN concentrated). and extent of
o Lingual Nerve paresthesia.
• Reschedule the patient
for examination every 2
• Record the incident on
the patient chart.
Facial Nerve Paralysis • Introduction of LA into • Adhering to protocol • Reassure the patient.
• Transient facial nerve (C the capsule of the with the inferior alveolar • Remove contact lens
VII) paralysis. parotid gland. and Vazirani-Akinosi until muscular
• • Deflection of needle in Nerve Blocks. movement (tone)
the posterior direction • Always make sure there returns.
during IANB. is contact with bone. • Eye patch.
• Over Inserting during a o Medial aspect • Record the incident.
Vazirani-Akinosi Nerve of the ramus.
Trismus • Trauma to muscles or • Use sterile, sharp, • Heat therapy, warm
• Prolonged, tetanic spasm blood vessels in the disposable needles. saline rinse (Salt and
of the jaw muscles by infratemporal fossa. • Properly care for and water), analgesics
which the normal opening • LA solutions into which handle dental LA (Ibuprofen or aspirin),
of the mouth is restricted alcohol or cold sterilizing cartridges. muscle relaxants
(locked jaw). solutions have diffused • Use an aseptic (Diazepam).
produce irritation of technique. • Physiotherapy (Opening
tissues. • Practice atraumatic and closing the mouth,
• LA solutions into which insertion and injection as well as lateral
alcohol or cold sterilizing technique excursions of the
solutions have diffused • Avoid repeated mandible, for 5 minutes
produce irritation of injections and multiple every 3-4 hours).
tissues. insertions into the same o Chewing gum.
• Excessive volumes of LA area. • Record the incident.
solution deposited into a • Use minimum effective
restricted area. volume of LA.

Soft tissue injury • Caused by a patient • Local anesthesia of • Analgesics for pain.
inadvertently biting or appropriate duration • Antibiotics if infection
chewing the lips and should be selected if occurs.
tongue while the tissues dental appointments are • Lukewarm saline rinses
are still anesthetized brief. to aid in decreasing and
• Cotton roll on the buccal present swelling.
or labial fold. • Petroleum jelly or other
• A self-adherent warning lubricants to cover a lip
sticker may be used on lesion and minimize
children. irritation
o or nameplate
Hematoma • Can be caused by • Modify the injection • Soreness: Aspirin or
• The effusion of blood into inadvertent nicking of a technique as dictated by NSAIDs.
extravascular spaces. blood vessel (artery or the patient’s anatomy. • Analgesic.
• Present for 7-14 days. vein) during • Use a short needle (27- • Ice.
administration of a local gauge short needle is • Do not apply heat to the
anesthetic. recommended) for the area for at least 4-6
PSA nerve block to hours
decrease the risk of
hematoma that is
commonly a result of
needle over insertion.
• Minimize the number of
needle penetrations into
• Never use a needle as a
probe in tissues
Pain on Injection • Careless injection • Adhere to proper • None.
technique and callous techniques of injection,
attitude. both anatomic and
• Dull needle after psychological.
multiple injections. • Use sharp needles.
• Rapid deposition of LA • Use topical anesthetic
solution may cause properly.
tissue damage. • Use sterile LA solutions.
• Needle with barbs from • Inject LA slowly.
impaling bone. • Make sure the solution
o Force against temperature is correct.
resistance. • Buffered local
anesthetics is preferable.
• Make sure that the
temperature of the
solution is correct.
• Buffered LA (7.4 pH) may
be more comfortable.
Burning on Injection • pH of solutions. • Buffering to • Formal treatment is
o Bupivacaine. approximately 7.4 pH usually not indicated.
• Rapid injection of local before injection. • In those few situations in
anesthetic especially in • Slowing the speed of which post injection
denser tissues. injection. discomfort, edema or
• Contamination of local • Cartridge should be at paresthesia becomes
anesthetic cartridges. room temperature in a evident, management of
container (blister-pack or specific problems is
tin) in which it was indicated.
Infection • Needle contamination • Use sterile disposable • Heat therapy, warm
before administration. needles. saline rinse (Salt and
• Improper technique in • Proper care and handling water), analgesics
the handling of local of needles and (Ibuprofen or aspirin),
anesthetic agents. cartridges. Take muscle relaxants
• Improper tissue precautions to avoid (Diazepam).
preparation. contamination of • 29-41 tablets of Penicillin
• Periodontal ligament needles. V.
infection • Properly prepare tissues • Record the incident.
before penetration. • Antibiotics.
• Use a cartridge only once • Record the progress and
(1 patient). management of the
• Store cartridges patient on the dental
aseptically in their chart.
original container, • When trismus results
covered at all times. from the infection,
• Cleanse the diaphragm manage trismus.
with a sterile disposable.
• Proper tissue
Edema • Trauma during injection. • Proper care and • Analgesics for pain.
• Infection. handling of LA • Reduce swelling as
• Angioedema (Allergy armamentarium. quickly as possible.
from ester-type • Use atraumatic injection • Antibiotic therapy and if
anesthetic). technique. hemorrhage occurs,
• Hemorrhage. • Complete adequate follow the same
• Injection of irritating medical evaluation of procedure for
solutions. the patient hematoma
• Hereditary angioedema management.
• Allergy-induced
Sloughing of Tissues Epithelial Desquamation • When using • Management:
• Prolonged irritation or • Application of a topical vasoconstrictors for o Reassure the
ischemia of gingival soft anesthetic to the gingival hemostasis, do not use patient.
tissue. tissues for a prolonged overly concentrated o Analgesic.
• Norepinephrine period. solutions. o Orabase.
(Levophed) 1:30,000 is • Heightened sensitivity of • Use topical anesthesia as
the agent most like to the tissues to either recommended (1-2
produce ischemia of topical or injectable local minutes).
sufficient duration to anesthetic.
cause tissue damage and • Reaction in an area
a sterile abscess. where a topical has been
Sterile Abscess
• Secondary to prolonged
ischemia resulting from
the use of a local
anesthetic with a
vasoconstrictor (usually
• Usually develops on the
hard palate
Postanesthetic Intraoral Lesions • Recurrent aphthous • Treatment in prodromal • Symptomatic treatment.
• Ulcerations at the site of stomatitis (typically phase. • Reassure the patient.
injection. developing on gingival o Antiviral agents • Topical anesthetic
• Can occur intraorally after tissues that are not applied 4 times solutions.
a local anesthetic attached to underlying a day. o Strepsils.
injection or after any bone) o Ricola.
trauma to the intraoral • Herpes simplex (small o Difflam with
tissues. bumps on tissues that lidocaine.
are attached to • A mixture of equal
underlying bone) amounts of
• can occur intraorally diphenhydramine
after a local anesthetic (Benadryl) and milk of
injection or after any magnesia rinsed in the
trauma to the intraoral mouth.
tissues. • Orabase
• Tannic acid preparation
(Zilactin) applied
topically to the lesions
extraorally intraorally
(Dry the tissues first).
• Avoid rough, spicy, salty
and high preservative
• Avoid extreme

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